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no, "why are we even dealing with this" is.
What's the userbase for IE9?
Though it has been a while since I used php. Maybe they have added namespaces
@Nimphious The entire population of China
@Nimphious Can't code !== moron
@Nimphious I don't have the numbers, but the presentation will be in a browser of our choice
Cool, it's at 0.43%
@Neil in that case, the world has turned around entirely in PHP
@FilipDupanović what do you mean?
long-running processes, namespaces, JIT, concurrency
in PHP, 2 mins ago, by DaveRandom
1 day left for free Win 10 upgrade, MS probably really will actually take it away
@Neil that's old news
@BenFortune He addressed a bunch of people in a coding chatroom who are clearly coders, and said that anyone who thinks PHP is bad can't code. Directly insulting. It may not === moron but it certainly == moron.
That means you're old.
@reyjoel so there are valid reasons to learn PHP... like, Laravel is a really nice monolithic framework, you'll pick up things that you'll want to use/implement tomorrow
Still not my first pick
The debugging power for JS in node/browser is invaluable.
@FilipDupanović Laravel actually sucks.
I always hated debugging with PHP.
ok ill learn node.js and php
Drop PHP
Symfony and ZF2 are the only "good" frameworks.
The rest just.. suck.
Laravel is nice.
@littlepootis well, for someone just starting out with web development, I think it would introduce them to a lot of things that might not be immediately obvious if they picked up something unopinionated
@BenFortune yo!
laravel with vue.js just amazing @BenFortune
Vue can eat a bag of dicks
Python is a good language to start on imho
I second that ^
be careful with your swearwords. Someone might flag that.
It doesn't throw in too many complicated language features
@BenFortune AngularJS no need to go anywhere
So can that.
I think he's saying AngularJS is a bag of..
It is :)
IMO, at the end of the day, JS > everything, if your trying to build something for the first time
Bag of bunnies
Bog of dunnies.
Big af tummies
Beg in sunnies.
Bun of baggies
Bum of saggies.
Sag of nunnies
Too far man.
Too far.

$love = "programming";

echo $love;

moral: don't do Angular 1
Only do yourself.
do yourself always, but be judicious with what else you do
Don't do crappy MVC's, kids. Stay in school.
Php is love. Php is life.
Neil, how old are you?
Blows ground pepper into Neil's nostrils.
Crappy MVCs have kids?
1 message moved to Trash can
@reyjoel Please don't post unformatted code - hit Ctrl+K before sending, use up-arrow to edit messages, and see the faq.
console.log('Coding is fun.')
var love = "programming";

Good thing that this is a virtual chatroom or that would have been really awful
@JanDvorak nah, they become self-purposed adults
document.body.textContent = 'Coding is fun.';
@BenFortune no, it is not.
var e = document.createElement('h1');
e.textContent = 'JS Is Fantastic';
give Laravel some credit, it cherry-picked from a lot of pre-existing frameworks
@tereško it does MVC right.
@littlepootis please stop tolling.
no, it does not do MVC right
What does do MVC right?
does Razor count?
@Nimphious frameworks do not implement MVC architectural pattern. Your application code does (or doesn't).
as for Laravel - it does not even give you tools to apply MVC
like... it doesn't have actual principal components that map to a lettern in MVC
nor does it have a way for them to be reused and composed into triads
and Laravel doesn't even provide a readily available way for you to discover these
triads are completely independent
or put another way, you're at the liberty of how you take individual components and wire them together
anyways, this room has the occasional immortal wise man that comes down from his mountain and shares the truth with us
i have a question
jQuery.Deferred exception: jQuery(...).fancybox is not a function


why i get this error?
Because jQuery(...).fancybox is not a function
because you didn't include the library, most likely
@littlepootis in this fancyapps.com/fancybox/#license they have a function fancy
ok hope you got all that @reyjoel :D
Well, they did include their library
@reyjoel nice
their instruction on calling their library is wrong
TIL if you use a washing machine, it's not the machine that washes your clothes, it's you
No, you are a machine
@reyjoel that is sad :(
what if the chicken and the egg were imbued into a single thing? the chicken is an egg and the egg represents the chicken
@FilipDupanović someone told you that using washing machine is work?
yeah, someone came and told me that I'm the one that does the washing
that the washing machine provides nothing to facilitate the washing of the clothes, clean clothes come out as a result of my efforts
but washing machine is better than laundry it by your hand
@FilipDupanović so what came first? The chicken-egg hybrid or the egg-chicken hybrid?
they're the same thing
you mean this thing, right?
@FilipDupanović if you clean a vacuum, do you not become the vacuum cleaner?
^ yeah, so you think it has everything to wash clothes, but it actually ddoes nothing
@FilipDupanović lemme guess: this person has never had to wash his/her socks by hand ...
@FilipDupanović but you're not the one spinning all the clothes around?
15 mins ago, by tereško
@Nimphious frameworks do not implement MVC architectural pattern. Your application code does (or doesn't).
14 mins ago, by tereško
as for Laravel - it does not even give you tools to apply MVC
maybe we should head over to their repository and notify them that the washing machine does not exist
Confucius say, man who make mistake in elevator wrong on many levels
Confucius say, man who wants nurse must be patient
@FilipDupanović "Believe in the Lord Jesus, and you will be saved--you and your household." - Acts 16:31
I have no gods, only the Registry and my patron saint Ecmus Scriptus
blasphemy! Turn to the light of VIM before the hellfire BURNS you!
Ecmus says: be harmonious or be squared
applies to washing machines, relationships and work
That said, I ran into a reddit this morning. Someone asked how Borland disappeared.
Then someone says "I worked at Borland" and the simple story is, the IDE market got destroyed by Eclipse.
Eclipse isn't doing that well or is that just a bad impression?
And then others chime in and tell the story of ineffeciency of vim and emacs compared with modern IDEs...
!!welcome Sheepy
@Sheepy Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
is there a way to detect when iOS Safari hides it's header and footer when you scroll down?
@choz I think there's a test room if you want to try out talking to Cap
@FilipDupanović Well, Eclipse was the first free IDE that offers the basic features found in then commercial IDEs. And, very soon, lots of plugins.
it triggers window scrolls when it does this, and i don't want that
People didn't like it. Not the first few versions. But people still flock to it.
It's not a try..
I want to welcome sheepy..
@Sheepy Google moved away from it... that sort of felt like their whole architecture was wrong
@bitten Can you detect it by watching the viewport height?
I choked after reading OCaml uses (* and *) for comments.
@choz Riiight. I do have a question. My baby is due in less than three months so... should I vaccine him or not? My mom says no. My dad says yes.
that's... a very tough call
How do you vaccine a baby before it's due?
I do regular tests after summer vacations @Sheepy, I have enough rubella antibodies at age 28 to make you think there's a WW3 going on
@choz they have 3 months to make up their mind to vac or not
@Sheepy Name one reason not to vaccinate your kid?
They'll have to take the baby to a vet.
Oh.. I get it..
We have to plan for it now. There are some bad vaccines in China (that kills) so now they come to Hong Kong to take vaccines. We have to book now - if we just walk in they'll be out of stock.
@StephanMuller the fact that we do not know how they interact with your body, for one
The thing is, people always recommend to vaccine in my country..
@Sheepy wtf
I've never known what'll happen to a baby that hasn't been vaccined in its life..
Nothing, apparently.
@choz innerHeight and height are both 559 when the header/footer are present and when they are not
My parents weren't vaccinated.
@bitten is it window's or document's?
I wasn't either.
But wait..
@StephanMuller efsa.europa.eu/sites/default/files/scientific_output/files/… as a simpler example, go read that and make up your mind
There's a certain vaccine for a girl.. This I know of..
That would be needed in the girl's future to give a birth..
@choz I guess I'll never know anyway. Maybe he'll caught a deadly disease after I am pass my expiry date. God knows.
@FilipDupanović We don't know exactly how food interacts with our body either. We know the basics, but there's plenty of details that we aren't sure of yet. Same goes for a lot of medicine. What we do know is the effect that they have, and among the effects of vaccines are increased protection from getting the actual disease, and through that also herd immunity to protect those that are unable to get vaccinated. I'll read your link, thanks
The only vaccine I've ever taken was for Swine Flu.
One of my cousin, can't give birth to a baby.. If she does, she'll die of blood disease somethin..
And multiple doctors from multiple modern countries blame the childhood vaccine..
@StephanMuller en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Narcolepsy#Vaccine and follow up references that show how the vaccine lead to a complicated interaction and also be sure to note how those affectedd were reimbursed
@choz window.innerHeight, document.documentElement.clientHeight, jQuery(window).height()
all 559.. :|
@bitten Last try, how about body's or a certain div's height?
@StephanMuller but this is the ultimate paper that gives us a glimpse into how manufacturers approach safety science.ksc.nasa.gov/shuttle/missions/51-l/docs/…
@choz document's height is 1890, closed or open.. heh
hmm actually there may be one div..
@FilipDupanović wait that's a paper about rockets?
@choz I have an ex-colleague who'd die of I think heart exhaustion. She tried anyway. But it ended in preterm abortion and she's unlikely to get another chance before her heart fails...
@bitten How about just hide it in the first place? With <meta name="apple-mobile-web-app-capable" content="yes">, I dont know if this works.. I got it from developer.apple.com/library/safari/documentation/…
@choz oo i have this div that's position fixed, top:0 bottom:0 and so on.. -that- element's height changes so i can use that
@bitten Oh great.. Do what you want..
@choz some people want it shown, so i can't hide it
yeah, i'll be able to use this. thanks a lot!
Lesson of today: be good and faithful to your wife. Pregnacy is difficult and high risk.
@bitten Remove the meta tag if the scrollTop to 0 :).. I don't know if this works either as well..
@Sheepy is it a boy or girl?
@choz Boy!
@StephanMuller yes, it's a paper about rockets, but since then I wonder about everything
He seems to love Tchaikovsky. Good taste :D
@Sheepy Just give him vaccine man.. There's no reason to doubt the vaccines..
Except you're in my country where recently fake vaccines from top hospitals are being viral news right now..
Well actually you have a reason to doubt the doctor who gives the vaccine..
@choz you're very convincing
@choz Would that happens to be the country I just mentioned? Five letters starting with 'C'?
I don't know..
Don't you have a friend who works in hospital or something?
Yeah, I think I'll vaccine no matter what. My mom is against it because some vaccine productions are not animal friendly. Not because they are dangerous.
So I'll bring my baby to hospital and thanks God for the suffering of the poor animals.
@Sheepy that's not true that vaccines aren't dangerous
are antibiotics safe?
@Sheepy why thank god for the suffering?
People over animals. Don't get me wrong, I am against animal testing, but if the alternative is no vaccine...
@littlepootis Because we get vaccines from their sufferings. Not much different from how we get our daily affordable meat.
Well said..
But to me, they never suffer to be my food.. They'd appreciate that my tummy is their bigger world..
@Sheepy I understand her position, and I do care for the wellbeing of animals, but frankly I think the health of your child is more important than that of an animal.
In addition, the amount of children that can be vaccinated is far larger than the amount of animals that were required to test the vaccine.
Speaking of animal, an effin lizard just pops out of nowhere on my baby's last night.. And wife screamed way too loud.. was a long night indeed..
Well, you know what, she did let me have my vaccines. Didn't ask whether it's her idea or dad's idea (shrug).
i wish that lizard dies a miserable death..
@Sheepy just make sure they make a difference, we need great human beings
If you want to make a difference with animal testing, you do so by being an activist, not by silently refusing to vaccinate your own kid
@Neil Well said!
That's like preventing cruelty to animals by being vegan
I am a vegan.. Just that I eat chicken, pork and seafood..
@choz Ah. If you can play Pokemon you are probably not in China, where they bans Google Map and thus Pokemon Go. I guess people killing vaccine is more common than I thought?
But some of them eat veggeis, that makes me vegan..
@Neil I disagree. You can do both, and one person not eating meat does make a difference. What is an ocean but a collection of drops?
@choz I am vegetarian 22 out of 24 hours of the day
@choz Lol, that's not how it works
@StephanMuller you can do both, but don't kid yourself. Being an activist is what makes the change
@Neil I agree that being an activist makes a bigger change.
I am a tumblr activist.
!!wiki Anthropocene
Otherwise, next time someone asks me to write a program, I will write the first line and remind my employers that the program is finished if every programmer did his/her part
@TonyCeralva Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
The Anthropocene is a proposed epoch that begins when human activities started to have a significant global impact on Earth's geology and ecosystems. Neither the International Commission on Stratigraphy nor the International Union of Geological Sciences has yet officially approved the term as a recognized subdivision of geological time. The term "Anthropocene"—which appears to have been used by Soviet scientists as early as the 1960s to refer to the Quaternary, the most recent geological period—was used with a different sense in the 1980s by ecologist Eugene F. Stoermer and has been widely ...
God knows. I have resigned to take care of the baby. Maybe I'll find something wrong that hurts him and be an activist.
For example, WWF says he will eat more jellyfish than fish, but I think that's ok...
Gtg fast
Nite guys
nn @choz o/
Being vegan isn't going to make the rest of the world follow suit. Be vegan for your own reasons. Don't tell me that I need to be one too
But look at it this way. What good is an activist if nobody listens to them? Activists need a platform. People won't be willing to listen to just anyone, it has to somehow be relatable to their lives. If one or two friends that I respect and value are vegans, I'm likely much more willing to listen to a vegan activist, because it's something I recognize and can relate to from my surroundings.
This is not very unlike how advertisement works; you will recognize, remember and be open to the things that you've seen or heard about before. Not every vegan can be an activist, but if there's enough vegans around (and I'm not talking about the tumblr-kind "look at me I'm vegan you should be too", but the ones that are respectful to those who aren't), then the ones who do become an activist will be heard a lot easier.
I'm just sitting here in the dark waiting for the nuclear bombs to start falling
also I'm not a vegan, nor an activist. you can replace vegan here with anything else. Buddhist, anti-vaccer, whatever :P
If you need my signature to ensure humane killing of animals for consumption, just tell me where to sign. Otherwise, let me finish my damn ham sandwich in peace
@Neil no one said you can't have ham
there are nice Roma people, they love to eat meat, especially that given from god
a deer that drowned in the river, a horse that broke it's back, a lovable pig from your own homestead that died of age
Are there Koding platform users here? Was wondering is AWS stack free only for 12 month as AWS Free Tier or I misunderstood something?
@Sheepy baby sheep eat jellyfish?
@littlepootis hey. By the way decimal.js did suffice for my needs :)
@Eugene I've used it when Koding was Kodingen and Sinan Yasar (and the other Yasar) were still young pootises.
@Neil I think the killing part is relatively humane. Whether it is feeding live chicks into industrial mincer or electrocuting meat cows, the process is very fast and efficient. Leather bags are less humane.
@Sheepy you do understand they're intelligent enough to know they're being ghettoed for slaughter?
It used to be like a social network for developers.
@littlepootis WWF says he won't get much fist to eat in his lifetime. And ask for donation to make sure they can spread the word.
@littlepootis did use long time ago as well. But with all latest changes seems flow changed drastically.
It would be nice if someone could help this OP with editing his question stackoverflow.com/questions/38633415/…. I think he is not able to frame the question correctly .... language barrier :(
@FilipDupanović That's why I say "the killing part". I do prefer to take my iron from pills rather than beef.
@Sheepy I don't think there's anything humane about the food industry
@FilipDupanović yes, they are called non-vegetarians
let's start with the fact that it's killing humans
@FilipDupanović Exactly...
and we can go all the way down to how it's destroying Earth
and I don't care what is it that you're eating
you can be a 100% vegan
fuck you and your industrially grown monocultures, you vegan planet killer
and fuck your organic food and the shit you can put into it to still qualify that
There are those that call themselves fruitarians. They will only eat fruit. There are also "cadisti" as they are called in Italy. They only eat fruit that has naturally fallen from a tree..
there is only one fucking way how you grow food: you let mother nature do her shit and you collect the excess biomass produced
this Borg cube crap has to stop
@Neil how long do they live lmao?
And the ones who only drink milk ---> Milky men
@CapricaSix not a good moment, cap
@littlepootis crazy isn't it?
@littlepootis apparently a lot, but it's not due to the fruits, there simply isn't much to eat all year round
@FilipDupanović When you say excess biomass, I remember those food scientists says insect is a very sustainable meat source...
there are some people living off juice for like 1/4 of the year
@Sheepy there are examples where man reaps food without introducing biofeed
Oh. I think you mean soylent green.
@Sheepy it is. That doesn't make it anymore appealing to me at least
@Sheepy ew
Yeah. I'd rather eat lab-grown meat. I am fine with a piece of meat doing exercise on lab treadmill.
@Sheepy this is a great talk on food ted.com/talks/…
yeah, but where do you get the neuts to create the meat?
that's like saying electric cars are clean when you burn fuel to produce the electricity to charge them
@Sheepy they have found a way to generate muscle cells for consumption at a fraction of the cost that it would take to raise a cow, for the same weight
they've been adding plastics to baby food to pass as protein on spectrographic analysis
It was whitish, because muscles look red due to the blood contained within, so they had to add beet juice for color
The guy who ate it said the texture was a little off, but otherwise it was a burger in every other respect
you're such an absent-minded consumer
We may start seeing lab grown meat replace cow beef in the future. Advertisers will sell it as meat that vegans can eat, but it will be cheaper than the real thing
the idea is to have a product that is protected by international law that someone can profit from, not to give you a "conscious" source of meat
you probably have a lot of choice where you harvest meat from, but it's going to be Google, MS and Facebook tomorrow
everyone else will perish
I'm sorry you have such a bleak perspective on the world
it's not bleak, everything is reversible
10 years time, according to some people
@FilipDupanović just not you ;)
but not... let's have Donald for president, infants dying from starvation even though we produce excess calories and throw most of it away, etc.
what's the difference between a child that speaks 3 languages and one that doesn't?
The one that does is a pootis
@FilipDupanović Yes. That already happened in China. And then they China moms rush to Hong Kong to buy our milk powder... so that when we want to buy milk powder, they are out of stock. Caused quite some headaches and hatreds. (Now it is vaccines...)
the first had internet and a steady power supply, the other either starved from malnutrition, died from a communicable disease because no one was there to educate them on sanitation, on and on and on
Most of it is due to bad government management of wealth, corruption etc
so fuck you too @Neil and I'll go fuck myself while I'm at it because I'm just as guilty as you
I'll probably take the lab meat myself and think how it's making a change
it's ok
@FilipDupanović can we not have a civilized discussion on this topic?
anyways, 2016, when I was a kid I was sure there'd be a 15 minute shuttle ride to Mars
You're passionate about this topic, I know what that's like because I am the same on different topics
now I don't even know how I'd keep a child safe if I had one
The real world sucks
This is the best time in human history.
Raising kids today is easier than ever before
real world sucks, pokemon world is amazing
But you should know that the world hasn't gotten worse so much as your perspective has changed
The world has gotten better.
that's relative
No, that's been outlined over and over
meh, when I grew up it was all pink, purple, fluffy and then you discover it's all a big fat lie and how lucky I was to have seen the pinkness
I agree with rlemon. We can read more bad news now, and it's a sad week in German, but statistically speaking the world is getting better.
I know of a bombing 5 minutes after it happened. That is only recently a thing.
But bombs are not
@Sheepy after WWI people thought we have all civilizationally evolved beyond wars... I'll just leave it at that
Lol that is not even an argument
it is if you would actually read authors from that period
Stefan Zweig (/zwaɪɡ, swaɪɡ/; German: [tsvaɪk]; November 28, 1881 in Vienna – February 22, 1942 in Petrópolis) was an Austrian novelist, playwright, journalist and biographer. At the height of his literary career, in the 1920s and 1930s, he was one of the most popular writers in the world. == Biography == Zweig was born in Vienna, the son of Moritz Zweig (1845–1926), a wealthy Jewish textile manufacturer, and Ida Brettauer (1854–1938), a daughter of a Jewish banking family. He was related to the Czech writer Egon Hostovský, who described him as "a very distant relative"; some sources describe...
@FilipDupanović they were wrong. . We may never be at that level
@rlemon remember YYL about Canadas oil reserves
Repeat that claim enough times, and it may come true. Just not expecting it to be in our lifetime...
@FilipDupanović what?! So because someone thought that we didn't move forward?
And don't even start to me on oil reserves. Fix the economy and energy industry then bitch.
And of course the Bible says people will war until the very end of the world...
Until then stop sjw the topics
@rlemon I'm just saying it's not your indigenous people that are paying the price, I can also elaborate how people you even don't know exist are suffering from your Canadian oil as well
it's not about just how YOU get your energy or FOREIGN CURRENCIES
Lol you are pretty ignorant
Wow, you truly are unable to separate one argument from another. This discussion is going nowhere
And with that, I'm needing to get ready for work
ok, I'll stop... three people say your drunk, get down and roll
I am also going off now. Plan to buy an eye caring 3K monitor tonight...
World literacy is getting better, and I firmly believe that there is a direct correlation between that and general improvement in the world
"a life in which intellectual labour meant the purest joy and personal freedom the highest good on Earth", amen
@Neil yet there is still plenty of bad english around
@JanDvorak *their
@StephanMuller no.
@StephanMuller no.
@JanDvorak *English (:P???)
OK, that one is actually legit :)
got anything to recommend on learning new languages? I forgot all of them and now I'm stuck with my bad English, yet people keep talking about new tools and platforms
learn a javascript framework?
oh sorry, I meant learning foreign languages for communicating with people
use English
@FilipDupanović for business? English and Mandarin
I was thinking about Mandarin, but not for business
I mean, I'd like to, but it's not like anyone is going to give me access to training
@FilipDupanović so why ask yourself what languages you should learn?
@Neil my sister speaks 6 foreign languages and I'm actually regressing; I was apathetic (silver bullet English, like @JanDvorak suggested), but I changed my mind
Might be a good idea to learn a language that is similar to what you already know
Easy to learn
au contraire
You'll keep speaking the language you know instead
That's normal when you don't have any other way of expressing yourself
But sooner or later, you learn

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