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@FlorianMargaine what module is that?
let me take a wild guess... a module that let's you use Lisp with Nginx :P?
@user125535 React, web components
Angular is popular, just that sometimes there's no one here to help with Angular questions
ah i see....why would you use react over angular?
@user125535 React is much simpler than Angular.
@rlemon I think what he was trying to say was that Earth doesn't have a symmetric gravitational field, which is correct.
so I wasted 2 weeks reading the docs?
In terms of the concepts you need to understand, the size of the library, less gimicks, etc, etc.
Not explained very well though
well, I don't know whether or not to recommend Angular 1, because a lot of the stuff got deprecated with Angular 2, if I understood the comments from others
@user125535 Well, there is nothing really that wrong with Angular.
People still use it for all sorts of things.
if you're using Angular 2, it has a lot of advanced stuff, but I wonder if it would be better to just witch to web components today
haha I did not learn angular 2
technology is moving too fast for me :(
What I learned is already obsolete ;_;
@user125535 This is CS. Sometimes it feels like things are made obsolete even before they get released :P
hey, as long as you've learned something, it's never a loss
@user125535 And, a lot of employers still use Angular.
what is it with coffee that keeps attracting flies into my cups?
poor things must be dehydrated or something?
What's the proper way to read a line from a file, wait till an operation using that data is done, then read the next line? (in node)
@FilipDupanović how are you using web components? polymer?
@ROODAY You can use nodejs.org/api/readline.html to read line by line.
What do you mean, "wait till an operation using that data is done"?
So basically I want to read a line from csv, convert to json, upload to a database, then get the next line and repeat. Would the proper way to do this be pausing the readstream when getting a line, and then resuming when the upload callback finishes?
@ROODAY You need to upload them in a specific order?
Also, the simplest solution is to read the entire file at once, and then split by lines, and then send the data line by line.
I would go for that first before trying to do fancy pausing.
@NathanJones I've used Polymer for fun, but I haven't been looking at the specs
not in a specific order, but i can't miss any of them. In my past attempt, the readline went too fast and the upload just went whenever it wanted to
The problem with reading the whole file at once is that its too big. 500mb
@ROODAY you don't have to wait for each upload to finish sequentially. you could upload all files asynchronously, and wait for all uploads to finish before proceeding.
I tried that too, uploading as soon as I got them, but then Firebase itself didn't seem to be able to take so many uploads at once
Yeah, then it seems like you are just going to have to pause the stream or something.
Ok, ill try that
then read a few of them, pick some max number of connections, wait until you've pushed all of them and repeat
@ROODAY if things get really complex, you might look into RxJS to handle your data flow
What ive done is basically grab a line, convert to json, push to a queue, then pause the stream. Then I have an interval that every 100 milliseconds checks to see if it should upload (a boolean value), then if so, uploads, and the upload callback resets the boolean and resumes the stream.
the only issue is the way the script is rn, with that interval, and 252411 rows in the csv, this is gonna take at least 7 hours... so im probably going to have refactor this
@ROODAY right, you're basically implementing a stream throttle, which rxjs can do, in addition to a buffer. those features might simplify your code.
Oo, ill take a look!
2 hours later…
@user125535 I am currently writing A2 production stuff
@FilipDupanović I didnt think gitkraken.com came with a mergetool
2 hours later…
hits the snooze button on Choz
nonono it's not midnight yet
people have buttons?
@cswl it's a euphemism for when someone verbs in relation to someone else (in case that wasn't apparent)
@cswl i get triggered sometimes
i can't find a self destruct button :|
You can't press your own buttons
Need root privileges for that
who makes these humans..
totally useless..
When I'm trying to access my element with element.text() from my angular directive, it returns '{{ description }}'.. Why is that? Anyone?
I'm expecting to return the long description string instead of the binder statement..
I don't know Angular, but it's probably because you forgot to set the description.
Hmm.. Im sure the description is there..
If I log it on console, and play with it, the value is there..
!!tell choz why
@choz because you touch yourself at night
... ftw..
@choz Information on interacting with me can be found at this page
Glad to see Caprica's still her chipper old self
!!meme deskflip
aw that CDN is down
hi there, can help me for fix this? stackoverflow.com/questions/38605318/…
it's like build login fb with view Register With facebook not Log In
Q: AngulaJS [typeahead] reopen result dropdown on onFocus

Sagar NaliyaparaI have problem in following use case in typeahead: Problem: user starts typing, dropdown opens and shows results user clicks out of the input field (nothing is deleted from the input field), dropdown closes user clicks back into the typeahead input field (and does NOT start to type anything) a...

i try it in domain
Oh wait, you're asking for clicking the button instead of the icon right?
@SagarNaliyapara you need to include your MCVE in the question itself rather than linking to a Plunkr
actually it's already work for login fb but i just want change the view image
@Newbi Ok, you have to attach an event handler on `.omb_login` if its the whole container..
It'd look like this in jQuery..
$('.omb_login').on('click', function() {
After your facebook script loaded of course..
And there's a certain callback you can use after you have successfully logged in or not..
@copy I see, thanks for the info!
@Newbi Nvm, I'll do it on your thread since its too long..
@choz i did, but it's same like i comment (in my post) Object {authResponse: undefined, status: "unknown"}
@choz i add your script in js and the button have onclick='checkLoginState();' right?
@Newbi Yeah, but before you call checkLoginState You might want to prompt user to login first with FB.login()
Try something like this,

FB.login(function(response) {
    if (response.authResponse) {
    } else {
     console.log('User cancelled login or did not fully authorize.');
@choz hemm it's so weird, i add your script and the icon fb is gone
Because you're already signed in?
Or.. how does your script look like?
@choz already logout, w8
@choz my script still same like i post, only change onlogin to onclick
Did you add onclick to .omb_login or .fb-login-button?
y in fb-login-button
Leave the fb-login-button with on-login..
You wanted to click the whole button to prompt facebook login right?
Instead of just the facebook icon?
oh in my post fb-login-button twice in icon fb and button
does socket.io have a node.js client api?
not meant to use from browser I mean...
should i just add fb-login-button to button or fb?
1 message moved to Trash can
@Newbi Please don't post unformatted code - hit Ctrl+K before sending, use up-arrow to edit messages, and see the faq.
1 message moved to Trash can
@Newbi Please don't post unformatted code - hit Ctrl+K before sending, use up-arrow to edit messages, and see the faq.
Is '.omb-login' the whole button?
nvm you can change it for more simple
hello can someone tell me if i need sql server for my website if it has buttons that trigger a lot of logic? a user told me since my website runs many calculations, it wont handle multiple users at the same time
<button class="button-facebook"> after that fb-icon </button>
@Newbi Try this out for me, and see if this works

function facebookLogin() {
    FB.login(function(response) {
        if (response.authResponse) {
        } else {
            console.log('User cancelled login or did not fully authorize.');

<div class="omb_login" onclick="facebookLogin()">
    <div class="omb_socialButtons">
        <button class="btn btn-lg btn-block omb_btn-facebook">
            <div class="fb-login-button" data-size="icon" data-show-faces="false" data-auto-logout-link="false" data-scope="public_profile,email" onlogin
@choz it's same? try check it (dummy domain) bk.topanelka.com/index.php?route=account/login
@Newbi Now this is easier.. And sorry for the typo of `.omb-login`, it should be `.omb_login`.. Now open that your dummy page console, and paste this code..

document.querySelector('.omb_login').addEventListener('click', function () {
    FB.login(function(response) {
        if (response.authResponse) {
        } else {
            console.log('User cancelled login or did not fully authorize.');
Now you can prompt the facebook login, by clicking the whole button instead of just the facebook logo.. Isn't that what you're trying to achieve?
@choz hemmm try check again in the dummy
@Newbi That's because youre putting the script before the .omb-login get loaded...
Oh wait, you have jquery before your fb.js maybe you can do this..
y i put in fb.js and it's reload before omb-login
Ok remove that code I gave you, and replace it with this..

$(function() {
  $('.omb_login').on('click', function () {
     FB.login(function(response) {
        if (response.authResponse) {
        } else {
            console.log('User cancelled login or did not fully authorize.');
There you go.. Your facebook icon disappeared because your code terminated since it couldn't find .omb_login
@choz omg it's works
@choz thx so much i got stack this for a whole day @@
@Newbi your code is a mess btw..
@choz y i still learning the code
Give me discount on laptop pls :)
@choz can you put ur answerd in my post
Nah.. Im too lazy..
No, he wants you to clear the invoice.
@littlepootis thank you..
@choz ow lol okay thx so much, err i wish can give you more + @@
@Newbi Yes give me notebook the next time i come to manga dua
@choz lol you know it :D, w8 write the answerd in my post
That;s where i hunt for pc stuffs :)
Github is unicorning.. anyone else?
@cswl yup
status page says "major service outage" and nothing on their twitter so idk if this is planned outage or not
Eh, last I checked it said all systems operational.. Github status is slow to update :|
Nobody saw that.
/me screencaptures for posterity!
Hi all,
@Raj Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
\o/ Github is back up
@Raj "...I have loaded javascript from Java call in xhtml file..." well there is your problem! :)
but why would you want to do that in the first place? o.O
@Raj Yeah that seems like it should do what you're expecting. I mean, the drop-down shows again when re-focusing without typing in the field. Why wouldn't it behave the same if something was typed? Odd.
@thedigitalmouse Can you please suggest what is the exact place to keep the java script? well it is migration project and code already written by someone else
@Nimphious i think you meant to direct that to @SagarNaliyapara :)
@Nimphious Sorry to ask.. you mean it is the correct way of loading java scripts and it should work as expected ?
Inside the script tag..?
typically, if you want to include a lot of javascript functionality in a webpage, you place it in an external file with the .js extension, then link to it from within the webpage <head>...</head> section with a script tag, like so: <script src="myScript.js"></script>
o/ @Nimphious no problem
Nobody saw that.
@thedigitalmouse no need to focus it.
@thedigitalmouse I tried loading the string return by the method, it is returning the same string...
@Raj i have no clue what you mean by that. can you provide code example in a jsfiddle or in your original SO question?
@thedigitalmouse sure
@thedigitalmouse I have edited my question .. Please let me know any other details your required
will look and respond if i can be of help
at work. so can be distracted at any moment!
@thedigitalmouse thanks a lot
@thedigitalmouse Yeah you're right. Derp.
@bhavikshah Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
any one can please help to solve this.
i want to blur the textbox. and i used blur() function but its not working in chrome.
!!welcome bhavik shah
@bhavikshah Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
!!welcome choz
@choz Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
can anyone help me with this.!!!
Yes @bhavikshah, you've used three instances of the NOT operator, which is redundant. A single NOT operator is sufficient.
he is not a nimp
Faffs about like a nimp
@Nimphious How do you know that he's used n instances of ... operator
$('input#url').blur(); this is what i have used. and it do nor work it chrome.
Does it work on other browsers?
> restarts modern.ie ie9 + win7 image.
@choz I was just kidding about his use of !!! in his request for help. ! is the NOT operator :P
yes its working fine in IE and Mozilla
remove input from it @bhavikshah
Oh lol
$( "#url" ).blur(function() {
alert( "Handler for .blur() called." );
}); try this and check it @bhavikshah
$('#url').blur(); still its not working
Try what sagar said, and see if it shows the alert..
When do you think the blur event triggers?
When I can't see screen properly?
Try instead: $('#url').focus(); $('#url').blur();
@SagarNaliyapara Please don't post unformatted code - hit Ctrl+K before sending, use up-arrow to edit messages, and see the faq.
$( "#url" ).blur(function() {
alert( "Handler for .blur() called." );
}); try this and check it @bhavikshah
@choz hahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
total coppy
not you code sample @bhavikshah
Oops. Keyboard battery's dying.
!!meme ohyou
@choz deskflip, fuu, iseewhatyoudidthere, no, notbad, ohyou, okay, troll, trollface, youdontsay
Quickly, pootis in some new batteries.
thanks everyone. but its still not working.
What is your expected behaviour, @bhavikshah?
@bhavikshah No alert whatsoever?
@Nimphious modest, I guess
i am getting alert but text box is still focused
A: jQuery .blur() event not firing

DemoUserEither add your jquery blur code inside $(document).ready(function() { ...// your blur code here } OR at bottom of your page above closing body tag like: <script type="text/javascript"> //your blur code </script> </body>

What happens if you do $(document.body).focus(); instead?
you are getting alert means blur fired @bhavikshah
@bhavikshah Is this for a job?
I mean, for work?
@bhavikshah if it is still focused it is not problem of blur
@littlepootis whatever it is
@littlepootis what is mean to you?
that's cold maaaan
Then put on a coat.
@SagarNaliyapara you
@littlepootis huh get lost
@bhavikshah I can not reproduce your issue on my chrome at least.. jsfiddle.net/q1rg5aud
@SagarNaliyapara @littlepootis I have no idea what is happening.
@nimphious actually i am using querySelector. document.querySelector('#div_clienturl').select();
it selects the value of txtbox. so it gets focused but now i want to remove the focus. so i m using blur() event.
@Nimphious I have no idea either
@bhavikshah you're not using the blur event, you're using the blur method. Right?
There's no .select(). Or .blur() on Element or Node.
Wait, there is.
Yes there is.
Should be using focus() not select() though.
> The HTMLInputElement.select() method selects all the text in a <textarea> element or an <input> element with a text field.
!!learn greet 'Hello, $0!' \w+ 'summons the lord'
@choz Command greet learned
I didn't even knew that existed.
!!greet Nimphous
@choz Input not matching /$0!'/. Help: User-taught command: w+ 'Hello,
!!nudge 10
@SagarNaliyapara Nudge #1 registered.
!!nudge 1440
@Nimphious Nudge #2 registered.
!!jquery blur
!!mdn blur
@Nimphious Something went on fire; status 403
!!doge one,two
                             so one
very two
Permission denied for the command or the get request?
Is that flavour response for "that command doesn't exist" or is it what the request returned?
mdn command uses google search api.. which was shut down
!!help mdn
@Nimphious mdn: Fetches mdn documentation. /mdn what
Guess it's the latter.
thnxs everyone. i got the soln
Gimme some of that soln.
I want it.
What was the soln?
!!tell bhavikshah why
@bhavikshah because you touch yourself at night
reason was readOnly attribute. because of that blur event was not working
!!unban bhavikshah
@choz The user will be thrown into mindjail in 1 more invocations
@choz You do not have permission to use the command unban
you just banned him
that's rude
(also, that command is a joke)
!!ban littlepootis
@bhavikshah You were using the reason attribute and you weren't telling us? Rude!
@SagarNaliyapara littlepootis added to mindjail.
okay np. let me leave this conversation. bye bye
node.js vs .net framework?
node.js is free..
node.js wins in all potatoes areas.
A: Node.js vs .Net performance

Matt DotsonBeing FAST and handling lots of LOAD are two different things. A server that's really FAST at serving one request per second might totally croak if you send it 500 requests per second (under LOAD). You also have to consider static (and cached) vs dynamic pages. If you're worried about static pa...

.net has their very well structured library system
But, Free > Very well structured library
So for me, node.js wins
.net is free too (well .net core) im not trying to take sides here, just pointing that out
well but yeah .net core is relatively new
@SagarNaliyapara perf doesn't really matter
don't have any hard numbers to prove one way or another, but I think node would win the LOAD competition for the typical web app. A highly optimized (100% async) .NET app might give the equivalent node.js app a run for it's money, but if you took an average of all the .NET and all the node apps out there, on average node probably handles more LOAD.
@user3413046 I hate .net fw because Microsoft. I don't have anything else against it. Other than the language that's commonly used with it, C#, which inherited a lot of shitty features from my least favorite language, Java.
One does not simply migrate from Java to C#..
well c# is functional and OOP
I'm working on a pretty big node project right now. All I can say is.. you should use the right tool for the job.
I think one of the coolest things about node.js is having a shared codebase between front and back ends, being able to communicate natively, blah blah. M$ is a butt.
Wait.. I migrated from C# to Java once actually..
yep right tools are important
Because Java is free..
I love free stuffs
C# is also free?
Community edition, bro.
the reason i asked was i got a job after university, and its mainly .net stuff
php evergreen
Just don't tell anyone you're using it for naughty reasons :P
it feels like once you settle in on a job, your career becomes dependent on the previous technologies you've worked with
VS Code is really cool, though.
not sure if thats common in the industry?
We use Rails, Vert.x and Nodejs for this application. It's not huge, but perf matters.
@user3413046 are you saying that you're more likely to land a job that uses technologies with which you've had industry experience?
once you choose python/node/java|groovy|scala/c++/android your kind of stuck with that language
@user3413046 basically, yes
@SagarNaliyapara nudge
@Nimphious yes more likely, but i mean its less likely a person can switch to a role with another tech stack
Kind of? I'm sure you could switch. But it's also obvious that having experience in a role that uses a language means you're more easily able to get a job with the same language/framework/etc.
Why is that surprising?
I dislike .Net because it locks you into that "Microsoft ecosystem"
yeah i guess the australian IT market is weird that way
@littlepootis thats why we have VM's
<-- Melbourne
I graduated from sydney uni, but I never work in Australia :(
@user3413046 Oh, yes. But I hate having to use Windows to code. It's.. personal perf though.
I hate IDEs in general and stick to vim.
Good Morning Guys
hi @littlepootis
what is grunt ? and how i use it in my project?
@km8295 Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
!!welcome Mohit
@Mohit Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@littlepootis visual studio is nice, refactoring is a breeze with IDE's
@Mohit hi
grunt is a build tool @km8295
Thanks @CapricaSix
@km8295 npm install && grunt install && grunt build
@choz it was just hi, wanna ask nothing
@km8295 It's useful for automating all the nonsense you have to go through when packing your frontend content for production and all that other nonsense.
!!welcome Mohit
@Mohit Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
!!tell Mohit oh
@choz Command ok does not exist. Did you mean: oh (note that /tell works on commands, it's not an echo.)
@Nimphious i read this doc...and i try it with my anguler app...but i don;t know how i can deploy my app
coming back to .net/c# vs node || <insert other lang/framework>
@km8295 What problem are you trying to solve with your angular app that you need grunt for?
@user3413046 The apps I write rarely need refactoring. The problem with me is I don't like switching away from the terminal window.
node.js npm packages are not quite mature
Or touch my mouse.
@littlepootis Are you.. using.. VIM?
@choz yes
Let me register you as my master..
I've used quite a few npm packages and documentation and bugs are common, not sure how mature .net framework is with the NuGet stuff
chao cac co packages o/
@FilipDupanović \o
@jake it's a fairly recent addition, IIRC; eagerly anticipating on what else they have up their sleeves
@choz Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.

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