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@svarog he watches cat videos. That's just sick, man. Tsk tsk
cats are fine too
@Neil Neil, if we're talking lunch later on I've got something to dazzle you
@Thaenor can't wait, lunch buddy ;)
@Neil today I brough some pasta, with some speacial Humus sauce I made myself! I didn't even know how you used humus, but I think it turned out pretty good.
@Thaenor nice. Also, I am pretty sure that that's not the proper way to eat hummus, but meh whatever works
My wife prepared savory pancakes last night
Turned out better than expected
@Neil When will Java have real JSON support at least? (Not a joke.)
@Neil what do you mean? I mixed it with soy sauce, vinegar, honey, beans, black pepper and oregano... oh and olives that had garlic inside.
<button onClick="javascript:clicked_function()">
I haven't seen syntax like that in ages
@Sheepy good question actually
@Cerbrus Wow.
@Cerbrus It only works accidentally
That's the real shame
(source, deleted)
@Thaenor pancakes with green beans and cauliflower
@Neil what do you mean ?
@Cerbrus Guess you haven't been using React
Again, I was expecting worse
@Will I guess I should be glad :P
@Neil your lunch seems promissing.
@svarog context?
Oh, the answer was undeleted just now
@Thaenor that was dinner. I don't know what I will eat for lunch
@Neil No sheep please. We are cute! We are good pets! Q.Q
@Neil but what is the propper way to eat humus? I bought a bunch of it and I didn't really know what do with it... I googled something about mixing it with a bunch of ingredients I didn't have/know, so I just thought I'd improvise. You know, I think if this web dev stuff doesn't work out for me I can always try my hand at cooking XD
We'll code for grass!
@Sheepy I will try. No promises though
You're so kind. QvQ
@Thaenor hummus is starchy so you wouldn't combine with other starches. Though I am no chef either
@Neil but the recepie said soy sauce and vinegar! Are you doubting the written word of some stranger online?!
That said, I am guessing hummus mashed potatoes would be awesome
@Thaenor that's not starchy though
@Neil I'm not sure what starchy means... like, tasteless?
!!wiki starch
The Tristan thrush (Turdus eremita), also known as the starchy, is a species of bird in the thrush family that is endemic to the British overseas territories of the isolated Tristan da Cunha archipelago in the South Atlantic Ocean. == Description == The bird was described by John Gould as being similar in size and appearance to the song thrush, and by Henry Moseley as like a very dark-coloured song thrush. However, it also has the short rounded wings and reduced keel indicative of a reduced need for flight, typical of bird species adapted to life on small islands. The nominate subspecies ...
@Thaenor a starch is a carbohydrate
@Sheepy wtf cap
That's a total miss lol
Starch or amylum is a carbohydrate consisting of a large number of glucose units joined by glycosidic bonds. This polysaccharide is produced by most green plants as an energy store. It is the most common carbohydrate in human diets and is contained in large amounts in staple foods such as potatoes, wheat, maize (corn), rice, and cassava. Pure starch is a white, tasteless and odorless powder that is insoluble in cold water or alcohol. It consists of two types of molecules: the linear and helical amylose and the branched amylopectin. Depending on the plant, starch generally contains 20 to 25% amylose...
thanks @CapricaSix
I am surprised by starchy being a bird. But then, there is a page on Sheepy too. It's non-edible.
!!wiki Neily
Neil Percival Young, OC OM (born November 12, 1945) is a Canadian singer-songwriter and musician, producer, director and screenwriter. He began performing in a group covering Shadows instrumentals in Canada in 1960, before moving to California in 1966, where he co-founded the band Buffalo Springfield together with Stephen Stills and Richie Furay, and later joined Crosby, Stills & Nash in 1969. He released his first album in 1968 and has since forged a successful and acclaimed solo career, spanning over 45 years and 35 studio albums, with a continuous and uncompromizing exploration of musical styles...
A revisit of an old internet classic: Upside-Down-Ternet
Sup guys
hey, ist it ok to do: parent[0].children[0].children[i]?
I mean what is the ideal way to get sub children of a parents child
Not really. Playing around with DOM nodes like that either means you don't have legible class names or structures. Or that you're scraping, in which case it's fine.
I usually do parentNode.querySelector( build_your_selector ).
e.g. parentNode.querySelector( 'td + td input' ) - First input in second td of the parent tr.
@AwalGarg why?
@Zirak thanks for making me aware of that.
@Asperger that makes you very dependent on structure, meaning it is potentially very fragile code
@Neil ya because sometimes I do stuff like that:
@Asperger add labels (classes) to make it more robust
<div class="parent">
  	<div class="one"></div>
  	<div class="two"></div>
when all i need to do is give that div a name
queryselector is a good idea too but its generally slower than getElementby.... or childnodes / children I think
Problem is sometimes I have no idea what I should name my divs.
You need to do a lot of them to have a meaningful speed different. Hundreds, if not thousands. Benchmarks are talking about hundred thousands.
Search for closest parent with class "parent" , and then search for the nth "child" element where all your children that apply have a child class
@Neil support for closestparent isnt that good so ive created my own polyfill
@Asperger It'll matter if you're running it several times a second. You probably aren't.
@Zirak no, just on onload
@Asperger general rule of thumb is that if you have n of anything, and you won't likely need to do something to just one of them, give them all same class name
@Asperger And... querySelector is one call. childNodes[i].childNode[0] is two DOM calls (with lots of elements) and two dereferences. querySelector may turns out faster.
@Neil, you are right about that. I think was I was overthinking it.
Does someone know if an API Call is required for decoding a polyline and paint it on the Map. (GOOGLE MAPS API)? Can´t test right now, but need that information.
If you want nth child based on position, it still doesn't merit a unique identifier
The classic mistake is to assign ids to all children like id1 id2 id3 etc.
@Asperger nnnnoooooo w3schools >_<
@Asperger Generally, the more experienced we have, the more we don't like w3schools. I actually installed a plugin to remove it from google results (yes there are plugins for that specifically.)
As for the original question, qs and qsa are convenience enough that I haven't used getElementById/Class/Tag for years. If you need to get an element a lot, store it in a variable or property.
And if it's not a lot, you won't feel any difference.
Hey guys, I quickly wrote a small function that does the same thing as queryselectorall
or at least superficially
Keep in mind that all CSS rules are effectively global querySelectorAll, on every page repaint. That should give you a good idea of its speed.
performancewise what is better in this case?
@Sheepy didnt know that
I mean something like this:
function query(elem) {
	if (elem.indexOf(".") >= 0) {
		return document.getElementsByClassName(elem.split('.').join(""));
  else if(elem.indexOf("#") >= 0) {
  	return document.getElementById(elem.split('#').join(""));
  else {
  	return document.getElementsByTagName(elem);
is slower than queryselectorall? Because I assume queryselectorall goes through all dom elements to check if it corresponds to the one fed in the parameter or not
@Asperger probably, but not by much I am guessing
where as getElementsByClassName for example only loops through the classes
@Neil you are right
It's also wrong. query('#foo.bar') gets you all elements with a class of bar
@Asperger that is essentially what querySelectorAll does
@Asperger Your code may be faster. But no, qsa use the same optimisations as css engine, so it will use whatever internal index it have and is still much faster than climbing DOM one step a time.
@Zirak unless we do query(".bar")[index]
And how will you find the one with an id of foo?
Why wouldn't you need to create a polyfill?
ya that wont work
Some O(n) operation
It will quickly grow if id extend the code towards more complex operations
You might also be interested in this stackoverflow.com/q/5797014/617762
This is some valuable info I just gathered here. Thanks for the knowledge
Hi guys how can I fix a json parse error?
Fix your json
@Riccardo990 sacrifice a small chicken
@Asperger I think being able to say querySelector( "#login input:not(.disabled)[data-autosave]" ), in one call, beats trying to do that with getElementById > getElementsByTagName -> filter -> classList -> hasAttribute. In both speed and readibility.
@Sheepy thats so true. Is it faster than querySelectorAll? They are two different methods
@Riccardo990 I guess you can use XML.
@Asperger Yes. querySeletor stops at the first match. querySeletcorAll gives you all matches. Browsers has their ways to guarantee it's all matches without going through your whole DOM, but returning first element is always faster.
Then for loops i better use queryselectorall
Ya, and well ive been doing something liken this, although ill do it in pseudo code here:
It's a proper question, though pretty common.
great I accidently edited my last message
return element.offsetWidth + (parseInt( window.getComputedStyle("margin-left")) + parseInt(window.getComputedStyle("margin-left")))
@littlepootis why what?
Hey! At least cache the computedStyle! It's very expensive.
of course.
Ok :)
I just added it like this for demonstration purposes
So with bounclientrect it is better you say?
Do you need to ask? getComputedStyle need to return you an object with 200+ properties set and match current state. getBounding just return a few numbers the browser is likely to have on hand.
Ya it returns an array of the values but it doesnt include margin in the list
But I'd admit either may trigger a layout, if you changed some css properties before. That is the expensive part.
@Sheepy so it has like a dirty flag that triggers layout if css rules have changed?
@MadaraUchiha he definitely trolling.
darn it
@Neil Yes. All browsers do that. Big different in speed.
So im stuck with my previous formula
offsetWith + getcomputedstyle(margin-left) + .......(margin-right)
I mean, if the layout is already dirty, both methods demand a layout. getBounding/getComputed by themselves does not make things dirty.
i.e. getBound is always much faster, but won't make a dent if you are triggering layout cycle in a loop!
@Sheepy right. I suppose the surprising part is that a layout is performed, but I guess that's the only way it could truly know
Ya, but I mean since it returns only positional values and width / height as a collection
should "test".padStart(6, '123') return 12test or should it return 23test?
It wont allow me to return a sum of offsetWidth and margin
@Shea former
@Shea 12test
@Asperger Yes you still need too add the margin yourself. Margin is sometimes collapsed, sometimes ignored. Too complicated.
@FlorianMargaine how'd I know when I have to restart the shout-irc server? Does it start getting sluggish or crashes or what?
Q: How can i update only particular fields using angular mongdb?

001Below is my data which is stored in mongodb { "_id": { "$oid": "asdf976" }, "Categories": [{ "mainmodels": [{ "submodels": [{ "price": "2000", "submodelname": "lumia021", "Remainingphones": "0", "Bookedphones": "0",...

help me out
@001 You didn't even wait a minute before posting your question here...
Don't do that
was 007 already taken?
@AwalGarg it doesn't respond anymore
cool. nearly a week since it is running for me but didn't notice anything special, so thought I'd ask. thanks.
yeah, I suspect I have to restart it because my VPS sucks more than any other reason
@FlorianMargaine ovh?
2EUR/mo or something
I don't expect a lot from it
@FlorianMargaine why not cloud?
@Neoares Any good suggestion?
digital ocean, 5€/mo
and you get 10€ from the referral
512 MB Memory / 20 GB Disk / FRA1
Is that eur or usd?
usd actually
well you can try it 2 months free with the referral, I use it to host my portfolio and to do... things
Looks good. Better that our local VPS, at least.
I have a google map
<div id="gmap" style="with:300px;height:800px;"></div>
1 message moved to Trash can
@AniketShivamTiwari Please don't post unformatted code - hit Ctrl+K before sending, use up-arrow to edit messages, and see the faq. For posting large code blocks, use a paste site like gist.github.com, hastebin.com or pastie.org
how to place markers on the map
Chrome's new remembered options are super bold *puke*
I made a thing before I realized there already was a thing
It's only a matter of time before someone takes Chrome and reskins it entirely. Oh wait..
Opera has features that Chrome doesn't
@KendallFrey Does "sucking" count as a feature, there? ;-)
does any one has any idea how to place multiple markers on mao
Then it must be a bug
@AniketShivamTiwari: In that source file you linked, do you see the locations property?
@JanDvorak Hah, and everyone was raving about Vivaldi last week...
Vivaldi is great
If it can do ublock and *monkey, I'm willing to try it.
It can use any chrome app
Firefox has very customizable UI, too
I guess ones that fuck with chrome's ui are out of the question but idk if chrome apps even do that
None of the ones I have installed do
I know that mobile Chrome lets pages color the UI bar but otherwise what can chrome apps do?
And if you like that feature of chrome...
@Meredith Chrome doesn't give you that kind of flexibility. You only get themes, which basically do shitnothing.
You'll love vivaldi
I'm still looking for a mobile browser that can do userscripts, adblock and doesn't bug out on my phone
I used dolphin for a while
But it was pretty ehh
@JanDvorak Firefox mobile?
@Zirak bugs out on my phone
In what ways?
loves to close the keyboard prematurely, tends to crash
What's wrong with chrome?
I never had a problem with it
No extension support on mobile
and ugly on desktop
@JanDvorak When was the last time you've tried it?
a month or so, maybe longer
Dolphin has extensions
There weren't a lot when I used it, but that was like 3 years ago
Web panels = awesome
Yeah I keep this chat in a web panel lol
mobile theme?
I tried to get slack to work in a web panel too
But I couldnt get it to work how I wanted
The mobile theme isn't great for multiple rooms
nor for mouse control
I'm only in the one
Vivaldi has pinned itself to the Win7 taskbar O_o
Was that an option in the installer?
I don't think so. I did uncheck "set as default browser".
is it hard to develop one's own wordpress theme?
Making UI sucks
To be honest
and takes a lot of time...
@GandalftheWhite was that for me?
no mate
I am just moaning like generally
@GandalftheWhite ok. sorry. :)
There is nothing to be sorry
BTW your wordpress query - it depends on features you are willing to provide
@GandalftheWhite I'm sorry I thought you were talking to me. :)
and how you present things
I would recommend against wordpress
But that's just me
@GandalftheWhite I'm a simple guy and I want everything to be simple.
@Meredith why?
@TodoPertin - Using Wordpress is one thing and making a theme is another
@GandalftheWhite usability=blog.
It tries to target newer/younger/less experienced developers
using wordpress is okay if you don't have time and knowledge
So you get a lot of code & literature written by those same people
using wordpress is okay if you are not a developer
So the environment is just awful
@Meredith that is exactly what I am. I am a noob.
Then learn
A noob wont be asking to make a new theme then
why is wordpress not recommended?
If you are a developer and don't know whats wrong with wordpress you shouldn't have a blog :P
@jAndy A noob wont be asking to make a new game then (source)
just use a readymade theme depending on requirement
Is someone paying you to make a website?
@Abhishrek wow ok.
@jAndy lol
! :P
how do browsers check/assign their "defaultness" on linux? just xdg?
@AwalGarg what is this defaultness you think of ? file extension defaultness ?
@GandalftheWhite I know some PHP and I want to learn to make use of it so I cannot have a ready made one.
Making a theme like I said will take a lot of time
Poll: is PHP worth learning?
you must get familiar to their framework
@Meredith The basics, yes
php is widely used language
!!poll is PHP worth learning?
@TodoPertin Not a chance
@jAndy Troll: is PHP worth learning? (source)
I am not a big fan though
Q: Where are file associations stored?

StannHow does Ubuntu or any other Linux systems store file associations? Is there some /etc/asscociations file or something? I know that I can right click on file and change it via "open with", but I'm just curious to know how it's stored internally.

@Meredith What other languages do you know?
@Abhishrek file extensions don't have much meaning in linux
What do you mean
I know English and Hindi
@AwalGarg then explain the defaultness
good Languages
Cuz there are like 20 alternatives to php
!!define defaultness
node.js FTW
@TodoPertin My pocket dictionary just isn't good enough for you.
That's what I asked, so you are just repeating my question back to me.
Savage - Caprica Six
@Meredith yes, you get bonus for realizing what is wrong with it :D
lol it has nice lines stored in it.
also @AwalGarg if you would read the page you would find all the answers
is it hard to make a non-wordpress website?
@TodoPertin just use medium.com or tumblr :P if you want a blog
Depends on the kind of website
Making a blog is so easy though
There's no reason to use wordpress
@Abhishrek those aren't as customizable as wordpress.
lol I want to cry. I know PHP HTML and CSS but cannot do anythingusefulwiththem.
or you can use jekyll ;-)
@Abhishrek lol
@Neoares I get the same for 2€/mo...
at ovh, not DO
same story
@KendallFrey ugh, traffic
I'd wait for an hour just to see that
Tried Vivaldi. One big thing I have against it is that it unloads background tabs. Not OK for a desktop web browser
I think there's an option for that
Cuz I never encountered that
@SomeGuy so just xdg?
Or others, depending on things
@AwalGarg when in confusion, use demographic
"use native window design" doesn't quite work - now I have a border with window control buttons only and inside that I have a top bar with only the browser icon.
is there a workaround to airpair that lets me see the fucking code without 'singing in with github'
I just want to read the damn article
nothing else is mentioned on that page, though. but the discussion page for that page hints it is incomplete (which makes sense. how can such a page be even complete)
shrek be like "omg i have 2 say something educated here quiiiick!!!"
@FlorianMargaine @Zirak reddit.com/r/fossworldproblems
@AwalGarg stop being a whiny idiot like that? maybe I will consider stopping :P
@Awal It really just depends on your window manager.
ik uk it
Most use that
Yeah. I guess it makes sense for wms to simply rely on freedp implementations then. Not that I like those but consistency ftw.
I can't get Vivaldi to install my userscript. Tampermonkey's installation confirmation window closes before it displays anything.
I am having trouble working VIM into my daily workflow...
Just started?
@littlepootis the sandball
Don't worry, the Stockholm syndrome will kick in soon. Keep at it :P
talking to me? It already has. I like vim, but I find myself in other programs that can, say, RUN the SQL i am editing, or debug the python, etc.
I end up with :w in my text in other programs :)
@Luggage lol this happens a lot with me.
@Luggage lol, I do that all the time
Someone once tried to show me something but didn't know I was using emacs, so he tried cutting some text (C-x) and when that didn't work, tried copying it (C-c). C-x C-c is "close emacs".
He was confused.
ohh, yea.. i gotta find out how to use my windows clipboard form vim, too.
i can use my terminal's copy and paste, but then I loose the ability to do things like "yi}"
i'm on level 12 of vim-adventures.com
I think it's a great way to learn. it forces you to use keys until they become natural
Gotta appreciate that despite having over 26 keys to choose from and combinations therein with control keys and literally decades of time, we somehow manage to produce editors with the same commands that do entirety different things
It's as if nobody knows what they're doing
Like we inadvertently created the best troll gag of our time on some poor unsuspecting user
I am no idea what I have doing
@Luggage "*p
i'm not as think as you drunk i am
* is the register for your system's clipboard?
@Zirak no way that that's the reason behind it ;)
ohh, so it is, ty.
@Luggage yep
I like how vim is advertised as "customizable", and then people get sad when you use arrow keys to move around in vim because "that's not pure vim like".
@Zirak oh man
people have stopped trying to do anything on my laptop until I give it to them with everything configured (i.e. on the chrome window)
if that showed up in :ls I would have seen it already
@AwalGarg everything has taboos
@AwalGarg using arrow keys in vim is kinda missing the point.
I'm considering reading the RFC for TCP. Think that's a good idea, or am I being masochistic?
@SomeGuy I think you're stupid
@SomeGuy lol
instead of reading the RFC, implement an TCP/IP stack yourself
@FlorianMargaine Granted, but you didn't answer the question
that'd be better
@AwalGarg I love outputting gibberish to the editor instead of changing position. I mean I know I've never needed that functionality, but it is nice to know it is there should I ever need it
@FlorianMargaine Haha, I said I wanted to do that only a few days ago. I've got too many projects to be able to do it right now, though
Bam, three lines of gibberish. Simple and straightforward
I've decided to leave this chat open all day on my 4th monitor. If anyone questions it, gonna tell them to get lost.
Yet another eventual goal: Build the TCP/IP stack from scratch. Implementing only the bare minimum will still be pretty difficult, I'm sure
Start with Layer 1
@SomeGuy you're going to spend as much time reading (as in, understanding) the RFC
omg, i hate mysql more and more each day. user defined variables can't be dates? wtf
@JanDvorak I did think about it. Doubt I'll do that, though. I would definitely like to have more than a basic understanding of how all the layers are implemented, though
Wait, no, make the iron you'll use for wires first.
Find the iron first, make the tools to find the iron first, and so on?
> User variables can be assigned a value from a limited set of data types: integer, decimal, floating-point, binary or nonbinary string, or NULL value. ... temporal or spatial data type is converted to a binary string.
I've decided to post this randomly throughout the day. :D
Also, iron wires? Copper FTW
maybe someone will see ;)
@Luggage why? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
@FlorianMargaine So...I'll read something else until I can get around to implementing it?
Sound like a better use of my time?
@SomeGuy have you read jvns.ca/blog/2014/08/12/… already? I guess you have
@SomeGuy ah, the reading bit is during commute or something?
@rlemon lol
@FlorianMargaine Yeah
I've got plenty of other reading materials, though
I'd try reading stuff more eligible than the RFC... although you can, I guess
@AwalGarg I have, yeah
@FlorianMargaine What do you mean by eligible?
I am glad that my name isn't waxi or people might suspect something
@SomeGuy easier to understand
!= eligible
@Luggage arg.
english failed me.
I'm going through TCP/IP Illustrated, and have already finished my college course on Computer Networking (which was shit, but we used Tanenbaum's book as a reference occasionally, which was fairly helpful)
you are still ahead of most americans. no worries.
@SomeGuy You start with a huge chunk of hydrogen and wait a while. You can get hydrogen by cooling an electrically neutral quark-gluon plasma with a sufficient baryonic number below its critical temperature.

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