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I like it for tracking my heart rate mostly. My resting heart rate has gone down from ~80 to 62 in just two weeks.
@ndugger Nice one. Your body can adapt surprisingly quickly.
I pledged to the new Pebble but we won't see those until September, IIRC. Wife has a fitbit, loves it
I use the fitbit to track my heart rate and sleep, and I use MyFitnessPal to track my calories and to log when I start my runs so fitbit knows to log my activity correctly.
@ndugger That's really good
It's been fluctuating between 62 and 63 for a few days now. I want to get it below 60, just because.
As long as it's not above whatever the bad number is
is that the bad number? I've been living above the bad number for god knows how long...
76 according to web md
I wonder by how much I just increased my life span, lol
Like 1 minute
lol, I'll take what I can get
More if you sustain it
@SomeKittens i have an idea for gustav, wanted to hear your thoughts on it.
@NathanJones sure
I see no reason to stop. I'm really enjoying how all of this is making me feel, especially mentally.
7lbs down, but like 46lbs to go
@SomeKittens are one-way gustav couplers a thing? for example, couplerA only implements a from method, and couplerB only implements to
@NathanJones not at this moment, though why not use a source/sink?
@SomeKittens i guess i should give some background. i wanted to add a url helper/coupler so the user doesn't have to create their own each time.
specifically for what?
and a one-way coupler seemed to be the better option for that
idk, i've been writing a web crawler recently and thought it might be useful. nothing pressing atm.
probably a stupid waste of time since my crawler keeps getting ip banned and i'll probably drop the project soon
haha, that happened to me too
had to add a delay in
what are you crawling?
@SomeKittens i tried the same thing, but the site still catches me. i put in a 12 sec delay, limited concurrent reqs to 1, and after about ~25 requests or so i start getting 503 responses saying slow down.
the site is rateyourmusic.com
ah, dunno about them, I was hitting Wikipedia
don't they have an api? rateyourmusic.com doesn't
wiki has an API and it's rate-limited
i even tried routing my traffic through random proxies
@KendallFrey @rlemon @FlorianMargaine... what have I done i.imgur.com/4sYpxoo.png
cc @Josiah
Rebecca is everywhere.
@ssube s/actual/fake,misleading/
@ssube oh hmm
Hey guys! Hope you're all well :) Just wondering, is there a way of scanning through a 7000 (for example) array without interrupting the user's experience? I'm currently developing a search system and I wasn't able to implement it in the backend so now i'm stuck with JS objects haha.
It runs when a user changes a select box so the user cant touch any select boxes while it scans :/
@OliverKuchies webworkers
Ooo Okay, will look into it - Cheers!
Say if a browser doesn't support HTML5 what would be option 2 for you @SomeKittens?
Tell the user to stuff it and get a real browser
I think that sounds good to me LOL
@OliverKuchies "Don't support HTML5" is way too board and doesn't mean much. No browser supports all HTML5, even in the narrow sense of it. Web Worker, on the other hand, is supported in IE 10. Very few web dev would say it supports HTML5.
Just watched Whiplash and I was fucking blown away
I have never seen such an incredible role as Terrance Fletcher.
How can I make a variable assignable but make it throw when trying to read from it.. i see there is no trap for the proxy itself.. so that won't work..
@cswl Variable is a value binding. I don't think you can create a write only variable.
hey guys wanna see something cool I made at work today?
So a const proxy and a get trap.. I would have to use p.prop but okay... :|
It's just a mockup obviously, but any input for the UI/UX is much appreciated
the content area needs more padding
@cswl is this particular variable being done just "because you can"? Or is there a particular reason you're doing it?
the logo doesn't really fit into that
@littlepootis I'll fix the padding, but what's wrong with the logo size?
@cswl I am thinking, if it is a global variable, perhaps you can replace that with defineProperty on the global object?
@PatrickRoberts The logo is square and the top-nav's height and left-nav's width don't match.
@littlepootis I can't make the left nav narrower because the text won't fit well, and I can't make the top nav taller because that wastes valuable real-estate for intranet data vis. Can't really change that. But like I said I do agree with the padding
In that case, i'd replace it with this stripped down version of it:
o3o thanks for the link, I'll run that by my manager tomorrow. I'm gonna need to convert that back to SVG though for the mockup xD
@Sheepy That would only work on browsers tho.. I'd have to use global.prop in node.js.. If I'm gonna use p.prop I should find a good name for something that can only be written but not read..
@PatrickRoberts Or just edit the existing svg
@cswl Too bad Node is so different from browser sometimes.
@cswl var lol = window || global;?
yeah, a bit smaller
which part?
the logo
@littlepootis There is a node bug for this.
The logo needs to stand out. If it doesn't have a design I think that size is good ^^
@Sheepy only in the vm context?
Also just so you know, you can change a bunch of properties of the top and left nav using the text fields
@littlepootis I don't know. I tried it in my old node before looking for the bug, because I couldn't make my global prop non-writable.
@Sheepy It works fine outside of vm context
@PatrickRoberts ah, so that's what they are for
@littlepootis Wonderful. Can I have some code snippet to test? :)
@Sheepy Object.defineProperty(this, 'lol', { writable: false, enumerable: false, value: 42, configurable: false})
Ah, I see where I was wrong with essentially the same code. I didn't try it in strict mode, so I didn't get exception.
@cswl So, there is your throw-on-write global in node~
It's throw-on-read actually ._.
Damn. My memory is failing me >_<
Wait. What is the use of a write only variable if no one can read from it? ._.
@Sheepy exactly my question
Oh wait
@Sheepy consider /dev/null
in-memory /dev/null
hello guys
i cant make my google recaptcha responsive with bootstrap
please help
So we have a function that will output to a specified variable... and we want to make sure where it write to exists but cannot be read?
Oh yeah it doesn't have to actually write it too... so right something like /dev/null .-.
@cswl consider using devnull-as-a-service.com for your write-only reads ;)
look at this... why cant be responsive ?
@cswl function devnull () {}
@littlepootis hmm so i cant do something ?
@gtzinos no idea
@littlepootis hmm ok my friend
That won't work for destructuring, I want to avoid creating unused variables for values I don't need..
@gtzinos You should be able to use your CSS to override the default style, but be prepared to fix it whenever recaptcha updates.
@Sheepy hehe sure
My day : morning (Job (c#)) , home (javascript,css,html,php), night (learn python)
well that's not exactly fair
it's not like I was seeking out the flowchart
@littlepootis here's a design I tried out: puu.sh/pkS8G/bd3b80a9f7.png
How do I stop count down timer?
need a consultant with node js experts
i am facing a issue in node while uploading an image,& the issue is regarding:
while i upload the image it successfully get upload but a distorted image is showing up. it needs a refresh to display the image
@VishnuSBabu I am NOT node js expert. But would it be because your upload image is not totally copied? Do you wait for writeFile to finish before your upload returns ok to the browser?
@Sheepy Actuall
actually the image in the distorted one is there while inspecting but it shows distorted.
Sorry I don't understand that. :(
1. i can successfully upload the image and the image i uploaded is used to display in the same page where i browse and click upload
@Sheepy There is a single page where i browse and upload the image, & the image which is uploaded is used to display there itself.
But after successfully uploading my image, the portion where the image is display get distorted and while inspecting the same image the link for new image uploaded is existing
@VishnuSBabu That match my first understanding. Node.js is asynchronous - your script may have returned before file operation is complete. Are you waiting for writeFile to finish before your upload returns ok to the browser?
!!> time
@JimmPratt "ReferenceError: time is not defined"
Cap doesn't know the time? tsk tsk
!!> Date()
@Sheepy "Wed Jun 08 2016 01:08:59 GMT-0400 (EDT)"
I was getting to that.... thinking too literal at 7AM xD
!!> Date.now()
@JimmPratt 1465362669400
!!> Date().getTime()
@JimmPratt "TypeError: Date(...).getTime is not a function"
It would be great if you could show faded image/thumbnail and loading spinner over it while uploading.... and when the upload is complete.. remove them.. saves a round trip and a nice visual effect ...
ah polyfill not implemented yet
!!> new Date().getTime()
@Sheepy 1465362809461
@JimmPratt Date() != new Date()
ah good point. like I said... too early in the morning... thanks for the clarification
speaking of clarifications: when using a factory method to create objects with their own properties and methods.. how would one go about calling an external method inside one of my Factory methods from say, the raphael.js or wheelNav.js library?
You mean how to access ( factory.createObject() ).externalMethod() or something else? In JavaScript, all accessible methods are external.
hmm.. I think so... more like what I jotted down in pastebin.com/LJPzp9hD where o.renderCarMenu is creating and returning a new wheelNav - wheelNav being from another library
correction 'render' not 'create'
Nice code. Why not create a Car class or prototype? And the problem is? Is sayCar or renderCarMenu not accessible by other libraries?
actually that is example code of one of the many ways to make a factory i found on the net. i chose factory over class due to the need to create about 50 menus and at least 50 submenus, depending on certain earlier choices (device used, user access, etc). basically i'm trying to refactor this: jsfiddle.net/by8w6ky9
^ a demo menu I developed. as you can see by the JS window, there is a lot of similar stuff, so I figured I should refactor this into an object that creates objects, and that led me to Factory method. :D
(digitalmouse is me, in jsfiddle)
@JimmPratt Factory is not incompatible with inheritance (class/prototype). When the factory design pattern was first printed, the world simply runs on class based languages.
not sure I understood that. please rephrase?
I mean Factory is not exclusive with class. But nevermind; it's pretty minor.
I'm new here.
I'm trying Client side validation with jquery.validate
I have the following code
<script type="text/javascript">
Is this supposed to stop the submit?
I'm trying to achieve that but it still submits
I just watched an awesome video about programming and why we've been doing it wrong for 40 years here: vimeo.com/67076984, which led me to this: dalnefre.com/wp/2014/03/actors-in-javascript
@yosefh Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@JimmPratt Perhaps you can try codereview.SO
Hey Maurice :D
@Wally Checkout the official demos. Google "jquery validation tutorial" if you must.
Ugh wrong link. this is the video I meant to link to: vimeo.com/71278954
@yosefh we have proxies and web workers now.. it would be easy to implement actors with those.. then some supervisors.. and then you've got fault tolerancy
@Maurice \o
cswl I'll look into those. It sounds interesting
Never forget: If you forget to var everything and do some of this ; somewhere a little unicorn will die.
const everything... immutability is the key to immortality
@cswl I bet you'd have liked c++
@Maurice would explain why I have never seen one before
what if you do var everthing and ; somewhere?
Then you will probably get one of this: s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/c1/a8/70/…
And your code will be more clearly
and if i do not use var or ; ?
25 mins ago, by Maurice
Never forget: If you forget to var everything and do some of this ; somewhere a little unicorn will die.
@caglaror Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@Maurice I don't have var in my code...
@MadaraUchiha Y U NO use strict mode?
@Maurice I do.
then you may go
@Maurice that only covers var_everywhere == false and ; == fuzzy_true ... i'm saying var_everywhere == false and ; == false ... unicorns attack?
mind = blown
(correction made)
@JimmPratt without ; the only attack comes from your browser console saying error.
mind is set to blown, or equals to blown? :D
ReferenceError: blown is not defined
but that's not true either... i'm pretty sure javascript can be developed without the ;
it's a hold over for all us old-school C/C++/PHP developers :D
@SomeGuy Arch is booting!
Hurray! :D
Hurrah! now install i3 on top of it
what a ordeal
installed GNOME to try it out
but I'll go for something else I guess, this way it just feels like Ubuntu all over again
awesome and i3 are pretty good
i3 is where it's at for full screen, non-distracting tile-ing window management.. nods sagely
had awesome installed shortly but ... meh
Takes a bunch of time to setup, though
is there a recommended way to remove a desktop environment system again or will pacman -R do?
I have the feeling that installed a whole lot of stuff that will be left behind
i had trouble with awesome on top of ubuntu 14.04.. i3 went painlessly in comparison
@GNi33 I think that'll do
handled multiple desktops a lot easier than awesome
@GNi33 yep that should do it
the multiple desktop part looked fine to be honest
You might have to modify the .xinitrc if you plan on not installing a display manager later
probably just a foobar'd issue at my end shrugs
but Arch will take a lot time to setup to a way I can like it
(That's how I use i3. Just run startx)
yeah, that's what I used before too, but I don't know
I'll have to look into it, I do like a good desktop environment to be honest
i didn'ẗ even have to do that @SomeGuy. apt-got it from repo, rebooted, selected i3 at login, done
yeah, that will probably not work on arch :)
KDE or Mate/Cinnamon, @GNi33 ?? :D
I think I've only ever used Gnome... Mate is based on Gnome 2 so I'm not sure if I want to use it
or just change the runlevel
So it boots to i3 directly
The correct way is .. systemctl enable your.service
Or install a login manager and it will do that for you.
@cswl yeah, I ended up doing that for gdm
@cswl um, yeah
I just need to be really patient with this
and seriously. fuck grub
to redirect back to the chatroom topic.. anyone tried to develop a browser-window only desktop with nodejs/javascript.. something along the lines of the old eyeOS?
nevermind just answered this myself... os.js.org :P
eyeOS? :-)
eyeOS was a browser-based desktop (basic apps like wordprocessor, photo veiwer, email, contacts, calendar) written in PHP at first...
that sounds horrible
Can't we just compile Win98 to Asm.js?
... or DSL
it kinda worked with Win95, sooo...
it's emscripten
@GNi33 well the idea was to create a sort of browser-based thin client to take care of really basic computing needs.. something for libraries, offices with the desire to control computer usage, public kiosk terminals, etc. there are some valid use cases where you would want a browser-only desktop, and there are still a lot of projects running to address it: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Web_desktop
Emscripten in some kind of combination with DosBox -> win95.ajf.me
@JimmPratt yeah... I'd never use a browser based OS for this though
Oh, Andrea's website..
> Before you continue, please beware you might be breaking the law. I'm not sure, though.
anyone ever tried XFCE?
I tried every Desktop Environment you could come up with.
and what do you like most?
could be useful in a cheap internet cafe where people only have some really basic computing needs. grab some cheap hardware, have it boot up directly into chrome (for example). keeps people from installing crap without needing to install anti-install-crap software.
XFCE ain't bad.. minimal, does the job
@GNi33 I like awesome and i3.
And dwm.
@GNi33 my wife runs on it
> my wife runs on it
@littlepootis I think you haven't tried stumpwm.
a pretty well-used one.
Yeah, I haven't.
3 mins ago, by little pootis
I tried every Desktop Environment you could come up with.
you lied.
I couldn't get some wms to work because issues.
It's a wm, not a DE ;)
meh, same thing
There's a difference.
I couldn't get bspwm to work :/
A question for you JS gurus. What would be considered advanced JS? Just throw few keywords , I'd really appreaciate it.
@GNi33 these days I run gnome shell.
@Paran0a closures, tasks/microtasks, async/await
Awesome ,thank you!
@Paran0a Quick, tell me the difference between Map and plain objects
function and objects?
@Paran0a What's 0.1+0.1+0.1
Map as in function that iterates over an array and returns an array? I'm sorry the question confused me :D
Nope, Map as in the data type
you are thinking of Array#map
Please don't make me add numbers in js , I know you get wonky results
Isn't Map that new type
In ES6? Or Es7?
You get wonky results, but do you know why?
Hi folks , I am trying to convert a cordova java scripts code in to native android mobile development , can any one tell me , there is any framework regarding this , can any one help me
@JanDvorak Something about floating points? Hard to remember without looking at it :D
Why do you need buzzwords?
Explain to me what a floating point is
@Paran0a Search for context, scope chain
@Pans no, there's nothing magic, it has to be by hand. Also, I feel for your client.
JavaScript OOP is pretty advanced
@littlepootis eh, no
@FlorianMargaine yes , have you hear about the Native Script framework ?
@Neil I'm making a list , I'm taking a vacation soon so I wanna to extend my JS knowledge .I'll have a lot of time :D
No, I'm not talking about mimicking class-based patterns.
even if you mean the actual class keyword, then no
Paran0a - Also try to learn some design patterns, some of them are pretty advance
I'm currently studying from You-Dont-Know-JS, but I also wanna create space in my brain for some advanced topics.
@Paran0a does not sound like much of a vacation if you are looking to fill it up with JS knowledge :P
@JanDvorak no
@Paran0a ok, well that's fine :)
Factory methods! \o/
brb lunch
@JimmPratt ew

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