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@Loktar Retrocomputing? Can I bring my abacus?
@Loktar Neat! I wouldn't mind an invite
@corvid hah
@SomeKittens I've emailed the recruiter back twice, and I haven't heard anything. I'm going to head to lunch here soon and call them while I'm on it. I have a suspicion that I've been passed over though.
@Trasiva bummer
ohhh, I know, I am gonna try with the stackoverflow pen! I haven't used it yet
@SomeKittens It's power for the course. I just need to finish this project I started to familiarize myself with Node and React.
@SomeGuy sent
@BartekBanachewicz I watched that as well, pretty interesting
he has very loving parents
@Loktar I am trying to get a rought estimate on how powerful that'd be, but it consistenly turns out to be less than my MBP
I mean, dunno, he had 10 300GB drives at 10k RPM
so maybe it's more or less equal to a modern desktop PC
yeah and his isn't configured to full potential either
lol fortunately for him otherwise he couldn't power it
@Loktar so essentially this is a PC with fast storage right?
!!tell loktat youtube suffer get scared
and well a lot more configurability
@BartekBanachewicz that's what I gathered overall
really neat item to have, just no idea what you could use it for lol
I have a Gibson SG.
What do I do with it.
@BartekBanachewicz not familiar with that
> I just want to say thank you. I used to daze off in class. Now I daze off in class... with style
welp, found a case for left-pad. What do I do with my life.
greg, you messed up. replace one with doze
@littlepootis youtube.com/watch?v=epiA5FZGzCk trust me you want to learn this
> waaw so this is how to impress girls?
@littlepootis that advice from awal is like asking how to stay away from alcohol advice from @SterlingArcher!
the stackoverflow pen is too heavy for this :(
@AwalGarg protip: It has nothing to do with the pens mass
use your pen
your face has nothing to do with penis mass
Hey, I don't have a problem with alcohol. Alcohol has a problem with me.
> I don't have a drinking problem, I'm fantastic at it!
@SterlingArcher lol
> I would never abuse alcohol, it's my best friend.
@AwalGarg not sure what your point is, but that is a universal fact.
> I don't have a problem with alcohol. I have a problem without it.
> I don't have a problem with alcohol. I have problem's accessing it =(
@AwalGarg instructions not clear penis stuck in toaster
@Abhishrek not if you have a pretty face. Then it increases mass.
@littlepootis pen is below the bed somewhere and I can't find it :(
@Abhishrek not sure you caught the theme
Maybe I did
water has mass :P
what the France?
I can't rotate in a perfect circle, but it does come back to rest and I can repeat from there
i have to say
it does sound good
Is it possible to achieve something like this? jsfiddle.net/wwLxhgp1
dynamically decide which variable that data is passed to.
@AwalGarg Yay, something to practice when I'm bored in class
I've started carrying my pick set to college to practice in class when I can as well
@Asperger Yes and no. container[key] = value
@AwalGarg @AwalGarg Yay, something to practice when I'm in class (source)
The click of a lock opening is such a sweet sound
@SomeGuy wow
@JanDvorak yes, its possible with object literals and bracket notation but I wondered if that is also possible with just variables
@SomeGuy especially in self-bondage
@SomeGuy wait... lock picking?! shit that's really cool!
rarely used skills are rarely used
Yuss! Get yourself a pick and torque wrench, and get reading and practicing lysator.liu.se/mit-guide/MITLockGuide.pdf
Use it or lose it.
@Asperger you can do that with global variables: global[key] = value or window[key] = value, but I don't think there is any equivalent to that for locals.
lol I am gonna practice this spinning thing sitting empty in my exam tomorrow. the invigilator is gonna be so weirded out :P
and even that is risky
@luggage so as long as its global it works. How do you call that?
that thing I just said?
It looks like trying to access an object property
yes that thing
global variables are properties of global object
property accessor, "bracket notation"
oh ya thats true
@AwalGarg you can also do a thing where you spin the pen from pinky to thumb and back
the window is an object, hence we can access its properties with the bracket notation
I totally forgot about it
@KarelG Is Nathalie still there?
there isn't really any reason to dyamically set actual local variables, just object properties
or values in a Map
On my white board, I wrote down foo.bar = foo['bar'] so I never forget.
Real coders don't need to write that down
i'll never forget because it's so useful, i use it constantly
shouldn't that be ===
Nah, the differences are clear
I was wondering how are you guys doing automated browser testing, for example we have a number of different layouts for making 'content' on a website.. for the sake of conversation say creating 'greeting cards'. As we make changes we want to do regression testing on all of these layouts to make sure there are no newly introduced errors. about a decade ago I used something called Selenium seleniumhq.org
@JanDvorak Ouch, shots fired.
It doesnt work though, jsfiddle.net/wwLxhgp1/1
@KevinB lol
... that wasn't a blank? :-(
what is good automated testing software today? We use VS2013 as well
x and y aren't global in that fiddle.
@Asperger it should
I avoid using brackets unless I'm dealing with arrays, which is why I forget about bracket notation or w/e.
so its just in the fiddle
right, because you put your code inside of an onload callback.
yay I am getting it now!
@KevinB indeed, you are right
@JoJo Karma and Selenium
@JoJo there are many. I use Jasmine.
@ssube ty, I will search karma
@littlepootis ty I will search for it
Karma runs your unit tests under a browser (often PhantomJS), Selenium runs real browsers
Jasmine uses phantom too
With just Mocha, you can't test your DOM interactions much
And can use real browser
about how many days would I need to set up a good working test environment?
@littlepootis Jasmine is just the old library Mocha replaced, though, like underscore and lodash or jQuery and React.
@KendallFrey huh ?
@ssube yep
we already have browserstack.com subscription, maybe I should force myself to use the Selenium they have
@JoJo about 0.007 days
@KarelG She was chatting in here under your name
@Luggage indeed it works. Then again, if a function is an object inside an object called window then we might be able to do something like: window.functionName[variableName]
@ssube ok
AJ styles used to look like Tom Cruise. Now what a funny hairstyle he has.
and makeover.
getting Karma into your build should take an hour, tops
@KendallFrey :| Gotcha check my history
@ssube ty
i forgot to lock my laptop
yea, if you attach additional properties to your functions (which you can, since functions are objects)
also window["functionName"](); //call it
2 hours ago, by KarelG
Oh it's from you guys (and girls?) where Karel got his interests of Kernel Space Program game.
Kernal Space Program
@JoJo it's not perfect, but this is what I use for Karma: github.com/ssube/web-template/blob/master/gulpfile.js#L68
Orville Redenbacher's favorite past time
Kendall Space Program
@ssube ty
@Loktar shit lmao
heh "Kernel Space Program" ...
Gotcha pay her back with a prank
i found the next image after that more interesting: imgur.com/gallery/gZr9eey
step throat ?
* googles *
hahah nice @rlemon
@KarelG bro, nsfw that shit
that's a nice picture of Michael Buble
that's far from NSFW ...
that was a corny joke
it's a giant picture of giant knockers
The word sensei is getting underlined like it's not defined...what the shit is that.
from reddit: lightning was close, didn't hit him.
@Waxi because it isn't english
you'll need the correct language selected
@rlemon How? Haha, I thought the car lights were fire
Hey could someone take a look at this quickly? I've tried running a debugger, changed what I was animating and what
I was clicking, nothing is working, I thought i had a bad link to jquery but I dont jsfiddle.net/j80mhe4p
JAVASCRIPT CHATROOM THOUGHT OF THE DAY: you have to begin from somewhere. :)
ok ive read the following:
var myNameSpace = { };

myNameSpace.localVar = window.localVar = 'foo';
which is essentially the same as:
@Shniper have you considered the possibility that your animation simply isn't having any effect?
window.myNameSpace = { }
or not?
not really
ah nvm
window.localVar * rubs my eyes *
@KevinB I've considered that and have no idea why it isn't there is no error, but I've tried animating other elements in other ways and nothing is working which is why I thought it was a bad link
@shniper give me a second and ill make you something
for goodness sake dont use jquery though. Give me a sec
@TodoPertin no
I love jquery :(
css mistakes don't throw javascript errors.
@ssube yes. :)
Give your nav a left: 0 in the css pane, you'll see that it has no effect.
> maple syrup mistakes don't throw syrup sucking errors.
@TodoPertin RLEMON THOUGHT OF THE DAY: If you're over 30, you were alive before every dog in the world.
I dun broke meteor :|
@TodoPertin If you reversed your ratio of "talking about programming" and "learning about programming" you'd be better than anyone here in a year.
@rlemon lol I'm 19 going but you are right. I hadn't thought of that.
@TodoPertin you know what else you didn't think about? The objective of golf is to play as little golf as possible.
mind blown
@SomeKittens lol I cant be better than anyone here. you are all so awesome already.
@rlemon has a dog ever made it to 30?
@rlemon a lot of sports, really
@rlemon lol I do not know what to say to that
almost every motorsport
actually, I don't know what is the oldest now
as the oldest just died
my schedule is fucked up. Damn secretary
@SomeKittens but you are so correct. thank you I really have to work on that. Atleast I would be better.
than what I am now.

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