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how do i call a static method from prototype method of an anonymous class ?
nevermind.. got it.. Object.getPrototypeOf(this).constructor.methodName
Hello, what's the type of $scope in Angular?
We are trying to describe class diagrams in Angular and I'm having a hard time figuring out what's the type of angular classes
I know $scope is of type $rootScope.Scope
fappy bird: flappy bird, but you shake your phone to flap his wings
@Shmiddty :S
that sounds disguisting
also, the wings are dicks
@Sheepy @Luggage I cannot figure out
@MadaraUchiha should have used mongodb
if u invest in kickstarter project, did you get your money back after project successfull ?
@Phoenix no, the opposite
usually they give you some reward if the project is completed
unless the project is an epic fail I guess
@Mr_Green There's a big difference between telling people "stop" and if they don't freeze, than to invent a whole process around it, remember who you've asked nicely, and who you already spoken to, etc.
I understand but making some users unhappy because it is simple.. can't digest that.
Anyone here use webpack?
It is like saying "go learn English" or get out @MadaraUchiha
Ain't I right?
@shriek I do
I am not pro though
There was quite a debate about webpack and browserify/gulp so I gave webpack a shot but I'm a little stuck on how to send the output to different paths. Say, I have two input files that needs to be linted and minified but after that's done those two files should go to two different paths.
@Mr_Green Is that not what we do on main?
This is an English site, the internet is a free place. You want to discuss things in your language? Don't do it on a moderated English speaking site, whose moderators are well versed in English
You have so many other options, I honestly don't understand why people are having such a hard time accepting it
I don't speak Hebrew here, I take it to other chat venues...
1 message moved to Trash can
@shriek Please don't post unformatted code - hit Ctrl+K before sending, use up-arrow to edit messages, and see the faq.
1 message moved to Trash can
@shriek Please don't post unformatted code - hit Ctrl+K before sending, use up-arrow to edit messages, and see the faq.
@shriek Markdown is kinda broken in chat
Either the entire message is code, or all of it isn't
Post the code and the question in seperate messages
Got it.
module.exports = {
  entry: ["./src/app.js", "./src/client.jsx"],
  output: {
    path: "./dist"
So, yeah as I was saying, wanted the src/app.js to go to dist/ which is fine from above setting but I now wanted ./src/client.jsx to go to ./public/assets/ path.
@JanDvorak why did you delete your comment? :)
module.exports = {
  entry: {
    'dist/bundle': './src/app.js', // will be  ./dist/bundle.js,
    'public/asset/bundle': './src/client.js'  // will be  ./public/asset/bundle.js
  output: {
    path: './',
    filename: '[name].js'
@MadaraUchiha that is main. It is casual chat. Definitely people will don't like being on suits in their homes.
@MadaraUchiha u know English well :)
@Mr_Green You're at someone else's home.
@Mr_Green I do, I worked hard on it.
Come on :)
What? If you don't know English well enough to express yourself, it's likely that you aren't a contributor to the site.
Why would I want you here in the first place?
Pls don't expect everyone to be same
(I == SO in this case)
I got that
If you do know English well enough to express yourself, and you aren't... why?
Let's be humans with feelings
Also, that's not even the problem
any idea why my buttons aren't rendering on a file export toolbar, DataTables
I have the references in the correct order as per the tutorial
Q: How to resolve non rendering DataTable export buttons?

Brian JI'm following a guide on adding file export buttons to an existing DataTable. But when I run the asp solution the export buttons work as expected but they don't render correctly, showing only the text for the buttons. I've re-checked the order of the script references which mirror the set up o...

The problem is that I don't know Japanese, or Russian, or Gujarati. I can't respond to flags in those languages.
Neither can most other moderators.
This is a moderated chat, we can't just ignore that.
So Shog put up a proposal
Trying to figure it out most of the day, if someone has an idea would help
We have normal users who speak English and "INSERT LANGUAGE HERE" to help communication between the users and the moderators when flags arise.
So far, I'm not witnessing much success there.
or a possible reason why they wouldn't be rendering
Which is a shame, because it's a good solution.
@Mr_Green Let's be humans and make chat easy to moderate.
or *keep. or *easier
The idea of Stack Overflow in general is that it is community moderated
Chat, for some reason, didn't get the memo
I personally don't mind rooms that speak in whatever
Really, I don't.
But I can't deal with stuff that happens in those rooms, and that's not acceptable for Stack Overflow.
Humans and feelings have nothing to do with it.
(Also, I am not human and I have no feelings, but that's beside the point)
@MadaraUchiha how about speaking in pgp encrypted messages in the sandbox? they look garbage and in sandbox, garbage is allowed.
using stack chat + pgp to abuse everyone. wow
Everything moderators and moderating users can't understand is potentially offensive. Everything flagged is potentially offensive. We can't take the chance of offensive stuff being left up, thats not debateable. So if I (or other moderating users) get presented with a flag in some non-english stuff, we almost always have to validate it. ALL chat on Stackexchange is moderated by users. We can only moderate what we can understand. Thats why non-english is disallowed now. — Magisch 19 mins ago
This made sense to me
@Mr_Green That's my point to begin with.
Now, I disagree with "I don't know if this flag is valid, so I'll vote 'valid' on it"
But the problem is that we don't have the manpower, we don't have enough 10k folks in chat willing to correctly handle flags in languages the other users don't understand
is there anyone ?
I like when I get alerted with flags.
is there any way to know this(formdata.append("THIS_THIS_THIS", images)) in server side ?
you should just be able to parse the formdata
depends on your server environment
with node you can have a formdata middleware for express
and files will go straight in req.files
in php abhi
$_FILES (just hoping it exists)
@AwalGarg ^
Q: PHP file upload, sending formdata object

ErikI want to upload a file, send it to javascript formData object and than via ajax to some php script which will put the file into database. It works fine when i upload a file in profile php, send it to formData object in javascript and send it back to profile.php. Problem is that when i want to se...

Awal Gargle
@Abhishrek what about it?
Awal Gargoyl
@AwalGarg yeah, bro
@Abhishrek The gargoyl has arrived
@AwalGarg does it work the way I said?
@KendallFrey He isn't ignoring you anymore :D
I am ignoring Can doll Fry
@littlepootis yes he is
@Abhishrek I am lacking way too much context to understand. I'd read later
@Abhishrek it isnt what i asked for
$_FILES['filename'] ?
oh do you want to create a FileData request from PHP runtime?
(Ask in PHP room pls!)
just use jshp
jshp needs session support
@AwalGarg shtap blatant purrmotion you are not a cat!
@littlepootis It has...
@littlepootis its express, express has pretty much everything
cookies, session, formdata parsing and everything. batteries included
I mean @AwalGarg your jshp.ini (or json)
should just tell which express modules to npm install and run
something like
@Abhishrek no. it has to be easy to use and n00b friendly. configuration isn't n00b friendly.
     "form-data": "4.0.1",
     "ffmpeg": "1.2.0",
     "lame": "1.2.0",
^ Thats pretty noob friendly
you can even go with a yml :P if you really want to remove json
no way. in fact if I had to do that as a user, I'd simply use node instead.
@AwalGarg oh comon :P be PHP (:
@Abhishrek ah
Anybody here hosts a shoutcast station still?
The only thing JSHP has in common with PHP is the set of HTTP abstractions (and maybe last two letters in name). I am not reimplementing the horribleness of the language itself.
@AwalGarg but dependency injection is a MUST!
and your face is dust
and you have a fluffy bust!
and I am Just
psst now go and touch yourself to RUST :P
@AwalGarg "shut up, you don't have a choice"?
@littlepootis it is more like windows, "calm down, you don't know what you want. we know that. use this."
@Abhishrek paste.ofcode.org/NAU7zdbKxHAW83ZWv2XcPP some code i write here to explain my issue
ahh you want to upload multiple files. that's easy, $_FILES['multiple'] would be an array. so to grab the first file, you'd do $_FILES['multiple'][0]. PHP lets the client decide what variable in the request should be an array and which should be a string :P
wow, I'm actually using a labeled for loop
Whenever you see a $ in this room, you know bad things are being discussed
What up Folks, I'm looking for the chrome source editor equivalent of vim's zz which is scroll selection to center. Anyone any ideas ?
LOL why doesn't this work? jsfiddle.net/9bbc37fx/2
When I'm stepping trough code sometimes the source line is at the bottom or the top and I need to reach to the mouse to center it.
that php file is divided in two parts : one it can guess to upload multiple images (<input name="nameLIKEthis_with[]">) and can guess to upload single image.. I write this file to upload images from my any pages(index,contact,etc).. but problem is : from some pages users can upload multiple iamge and sm pages from single image.. so i can not detect in php $_files["THiS this "].
that i am send from js as like this formdata.append["name give here how i detect in php vaialbe this name change everytime"],images]
> name give here how i detect in php vaialbe this name change everytime
sry for bad english :( formdata.append("<input name="this this this name given hate"> how i send in server")
ie <input name="nameOFinput">formdata.append("nameOFinput",image)-- . IN php side: $_FILES["nameOFinput how do i detect here ?"]["tmp_name"]
@littlepootis cause domcontentloaded has already happened when jsfiddle executes your code. your function never gets executed. and some parens look off but I guess you know about that.
I don't :(
Civ5 + Nuclear War on that xD
@Luggage Described state changes? That may have been Norn
Akin to Redux's reducers
@FilipDupanović If you like Calculords, you'll like this: rkoutnik.com/2016/04/06/Hacking-Calculords.html
@Abhishrek Made the game? No. Made the interface? Yes
still looking for
@Phoenix please don't beg for help
@SomeKittens ROFL 300mil computations, idk my brain was that awesome
@SomeKittens not that you care, but "redux" was the thing I was trying to think of the other day.
ohh, i just looked up. you just said that
Oi Linux people, which is a good Linux for grandmas?
does your grandma prefer systemd or upstart?
@Luggage extremely grandma's angry on windows
@Abhishrek Ubuntu?
@Abhishrek Aflit!
hannahmontana.sourceforge.net Hannah Montana Linux
but then she's gonna have to be a G and use apt to update
hi guys
@Dominikis Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
and girls.
and those anywhere outside or in between
filip dupanovuc are u from slovakia or czech republich
@FilipDupanović yeah
i am too
he didn't answer. Shrek did
<- Eastern Europe, but I'm from Bosnia and Herzegovina @Dominikis
yeah u am too from europe
I am from USA or I am from India. True story.
@AwalGarg if you are brown, you are from India, period xD
want someone make multiplayer online game
I am red
@FilipDupanović have seen that. hilarious
how old r u guys
all of us?
2043 years, all together.
@Luggage he asked for just the guys
I am a guy.
@FilipDupanović technically he called all of us a guy. rude
how can mark another person
does anyone know arduino
@Luggage h'yup
glad you found it
which board do u use
@Dominikis kinda, I just looked at the specs, haven't worked with one ever
it is pretty good u can do everything with it
@Dominikis jQuery?
@Dominikis *you
i have heard about it
jan dvorak are u form slovakia
@Dominikis *you
@Dominikis how old are you?
only 16
If you want to talk to me, please use words
that's not only
@Luggage <3
16 is a big age. Talk like mature people.
Or at least like a mature person
Ok, fine. My prostate is acting up.
should i
Look at you @Awal, capitalizing, punctuating and all that.
sry should I
i am so lazy to use caps lck
Please don't use caps lock. Use shift.
Try to pretend you're not too lazy to talk to us like a human.
I was cleaning up old cruft yesterday and found this: awal.js.org/#dislikes. Apparently I have been angry/sleepy enough to write all that.
@Neil I agree that kind of teacher would have been great
> Power cuts
@AwalGarg Yeah.. I can't recommend keeping that as is
anyone is fan of aviciii
yup. India.
Bt ys. sms spk sx.
wtf i have just written
@JanDvorak what part?
jan dvorak where are u from
@Dominikis He is from Inphpia. It is a small place near Slovakia.
iam from slovakia
@AwalGarg What's wrong with DI?
that country where was invented fliyng car
@JanDvorak the name
injectión d'dependencie
dependency injection = sedatives?
That reminds me. I found out today that my father supports Trump.
@AwalGarg I don't like the doge meme tho
so sad luggage
@JanDvorak *though
@Luggage sucks balls... mine voted for radical nationalists that started a civil war

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