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@Neal sex change
@JanDvorak I've been trying very hard to stay out of this, but it seems simple. This wouldn't be an issue if you didn't let other people's grammar bother you. If somebody non-trollingly types in l33tsp33k, go nuts.. but otherwise, the general consensus is please stop.
Let talk about.... like.. JavaScript.
That's why you've been kicked so much.
@SterlingArcher l33tsp34k*
If you have further issues, please github them. Otherwise, this topic is done. I don't want to see it again today, tomorrow, or the next day. It's been weeks now.
textspeak = bad, being lazy about apostrophes = good?
@SterlingArcher we're having a calm conversation here and I think we were wrapping up anyway.
It's not good or bad. It's an internet chat, not a college essay. Just let it go please
@Neoares mmmhmmm
@Luggage there's been this conversation multiple times now unfortunately
What is this "javascript" you speak of? Is that a preset for babel?
ninjad hard :(
@corvid No. it is kinda like JScript. IE LIVES!
one does not simply say "let it go" on a chat, and expects nothing to happen
oh god JScript
JScript is just MS's name for their Javascript.
@Neoares well, if people here weren't kids, it'd be fine
where foo.bar(baz) = foobar; is valid
I can't let it go if I keep getting kicked for things I don't know I shouldn't do.
@JanDvorak You know.
@Luggage slight differences, such as what @VeronicaDeane mentioned
doesn't MS use TypeScript or some strange sorcery?
@FlorianMargaine Q_Q the command is there for a reason
@VeronicaDeane If I did, I wouldn't do them
@Luggage hehe no not entirely
@Neoares I can run !!forget letitgo if that's the only issue.
don't do it :'(
the fact that everyone is sick of this discussion should be indication you've been told many times not to correct people in these rooms.
Here's an idea.
7 times
@Neal more, unfortunately
I thought I could react to laziness
You wore it out. It's broken.
Wasn't that (last) kick in C#?
@FlorianMargaine I have not been around as much recently so I really dont even know what this is all about. I get the general gist of it, but not the whole thing.
@Neal cool story bro
@Cerbrus yes, by VeronicaDeane
@FlorianMargaine Thanks :-)
Rather than simply correcting people, try telling them to speak clearly. That's significantly less annoying.
Hold me, Lemon
Then kindly move that discussion back there.
@VeronicaDeane or just ignore them
So... should i be ok with textspeak?
oldy but a goody brought to you by @rlemon
telling people to "speak like a human" is rude, intensive corrections are rude, continuing to correct someone when they show a lack of interest in your corrections is also rude. I'm getting tired of this.. and I'm sure you are as well. pretty good rule of thumb for the next few weeks would be to probably not correct any spelling/grammar mistakes and brush it off.
I... I'm not clicking that ._.
@JanDvorak k
otherwise, well, you'll probably be kicked more
When life gives you lemons, burn your house to the ground
@SterlingArcher i.imgur.com/YZwxSom.png .
Now you don't have to .
That doesn't count >:(
even textspeak?
@JanDvorak yeah, since you seem to not notice the difference, you should just ignore it. Someone else will appropriately correct if there's something worth correcting.
yes, let others deal with it if you cannot figure out where the line is
learn from observation
@JanDvorak for now, yes. You overcorrected and now everyone is sensitive to it. You claim yourself you have no idea what is considered annoying for helpful, so err on the side of letting it go (no gifs, please.) :)
That's how I learned to sex
@ndugger I'd advice @rlemon not to follow that advice if / when he gets kids.
@SterlingArcher hold me lemon
learning from observations = annoying for you and kicks for me
@Cerbrus fun fact, my kids will not be lemons. I can't do that too them.
giving them my moms last name
I am having my second kid soon :-)
@rlemon Lime?
Its gunna be fun ^_^
@rlemon SHE'S PREGNANT?!
@Neal hey congrats!
@Luggage I'll try, but I think I tried already
@FlorianMargaine not yet
@Neal grats!
@SterlingArcher Thanks :-)
Isn't Robert Patterson an author?
Danke @FlorianMargaine
Thanks for all the constructive replies, anyways
@rlemon ow :(
OK, then. So.. how about that local sports team and/or weather? Or Java(script)?
@Neal Florian is a meme?
@VeronicaDeane What? Where did I say that?
We're still alloyed to jump on people that conflate Java and JavaScript, right? :)
@rlemon /me logs into all your banks
@Neal danke memes bro
@VeronicaDeane danke == thanks in german
@VeronicaDeane good thing I've never actually used that as a password question
@Neoares ik, dammit
I tend to choose ones my brother wouldn't know
> Sir, simply a last name doesn't give you access to this man's bank account.
@Neoares Merci
so I don't get the joke :S
@Neoares He was being a smart Alec
@Neal oh shit you're a language magician!
@SterlingArcher "mothers maiden name" is often the two--form auth question
@SterlingArcher you'd be surprised...
@Neoares Todah Rabah
I've had the same, awful bank password since I was 16
I really should change it
in C#, May 5 at 15:17, by BoltClock
@SterlingArcher What is it? :P
nice photoshop bro
but really.. all of my banking stuff is setup so that my family couldn't get into my accoutn :P
Can we get rid of this photoshoppery already, please?
@ndugger no, it's a real pic
@Cerbrus lol screw you
@SterlingArcher what a weird password
@rlemon Mine either. Last time my folks had legal access to my accounts they 'borrowed' almost six thousand dollars from me.
!!translate תודעה רבה to english
13 characters, no uppercase / numbers...
It's only a matter of time before passwords become penis scans
@CapricaSix oh...
Let's be honest here
A: PONIES: Hide unwelcome images in chat

user1306322Check out my userscript version that does essentially the same: /* SE chat − safe for work image oneboxes */ @namespace url(http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml); @-moz-document domain("chat.stackexchange.com") { .ob-image, .ob-youtube {opacity: 0.1 !important;} .ob-image:hover, .ob-youtube:hover {...

@JanDvorak there are userscripts to auto hide images
@SterlingArcher ... penis scans?
@SterlingArcher I'll scan your penis
@SterlingArcher Didn't you hear? Google's already testing password free systems.
does google translate have an API?
Thanks. Will use.
Penis scans.
@Neoares I think they do. Somewhere. Just google it ;-)
@Megaplex heard, but haven't really researched
Dammit guys
the eleventh fingerprint
Actually, I'd prefer scrollUp/scrollDown or linkification. If I make such a userscript, should I share?
I need to make a command that'll d/l the gitignore from github.com/github/gitignore.
@SterlingArcher It looks neat, but I don't foresee it being standardized anytime soon. It's in some big financial institutions for now.
@Josiah lol
@Josiah calm down Adolf
:31166663 That's anti-Semitic >:(
@Luggage heh
Well then
@Neoares sorry I spelled it wrong. it is really תודה רבה Hebrew is hard to type on my keybaord so I used an english to hebrew transpiler thing
@Josiah You'd exclude a whole lotta people.
Trying to use your fith leg for a finger print... I foresee compatibility issues regarding size
@SterlingArcher What will females get scanned?
I'd exclude myself!
@JanDvorak The analogous organ, naturally
lol it was a joke I couldn't get authenticated either in that method lol
@JanDvorak I'm.. scared to answer that lol 10/10 would be flagged
@JanDvorak uh... females have a penis too...
@VeronicaDeane What did he say? I missed it
Anus scans work on both genders
@rlemon haha You assume too much
@FlorianMargaine OH MY GOD
Someone's gonna need to clear these stars at some point lol
@rlemon 'till someone tears you a new one
@FlorianMargaine ho boy, we need to have a talk. You should sit down.
@rlemon so that explains why aliens always probe us
So now I'm curious about Sterling's foreskin
I, uh...
Why is the room talking about anus scans?
@ssube I'm gay?
@SterlingArcher "ohh hey it's Steve! Hi Steve! how's the wife and kids?"
This is a userstyle, not a userscript — Jan Dvorak 38 secs ago
I guess I'll have to write something
@jandy be happy you weren't here for the DickBit conversation
@Neal Stop. Spamming. That. Stupid. Shit.
@FlorianMargaine I have no idea, that's up to you. But females don't have a penis. Those weren't females.
@Neal still protected by German GEMA
@SterlingArcher Did I miss something?
@Megaplex Not. My. Page.
'not allowed in your country'
@jAndy it's the new room topic, no more javascript
We were discussing a potential "fitbit like" device that tracks sex activity
aka, the dickbit
lol htm is basic for Java
I understood that reference.
I just moved here...
@MadaraUchiha you're welcome :D
@SterlingArcher Pornhub already came out with that.
@Megaplex god dammit!
My ideas need patenting >:(
@MadaraUchiha SO memes
@SterlingArcher that just sounds like a bj gone bad
@VeronicaDeane you don't wanna know
@Neal lol I can't get in
@Josiah ;-)
Thank you @BenjaminGruenbaum
@SterlingArcher I can help, until almost the stroke of three
@SterlingArcher bro, that exists.
It’s called the SexFit
@SterlingArcher You should publish that device in Germany first, language wins: FickBit
I uhh... just googled it
@VeronicaDeane I think @SterlingArcher only needs two strokes.
@VeronicaDeane So you're a three stroke man?
@MadaraUchiha I did not
stroke stroke choke
unless it's just the screenshot in the last stars?
God dammit whydo these amazing devices already exist
@BenFortune lol he's that honda 3 stroke motor
> There were three little old ladies sitting on a park bench having a quiet conversation when a flasher approached from across the park. The flasher came up to the ladies, stood right in front of them and opened his trench coat.

> The first lady immediately had a stroke.

> Then the second lady also had a stroke.

> But the third lady, being older and more feeble, couldn't reach that far.
The one announced on April 1st
@SterlingArcher idea, two fitbits (one on each arm) programmed as the 'Fap Balancer'? for men and women. never let one forearm get a better workout
forces you to switch hit
@MadaraUchiha What question is that from? linky?
anyone use any of the project templating tools (yeoman, etc)? I'm wondering if it's worth configuring or discovering a basic node project template, or if it's a waste of time
> coz html is basic for java
@VeronicaDeane ha
@Josiah that sounds like a fascinating idea. I mean, odd-stroke engines are possible
> no answer I fell sad
@Neal I guess it's closed
7 times
@Neoares hmmm?
@littlepootis Thanks :-)
@ssube that just fell off the sidebar, don't bring it back
@VeronicaDeane I'm curious about is aftskin.
@BenFortune LOL
saturns rings are made of jesus's foreskin
@rlemon Why no?
!!afk ^ wat
@BenFortune I wonder what he was thinking about
@VeronicaDeane lol I mean yeah
@Neal why would I?
@rlemon Why would you not?
What would you be doing on stroke 3 tho lol
@rlemon Because he wants the accepted answer instead.
@Neal that isn't how this works.
deleting that answer is pretty much censorship
@Megaplex ;-)
@Josiah nutting
it's not wrong or something
Oh but of course @Megaplex
@Neal because you haven't given any reason to delete it
also your answer had poor practises
@littlepootis where does the OP mention Java?
@VeronicaDeane lol I can see the craigslist adds
@ssube Why suggest adding jquery to something that may not have been using it
use addEventListener and don't use lose equality
for real though
it can steer people in the wrong direction
@Neoares Tags
intake, compression, combustion
Was since edited.
that's 3
"Has a 3 stroke, that's a 2 strokes wit dat purple powaband and 1 stroke for nutting"
@Neal so let the community deal with it, it isn't delete worthy
oh ok
it is an alternative approach
Or something
@VeronicaDeane exhaust
@Neal we're not going to help you repwhore?
lol really? xDDDDDDDD
@rlemon What do you mean by "let the community deal with it"?
with downvotes
@ssube eh? I am not repwhoring.
@MadaraUchiha that's combined with the intake of the opposite side of the piston
would adding knockoutjs as a peer dependency makes sense if I am writing a bindingHandler or as a 'true dependency'?
if you don't like it downvote and comment, nothing about that is delete worthy
@rlemon ahh ok
1 min ago, by rlemon
use addEventListener and don't use lose equality
@Neal also your answer is poor
correct it
@VeronicaDeane Eh?
or else
That's not how pistons work
@rlemon How can I fix it?
and odd-stroke engine would require using both sides of the piston
I added a comment to that answer.
lol wtf? an answer from 2011
You have a combustion chamber on both sides of the piston?
can I kick neal???
17 secs ago, by Neal
@rlemon How can I fix it?
got a gif to visualize?
@VeronicaDeane lol it's 100% green, we eliminated the exhaust stroke entirely
I literally just relinked it
@rlemon nein
@rlemon for whoring or vamping?
@rlemon lol you realize it is over 5 years old... fine no del vote. it is an old answer for a relic of a time...
@Neal then why do you care so much?
@rlemon ahh missed this.
but yeah, this isn't the first time this has happened
@MadaraUchiha I just think of it like a steam engine, "one stroke" if you will
However, it's actually best practice to first check the document.readyState and either instantly fire a callback or if not ready, listen to DOMContentLoaded for firing the callback.
@ssube for being dense :P "how can I fix it" when I literally just told him.. twice. and he's responding to the message below
leave the relics be
@rlemon oh, well then you'll just hurt your toe.
Rotary engines are like that somewhat
but really, if you're going to bitch about someone elses answer, make sure yours is at least up to snuff and maintained over time.
They could have an odd number of strokes
@VeronicaDeane I can see the "Valve" logo at the bottom right of the pic
@Josiah yeah that works too
@Loktar Yea true. I removed my downvote. I just randomly saw an upvote on my old answer and was curious as to accepted answer.
@Josiah they still suck, squeeze, bang, blow.
@VeronicaDeane but steam doesn't leave residue
@Neoares that's the steam logo
@Luggage Well yeah
But you can combine strokes.. The same thing is happening tho
@VeronicaDeane true
@Neoares Valve's logo is the creepy bald dude
@MadaraUchiha I'm not sure where you're going with this?
it's not a v.good logo
creepy bald dude with matrix neck
Other chamber's strokes overlap, but that happens in piston engines, too.
Dang it... I thought I got people off the penis crap... I am at work... go back to poking fun @ Neal!
They just have more moving parts in between
Is it just me, or are javascript dates irritating to work with?
@corvid momentjs
just two more stars and I'm free again
penis crap... reminds me of a certain image I saw some time ago...
the one thing Java and JavaScript share is a useless Date class
@VeronicaDeane oh no....
@ssube I can't get it to do what I want it to do :\ and meteor is silently failing at "browserifying" moment-timezone
@corvid don't use meteor?
You could do some crazy fuckery and have like an EGR stroke lol
I guess. I mean if you really really wanted to anyway
if I had a quarter for every time you had a problem with meteor in the last few months, I could buy a lap dance
webpack to the rescue!
/runs away
webpack to the rescue! (stands confidently)
I wish that was an option. My company is insistent on the use of meteor. I think webpack + React + knex + express is probably the best stack currently. Maybe angular2 is okay
@Luggage tomato.
@corvid go work for a good company?
Is coffee healthy in any manner?
Skip React+knex and I'd agree
@SterlingArcher depends which news "article" you read.
I'm trying to find one ._.
Backbone.Marionette is my main squeeze.
@SterlingArcher it's supposed to be
@Tuvia lol
I don't read news articles lol
@ssube What?
@jAndy What's wrong with react? I think it's super useful for generic webapps
@SterlingArcher moderate coffee use (Without sugar) is quite OK.
@SterlingArcher yes... it prevents you from getting cancer
I use Backbone with my jQuery on Java and PHP
@SterlingArcher some stuff in it is, some of it isn't. moderation is key
@VeronicaDeane Well... 1 stroke?
So a small coffee (with sugar) isn't too bad once a weekday?
@SterlingArcher with sugar? heathen
1-2 coffee's a day is benign
A couple cups of black coffee per day is pretty damn OK.
@Josiah that's what I said...
@SterlingArcher coffee is good for you
drink the heck out of that stuff
@SterlingArcher the sugar destroys the healthy part again
@VeronicaDeane Oh I just looked at the picture lol
but yeah sugar is bad
What about creamer
If you don't drink your coffee black, man up. :)
@ssube What is wrong with Marionette?
better than sugar
I can nix the sugar but I can't do black coffee
@SterlingArcher I barely knew 'er!
@Tuvia Backbone in general
go on milk!
@SterlingArcher normal rules for fat / dairy apply (Assuming your creamer is dairy)
@SterlingArcher pussy
@SterlingArcher try it over ice
@VeronicaDeane lmao
@Loktar that's a good idea
@ssube Yea. Thats why I dont use it in general. I use it for the models and collections and use Marionette for the app/View layer.
I find it easier to drink iced black coffee
My workday morning coffee is the only thing I drink besides water
@SterlingArcher don't listen to them. Start using heavy whipping cream as creamer
rather than hot black coffee idk
And my weekend booze
@Tuvia the models and collection are the worst parts of it, though.
@SterlingArcher one sugar in your coffee isn't the end of the world. especially considering you're consuming it in the AM and have all day ahead of you
black coffee is much more sensitive to being good coffee or it sucks. avoid starbucks (but the "veranda" blend is ok in a pinch)
@rlemon baaah
Their router is ok, the views don't exist
@ssube How so?
@Neal he told you to stop, you were just being a dick. don't baah me
@ssube Yea I use the router as well
@Tuvia they're not idiomatic at all and are super inefficient
Unfortunately my appetite hasn't been healthy this past week
the way they do collections doesn't make any sense
@ssube Sorry english not my forte "idiomatic" ?
I'm barely making it past 1400 calories, if that. I just get full so easily now
@Tuvia doing JS like JS
@SterlingArcher phrasing
I'm down 8lbs but I'm constantly worried I'm not eating enough
backbone does JS kinda like Java but mostly just weird
I'm not lifting weights yet, so that may be why.. but yeah.
@ssube mmm I just use the models as data stores. Dont really use their event system as I "should"
@Tuvia if you read the issues on Backbone it will make sense, cause the author doesn't really understand JS.
that's why it wasn't available as an AMD module for the longest time, because the author just argued that modules didn't make sense
Backbone is written like a jQuery plugin
@ssube Can you point me in the direction of examples? What about the backbone.marionette people?
backbone was early to the "javascript is for real programming" movement and I give it some credit even though it's awkward.
marionette is trying to do away with jquery in a newer release
@SterlingArcher but how?
Q: Can you please add underlines to hyperlinks?

aardrianThe CSS for Stack Overflow explicitly removes underlines from hyperlinks in posts (to clarify, in the user-submitted content, not navigation, not headers/footers, not sidebars, not the recurring UI elements): a { color: #07C; text-decoration: none; cursor: pointer; } a:hover, a:acti...

lol so bogus yet it's actually getting responses
@Josiah wow. it was +172 like ten minutes ago...
lol people find the weirdest stuff to complain about
> Oh man do you see there are no underlines!
> Off to meta!
@Loktar I should send this to our designer because we have black links next to black text
> There is also a documented technique on the ideal way to style links to conform to 1.4.1, outlined in technique G183:

**Check that the relative luminance of the color of the text differs from the relative luminance of the surrounding text by a contrast ratio of at least 3:1.**
Check that pointing (mouseover) to the link causes a visual enhancement (such as an underline, font change, etc.)
Check that moving keyboard focus to the link causes a visual enhancement (such as an underline, font change, etc.)
lol wow
hyper link science
lol yeah
Can you automate that test?
@BenFortune lol
@Neal what for?
@BenjaminGruenbaum Context man. Context ;-)
Hows it goin?
@VeronicaDeane my love for you burns with the fiery intensity of a urinary tract infection
I have none
and my git repo just went sour :(
@SterlingArcher lmao
@BenjaminGruenbaum ! What do you mean?
I pushed to it
@littlepootis Content-Type:application/octet-stream The fuck man
@BenFortune the best content type <3
@Neal it's corrupt on my computer for some reason.
@ton.yeung are we talking job offers here? You have to compare location, benefits, stack, etc
never run build tools in watch when working with git :/
@ssube For JSON? :|
@BenjaminGruenbaum Do you have a backup somewhere (like github or the like?)
For example, my work benefits are worth a shit ton of money that I turned down an offer for a higher salary with less benefits
@BenFortune everything is an octet stream, man
@Neal yes, of course
@BenjaminGruenbaum NUKE IT!
Don't knock benefits. My company matches something like 150% 401k up to... 18% or something
It's git, I have all the history, I just can't push new stuff
the repo is ~10gb, it'll take a while to restore, I'm just bummed
Typically contractors get no benefits, correct
@BenjaminGruenbaum ooo so the actual online repo is F-ed somehow?
My plan is to check out the remote, and then merge my current repo in it
When I was contracting I had a higher salary, but it evened out with no benefits
@Neal no, other users can work with it, just the delta probably
Cherry picking may help @BenjaminGruenbaum
I didn't say you were ._.
@BenjaminGruenbaum I'd try git fsck
@BenjaminGruenbaum lol what tf are you storing in that repo
Take into consideration potential projects
@SterlingArcher You have benefits and you're my friend, so that would make you...
Friends with benefits!
Brojob! Brojob! Brojob!
@Josiah all out source code, and everything required to completely build tipranks.com api.tipranks.com and all the related parts without any other dependencies
@SterlingArcher lmao ok calm down gaytler
basically, everything that has to move atomically at once
Eh, you're trying to hard
You dirty manwhore
this includes images and such for example since we need those and those are versioned
What was starting software engineer salary 6 years ago? I think i short changed myself when I started so now I am a bit short changed
you're the one that's hard
What should be the salary for a person with 6 years of experience anyway? (NYC)
@BenjaminGruenbaum that's one big repo :)
@Neal skill level?
@Neal I assume 6 figures
@ton.yeung im on my 3rd job ;-P
@Neal in the DC area, starting salary for a Jr Dev out of college is about 50k 3 years ago
3 years puts you around 90-100k around here
@SterlingArcher ahh ok. So my starting 6 years ago was ok then :-)
@BenjaminGruenbaum Pretty good? "Ninja warrior" ;-P ?
For you, probably around $100K - someone who has considerable experience and is up to date - probably $140K maybe you're worth that, maybe more.
@BenjaminGruenbaum k cool. So am on a good track then :-)
$100k is pretty much the minimum for 5+ years of experience, unless you're a total idiot
A senior dev around here can make anywhere from 140k to 500k depending on the company and skillset
@ssube in the states, lots of other places have a lower cost of living.
@ssube That's harsh lol
@ssube Yea I was making that 3+ years ago...
@SterlingArcher that only happens when you're either in a place with defense contractors or venture capital
500K is more than I ever heard, but I heard of 200K and 300K
someplace with more reasonable/modest companies won't go over 150k or so
When I was changing jobs a few month ago I felt like I was asking too much, but in the end I guess I wasnt :-)
I know a Scala Engineer who makes something like 600k a year doing Big Data in DC for some contractor
but for 5-10 years, 120-150 is pretty legit
@ssube is that the cap for Sr? and where?
Q: Callback/Closure Issue

Adrian ParkerAfternoon all, I'm a really new NodeJS programmer (three weeks experience) and am really struggling with the below code: var bodyParser = require('body-parser'); var async = require('async'); var async2 = require('async'); var async3 = require('async'); function updateJSONSubmission(submission...

var async = require('async');
var async2 = require('async');
var async3 = require('async');
if you want a boring but well-paying job, defense contractors are the best. pretty much the entire east coast
Don't get me wrong, anything over 200k is rare, but not uncommon for a talented dev
if you want a shitty but well-paying job, SF startups
Also remember the cost of living in my area is expensive, so the jobs seem higher paying too
Damn... a 3000sqft house in my area costs like 800k
I have 4 years and am in the 80-100 range and I'm 21. So if the ceiling is only a 40% raise.... Screw that lol
it's tricky to get over 90-100k here, because a 3000sqft house is 150-170k in the city
Do you just have to stop asking for more money at some point?
and start demanding
at gunpoint
!!afk Meh....
I would walk away from any offer under 90k
above that is negotiable
I guess to get richer than that you don't do it on a salary anyway.
Compounding interest ftw
Investments.. rental properties give you equity and cash in pocket
I set up my retirement last week lol
cocaine futures
I don't fully understand where any of the money is going tho lol
My dad was really good at saving money. He didn't go to college, bought a townhouse, eventually bought another and started renting. He ended up renting out 7 homes (he now only has 1 rental) but that's how he put 3 kids through college
Coffee all over desk..... Ugh
lick it
That was me last week with peanuts
inb4 penis
And here I am making $45k a year...I guess I got chumped.
@ton.yeung correct. But when you reach your "cap" that's how you start to make it bigger
experience, location, actual job..
@ton.yeung We talked about that, Iowa. Technically it's 'good' money, but with what rent and stuff costs around here it's really not.
I pay more in rent than what some people pay for mortgages.
@Megaplex (and @Josiah) what are you average monthly cost of living? (rent, utilities, food, etc, the essentials) for your area

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