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@towc sha1sum with git bash
@ssube usually what's on google is what you tell me not to do..
Q: Is there a built-in checksum utility on Windows 7?

user64996Is there a built-in checksum/hash utility on Windows 7?

Forgot about powershell
powershell get-filehash -algorithm sha1 <file_to_check>
well, there are tons of resources for GNU tools on SO
Are you supposed to trust the profile data returned from an OAuth2 login? As in, if Facebook tells me the user's email address is foo@bar, should he get access to the user account with the associated email on my platform?
Because that sounds scary
@OliverSalzburg yes but not like that
they return a userId, trust the account with the matching ID
maybe offer to let them associate the account if you find a matching email
but you should have a table of myId, oauthProvider, oauthId
Ah, that makes sense. Thanks
@towc which version of Windows are you on?
hmm, then you need UEFI and GPT
mmm, the live images don't come with an UEFI installer
> If you fall into a hole in the ground, and break both your legs, is it called a Crippling Depression?
@towc wiki.debian.org/UEFI#UEFI_support_in_live_images, can you check you have "hybrid UEFI" enabled in the BIOS
@littlepootis it's only called that when you create the hole in the ground by breaking both of your legs.
urgh... no idea what to check the calculated sha agains now
@towc the sha file they provided
@ssube there is an md5 one in the iso, and the list of links didn't seem to provide any
or get an original file and hash it yourself
but that's kind of pointless xD
@yosefrow download twice, hash twice, burn once
so you download 2 copies and hash them against each other?
@yosefrow exactly
neat idea
the chances of getting two copies that are corrupt in the same way is almost 0
so if either is corrupt, the hashes will mismatch until you get two good copies
ok, checks out
it's not very efficient
of course better to just receive a verified hash
@towc ok, then it's either the USB port or your BIOS. Make sure you're using a port physically attached to the mobo
so many knowledges in this room
I been here one day and I'm smarter already
oh, like any sd?
some boards won't boot from USB if the port is on a hub
they get confused and don't like those
so use one on the back
must be my BIOS
turn the system off (cold off), plug in the drive, boot, and go into your boot menu
I tried all 3 of my usb ports
pick the drive, set it as the first priority, and then let it boot
you can disable or enable uefi or compatibility mode in the bios but its sometimes hidden
and only available on newer systems
newer = last 5ish years
yeh about
praise almighty MS for protecting us from our own freedom
tried that too
right now as well to make sure
still nothing
This doesn't happen often enough. https://t.co/ExzgkeGELY
I must have corrupted my BIOS. I don't even know where to start if that's the issue
I don't get it lol
@towc Usually means soldering on a new BIOS chip
If you don't have dual-bios
@BenFortune urgh....
@BenFortune soldering?
You can't really break the BIOS though, unless you flashed it and something went wrong
@towc LOL wtf
I havent had to solder a bios chip since owning a 80286 motherboard
lol all my 486's are socketted even
@Loktar I wanted to say something but figured someone else who does it more would lol
@littlepootis :,(
come to the UK and show me plz
@towc you probably didn't
@towc what does it do?
@Loktar Oh lol, they just pop out?
You could probably flash it
@BenFortune yea
they are all socketed
its super easy to replace one
@ssube so what else could I check?
@towc pebkac
might be a problem with file system anyway
Always looked at the chip and thought they needed soldering
my bad
@towc if the PC starts the bios is not corrupt
and if the pc starts at all.. you can flash it
@Loktar trying to boot from USB, not working, this is the issue
does the machine post?
do you hear a beep, and does anything at all come up on the screen?
@towc Have you tried installing GRUB to the USB?
@ssube :,(
Use unetbootin or something
@Loktar boots to Windage
A power-on self-test (POST) is a process performed by firmware or software routines immediately after a computer or other digital electronic device is powered on. This article mainly deals with personal computers, but many other embedded systems such as those in major appliances, avionics, communications, or medical equipment also have self-test routines which are automatically invoked at power-on. The results of tests run by the POST may be displayed on a panel that is part of the device, output to an external device, or stored for future retrieval by a diagnostic tool. Since a self-test might...
@Loktar it just ignores the USB even if I pick boot from USB
your bios is fine then
usb might not be bootable
I'm about to start using a lot of JSON Schema for validation unless someone has some negative experiences they'd like to share.
that stick in particular I mean, do you have a cd drive? try a livecd or bootable cd like memtest or something idk
weirdest thing is that I used the USB to boot from another OS just yesterday
@towc what are you trying to boot?
set up this new os (debian) to take up the whole of the memory and not leave any other OS
but forgot firmware and tried to install it for most of yesterday night and today
didn't work
so now trying to reboot with a new ISO image containing the firmware needed
but can't boot from USB anymore
Your linux user status just expired. You must now use windows.
that is weird
How did you write that to USB?
@Trasiva new
@towc can't boot from USB, or can't boot from that USB drive?
@littlepootis that being...?
@VeronicaDeane tried multiple drives
@towc I just use EasyBCD and add entries to the MBR or whatever they're calling it
use a different USB port. :)
Then you can boot from your hdd...
bought new ones as well, reformatted them and all
@BenFortune shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
Or install Grub and do the same, boot the iso off the disk. That's how I did it in the old days lol
@Luggage tried all 3 ports for all 3 USBS in 3 main formats
@towc the previous standard installation iso
@towc Where'd you live?
Are you like simply copying a .iso to a usb drive and thinking it will work?
@littlepootis dd
I don't think anyone has enough context to help you.
@BenFortune UK, Oxford
dd? From?
Too far, like a 3 hour drive
@Jhawins I understand you'd think I'm that stupid, but no
@littlepootis I had ubuntu before debian
@towc Dude I didn't say you're stupid. You haven't said what you did so I'm trying to help you :P
@Jhawins was a joke ;)
Ah ok
> it was at this moment he knew he f'd up
I did spend about 12h now trying to make debian work
so there's that
can someone help me with a fairly easy js problem to reveal a div based on :checked status?
in town they don't have a debian install CD
@SinaH Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@Jhawins nah, we do, and we've run him through all of the standard options. It's either a user or hardware problem.
@SinaH divs can't be checked
@towc buy one of those weird plastic circles
they're shiny on one side
use that
no that's not what i meant
oh I get it
similar to donuts probably for gluten-free people?
@SinaH you should use jquery
i need to add a class to a div based on an input being checked
@BenFortune you're in edinburgh, right?
@SinaH what have you tried?
@towc Yorkshire
here's my code so far
please be formatted
ho do you add custom libraries in jsbin? Do you need to put in an html script tag? or is there an "external resources" like jsfiddle I am missing?
What the hell is that?
1 message moved to JS trash
!!tell Sina format
@Sina Format your code - hit Ctrl+K before sending and see the faq
@Luggage there is a head you can edit
yea, ty.
should i just put it in codepen?
jsfiddle or jsbin :D
right, so do I just order a debian install cd and wait for it to come?
codepen has a crappy interface for editing
@towc probably
great for showing off work
@rlemon D: don't you dare
@towc yea, because you write all your code in codepen
@littlepootis anything else you think? Any more data you may need?
@rlemon if it's a single html/css/js I would :P
@towc did this work?
@SterlingArcher This guys name is Drey. i.redd.it/1xto5du9a36x.jpg Beets by Drey.
I'll try, but I really doubt it'll work
@littlepootis Some ISOs don't come with a bootable partition
@towc It should work.
Like I said, try unetbootin which installs GRUB for you
@littlepootis as almost everything else :P
@BenFortune I tried that as well
@BenFortune debian live iso does
Fair enough
oh yeah @littlepootis, I had no dd --list, so I'll try updating dd if I can
i just need to grab the id of the checked input, and add a class to another div with a data attribute that matches that id
I am kinda stupid actually
@towc It's not their dd then.
cd /dev/
ls | grep sd
@towc "updating dd"
Do \path\to\their\dd.exe
dd does a block copy
@towc Your words not ours :D
@towc lol no
I thought that'll work.
@SinaH $('[data-id=' + $('input:checked').prop('id') + ']').addClass('poop'); but meh, sounds like the setup needs some work
@littlepootis well, I see an sdb1 there..
and no other sd other than sda*, so that must be my usb
hmm ok i'll try that out
@towc fdisk -l and check the size
wishing my second monitor was bigger so I could see more than two starred posts
@ssube no fdisk on my cygwin
or sfdisk
@towc don't use cygwin
it doesn't work correctly
@littlepootis XD never said I would
it's that sdb1
@ssube so what do I use?
you also need an admin cygwin to write directly to disks like that
@towc the problem is more likely how you're booting than how you imaged the drive
would make sense
Also, are you dding to /dev/sdb or /dev/sdb1/?
but I don't see how am I booting wrong if I used the same exact procedure yesterday and it worked
so it's either iso or something corrupted because of the full-memory debian install
@littlepootis /sdb
@towc you checked the hash, nothing is corrupted
dd if=dev/null of=dev/sda as said bt rick astley
@ssube I meant, how I'm imaging
or usb is corrupted
yeah, every one of them
@towc That may have fucked it, don't USBs have some sort of hidden partition?
so, after I got the first debian, the 16GB usb stick I used only allowed for something like 460KB of memory after deleting everything
but I could still use it because the debian recognized it
@towc wat
then I reformatted it using diskpart on windows which fixed the memory issue, but the fs was wrong according to debian
@ssube I have absolutely no clue wtf happened
no errors, no anything
@ssube I must be overlooking the messages where anything is explained then. Someone said his bios was fried even tho it's booting lmao so I assumed no one really knows
@towc writing the image will format it
what do you mean "the fs was wrong according to debian?"
/me takes away towc's fdisk privileges .
@ssube when I was trying to use it to add firmware before I gave up on it
it still worked
but at some point when I needed more memory and reformatted something went wrong, and windows only can use it
just use ubuntu
add firmware?
tf are you doing?
flash drives don't have memory, either
the error when trying to read the usb is "wrong fs type or other things"
read usb?
@towc What's the actual error
@ssube the reason I'm trying to reinstall debian from scratch is because I couldn't manage to install the right firmware
let me re-get the error
!!urban firmware
How are you "reading from usb"?
@Jhawins [firmware](http://firmware.urbanup.com/1478506) noun.

(a) Low-level software that is not usually changed. Firmware is now often stored in [\[EEPROM\]](http://urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=EEPROM) or Flash memory, so it can be erased and updated.

(b) Historically, [\[software\]](http://urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=software) that was stored in read-only chips. Since it could not be changed without a hardware change, it was ca(snip)
So the automatic door at Giant was broken and I ran face first into it -_-
I found a secret on dev console on pinterest
@SterlingArcher pics?
@towc what firmware are you talking about?
@corvid That's not a secret...
@ssube iwlwifi and rtl
@corvid pinterest is cancer
@corvid And facebook... grooveshark.. YT for awhile...
anyway, I put the usb in and this is what I initally get:
@ndugger You have to click two buttons to get there, it's like a hidden treasure
@littlepootis Mate nowhere has any recipes for what I want to cook besides pinterest. There are literally two on allrecipes
sd 3:0:0:0: [sdb] No Caching mode page found
sd 3:0:0:0: [sdb] Assuming drive cache: write through
after mount /dev/sdb /media/usb
I get this
@towc That's just a warning
What were you doing to the usb when these errors popped up?
(I'm logged in as root btw)

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