@Mr_Green There's a big difference between telling people "stop" and if they don't freeze, than to invent a whole process around it, remember who you've asked nicely, and who you already spoken to, etc.
There was quite a debate about webpack and browserify/gulp so I gave webpack a shot but I'm a little stuck on how to send the output to different paths. Say, I have two input files that needs to be linted and minified but after that's done those two files should go to two different paths.
This is an English site, the internet is a free place. You want to discuss things in your language? Don't do it on a moderated English speaking site, whose moderators are well versed in English
You have so many other options, I honestly don't understand why people are having such a hard time accepting it
I don't speak Hebrew here, I take it to other chat venues...
So, yeah as I was saying, wanted the src/app.js to go to dist/ which is fine from above setting but I now wanted ./src/client.jsx to go to ./public/assets/ path.
I'm following a guide on adding file export buttons to an existing DataTable.
But when I run the asp solution the export buttons work as expected but they don't render correctly, showing only the text for the buttons.
I've re-checked the order of the script references which mirror the set up o...
Everything moderators and moderating users can't understand is potentially offensive. Everything flagged is potentially offensive. We can't take the chance of offensive stuff being left up, thats not debateable. So if I (or other moderating users) get presented with a flag in some non-english stuff, we almost always have to validate it. ALL chat on Stackexchange is moderated by users. We can only moderate what we can understand. Thats why non-english is disallowed now. — Magisch19 mins ago
Now, I disagree with "I don't know if this flag is valid, so I'll vote 'valid' on it"
But the problem is that we don't have the manpower, we don't have enough 10k folks in chat willing to correctly handle flags in languages the other users don't understand
I want to upload a file, send it to javascript formData object and than via ajax to some php script which will put the file into database. It works fine when i upload a file in profile php, send it to formData object in javascript and send it back to profile.php. Problem is that when i want to se...
The only thing JSHP has in common with PHP is the set of HTTP abstractions (and maybe last two letters in name). I am not reimplementing the horribleness of the language itself.
ahh you want to upload multiple files. that's easy, $_FILES['multiple'] would be an array. so to grab the first file, you'd do $_FILES['multiple'][0]. PHP lets the client decide what variable in the request should be an array and which should be a string :P
that php file is divided in two parts : one it can guess to upload multiple images (<input name="nameLIKEthis_with[]">) and can guess to upload single image.. I write this file to upload images from my any pages(index,contact,etc).. but problem is : from some pages users can upload multiple iamge and sm pages from single image.. so i can not detect in php $_files["THiS this "].
that i am send from js as like this formdata.append["name give here how i detect in php vaialbe this name change everytime"],images]
@littlepootis cause domcontentloaded has already happened when jsfiddle executes your code. your function never gets executed. and some parens look off but I guess you know about that.
@Dominikis Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.