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2:01 PM
abcactionnews.com/news/region-polk/lakeland/… LMAO way to hide that plate number abcactionnews
top notch photoshopping there
@SterlingArcher good god that is graceful i.imgur.com/tNOikc6.gifv
the irony
how to search a google dork with regex .i want to search all url with any parameter in specific domain
2:07 PM
google dork?
what's so funny?
2:08 PM
everything. life.
every time i came here , people laugh at me ?that's weird
you're a comedian
@FastSnail When people quote part of what you were asking and append a question mark to it, they don't want you to confirm that they read what you were writing correctly. They want you to explain what you're talking about
> "Every time I come here, people laugh at me. That's weird." </copy-edited>
@rlemon fuck that's smooth
2:11 PM
@FastSnail Please mind your punctuation / capitalization.
Yes, replacement Jan
Thanks, actual Kendall
You're welcome, cannibal Cerbrus
go eat a clown
2:12 PM
actual cannibal lemon
he's in the forest
chasing you
i want to list down urls of a specific domain but only if it has url parameters. for example inurl:id=? but i want to list down all so i cannot search for individual words.id,name,file,... i expected id=*? will work but nope
I'm just letting him get lean, then it is dinner time
I swear every once in a while I hear a very quiet ping and no one has pinged me
@Cerbrus i'm not English but thanks for telling me
2:14 PM
Phantom vibration syndrome or phantom ringing is the perception that one's mobile phone is vibrating or ringing when it is not ringing. Other terms for this concept include ringxiety (a portmanteau of ring and anxiety) and fauxcellarm (a play on "false alarm"). According to Dr. Michael Rothberg, the term is not technically a syndrome, but is better characterised as a tactile hallucination since the brain perceives a sensation that is not present. Phantom ringing may be experienced while taking a shower, watching television, or using a noisy device. Humans are particularly sensitive to auditory...
yeah that
@KendallFrey it is common
@KendallFrey it's like Pavlov's phantom ping
I get it all the time
The other day I heard a ping come from my Oculus Rift
That was just because it had switched itself to the default audio device
2:16 PM
you have ping fairies
small creatures, couple wings each, skin like the background from the matrix, fly around pinging stuff
I have the time song from Don't Hug Me I'm Scared stuck in my head.
time is a tool you can put on the wall
or wear it on your wrist
Or in @SterlingArcher's case, it's the tool itself that wears time
Along the same lines.. sorta.. ever see Food Party?
I personally found the "drowning in oil" song catchier
@Luggage I'm about to
Jokes on you my watch isn't even correct
It's purely a fashion statement
2:20 PM
you need help
@Luggage wut??
I need more watches
Fucking brilliant
Although, how do you "somehow share" porn
Hello guys. I need a freelancer who can work well in PHP and JS
@MarkusHayner Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
2:22 PM
@KendallFrey don't judge it that quickly.
PHP accidentally shares porn
@MarkusHayner did you try a freelancing website?
like what?
now it DOES help to be high, but it's not mandatory.
@Luggage does it get better?
2:22 PM
google "freelancing website"
what episode are you watching?
try, say, they turkey episode.
someone told me to come on this group and ask for this
1 = Thu has a normal day?
but thanks for the tip
@MarkusHayner who?
start with turkey. it's my favorite episode. you'll be hooked
@Luggage no idea, but Jay-Z is coming for dinner
a canvas developer
2:24 PM
name names
I'm sharpening my pitchfork
matei copot
@towc you fool
That son of a bitch! :)
!!ban towc
2:24 PM
@rlemon towc added to mindjail.
@towc you're so fucked
First Rule of JavaScript chat, don't talk about JavaScript chat.
2:25 PM
@MarkusHayner there are a bunch of websites on google you can use
I've got nothing to do with this.....
I'm not sure because I don't use them
I see
thanks a lot
I signed up for codementor and got a bunch of requests but never had the time or energy
reminds me of that lol
2:26 PM
@SterlingArcher Did you slip one on in his sleep?
wrong one kendall
@rlemon Fulllllll of help vamps
@Jhawins but they pay
> <Mikkel> If you went camping and you got REALLY drunk with your friend and you
woke up the next morning with a condom stuck up your ass would you tell anybody?
<Celestya> i dont think so
<Mikkel> Wanna go camping?
2:27 PM
I love camping
I mean
No joke camping is amazing in october
You can really get anal about the outdoors in October
@KendallFrey You can really get anal in the outdoors in October (source)
2:28 PM
No joke camping? You aren't allowed to joke when you're in it?
here girl. phwwwwt phwwwt
gotta stir up the dirt
heeeey laddy
You know it's anal because of the way it is
My brother got drunk last night and I showed him and our buddy Neature Walk and they loved it
omg LOL
!!s/I.*/we went camping ;)/
2:29 PM
We need a bash.org for this chat
@rlemon My brother got drunk last night and we went camping ;) (source)
@SterlingArcher gotta be a good gap shooter
@SterlingArcher this is my favourite one: bash.org/?835030
@Maurize Not nsfw enough for Archer
!!afk vape and protein
2:31 PM
protein? as in, protein stains?
@KendallFrey are we calling it a protein sock now?
protein shoe box*
ohh god reddit :( so many things I wish I didn't know
8 mins ago, by Markus Hayner
matei copot
I thought asking if someone was ok doing a job was within the scope
yeah yeah, I know the guy, he's a good person
2:33 PM
@towc nah
New GitHub profile page O__O
anybody asking for freelance work gets turned away
2:33 PM
honestly, depends on the person and the request. we allow regulars to advertise because they are regulars :/
I want to paste some text into the chat like that
rando jumps in and asks for freelance stuff, he's gonna get told to go to a freelance site
EMPL            NAME            08-22-16            08-23-16
123             War             8                   15
888             Andy K          8                   12
789             Shaneis         8                   13
456             Waxi            7                   14
asking folks you know for (maybe compensated) help is cool
Now I have toformat the text in a pad then paste it into the chat
2:34 PM
@ssube if someone came in here with a good job offer I'd take it
Sort of like how I'm buying a watch box from Blacksmith Lemon
is there a javascript for rooms that can do that?
sure, it's not a job site
Wait sorry
once it is made
2:35 PM
Native AmericanSmith Lemon
Redsmith Lemon
@SterlingArcher Native American African Smith Lemon
Will Smith Lemon
Will Sasso Lemon
Redsmith Lemon omg
2:36 PM
Smith Smith Lemon
Native African Sasso American Black Will Red Smith Lemon
Where do I find irc channels where fun is going on?
@KendallFrey I was cleaning up my pond and my goldfish had babies and one is totally a adolph fishler
@towc where you talking to me?
2:38 PM
did you see that article that a girl saved her 10 dollar goldfish for 800 dollars
@AndyK no
@KendallFrey I left this on my desk, and people keep asking me what the hell I'm working on that requires trig lol
2:39 PM
!!xkcd nerd sniping
@KendallFrey Something went on fire; status 403
How many points are engineers?
@SterlingArcher they count as charity
you're doing the rest of the world a service
2:40 PM
@SterlingArcher This is nerd sniping.
you get cash back on your taxes later
Engineers are nerds
@rlemon Engituers are nerds (source)
2:41 PM
The most dramatic part of that video is not knowing if she's gonna tape it or not.
^ yes that was th emost exciting part
2:49 PM
I wonder how long that would jam up the intersection for.
That's gotta lock down that crossing all day.
> Thank god there was still tape in the phone.
Hey Guys, Im a total newb with JS and am working on a friends site as a learning canvas and was wondering if there's a cleaner way of printing these coupons than what the last developer setup
hey @Stuart I remember you!
how did they have it setup before/currently?
I see problems with his code such as no closing form tag and it also looks like a lot of bloat
but I dont know what's available to use in place of
I'll provide a link but please know that Im aware of the horrendous layout using tables and am working to correct that and make the site mobile friendly but Im hung up on how best to print these coupons
Here's a link to the site
How the coupons print now isn't that bad, but you could eliminate that in between preview and go straight to the print screen.
2:57 PM
when the instruments are bigger than you are.. :P
@Waxi sounds good, Could you provide a link to a tutorial on doing so?
> Only goes viral if it's a vertical video.
@rlemon holy shit that's amazing

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