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b) he's drawing that logo to the canvas before he exports the data url
I can tell that just by using it
Search 1: `resize input to inner html`
Search 2: `resize input to inner html without fucking jquery`
@ssube it seems that axios supports IE8+ :-)
is it better to bind/unbind event on props/state changing (ie: componentWillReceiveProps), or just bind the event and do nothing if the state isn't what it should be?
Axios, pft. Just use fetch
@corvid why do you need to re-attach events on a props change?
that makes me think something else is wrong.
@Luggage Probably an X/Y problem here. I am trying to make a div that, on double click, should be editable. Also afraid of the potential security vulnerability in it
no issue so far..
the only issue is if you use that user-entered html as unescaped output.
I used dangerouslySetInnerHTML={{ __html: this.props.content }}
yea, like that.
anywho.. yea. you only need to attach event handlers once, and detach on componentWIllUnmount()
is there anything inherently wrong with using <div contentEditable={this.state.editable}>?
your component should never get used against another div unless, maybe, you have it in a list without a proper key={key}.
Not that I see..
@Jhawins dude what
that is one well trained puppo
do people ever actually comma-first within objects?
var a = {
	b: 2
  ,	c: 3
  , d: 4
comma first people are weird.
it just looks like python :/ fuck python
comma first is bad
just straight up bad
the only thing I think I don't like about comma-first is that it recalls ruby/python
I especially hate when people do it in open source projects... like dude, your code is shit now
@ndugger reasons?
it looks hideous
I get the reasoning for it, but it is awkward to write, and ugly to read
I only comma first on a temporary basis if I want to easily comment out lines (e.g. during early dev / testing)
You can do trailing commas in JS now, which renders it redundant
so there's no real reason for it anymore
I kind of like that there's a delimitation for your variable space, rather than have it be too free. Don't really care about trailing or hard-to-debug stuff
trailing comma can cause issues still, but they are not errors.
@Luggage Basically just doing this
var _this = space
  , is1 = reserved
  , to = variables
  , And = it
  , is2 = clear
  , you = canTellJustFromLookingAtTheLeftMostPart
i've never even heard of comma first before now, please make it go away
@towc very few people care about that
and the ones who do use tools to indent for them
it's like a visual guide that helps you
I also can't stand chaining variable declarations together like that... ew
@corvid yea. makes sense.
new var/let/const per line, please
I sometimes have section comments like this:
I agree. I separately declare all variables.
I chain declarations if they are undefined.
let a,b,c;
sure, that's fine
I don't hate it, but I don't do it
fine, I'll switch to let [a,b,c] = [,,]
  // stuff ##
@towc this should be handled by your tooling, not you
and it just really helps with visual spacing
comma first is terrible and you should feel bad
We obviously can't stop you, so you'll be some co-worker's problem.
Also, what Alex said.
I mean, given by how much people hate my spacing, my visual style for code is horrible anyway...
so I can see why keeping comma-first as a visual guide may not be appealing to most
who needs a 'visual guide' above just plain formatting?
if you like pointless changes you should make a front end javascript framework
@Luggage hipsters
	// canvas setup //
^ that's what I meant
const foo = { //is this hard to read?
    a: 42,
    b: 43,
    c: 45
rather than //canvas setup, it just looks so much better
@towc if you have to separate blocks like that, make it a module.
ohh, comments? go crazy with ascii art.
who cares
but yes, modules
@rlemon but maybe the project is not big enough (codepen.io/towc/pen/OVyVBQ?editors=0010) to deserve modules
@Luggage really? YES!
@towc modules are not dependant on project size
if it makes sense to break it out, break it out
@Luggage view-source
@rlemon then everything becomes enterprise code
@Luggage no, but it could be better
@towc no
um, organizing code doesn't make it 'enterprise' (the the derogatory sense).
Are those many bytes allowed before <!DOCTYPE > declaration?
modularizing anything that could be modularized does
1 min ago, by rlemon
if it makes sense to break it out, break it out
@littlepootis no, he's off by 101 bytes
You've completely missed the mark as to why people negatively refer to some code as 'enterprisey'
By more than 101.
More like 1527 bytes.
@littlepootis I count 1125 bytes before <!DOCTYPE
well actually, 1126...
22 hours ago, by rlemon
I'm so confused... https://www.bol.com/nl/index.html look at the source code for this page
I count a lot.
I am including the spaces.
@rlemon wtf?
@littlepootis prompt().length and pasted everything before <!DOC
just code that ws generated with some template language that keeps all the whitespace
like coldfusion
@rlemon isn't it a strategy to make sure absolute idiots think they can't see the code?
like, an obfuscation by spacing
@Luggage ten thousand lines of whitespace is a little much
@towc it isn't just in the head
No. I've seen it many times in cod ehtat is output from a string-based template language. ASP, JSP, CFML, etc.
s/keeps all the/adds a lot of/
@rlemon so they scroll down, but still miss it
@rlemon haha that's a Dutch website
bol is huge here
@Luggage so have I, but not that much
i don't know who made it though
not blocks of 200 blank lines
i was scrolling down expecting some ascii art or something
ohh, i have. in CFML, especially, you might have whol files that don't intneiotnally output any html, but output lots of blank lines
which you can turn off, but some people miss it
sounds terrible
<cfif blah>
    <cfset blah = blah />
    <cfpdf blah />
all outputing the whitespace
just one simple trim()
well, it has options, like i said, you dont need to trim
does \n count as one byte or two?
so 10kb of blank lines
ASP is similar. Anything outside of an ASP tag is text to output.
Not sure about php
I should write a npm module
> Currently, there are 2-3 developers left. Two of them were not held highly by their fellow devs, and the third one is RoverDude, who only work part-time.
dammit that is depressing
Time for a KSP replacement. Who's with me?
> 16 hours a day
1) Yeah, we knew this stuff already 2) Wait Harvester left? nooooo 3) RIP KSP
didn't they just bring on several modders as employees not too long ago? guess that didn't work well
I'm fine with KSP not receiving updates anymore
@KendallFrey yea I knew squad was crappy employer but I didn't know there were so few left on the team
and two of them are shit
We need an open source KSP. and no, not Orbiter.
As much as we love the new content, it would still be a fantastic game without it.
> Finally, the one of the expansion packs mentioned in the latest Devnote is rumored to just be RoverDude's MKS/OKS mods. Whether they'll make people pay for it I do not know, but there will at least be some paid content in the future.
@rlemon Yeah, apparently the team just decided to up and disband recently
seems like they will just make everything paid dlc/mods
@KendallFrey yea I linked that in here a few days ago
we talked about it
I thought that was like 8/16 or something
That, alone, i'm ok with. I paid like $25 bucks for KSP years ago and got my money's worth. Still sounds shitty, though
not the majority of the team
There have been people quitting before, and leaks of the terrible working conditions
did they not hire anyone else tho
just, this time it's basically the end
that's what surprising
KSP seems like a cash cow -- it's so highly rated
why not bleed it dry? seems like a off move imo
(not for the devs, for squad to not be putting more into it)
It could be so much more, it's so popular, not putting money into it seems like a waste.
so, let's pool some money and hire some of the devs for our new Kernel Space Program.
they dont' even have to advertise it, that gets done through streaming
I've got $5000
lets make it happen
@Luggage hahah wtf
if put under a pillow and some weight, on a bed, vibrating, can a phone catch the pillow on fire after a certain amount of time?
@rlemon sounds like squad couldn't handle it, bad management and so on
they're an ad company
@towc i mean, it's happened before apparently, right?
I was surprised they even made KSP
The fact that squad ever produced KSP in the first place is crazy.
yea. that.
@rlemon Yeah, well, apparently they ran out of blood
@rlemon i know 0 about their history, but that makes sense
ad agencies are a bit slimey already
Sep 21 at 21:10, by Kendall Frey
I just realized that there exists such a thing as a kernel space program
ohh, that conversation.
@KendallFrey soon: contract to take The Coca-Cola Company (NYSE: KO) stock to a local space station.
and other such blatent sold ad space
Hmmm, this reminds me of Minecraft
Is setState an atomic operation? What do you do if you need to set state based on a state change?
One guy with a great game idea, makes it happen, then jumps ship when it starts to bring out the worst in humanity.
@corvid that went over my head a bit
@towc php ;_:
@bitten Basically, I need to set the content of a div, then I need to set the width based on the content that was input
@towc uugghh in the span of 24 hours I've seen that image at least seven times
@corvid i would do that calculation in the render cycle, at the top before you return
it's soooo good
It's not that funny
the lisp one had me roll over in laughter
You should be ashamed of yourself
@Zirak it's a lol and forget
@towc why
Go to your room, where there's the computer and all your porn, and...erm...continue
Oh look, roverdude says:
> Nonsense. That is all, since any additional commentary would be in NDA land, and I actually enjoy working with Squad :P Beware the trolls.
@rlemon it's just funny. It could have been jQuery stuff in the middle for all I care
I don't really know lisp
So why was it funny?
because lel so random?
don't go down that road rlemon, otherwise with that logic you'll think that monty python isn't funny and then.. well
because it made the thing start with the wrong setup, something uncomprehensible happened in the middle, and then an absolute atrocity which is close enough to what was supposed to happen was there
i wouldn't know what to do
which applies to mostly any language I guess
Call me Katy t3h PeNgU1N oF d00m
haha omg the older brother variation
i had never read it
@bitten You can say that, but then again, you can also say that drumming is bashing sticks on a bunch of round things.
@Zirak what's life now??
@Zirak maybe the drummer was a sparrow
@corvid You don't need to react to state changes since only you CAUSE them.
you react to property (props) changes, event handlers, etc.
@KendallFrey yea, the last known dev on the team would probably be encouraged to comment
if we are to believe that they were silencing it on their forums
@corvid I do that in the componentDidMount generally
unless it needs to be dynamically changed then I do it in componentDidUpdate
componentDidMount fires once. You can't react to state changes there. Or was there something else I missed?
btw, what's wrong with singletons?
yeah for example a tooltip with X text that doesnt change after initial render, I get the size of it in componentDidMount and then set the size of the element based on that
@towc nothing, without knowing how they are used/misused
@Luggage this is the basic idea, it never quite resizes the input correctly
as in, say I use a single object to keep in memory a request to get something, a processed response of the request, states of UI related to the thing, and functions to activate UI and do something with the processed response. Would that be bad?
No, that's just normal state management in a web app.
but in that case, I would not use a singleton, but an 'instance' created for the duration of that interaction.
var main = {
	xhr: ...,
  	list: [ ... ],
  	els: [ ... ],
  	startRequest: function(){ ... },
    onFetched: function(){ ... },
	updateUI: function(){ ... },
    performQueryOnList: function(){ ... },
not even sure if that's a singleton
It is. I would prefer a class there that you instanciate, though, not a singleton
but singletons aren't automatically bad.
damnit.. i right clicked and accidently clicked "Add to dictionary"
now i have a stupid misspelled word in my dictionary.. and i have to go google where that file is on a mac again
no, not on a mac. chrome uses it's dictionary
the osx one, i mean
meh, it's fine once i remember where it is
vim ~/Library/Spelling/LocalDictionary
plain text file.
@corvid you're font families are different for the elements
the hidden span and the input
the span is times new roman, the input is arial
also I'd add the setWidth after the state change in the callback
@Loktar I got the tags in there now
.container {
  font-family: 'Open Sans', sans-serif;
  font-size: 16px;
that seems to work, I changed it to offsetWidth just fucking around
but I don't think you need it
bounding rect should work fine
still wrong on my screen
weird, works perfect for me lol
cuts off the s at the end
always just a bit short.
note, on a mac. high res
Yeah it's wrong on mine with my implementation too: always one letter behind
Exactly. :)
@corvid is my fork wrong as well for you?
The top is the span and the bottom is the input, based on: codepen.io/AlexFrazer/pen/amELqy?editors=0110
works fine here
youtu.be/Pm83L104naY?t=2m31s hooo leee word mashing
cc @KendallFrey @Zirak @SomeGuy
the input is in BlinkMacSystemFont. The span in arial
/me is done helping lol
@Luggage yep
maybe just stop using mac
@rlemon lol
That must be the geordie accent of India
you can set fonts for inputs. it's a user agent style sheet from chrome.
@KendallFrey the first half of the video is fine
but you're right. I'll throw away a pc I like because someone missed some css :)
then it cuts, then he starts talking like it's 2X speed
mine worked fine
because I made the fonts correctly
yours worked adfter i set a font for inputs
He pronounces "code" exactly like a certain other guy pronounces "goat"
@Luggage ohhh wtf so for the mac you have to specify?
wow dude
I'd throw that pos away as well
You're right, @Loktar and @Luggage: inlining the styles will override the system defaults and make it work
it's a user agent style sheet. the same reason you use reset.css
you don't need to inline the style, just set one
@KendallFrey surprisingly is fine with g/j
there ws only a style for .container
@rlemon ?
input { font... } is all you need. Just find a decent reset.css I assume they'll have it.
@KendallFrey @SomeGuy thought it was jithub
laughs were had
oh right lmao
reset.css are bad
@rlemon remember those people who thought it was jif?
@rlemon Omg haha, he sounds like someone trying too hard to do an indian accent
* {
	box-sizing: border-box;
	margin: 0;
	padding: 0;
my only reset
@KendallFrey they still exist :(
I think the atomic update of state is still somehow a problem :\
@Loktar remember that kid who thought cells were not alive?
ohh man I still chuckle at that
@corvid did you add it as the callback?
the width I mean
that should Guerilla it will happen after the state is set
I can't spell.
@rlemon lol no?
@Loktar What do you mean?
@BenFortune LOL!
Mar 13 '13 at 0:24, by Brandon Gelfand
@MrD Neither, it was a cell
start here
you got it @corvid
this.setState({ content: e.target.value }, () => {
but you don't need that last one
@KevinB lol I fucked up guarantee
It works perfectly now! Thank you so much everyone who helped
like 4 times.. so just used guerrilla instead
Mar 13 '13 at 0:30, by Brandon Gelfand
Actually @rlemon you are very, very wrong all living things are cells or made up of cells
I was an ass to him after that (granted)
but still..
isn't that right, though?
his argument was that cells are not alive
they make up living things
ohh. yea, that's wrong.
some cells might not be able to survive on thier own if they are configured to be part of a larger organism, but that's splitting hairs.
but i'm not even sure how common that is. we regularly grow human cells in petri dishes
that would just mean the life span is short in that condition,
and viruses aren't cells, but wether they are 'alive' is still debated
anyway.. that's hardware. I don't do hardware.
Any discrete object that can reproduce is "alive" IMO
If humans weren't so cruel in wiping them out, computer viruses would be alive, complete with mutation, natural selection, and evolution.
they are
see: @Zirak
my mom is a cell.
@Loktar Canada doesn't have cells yet, she's tainting the pool.
Eventually computer programs would become intelligent enough to do science and create new technology.
They might even create biological machines to assist them in pattern-matching, just as we created digital machines to assist us in arithmetic and logic.
@KendallFrey ohh god can you imagine the first one
if the first computers were room sized...
wait, I don't have to imagine.
I always find it amusing that we're trying to make computers do what comes naturally to us.
They were originally invented to help us and compliment our cognitive weaknesses.
Not replace us.
but then we realised how much doing things sucked.
@rlemon boogie2988, is that you?
@rlemon lol
LOL boogie
dl.acm.org/citation.cfm?doid=2961111.2962592 another paper on TDD vs TLD showing there is no real difference.
@KendallFrey LEO?
looks like a shot from a weather balloon
that's gotta be too high for a balloon
but what do I know
I'm always deceived by these pictures
I think it was taken by Kate Rubins
That's what the tweet seems to imply
@KendallFrey viruses can't reproduce without having another cell do it. They really are more like a computer virus that's on a floppy disk when they aren't in a cell
that's a good point
You could consider the host as merely part of the environment, but there's no reason you have to
Just some DNA in a shell. can't make energy or change. Just float along until they bump into something that'll pull them in and get infected
nature's USB sticks
DNA From a programmer's perspective: ds9a.nl/amazing-dna
I can't speak for how much it's insightful vs just forced analogies, but it's interesting.

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