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this is an opinionated logo, for example
So.. i went backt o playing with ansible. I have most of my server config in there, but the last stretch is more hassle
which bit is that? I'm rewriting all of our internal tool puppet stuff to ansible
it's a lot easier for some of the stateful things we do (token negotiation, mostly)
well, there is no supplied tasks for pm2. I found something on galaxy that I'm deciding if I can trust or not
and it's a 'role', which I think is just a list of tasks.. I'm not really sure. The terminology is odd.
to me, at least.
a role is a list of tasks but it can have "metadata," like dependencies
ok, yea..
that's not too bad.
I avoid pm2 in favor of systemd or whatever you have on the box already
yea, i did that int he past, but pm2 gives me some niceties
otherwise you mostly just want to run each command with a little test unless
like it's cluster mode gives a much better restart experience for 'free'
well, i used upstart in the past, but systemd on the new vm i am testing with
the idea is that you can run a playbook from any point and each command should be idempotent, so use conditionals heavily
(ubuntu, the preferred distro of my client)
Could someone take a look as to why my key comparison in my dictionary still fails to work? fiddle.jshell.net/5f0qbm2a
yea, i got that part. That's one of the things I like about ansible
each task should really have a condition that tests whether it's completed successfully before
so you just keep running until you're in the right place
ohh, well, the tasks so far all know that they are complete already
is it safe to let them run again? I assume they'll just exit right away
I can run my playbook and it'll just say "X ok, 0 changed"
assuming i made no changes to the playbook
right. That's how most of my runs look
that's without any special tests. I am only using built-in tasks that are all idempotent already
anywho, my app has a role. That role is dependent on nginx and postgres roles, that don't do much, yet, other than install those packages.
you can use dependencies, which I haven't played with, since our stuff is mostly in-order
yea, dependencies is what i am using.
otherwise, I just put the basic stuff first and rely on ansible to run it in the right order
that's one of the big advantages over puppet
i startied with roles: -myapp -postges but now it's just roles: - myapp and it uses dependiencies
so, all my roles are included with blocks like
so.. using systemd would be pretty simple but I do like pm2.. I'm not sure I want to give it up just becasue i'm too lazy..
- name: database setup
  hosts: docker
    - role: database
      when: features.database
    - vars/everything.yml
the pm2 stuff doesn't sound too complicated, you just check if it's running and (re)start, yeah?
well, initial setup. give it a 'process.json'
and tell it to install itself as a systemd service
i could just do it with a shell command..
oh, that. The process file would usually be a template (ansible uses jinja) that reads from the machine data
same with the systemd service, just template the unit file
ansible will make sure the file contents match what you expect, which should be enough for pm2/systemd
that's what we do, works pretty well
i haven't started postfix, yet. I think I hade some undocumented changes there that I need to find.
and mount points.. damn. some of those have passowrds I don't want in a repo
first time i've seen someone use moment.js with onclick attributes
@ssube hey, so.. if you didn't leave yet, have you ever ran into a cloud-init adding lines ot the END of etc/suders and overriding things you have in /etc/suoders.d/*
I have a sparkly cupcake
#includedir /etc/sudoers.d
last line added by google cloud. overrides the %sudo ALL=(ALL:ALL) ALL or smilar form another file
oh my fucking god i dropped my fucking cupcake
!!afk fuck everything
I'd laugh, but at this point it might be a symptom. Are you sure you don't have parkinsons?
pm2 is literally a life saver
@SimonPoole Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
Yes it literally stopped a bus from hitting me.
No you're right, incorrect use of literally, my bad.
will, it could literally stop a not literal bus from hitting you
@SterlingArcher you shouldn't be allowed to eat anywhere but the bathtub
@rlemon SterlingArcher is afk: fuck everything
"literally" literally means metaphorically these days
Nope it still means literally.
It's misused often, and that may lead to a definition change, but I don't think we are there, yet.
They aren't the authority to me.
Who is your authority on the English language?
I understand that languages change, but I still hear it used correctly as often as incorrectly.
So.. while that dictionary entry acknolwedges that it's often used another way, it's not like an official change that literally MEANS figurativetly, yet.
Language doesn't have official changes
I agree, misuse of "literally" is annoying
There's not a standard
not the primary definition.
right, that's my point. I am within my rights to keep using literally the 'old way'.
@doug65536 It's literally annoying.
that's why it's a second definition
It's not like its meaning has replaced it
So, I roll my eyes at that second definition, but I'm not a language purist, either.
I lament more that people are so imprecise.
"what's wrong with me totally using a word for a new meaning? how is that confusing?"
i mean, it's not like the informal form isn't teh exact opposite of the formal or anything
wow, oxford dictionary is crap!
A dictionary's only job is to reflect common usage
Just because inflection doesn't translate well to text
does the definition of "like" say, "a word that you use when you have no idea how to construct a sentence, allowing you to restart your fragmented gibberish at another point"?
I prefer the Cambridge Lexicon
@phenomnomnominal tbf, that's like saying that jQuery should be a standard JS feature
well, i mean, at least it literally has like a modern design
@towc I guess you've never used document.querySelectorAll then?
@phenomnomnominal that's definitely not the only thing jQuery is used for
anybody in here work with gulp much?
libraries are just big feature requests
in another way: it's like saying that holding states in the DOM is a good idea and you should do it
I use gulp a fair bit, what are you after?
I'm trying to run a task after a function has run
@towc no it isn't
well, it's what jQuery does
anyone who thinks jquery is useless is too young to know how awful js was
@Shane Make the first function a dependency for the second?
it's what it encourages you to do, at least
I'm well aware
I've got a function that creates a task that I call a few times to create a collection of tasks
github.com/finom/balalaika - all the useful parts of jQuery
in <1kb
But you're making a false equivalency.
and it is, actually, what most people who use JS for dom-related things do
now that 3/4 of jquery is adopted by ecma, yeah, it is less useful now. you can be much more concise with jquery
so it might as well be the standard
that's the thing, when I pass in the strings, it fails because the tasks don't exist yet
at least I think that's what you mean, not sure
I knew this would turn into a jQuery conversation.
do you mean a dependency as in a module include?
also, Hitler.
sorry, not following
gulp.task('build:all', [
], function () {});
that fails at the string in the array in the second argument
You can define gulp tasks like this: gulp.task('task 2', ['pre-req1', 'pre-req2'], function(){ ....
trailing comma
right, yeah
this one is created a bit funny
Where pre-req1 and pre-req2 are other tasks.
which creates a build and a watch function plus a lot of other stuff
you're generating your gulp tasks?
problem is that function doesn't execute before the dependencies are resolved
is that bad?
Means you haven't defined your first task properly, most likely.
It seems pretty gnarly
Wanna gist your whole code to take a look at?
man, to do it manually is gonna be verbose
Verbose once
hmm, it's a bit tangled in a lot of other stuff
@phenomnomnominal robots building robots man...
in a build script that probably doesn't change much
I'll see if I can make a minimal example, one sec
ew, js build scripts. gross
says doug65536
such a huge time sink :(
it's the opposite of a time sink
it's... works
I used to think that too. oh shiny auto-reload, auto-minify, auto-jshint, auto-this, auto-that, la la la .... how about working on the product a bit though?
make re-usable build scripts. re-use on multi projects.
It's definitely easy to sink a whole load of time into build scripts that's not needed
not in this case, this is an email template builder
don't update it to a new tool just because it's new
lots of inline stuff, posting to litmus for testing, subbing in data, etc
crap, gtg...
Personally I try to keep them to: LESS/SASS compile, TS/Babel compile, postcss, sourcemaps.
kids are losing their mind
Anything else isn't really needed.
I'm not convinced gulp is a good choice for email templates O_O
sshfs mount server files + nodemon to restart server, and I'm set. saving in editor updates server directly. press f5 in browser to test. done. imho
gzip does the "minify" just fine. design your site to cache properly and minification is moot
@doug65536 umm
That's fine if you, you know, don't need production stability :/
gulp is a task runner. It can be 'good for email templates' in the sense that it can start the real process you want to use for that task
@NathanJones I haven't found a replacement yet. I'm starting to get discouraged.
Wagon HQ looked like it might be nice, but they they went and got bought and I'm not sure I like where it's going
I just want autocomplete and some query running ability inside atom. Maybe i'll go look for that.
@SimonPoole - you don't really know much about what I'm doing here, ya know?
I love his excitement
@SimonPoole - interestingly if I include them in a module and create the tasks in the dependent module, the array works... so thanks. I don't think that's what you meant, but what I thought you meant actually worked
no problem I guess? haha
I know, right? :)
these are mandrill templates and there's a lot of mustache running around, all css classes need to have inline substitution, etc
> they're going our way!
I've watched it three times
I can't stop laughing
That sounds...painful
creating and managing all the templates would drive you insane, plus no way to test them without deploying and sending a json payload through a web request, etc
with the build script, it's pretty easy... now
Honestly, I've yet to find anything better than Sendgrid for emails
we're in pretty deep with Mandrill
But I've also never had to make complicated email templates shrugs
that train's not turning around and this works fine
if you ever do... I HIGHLY recommend litmus.com
email templates suck. It's like horrible 1995 html.
it's a godsend for testing all the email clients out there quickly
@Luggage agreed
I use emailonacid.com
Quick query for you guys here: generating sitemaps in Node?
Anyone know a good module/service?
what's a sitemap?
isn't email in 2016 still the same as email in 1995?
@Luggage XML site layout thing for Google SEO etc.
@SimonPoole - never done it
oh, gotcha.
My sites are too cool for search engines.
Genuinely looks like I'm gonna have to make a new entry for in the XML file for every database entry... fun fun
omg... I wasn't using commas
fucking kidding me?
that's why it didn't work
when I referenced the task from the other file I typed it over and thought that fixed it, it was the lack of commas in the array, had one item per line and forgot to add the commas after the first line
@rlemon That seems to be a theme among Squad employees.
It's no secret that the work those guys do isn't easy or fun.
> Squad requires developers to sign an NDA with a non-disparagement clause
Alright it's technically a secret
they are taught that physics is a lie, but if the word comes out and people stop thinking there's a logic behind what they're doing, their business is going to fail
@SterlingArcher i just googled chris brown, now i get the joke
@NathanJones SterlingArcher is afk: fuck everything
Has anyone used the tag feature with select2?
@KendallFrey since squad is an advertising company, "NDA with a non-disparagement clause" might be normal.
@Luggage Sure, but enough has leaked out for us to know that the clause is actively at work.
Part of it is the fact that they get paid less than they would in most of the US, due to it being a Mexican company.
I see.
// how is this not a valid way to send images from a server to a client? canvas.png exists. Client gets a 20x20 empty image, when it should be 300x300

response.setHeader( 'content-type', 'image/png' );
fs.createReadStream( 'canvas.png', { encoding: 'utf-8' } ).pipe( response );
looks right..
ohh, wait.. utf-8?
that's not right for a PNG
oh wait...
yeah, works now
heh. heheh. I can use canvas. On nodejs. I can serve canvas images. The power of the world is, as of this moment, right under my fingers. Prepare for rainbows
not necessarily unrelatedly, time to download pictures of happy goats
!!pizza 800 600
nodejs image
not canvas, but delicious
erm... node-canvas says it adds support for new Image;, but it doesn't... I'm not even sure what to google
google image search for people banging their heads on their keyboards?

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