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Government secrets and the like
@OliverSalzburg Why do we sound suspicious?
@JaysonH mongo uses collections of JSON documents
seriously, I will do an include. Will be the best solution for my needs.
I prefer P2P-based rendering where the server offloads the rendering to clients that are connected via websockets
Maurice good choice
Well you do that if you're feeling fancy
I'll figure it out.. Thanks for the help all
@JaysonH you can put each month in a document, and have a collection of months . it really depends on the interdependency and volume of data needed
@yosefrow You know Germany and Israel aren't usually an opinion
@OliverSalzburg Is rendering really heavy when you have it cached? For example when using express
I usually modularize everything when I include
I think express caches views
@Maurice what does that mean?
@Maurice dont usually agree you mean>
@yosefrow yes :D
english level is poor (low) today.
code, bringing nations together.
@JaysonH that is not flexible.. you just store it in the database and then aggregate the data you need... for visualization.. take a look at d3.. d3js.org
Where are my Balkan brothers at
@yosefrow VanillaJS as in JS purism, everything is custom implemented with what is readily provided in the environment; i.e. gist.github.com/substack/8313379
If you never visualized stuff don't look at d3 lol
@FilipDupanović sounds tasty :D
@cswl I'll take a look at it, thanks!
@Paran0a \o/
d3.js looks attractive, especially for document stores
such as mongo
smrt fasizmu, sloboda narodu o7
@rlemon 0/12 replys
damn replies!
D3 is awesome if you have 3-4years free to master it lol
@JaysonH d3.js may help you with your data display especially if you want to show relationships between data
is there a mod in this room ?
Ideally you'd use a seperate service for processing data.. BIG DATA ..
I want to create an app that will allow me to livestream my voice/and slides of images and invite others by sending a unique URL with a GUID param. Would it be possible for those invitees to HEAR the live audio?
or will browser security restrict this?
@JoJo why would that be restricted?
Can someone on here help me with an html issue?
Jojo if you play the stream with html5 video you'll have no problem
Is it cross domain?
the audio permissions you see usually are for flash plugins
@Maurice do you have some experience with some "schulferien" api´s? there aren´t officials... found just some from private person´s... not sure that their data are always valid.. maybe you had a similar use-case before.. at least I could write my own parse for schulferien.org, but that sucks ...
and they are for recording
guess I need her running first
@elsololobo lol noo. What are school vacation apis?
I am soo excited, I want to build this today!! possible in one day of course right?
@JoJo keep in mind I dont actually know how to convert a stream into mp4
@Maurice a service that returns dates that are school vacations ;)
so that you can play it
This can't be true: Not even a single woman replies. :( At least my browser console replies. <3
micro-services are not scalable.. use nano-services..
@Paran0a I was only kidding :P We don't perform any server-side rendering though, as we are Angular nerds
So is it possible to do a LiveStream of audio with html 5 ?
@JoJo HTML suppots playing videos natively so with that youll have no problem. but you must receieve the stream from somewhere
cause our company should be doing it if it is
JoJo, you have to have some interfacing software
so it will require RTMP then
JoJo hold on
@OliverSalzburg Thanks for ruining the internet :P
@Maurice also found that one, but it is nothing official. However, thanks buddy ;)
html5rocks now thats a domain I havent seen in a long time
@JoJo honestly man there must be a framework already taht exists. I would post a question on stack overflow
@elsololobo let's hope we win this em!
are you fckg kiddin me @jAndy
@yosefrow yes that will be awesome, I will look for some live streaming light frameworks
I was expecting Rebecca, disappointing :(
No I'm dead serious
@Maurice oh yeah, that would be awesome.. but vs Italy could be really hard ;)
@OliverSalzburg soon...
win-win situation (for me) My father is Italian my mother is German.
@Maurice or lose-lose.. depending on your point of view
true. Are you gandalf, sir?
seriously: what are reasons for a woman to not reply my "Hey [smiley]" message?
@Maurice You shall not guess!
youre an ugly lad
not interesting
hopefully not
@Maurice so whom to root for on saturday?
probably smelly
I got a secrect weapon: money [success rate 99%]
@Maurice your smiley wasn't big enough
@jAndy I'm 100% German!
For that to work you have to actually go outside
@Maurice Are they able to see your profile picture? If so, that
smile bigger
maybe I need to send cat (nude) pics
Oh man
good boy :p
@Maurice well there's your problem. . You needed to be like. "Hey <smiley>. Also I have money. "
send pics of you smiling, dressed as a cat
@Neil man you are gandalf!
@yosefrow this leads to asylum
@Maurice at least you'll be heading somewhere though
@Maurice I believe in fate
Im trying to get my gf to eat brownies with me so we can get stoned and mingle the jingle
judge rules IP address alone isn't enough to convict for piracy
which is the greater bitch: Grrl that likes you because of your money or Grrl that likes you because of your body?
finally, judges learned technology
@Maurice If you want girls to respond to you, say something provocative. Like "I think TypeScript is awesome"
@OliverSalzburg Or "JQuery is the new Javascript"
@Paran0a I assume by "mingle the jingle" you mean to put up Christmas decorations
what can you do if you're lean and jacked as fucked and also happen to be rich?
I think nude pics are better @OliverSalzburg
@Maurice Woah!
Say jQuery is killing innovation and causing bloated software at every turn
I've got this big problem where im perfect in almost every way but I have a gf
@Paran0a one man's problem is another man's solution
@yosefrow You mean his wife?
deep thoughts at Javascript
@jAndy The Game
@CapricaSix, you're the only one making any sense right now
brb going to watch clips of Trump saying Huuuuuuugeee
yes, sorry no spell-check here apparently
YT: yuugest most awesomest
@OliverSalzburg Am I'm doing this right? dropbox.com/s/djltl9mdp85wpsj/…
what if she replies?
Then Mr. we javascript-soldiers found a way to conquer the enemy (woman)
@Maurice Please don't be a dick pic...
We're joking.
@Sheepy it depends of the game. But it has positive criticsm on steam itself
Maurice, see that's your first problem. Thinking that women are enemies that need to be conquered :P
@Maurice hope you didn´t wrote that haha
@rlemon you da real mvp dropbox.com/s/qm4jfqna5q38f97/…
that one is good :)
@Maurice can you translate the last few messages?
will be integrated in my dating workflow
I gather from the first few you used my line :D
@Maurice you didn't really write that, did you?
She has a cute doge
"I wish I had taken the masterball" - "Why do you send me this?" - "Because I tried to catch you"
is she a geek? Because otherwise this will probably backfire
I need more cute doges in my life
caught ⚈
Good quote IMO "cody: I’d like to believe that ng1 was right time, right solution, right community. With ng2, the timing has been horrible, the solution is narrow, and parts of the community have moved on. I’m wondering why they think they can repeat right time, right solution, right community?"
@Maurice at your next twitch session will make a small dating Excursion ;)
@elsololobo ha fine!
@Paran0a interesting bit of information
Meteor severely pisses me off
@corvid what about it upsets you?
wild meteor user appears
the rarest of the species
They have a lot of features that look like other libraries, but have all kinds of bizarre errors that aren't in those libraries
I wish we could all live in peace and just use react
I want to use react :( react is pretty reliable
and ban jquery
jquery is love. jquery is life
Jake Weary called. He says to stop calling and he doesn't know what the hell a selector is.
function foo() {
  return typeof null === "undefined";

for(var i=0; i<10000; ++i) console.log(foo())
tell him I know what he did with all his closures. But I won't tell anyone if he call's back
Anybody saw this?:D
@Paran0a yeah, scary stuff
You lose the distinction between null and undefined as you shift through time and reality..
wow does that actually work?
The speed of which the code execute speeds up into a time where nulls are defined
holy crap
function call gets optimized.. something emits wrong stuff..
It really just serves to remind me that I really have no idea what happens under the hood
Next time my boss asks me why my code isn't working I'll just point him to this and blame the engine
"You see that dot over the comma? Well sometimes it turns into a colon without warning and I literally take days to find it. It's true. Also, it occasionally makes me late for work. .."
I just got a youtube ad on youtube advertising youtube.
I get them all the time
The one with the screaming goat
Just need the ad to show itself, and my life will be complete
@Neil And that's not a syntax error? .. :|
@cswl it's what you would tell your boss. ;)
@rlemon like in the cinema
I honestly never thought youtube would be a big success
I figured nobody would want to watch some guy drone on about his latest purchase. I was wrong.
watching some guy droning is rather ambitious compared to other youtube stuff...
there's a lot of stuff on youtube that I will never understand
Good morning
@ndugger I added this machine to my leg day called the hip abductor and oh my god. I never thought my ass could be this sore
@SterlingArcher ndugger is afk: home
inb4 anything
How do these platforms run.. where people just spend their time..
media buying
@SterlingArcher Do you love the feeling you get in your ass when you workout on that machine, I love it in a weird way
Yeah I love the feeling of a workout sore. It's a pain I love
But yesterday was leg day so I'm feeling it. Increased the weight and corrected bad form and holy hell
Box jumps are a killer
you also train explosiveness* ( is that a word?) ?
are you doing crossfit now?
Who is gud with node
@kevinseda Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@Loktar @GNi33 @BenFortune great song, but these guys look young as shit (and I don't get the punky dude dancing in the background) lol but I love it
hello all
any body help me to solve this questions
@SterlingArcher Do you like Gojira at all?
@corvid yes, I spammed their new(ish) song Stranded yesterday. Been spamming it so much
That's actually what I am listening to right now
Isn't it sick af
Pretty good, the band I like a lot lately is Twelve Foot Ninja, but they're a little less serious
I love that song. I overplayed it a couple months ago lol
you been busy 'ave ya?
lol it was on Octane for a while
You'd like this prolly
not sure why, but that reminded me of this
^ that one's so good in a weird way
Got any suggestions for bands with female vocalists of that genre?
@corvid yes. Stitched Up Heart of In This Moment
@GNi33 oohhh I fucking like this
Ugh I hate In This Moment, for some reason that singer is super annoying. And she always looks like she's trying way too hard. This one sounds pretty good
Arch Enemy
@SterlingArcher yeah, it's great. bummer that the rest of the album doesn't live up to it, at least not for me
@GNi33 Alissa or Angela? Or... the guy?
but there's still Dangerkids if I'm into this kind of stuff
@corvid I don't know to be honest, the new one I guess. I don't listen to them this often
I dunno, Alissa sounds cooler in The Agonist, and Angela sounded a bit more aggressive so she was better in Arch Enemy
Damn, there's a new movie coming out called Lights Out and it looks creepy as shit
@SterlingArcher dude, check out "sausage party (movie)" trailer
it is a cartoon, and SFW (swearing in it)
I did when it came out, I laughed so hard dude I can't wait to see it
When the potato was being peeled I lost my shit
apparently recently a theatre mistakenly showed the trailer in front of finding dory 2
oh no LOL
can you just imagine all the kids screaming in terror as the potato was peeled?
To be fair half that crowd was prolly adults laughing their asses off trying to compose themselves in front of the children
anyone else @work rn?
parents trying to get their kids to eat their veg later, "NO MOM I WILL NOT EAT CHILDREN!"
I am working
or am i the only one bein non productive
im not alone
!!tell kevinseda welcome
@kevinseda Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
Jokes on you I'm always productive
I'm running 3 renderings as we speak, and debugging a RESTService class in angular
Multi-tasking ftw
damn i should learn from u
teach me senpai
i mean sensei
That's @VeronicaDeane. I'm his bitch
okay im going back to work for real now
He owns this ass
Hey if i do /.*${value}.*/
it should match value
even if its at the start or the end of the sentance right?
I'm fucking around, because my boss left and there's technically nothing I can work on right now. So I just make myself look busy by changing what page I have open on and type a bit.
@SterlingArcher Till almost the stroke of three
Hey give me some credit... it was at least 12 strokes
chats on half of the left monitor, console on the right half of the same monitor, code in the right monitor
@SterlingArcher uh
multi-tasking FTW
!!afk vape
@VeronicaDeane uh
uh uh uh uhhhhhhhh
@Abhishrek Why are you using the dots?
!!afk hangouts call
trying to match everything
before and after
This is Lucene
Shouldn't matter, as long as you have your value and no additional syntax.
@Abhishrek Example
sneaky @trasi
Also, according to the Lucene documentation, . isn't a special character to catch everything but newlines.
15more min and I go home and play 5h of overwatch to see what my rank is
1 hour and i have vacation;)
You know what browsers should really natively implement? The ability to send a link with highlighted text from the page. So if you have to send someone a link to a changelog, you can just highlight the line and send the url
anybody here good with regex?? regexr.com/3dnd3
@Raja What are you trying to match? What kind of pattern?
take a look at the link :) @corvid I added everything there.. its like jsfiddle but for regeex lol
There are certain cases where my xml does not have any closing tags so I need to add them before I parse it to json @corvid , there is probably 5-10 special cases that need a forward slash at the end of the code
Hmm dunno, should you use regex to parse that? Isn't it a non-regular grammar or whatever that is called?
I think you want something more like an XML parser
Improvised Shotgun FO4 cc @rlemon @Loktar
claymores are expensive
what a waste
Those looked like bottlecap mines, no?
Can symbols be used as identifiers?
i.e. function names
@Raja <(vc_custom_heading.*)(?:[^\/]>) replace with <$1/>
@oliverSalzburg that didn't work c = c.replace(/<(vc_custom_heading.*)(?:[^\/]>)/g, "<$1/>");
function Symbol('name') {} how would that work..?
@Raja I suggest you be more specific if you want our help.
@neil what Im I not being specific about? I posted a link with everything I needed to happen and I tried which didn't work oliver suggested something but When I run the replace nothing happens
namespace[symbol] = _ => {}
@MadaraUchiha but I'm sure you thought of this

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