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I will send random girls pokemon balls on facebook. Any bets for success/failure?
Dont be weird
@Maurice What counts as a success in that scenario?
not getting banned
A positive response like "you caught me, now date me!"
I guess you have good chances
to not get this answer
@Maurice caught
Dear god I hope youre joking
And, in that case, 95% failure rate
we germans never make jokes!
So, make sure to try at least 96 times
The scheduling program we use to launch batch jobs is truly disappointing
@KarelG Not exactly a new game. And it's review is about 4.5 : 1, not fantastic if you ask me. You like RTS?
I search by batch name among around 100k members and it takes around 30 seconds
RTS is dead
or rather not cool anymore
A database could do the same in under a second
So why not use DB?
True, it probably isn't indexed, but why the hell wouldn't it be?
@Paran0a Moba seems to be the hot trend. I am sticking with my old games, thanks...
@SHeepy exactly , RTS started dying as soon as dota gained popularity, lol followed + bunch of clones, killing RTS once and for all
This is coming from someone that played countless hours of RTS games . RIP RA2 and WC3
Oh and Rise of nations , dear god I loved that game
Guys, can anyone tell me what window.document.location.host.replace(/:.*/, ''); means? Just seen it in one of the ws client examples.
Can anyone humor me on how ssl works...? I don't get point 3...
how are browsers designed to do that?
You have trusted certs installed in your browser/computer
@KarelG how to find whether a response is a promise or not..
I think Mozilla looks for certs that are installed locally in your OS , while Chrome and IE look for certs that are installed "in browser". Someone correct me if Im wrong
@AvinashRaj what is the regex for matching 4 digits or 6 digits?
I tried /(\d{4}|\d{6})/, but apparently that's not how it works
@Paran0a that's what I don't get...say on a fresh os, I open the browser and open facebook...from where does this trusted certificate come?
@deostroll You have a local certificate store with trusted root certificates. For a certificate to be trusted, it must be signed by a trusted root CA
Q: How do I tell if an object is a Promise?

theramWhether it's an ES6 Promise or a bluebird Promise, Q Promise, etc. How do I test to see if a given object is a Promise?

@Paran0a Rise of nations is good.
Hey guys is there some way I can test my level of coding knowledge?
@littlepootis \d{4,6}
No wait
@yosefrow If you want to test it, you don't know enough. When you know you don't know enough, you don't need to test it. For JS, at least.
@BenFortune matches 5 digit numbers too.
I am using text/template scripts and compiling it with loadash library to compile the templates. right now the templates are in my main html page itself. i want to separate it to a different page. how to include external javascript templates to my main html page.
\d(?:{4}|{6}) should work
not sure if ascii art or regexp
\d{4}(\d{2})? should work too, right?
Guys, can anyone tell me what window.document.location.host.replace(/:.*/, ''); means? Just seen it in one of the ws client examples.
Sheepy, so by definition the fact that I want to test means I probably shouldnt be passing myself off as a professional right?
Should probably try..
Not that I've been doing so
@littlepootis Don't think that is valid...
You should know what you don't know , then theres no need to test yourself
Cause you know what you know and know what you dont know
how can you know what you do not know?
@Paran0a I'm just not sure if its fair to employers for me to look for a job, if I don't have a 100% handle on programming, like most professionals do.
You learn , for example I know i know almost nothing about creating classes in js
So Im trying to see if there some way I can tell whether I'm ready to get ajob as a programmer without being a burden
but you know its existence, thus you know
I know that I don't know
@BenFortune that's nota valid regex
the only thing we truly know is that we do not know.
@Abhishrek Have you read The Martian and Fight Club?
Some of my favourite fiction books ever
@Sheepy it is, but fails a few cases
@SomeGuy oo
matches 4+ digit no.s too
@SomeKittens Huzzah! We'll see it soon, yes?
and even that knowledge is merely a logical construct in our mind, which makes it meaningless
@Abhishrek Ender's Game and Ready Player One are also fun
@Sheepy works :D
@littlepootis Add anchors..
@yosefrow Yes. But, to be honest, javascript is currently pretty chaotic given its rapid development in recent years. So it's hard to find a test that will give you a good idea of how much you (don't) know - new things are added every month or two.
oh wait. yeah.
@Abhishrek Ooh, 1984! And I Am Legend
But there's things that you should know , even if its chaotic, closures,hoisting,this...
@Sheepy you seem pretty knowledgable. Could I link you a script I just wrote in p5.js and have your opinion of it? Its only about 600 lines
@AvinashRaj thanks :)
@Abhishrek I'd also recommend Crime and Punishment (it's one of my favourite books ever), but that's kind of a heavy read. If you're up for it, try that!
wow you read a lot!
Hi can any one help me for the regular expression format like 10digitNumber-Characters
@Paran0a yeah I know those things. but they are pretty basic like you said
@Abhishrek Haha, not much. About a book a month
ASR you want a 10 digit number character string?
Last year was exceptional, though. I read 24 last year
room title : RegExpScript
@SomeGuy wow!
@yosefrow Sorry, don't have time for that. But you can post it here for everyone - many here are very good in js and very smart.
sorry i mean
I feel like an uncivilized brute, last year 4 this year 5
Q: Datatable stateSave not working for dynamic values

ViniIn my PHP application I used DataTable for table pagination, it works well. I want to apply the savestate(that is maintain the table pagination when refresh) for dynamically inserted rows(for static table savestate working fine). What i tried is. Initialize the table table = $('#child_table').D...

i meant \w{10} ASR
Q: Fixing firmware - Debian 8.5 fresh install on Toshiba Satellite

towcI just installed Debian 8.5 CD install on my Toshiba Satellite machine, not in a VM. As it was setting up it told me that some iwlwifi and rtl files were missing, but it didn't really matter as I thought I could add them later. Using a usb stick, I downloaded firmware-iwlwifi and firmware-realte...

@AwalGarg @littlepootis @ssube haaaalp
@Sheepy ok, ill post it
@SomeGuy Does magazine counts? OxO
yesterday, by little pootis
@towc I'd recommend Ubuntu over Debian
@Sheepy thanks for the encouragment
@littlepootis let's say I still wanted debian
for no reason whatsoever
but still wanted it. Can you help?
@towc Debian's wifi support is wank
Can someone have a quick look through github.com/yosefrow/game-of-life/blob/master/public_html/js/… and point out any obvious flaws in my coding?
I know I have issues. I'm just trying to find out where I should focus
in order to get better
@yosefrow way more comments than needed
@towc boot to debian live cd, mount your root partition on your usb root somewhere, chroot into it, apt install iwlwifi and whatever packages you're missing.
towc I usually don't use that many. But I was told that in production code every code block should have a comment
Don't forget to apt-get install -f to install missing dependencies
@towc Intel drivers have wlpXsY interfaces
@littlepootis I did that
and apologize to Satan and promise him you'll listen to Pootis next time.
@littlepootis no missing dependencies apparently
@towc What about apt-get install -f?
I don't have a desktop environment yet
Get one.
@Sheepy Not for me, but if you want them to, they do! :P
blackbox or fluxbox is good enough depending on what you're doing
This year, I'm including textbooks that I read too
but i usually try to go for XFCE at least
Guys, can anyone tell me what window.document.location.host.replace(/:.*/, ''); means? Just seen it in one of the ws client examples. I've found documentation up to window.document.location.host but I've seen nothing on the replace() function
I was planning to get it after setting up the wifi so I wouldn't end up possibly screwing up with the usbs
the replace function just replaces strings using a regular expression
You downloaded the worst possible image of Debian.. the standard image.
the part between // is a regular expression
and the '' means it blacks it out
so basically it deletes everything including and after a colon
blanks it out*
my guess is its extracting the protocol
such as ssh or http or ftp
@littlepootis it did ask me if I wanted GNOME, but I said no because of that suggestion to use MATE
but i really have no idea to be honest
It would be ws
unless you're referring to other things as well
mate is gnome i thought
It's in a client example
@RowanHarley removes the port number from the url :-)
@yosefrow gnome 2 fork
oh i see
Thanks! didn't think of looking under string
anyone having experience in ionic local push notifications?
why does anyone use debian instead of ubuntu these days?
@towc what does ip link show give you for interface.. in mine's it's wlp2s10
@cswl where'd you get that from?
@yosefrow its coool
@littlepootis uh huh.
!!tell yosefrow debian vs ubuntu
Also, enable non-free repos.
enable? how?
@towc i also have an Intel wireless card on mine.. they use wlpXsY for their interface names
I installed debian once in my life like in 2004 before I discovered ubuntu
try to bring that up..
Edit /etc/apt/sources.list
how to run ionic app in debug mode?
where I'm testing with a device
@littlepootis and add/uncomment what?
multiverse i think
@towc uncomment respositories that end in multiverse
@yosefrow nothing ends in multiverse
though dont need to uncomment src repositories unless your compiling something from source and need libraries
what about restricted towc
or universe
do your guys have dribble account?
i dont think restricted really matters though
I think the keywords are multiverse, universe, partner, but thats on ubuntu
non-free is already enabled
Why the hell are you using stable, ???
I warned him
what should I use??
testing.. that's basically what ubuntu uses..
should I load some firmware in it beforehand?
your going to want enable an updates repo btw
what kind of system are you running this on?
cdimage.debian.org/cdimage/weekly-builds/amd64/iso-cd last one in here is fine? Boot from usb
it's a windows machine
omg i just got nostalgia...thinking about that time I burned 6-8 CDs to install Debian
No, get a normal gnome or mate (ew, mate) image, change repos to testing, sync
so what else should I put in the usb as the firmware? The packages, the tar.gz...?
@littlepootis you're going to have to develop that
@yosefrow I still have my woody floppy discs.
is the stack bigger than your face
nah. it's only 6 of them
My grandad still has his 3.1 floppies
@littlepootis what's a "normal"? Isn't the last one there normal? Just give me links to everything I need to download plz XD
debian -_-
it may not make sense, but I have valid reasons for using debian
that's basically debian
@towc Name one :P
@towc ^
ubuntu has a lot of privacy-related issues, and I want to get into pentesting, so...
look, ma
A lot of people told me that ubuntu is a no-no
Use a different DE.
Just install Kali
They don't know shit.
Unity != Ubuntu.
Just use jQuery
@towc I've been using Ubuntu for years now
It's fine
PLLZZZZ just help me with debian and let's get it over with
Don't buy into the purists.
Wait, what is Kali Linux based on? Ubuntu?
Debian I think
@MadaraUchiha oh no, I love ubuntu too, but apparently it's really not suitable for pentesting
@towc Why not?
How is debian more suitable for pentesting?
and kali has a lot of unneeded things, not suitable for normal browsing
@towc Then install the light version and install what you need
Debian doesn't have ppas.
@littlepootis unity isn't the only issue. It comes with a lot of other packages that you never wanted
@towc It.. doesn't.
do you mind?
You can download 30mb net iso and install Ubuntu like it was Arch..
if I decide to live in hell, I wouldn't mind doing it
It's called the mini.iso.
40mb in size.
Comes with tasksel.
how about I feel like an idiot because I can't manage this simple thing and want to prove to myself I can do it?
I've used all popular distros.. Debian's release schedule is.. weird.. and annoying.
and reverting to another os is the pussy way out?
okay bro
I'll help you install arch :)
@towc Install the server version. GUIs are overrated
I really need help


For high level discussion of the ECMAScript language. Spec dis...
Almost dead
Gulp watch just shows "Finished 'watch' after 22ms" and does not do anything on Windows. What could be the cause of this? Gulp version is 3.9
oh, thanks
@ChristophBühler Is your gulpfile right?
@littlepootis you want the DE?
@BenFortune yes
@Neil lol
@ChristophBühler There's probably something wrong with the gulpfile
is there a way to define a css class that can´t in no case be overriden?
@OliverSalzburg @BenFortune This is my gulpfile: pastebin.com/hvUc05YW
and this is watch.js: pastebin.com/8qUSZGHn
It does not display an error
fucking pastebin...
@elsololobo no
shit :/
but the last class that is defined with !important is the one that takes place right?
@ChristophBühler What is load?
@OliverSalzburg basically this:
return require(path.join(__dirname, `${task}.js`))(gulp, plugins, configuration);
In which 'task' is the one and only parameter
@ChristophBühler And you have a Node version that has the required ES6 capabilities?
@OliverSalzburg I have 6.2
Any idea's if b[0] << 8 | b[1] will convert an Int16 in a Uint8Array back to an Int16? I know << shifts b[0] to the left by 8 bits but I'm not sure what | does.
@ChristophBühler Even worse :D Try 4
Meaning, I don't see anything wrong with the gulpfile
@ChristophBühler graceful-fs
And other shit
Long story short, people don't maintain their modules and stuff breaks on Node 6, especially on Windows
Ok, I'll install 4. Thanks!
node 6 broke a lot of packages.. due to breaking change in require resolving symlinks and fs.realpath
ok good to know
Good? :(
some API breakages can wreck the ecosystem..
@cswl cough left-pad
oh not that again :D
It did produce interesting discussions though
I read an interesting article the other day about registering npm modules with common typos in their name and running malicious code in the postinstall hook
@OliverSalzburg I am using node 4.4.6 now, but it still shows "Finished 'watch' after 36ms"..
@OliverSalzburg I saw that aswell, scary stuff.
oldash is still up for grabs!
npm install exrpess
@ChristophBühler Okay, not that is disappointing :P Time for some debugging, I guess :P
"postinstall": "rm -rf /"
I'm scared of installing exrpess now
There was discussion about signing npm packages somewhere in github issue...
Well, it made me think about the crazy blind trust I put into tons of code
Even when I install the real module, I hardly ever read through it
Who knows what kind of nasty backdoors there are in lodash
And why would you? The system SHOULD be secure
Or worse, it could load jQuery
jQuery is great
@Neoares what u say?
Oh man havent used jquery in a while
@Maurice JQUERY IS GREAT!!!!11
The only time I found it usefull was using ajax requests :(
@Neoares I thought we are friends. you betrayed me.
Will b[0] << 8 | b[1] will convert an Int16 in a Uint8Array back to an Int16? I know << shifts b[0] to the left by 8 bits but I'm not sure what | does.
Make jQuery great again!!
@RowanHarley bitwise or
3.0 is out?
Any new cool stuff?
@Paran0a It's smaller
I wish jq was more modular. Im pretty sure I dont need 90% of it , and at that point I should ask myself do I even need it.
Has there actually been anything new since 1?
@Paran0a They have a light version now
@OliverSalzburg So does that mean it will either shift b[0] or b[1] by 8 bits or does it mean it will use b[1] if b[0] can't be shifted 8 bits?
I wish I could build it like a LEGO piece ,just take what I need. @OliverSalzburg I'll check it out
I went to check their blog , and first heading is "Simplified .show() and .hide() methods"
rofl I think they changed those methods like 100times , v4.0 will change it again I bet
@RowanHarley It will shift b[0] and then perform a bitwise OR with b[1] on the result
Unless my operator precedence detector is off
Oh, ok. Thanks! Think I get it now!
Hi guys
I need one help
function PlaySound() {document.getElementById('errorTone').play();alert('Invalid Item');}
I have this function
But I am getting alert message first then error tone is playing
play is asynchronous
I want error tone should play first
any suggestion ?
I thiiink addEventListener('ended',myHandler,false)...
and in the callback you can alert
@BenFortune and @Paran0a. If it is possible Can you help on this
@tHiNk_OuT_oF_bOx @Paran0a Has already answered you.
I dont have much idea on javascript
What the fuck lol
function PlaySound() {
	var element = document.getElementById('errorTone');
	element.addEventListener('ended', function() {
		alert('Invalid Item');
	}, false);
Thanks @BenFortune.
But try to use some good words
Thanks for the help
@tHiNk_OuT_oF_bOx sAyS wHo
@tHiNk_OuT_oF_bOx Grow up

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