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A friend of mine once told me that in order to learn a language, you need three things to be true: to be in the country that speaks it, to be alone, and lastly, to be hungry
@Neil just stick some food into a shopping cart, then dump it on the conveyor belt, then put your credit card to everything until the cashier points somewhere.
@Neil Or just not have a choice.
I've had no choice but learn 5 languages.
@Neil yes, this is sort of in line with some anecdotal advice I've been given, about a local that spent his summer holidays travelling and hooking up with someone to live with and learn the language
do Chinese students in Europe know the tongue and are they approachable on the matter? I've only observed them, haven't actually engaged any, don't really know their attitude towards Europeans and what their agenda is, e.g. would they take away their time to learn a foreigner their language?
for a fee? likely.
I just discovered Google Translate on the phone yesterday and I can use it to build a set of words I've give thought to from which I can at least inquire/expand my vocabulary
can I find anyone online, is there a dedicated platform for connecting enthusiasts with language experts (video/voice, 1v1)?
@FilipDupanović hinative.com
Can someone point me in the right directory of which library to use do do the following, filter an array of objects based on a condition, then return a new array with new objects made from each of the objects in the original array
filtering is fine using .filter , but to create the new objects I assume i need to use _ or lodash or something, looking through the docs but cant find anything that looks like it would be useful
ya know that weird feeling when you have a string that has some \" in it, and it's different when you insert it, say, using prompt, and to when it's in the source file?
how do I make it so that it always acts like in the prompt?
for some reason I have a JSON thing that works like this:
  "heh": 10
  "meh": "[{\"stuff\":\"whyyyyy\"}]
@Alan you sure you need a library, with the existing Array helpers? have a look at ramda if you tried underscore and lodash ramdajs.com/0.21.0/index.html
if I just put this in a source file and do a JSON.parse I get an unexpected token error
can't get the guys on the server side to send a JSON that can be parsed in one go all the way through
@towc that looks buggy... there's a terminating quote missing at L3
oh, true... that's just me being stupid, but assume there's a quote at the end of the array
but the JSON object seems to contain stringified values... is that intentional or something you can fix?
no, that's intentional apparently
hmm, then you'd have to JSON.parse those values
ok, but the problem isn't that
the thing is that if I put that in the source code (for testing), the \" become just " char in the string, rather than the 2 separate \` and "` chars
I mean, I can always replace every instance of \" with \\"
and I'd have to do that before putting the code in
and paste the result of what I get
oh fuck it, I'll let them deal with that
inb4 you're fired
@JanDvorak you're such a programmer
@littlepootis sounds like fun. What did they do? Point a gun at your head and say something in a foreign language?
!!> JSON.parse(JSON.stringify({foo: "\"bar\""}))
@FilipDupanović {"foo":"\"bar\""}
@Neil No, they asked me to take an exam.
@FilipDupanović well, I have always enjoyed telling that because it happens to be true ;)
well, hinative.com might help me out because I can ask cultural questions and ask for further advice
but I should really find some Chinese girl >.>
the ones I've met so far were 2nd/3rd gen, completely naturalized
It seems to me you want to do more than just learn Chinese.
<-- This wolf is now MS 70-480 certified :D
you're mixing business with pleasure yourself! because we're running in a jQuery simulation, it should apply to learning languages as well
lol, they use "log off" instead of log out
between FAQ and log off I dunno which is best
hi. is there anybody who's familiar with bluebird promises?
@bboydflo Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
I have an issue where I would like to reject a bluebird promise with multiple arguments
to protect for hacking and protect alteration in JS.. should I use like (function ($){
@bboydflo Ben knows a thing or two.
@Jean-philippeEmond yes
yup, but that's a bit fugly if humans have to write it... can you find something that transforms your sources to CommonJS/AMD/UMD modules?
@Jean-philippeEmond is this a private room? first time when using chat
no @bboydflo, you're at the right place
@Jean-philippeEmond no, that doesn't protect alteration in JS
that just protects yourself by creating isolated modules
JS is executed on the client -- don't expect any protection to be valid.
yeah. its just reduce risk
I know you can Catch Post/get info and alter directly but
if someone is using a compromised client, anything is possible
all clients are compromised
Oh, you're talking about hacking.
but that would at least help you from accidentally name clashing with other scripts running in the same global context
What rlemon said. Assume all clients are compromised.
^ at least for some peace of mind, you can distribute your sources with electron.atom.io
I validate each stuff in php (server side) but.. not sure if I do something wrong since year well.. I just ask if I can more in JS to help
sort of provide a "trusted" (loosely said) environment (e.g. no rogue extensions)
no client is safe
@littlepootis ...
@BenFortune The other ben.
@littlepootis He doesn't know that.
Ah, yes.
@bboydflo most of us are
He doesn't know anything.
@bboydflo haven't you heard about the bird?
a b b bird bird bird
ba ba oo ma mow mow
ba ba oo mow ma mow
it was supposed to be his arms :(
!!giphy bird bird bird
Hi i ma having a issue with react js
@rlemon if I suffered from minimal brain damage that resulted in my amnesia of that song, it would not be a net loss
@Trasiva that's a really good job dude, nice work!
@SterlingArcher Trasiva is afk: Plasma.
mother. fuck.
There's a random woman from alaska on imgur making small talk with me because she liked me post about walking with the big boy in my neighborhood ._____________.
@BadgerCat I know you worry -- date went awesome last night. She's a redditor
WHOAAAA imgur.com/gallery/E2I6zzC @Jhawins that breaking! I'm a little hot right now thinking about that science @KendallFrey
@SterlingArcher woah
> If only this worked in Eurotruck simulator
yes pls
Think of the super heat from that intense friction
Also, how the fuck is that possible
What are those tires made of
oh god no lmao
figuratively dying lol
@KendallFrey every tire has a high density high heat brake pad
still... 60mph to stop in like 10 meters
idc about the brakes
You can make brakes as big as you want
but the tires
a tire can skid
also if the brakes are good, it doesn't skid, it slows down rapidly.
think bad-ass-actually-works-well abs
Yes, but I thought current tire tech isn't good enough to stop a truck like that
Volvo 1 : Kendall 0
> realtime is slower; youtube.com/watch?v=ridS396W2BY
thank fuck
Still super impressive
in PHP, 11 mins ago, by Ocramius
PWAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAH http://thedailywtf.com/articles/the-inner-json-effect
This killed me multiple times
hey guys

My project use grunt

I've a folder called asset

when I put a javascript file there, it is automaticallay binded in my html header - in every html file I have all javascript files embeded <script>...
is that a good approach?
This was my old house.... I could have been living between 2 pokestops
Why does life hate me
and what when for example in one of my javascripts there is a selector:


and there is only on index.html a div classed with .home .. but the same code is executed also on other html pages.. make that sense?
@SterlingArcher life doesn't hate you, you got a good job, a good car, a good-ish body, some decent pokemon, and a foxy looking redhead
you're like the kid crying in the corner because he only got 97% on that test
:P gtfo
good-ish body cracked me up
Oh my god... Class clazz = SearchUtil.getClassFromObjCode(objCode);
whuaaat OO
Don't move, moving is a pain and you'll cry
@ndugger that's common practice in java since class is a reserved keyword
Only move if you're homeless
@Zirak I take it your move didn't go over so smoothly?
Preferably to the friendly homeless next door
@Neil It's also reserved in most languages... naming a variable "clazz" is shitty practice; don't make excuses.
@ndugger I didn't say that I liked it
@SterlingArcher I got my first vein popping while I flex now, but it's in my forearm, lol
Overall it was fine. But now I realise my table (which I only kept so far (even though it's too long and not wide enough) which I inherited from my Argentinian grandfather, and it's a really kick-ass table; it shows countries which no longer exist!) doesn't fit in with the rest of the room, physically, and that I'll have to position it awkwardly relative to the window...
...or that I don't have enough cupboard space for all my cooking things, and now I'll probably have to move some stuff over to relaitves...
Or other fun things
Like how another old table which had to be dismantled can't be re-mantled because movers lost a couple of screws, so I'm on the lookout for weirdly shaped screws
But enough about me, how are you? @SterlingArcher how's the watch?
I think I'll unpin mine as well
It had enough airtime
yeah same, we did get someone who applied
but they did backend :/
not sure if it was from the chat, or just careers though
I phone screened someone Monday that seems like he'll be the one, but we won't know until the technical assessment
nice, I phone screened a few.. but not holding out hope lol
I think if we opened it up to work remote we would get more/higher quality candidates
Yeah, I've done a few before this guy, and wasn't impressed
Omaha, somewhere in middle of America. Get right to the heart of matters. It's the heart that matters more
Same here, but I honestly don't like working with remote people, nor does my boss, or his boss, or his boss' boss, lol
@Loktar woa, 85k a year in Omaha?
yeah, that's about the "lowest" I can safely throw out
not stuck on that number in particular
I mean, that's pretty high
based on years of exp as well
@Zirak take a picture of the screws (if you have any left), I can probably identify where you can buy more.
@FlorianMargaine yeah it's fantastic for the area
That's not high
That's what I make, though I do live in a different area
@ndugger tsk tsk
@ndugger in Omaha
@ndugger This is for someone with like 3 years of exp
it's just the starting number :p
That's about all I have
when it comes to JS
I just read the spec and documentation so people think I'm smarter than I am
grow more
make me
I have a stretching rack in my basement
prove it
I'll bring the miracle grow mulch
MN seems about the same in terms of pay
@Loktar add a 1 and two zero's to that and we have a deal!
Yeah, that's why I was thinking that it's not high, it's more or less average
they all spike lol
after 2013
@rlemon hah!
> Average Front End Web Developer salaries for job postings in Omaha, NE are 22% lower than average Front End Web Developer salaries for job postings nationwide.
Throw in California and you, sir, have got yourself a deal!
> Average Front End Web Developer salaries for job postings in Minneapolis, MN are 12% lower than average Front End Web Developer salaries for job postings nationwide.
I think CA/WA skew the results way too much
@Loktar so how much did I make?
@rlemon 85010.000?
100 pesos
@Loktar We're all underpaid, but it's dirt cheap to live here.
@FlorianMargaine it was a futurama quote
I think any dev making over 60k is overpaid
sitting in a chair all day is hard work eh? ;)
Teachers should make more than devs
that's why I'm in ops, now I actually earn that money :P
I do half-half, I half-earn that money
@Loktar welcome to Italy! We have your position ready for you to begin your new job as a employer of programmers!
also, 60k is insanely low for a professional position. My roommate makes near that as a pizza driver and my gf is close and runs a coffee shop.
60K isn't that much (here)
@SterlingArcher Braking* and whoa, that thing was fully loaded??
@Loktar you must be thinking about sysadmins
@FlorianMargaine hah
yeah sys admins are even lazier
unless there is an issue
Such a reactive job
being a sysadmin is like interval training. You sit in a chair doing the unix for a few hours, then prod goes down and you literally run around with your hair on fire yelling at people, then sit, then prod fire, repeat
@ssube It's cheaper in Houston
but that's because Houston is shitty
it's in Texas, so that was implied
lol @SterlingArcher the gif was sped up, youtube.com/watch?v=ridS396W2BY it doesn't really stop fast... Nor is it going fast haha
@Loktar while you're hear, do you have any links to the best practices for React views? Specifically, how to set up children and stuff.
none I can think of :/
@Jhawins might
where performance is concerned
@Loktar ?
shouldComponentUpdate is your best friend; that's all I can tell you
not worried about performance, just practices
putting together a dashboard for our CI stuff, so I want to have each project, then branches, builds, etc
using eslint is a good start
Oh about React. No Idk, don't have any specific resources.
it yells at you for bad practices
Share them if you find something good please
^ linter +1
do you guys actually think I'm writing code without CI and lint and tests? :P
haha well I know you'd have CI
tests are an antipattern
@ssube What are you testing with
got gulp, mocha, webpack, all that good stuff
@ndugger +1
@ndugger code is the antipattern
people are the ultimate antipattern
@Neil Why did that require 1377 lines of code?
@ndugger antipatterns don't kill people. People kill people
  <script src="/js/browser.js"></script>
  <script src="/js/css.js"></script>
  <script src="/js/sockjs.min.js"></script>
  <script src="/js/emoji.js"></script>
  <script src="/js/api.js"></script>
@BenFortune because it's l377. Or something
@BenFortune i18n
this should work, right? return Promise.promisify(this.write).apply(this, Array.from(arguments));
@corvid your parens look off
it's dead unfortunately
apply after the promisify seems odd
sure you don't want bind?
@Loktar I imagine they read my answer and re-worked it for their blog post
I'm just kinda like "holy crap! that is neat"
I overwrote my .zshrc last night
no way to get it back
Found it
Same question @rlemon posted
A: Changing a CSS rule-set from Javascript

Alex GyoshevYou can, but it's rather cumbersome. The best reference on how to do it is the following article: Totally Pwn CSS with Javascript (web archive link). I managed to get it to work with Firefox and IE - I couldn't in Chrome, though it appears that it supports the DOM methods.ricosrealm reports that...

> Filed: Fri, Feb 16 2007 under Programming|| Tags: .css1 javascript css dynamic
@Jhawins that sidebar tho
hah so it's close but not the same it looks like
@ssube lol that footer left sidebar
You know your site is tops when your sidebar is wider than your content.
@Jhawins it's different
@Loktar Oh, it is.
@Loktar ohh well. I guess we just had similar ideas.
His article is older.
what am I doing with my life -_-
input:checked + .switch:hover > div:nth-child(2) {
it works tho
@towc Coooooodddddeeeeezzzzzzz
@rlemon yeah I was surprised how old honestly
2007, yeesh
I promise to slap myself if that every goes into production
well, it's microsoft anyway, you can't break it more :P
@towc If you know your code is bad, it will end up in production. If you like it, it probably won't.
I'll keep that in mind
it's so funny, everyone here is forced to use microsoft machines because that's the only machine they'll be provided
a guy managed to sneak a mac in and was almost fired apparently
make people work on real computers, it's good for you
they're still allowed to use chrome
noone, noone uses IE or edge
noone is not a word
they can't bring non-windows phones to work
so they started breaking the ones supplied by the agency (well, they're already broken) so they can be allowed to bring other phones
in their projects they can't use non-ms databases and stuff, it's such a pain
I just watched one of the lead back-end guys be introduced to mongodb
that mostly just sounds like a shop with consistency that doesn't let each project choose their own stack, which is a Very Good Thing
just wait till you see a shop where every project is on a different DB
you'll start appreciating consistency real quick
well..., mongoDB is a pretty common standard
more than microsoft azure anyway
not so much
and any phone is more of a standard than windows phones XD
Where do you work, towc?
currently helping a partner of my current company
mongo gets a lot of hype, but not a lot of use. Azure is the other way around.
microsoft innovation center in turin
@ssube, don't tell me you work for microsoft XD
course not, I do ops and I don't want to run TFS
He's right, though
but I do work for a company that uses mongo and let me tell you, it does not get much use
we regularly go to them with bugs they've "never seen before"
they don't really test it before they push releases (the point releases are regularly broken)
well, just use a stable version and don't always update to latest?
but yeah, good point
azure is bound to be stable
they don't have stable versions
OMG @FlorianMargaine @FlorianMargaine @FlorianMargaine
Oh look, it's your mom's vibrator.
that shit don't even make sense
@Loktar @Jhawins this is essentially what I was looking for, actually.
V2 interior is sexy af cc @KendallFrey
@ssube Oh I thoguht you meant just in general how to structure children or something.
@rlemon I don't get the joke. Link?
I mean, I don't get many things
@towc it's bread
@rlemon I'm betting it's not gonna look anything like that when it hits production, aside from the seats and monitors.
@rlemon what does one do with that many buttons? 0.o (discovery)
we can only hope
I can't think of enough functions
@towc press them
even split equally in 2 pilots
but the panels aren't even mirrored so...
thank goodness you're not an astronaut then
press the buttons, flip the switches, leave the levers, work harder
@towc maybe, maybe, they do different things
isn't it like flappy bird, where you touch anywhere and you fly?
@towc Lot's of stuff is accessible from both sides I imagine
Whats the best way to see if a float is less than another float?
a < b
@Jay a < b
I tried this
Aren't you the one that's super into planes @towc?
ops sorry I mean greater
well then Jay your problem is elsewhere
a > b
Oh. No. That was a kid on a forum like 7 years ago with a super similar name
a > b
@towc Remember "set SCE to AUX"? There was only one guy in mission control that knew what it did, yet it saved the entire mission.
@Jhawins never heard of him 0.o who?
@KendallFrey I'm too young for that
I am too, obviously
@towc Too long ago. I cannot remember.
@KendallFrey just enable RCS and hope to god you have enough struts
usually works for me
Somehow he and you became the same virtual person in my head lol
@rlemon LOL
You use RCS on launch? noob
hell yea I am
silly of me
I had a typo haha
lol when you need to remember something online from like 7 years ago..... to the Hotmail!
I'm happy to not use mechjeb for all missions
@Jhawins The twin towcers, super into planes?

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