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@Zirak electronics. controlling things. processing signals. :P
low level shit
meh, okay.
Zirak, without that you wouldn't be able to compute your awesomeness
@Zirak ever want to turn a light on when a door opens?
(as an example)
That's X10, isn't it?
or make a toy that auto throws the ball for doogy
@Zirak well sure you could use it that way
but it isn't "made for it"
So you solder shit into it and all's well
news feed: People (Magazine) chooses Aniston as the most beautiful woman of the year
i have to admit, she looks very well at her age
*very good
@Zirak actually, you plug it into shit (not that super small one, that is probably made for something else) gravitech.us/etwmiadforar.html
I'm more used to the nano's
they are a $7 arduino
how do you keep track of those hardware ? There are a lot of external hardwares
I get lost when I need something specific for let's say my R.Pi
when I need one I look for it and get the latest stable (well reviewed) one.
I don't do production runs, so I don't care.
at work for the beagle bones we download the free schematics and ge tthe in house engineer to reverse it and make the thing we really need
also then we can slap our name on it :D
that's easy
I cannot do that
Uhhhh, holy shit.
Apparently work's been taking some notice of all the improvements I've been making when I get 10-15 minutes here and there to our stuff.
@rlemon I don't think I get it. So you've got the main board, and to get ethernet or SD slots or usb ports or free toilets you buy an ethernet board or SD board or USB ports board of free toilets board and connect-the-dots between the two?
Soooo, now I get to all day Monday and go through our entire website, see what inconsistencies I can find, what improvements I can offer, and any other changes they need.
@Zirak that's the idea. Certain pins do certain things (power, analog, digital) and you connect stuff, then flash it with a program to do things with the stuff.
I think I can get that
IF you want an easy one, netduinos are cool
C# instead of some C/asm language
never heard of netduinos
an extra level of abstraction for those whom isn't familiar with embedded systems
they also have the pins presoldered and everything, which is nice
you can throw together a light show with a netduino and breadboard in maybe an hour
this channel is more entertaining than it should be
i know that channel
they even tried it with a rubber duck
@KendallFrey Subbed omg
it was remarkable one because the duck "resurrected"
@KarelG makes mental note to watch that one
It freaking exploded hasha
@Josiah the puck? not compared to the other stuff he does
hey! anyone familiar with angular material ui? :)
@ssube To the uninitiated, is there any real significant difference between R. Pi, Arduino, Spark, Beaglebone, Tessel, ...?
@Zirak a quick example: I have my cat toy laser pointer... 4 pins (digital pins, on or off) go to the stepper driver which pulses the stepper (steppers are silly, but useful) then another analog pin to a photo resistor and another digital pin to my laser diode (and some misc power/ground connections throughout) -- the arduino tells the motor what phase to be in, reads the analog input to see if the laser is beyond its boundary, and powers the laser on and off in intervals.
@Zirak yes, tessle/arduino/spark are embedded devices, rpi and beagle bones are mini (embedded) pc's
there is a real OS on them
I can't ssh into my arduino without a bunch of addons and doing crazy things.
Then I'm confused again. How do they abstract concepts like files and network operations?
they don't
you flash them with firmware
you can have addon memory and read that.. but you have to give it the ability to understand files and read them
I connect the X10 Board or Ethernet Board, how can another board know to communicate with it?
whereas the rpi and beaglebones have a hard drive (micro sd) you put an os image on
they have a bootloader in ROM
separate from the flashable memory for your program
Or is it "talk to thingy in slot #4, send it a bunch of bytes" (as in, not abstracted at all)?
but on some (crappy clones) you have to put it there
it has just enough of a library to let you access the hardware, like super low level drivers
then yeah, you specify the signal to send to the pin or whatever
digitalWrite(pin1, HIGH);
int val = analogRead(otherPin);
you got this shit
That makes more sense now
wrong Canadian
@rlemon - yo lemon head...when you flash firmware is it in public?
it is on the device.
@Trasiva that's the first one I saw
I'm sure you can pull it off and reverse it. I've never done it
nor cared to learn how
/me starts looking for an old hydraulic press
@Josiah update: mig 180 sale, $875 to $550, they fucked up and didn't order me one, then told me my raincheck expired.... I mentioned that on the fucking raincheck it says it expires 30 days after the item arrives in the store... they concede to ordering me in one (gonna take two weeks) but sell it to me for 499
so in two weeks I'll have my welder :D
Need help figuring out how to stop a track from being dragged in certain places with jQuery UI. I basically have these clips that I can move around in a track, but i dont want to allow clips to be place on top of each other
@Trasiva "Really Dangerous Liquid"
@Josiah what will you crush ?
the dreams of his subordinates
documentation failure: "Gets a JSON representation of the tree." "returns: Object"
well which one is it, json or object
where ?
how can a variable's value be undefined and null at the same time? i thought you assign null to a value
to a variable*
if it is null, it isn't undefined
so i guess the answer is it can't be.
var n; document.write(n===undefined && n==null); prints to true though.
@KevinB link me ?
== !== ===
@AjeetKljh don't use ==, use ===
== null means that it can be null or undefined
Never loose equals
ok here's my question refrased. don't you have to assign null to a variable for it to be null?
ok then why when i say var n; document.write(n==null); it prints to true?
1 min ago, by ndugger
== null means that it can be null or undefined
n===null is false because its type is defined of course
maybe if you read...
gets a JSON representation of a node (or the whole tree)
> representation
you can JSON.stringify(that); to get json, basically that object won't have circular refs etc
@Abhishrek JSON is a string format, not objects
i did read
@ssube I know but in that libraries context, I think thats what they meant.
@AjeetKljh well I straight up told you the answer
@AjeetKljh do you know what truthy and falsey represent?
!!google what is falsey in javascript
you didnt answer why, if it's said that you need to assign null to a variable for it to be null, then how can it in this example of it being not assigned a value be null
@AjeetKljh it isn't, it is undefined. == checks if it is undefined or null and returns true on both
@AjeetKljh because you're using loose equality
but the method is called "get_json", wouldn't you expect it to... get json
loose equality allows type coercion, which changes the comparison
I made facebook app and it's released/under FB review :D
is 24 euro a good price for KSP?
@AjeetKljh We told you straight up... with loose equals, when comparing x == null, you're asking if it's null or undefined.
Don't ask again.
Now to sit and wait for the first player complaint
"Date.now is a method in the Date namespace, same as Math.random is for Math.
Date (unlike Math) is also a constructor. Used like new Date(), it will return a Date object." - Did I explain that correct, or is it not called a namespace?
@SterlingArcher read the article I just sent you
@BartekBanachewicz yep
it is hella good and crazy
how much is a euro anyway
@KendallFrey a bit more than a $
so $40 cad?
@Jonathan You can call it a namespace if you wish, but it's really an object.
@Jonathan it's a class
.. yea, I'd pay $40 for KSP
Math is an object, Date is a function and functions are object.
@BartekBanachewicz can I assume you mean 1.13 USD?
Date is the class name and constructor for that type of thing
Math is a utility class with no constructor and static methods
so 1.43 cad
@ssube You sicken me
@rlemon it's $27 USD
I dunno, still sounds like a lot
play the demo
then decide
ok, so calling it a namespace is incorrect I guess
there's 44 hours on the steam offer
ok so if i say n==null and n is undefined or undefined, it will convert the right side to the same type n is (defined or undefined). if it's defined (then since null evaluates to false since null represents nod efined value)...ok i didn't know about type conversion or whatever
@Zirak in a good way?
like jesus
@BartekBanachewicz hurry up, or wait until the next sale
@Jonathan It's sort of correct. There's no such thing as "namespaces" in js. You can get namespace-like patterns by using objects.
@AjeetKljh == leads to confusion, which is why it is advocated to always use ===, which is less confusing
hmm it works on Mac
summer sale, most likely
@KendallFrey does it have much requirements?
used to lag (32 bit) but 1.1 baby!
Well calling something an object in JS is not really clear/helpful :(
you'll only notice lag if you build very large ships, or use graphically intensive mods
the lag isn't even that bad really.. just during takeoff
@Jonathan sure it is
once you ditch a few stages you are fine
@rlemon Did they release a Unity V version of the demo?
Objects have very specific behavior
@KendallFrey no clue
My guess is it's still the old engine
most things are objects, but not classes or strings or numbers
@rlemon once you dock more modules to your station it gets worse again
or undefined
if i had a user input something in a prompt box, and they need to input an integer, i can say if(thestring==1) it will convert the right side to a string?
@KendallFrey :/
@AjeetKljh it is better to convert the string to a number
if( Number(input) === 1 )
then I know it was a string and you need it to be a number
clearer intent
@AjeetKljh don't do that
but you are correct, "1" == 1; // true
just try to avoid doing that (imo)
i meant the opposite way
still would work
@AjeetKljh the order in which you compare them doesn't matter
the left/right only fucks when converting using unary plus (iirc, maybe wrong)
I think it will change the coercion
well what if they to put in a fraction. like 3/4. wouldnt it matter then?
!!afk Submitting more resumes.
I thought it did as well @ssube, but I cannot make an example of it
You can't convert a special unicode char to a number like that
Oh, you mean literally "3/4"
@AjeetKljh just don't do any of those things, they'll cause a problem at some point
relying on implicit conversion is bad mmkay
im only asking because curious
if i say 3/4==string. and the string turns out to be 3/4. will it evaluate to 0.75?
Good luck automagically converting "3/4" into a number. You'd have to write a simple calculator to convert simple maths like that
!!> eval("3/4")
no, it will not
@rlemon 0.75
You'd have to eval it
and you should never eval user input
but really, if you don't know what you're doing, eval will get you into a lot of trouble
but, javascript is a simple calculator
that's one of the few things that's always a bad idea
Don't use eval, and don't to loose quality
@AjeetKljh That sounds easy to test and tinker
new Function("var a = " + FRACTION_STRING  + "; return a").call();
now I'm just bored

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