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@SterlingArcher I have done that
body { opacity: 0.2; }
@SterlingArcher yes afaik or only test developers can see it, until your app is published the posts wont be visible, but iirc facebook allows you to create tons of test users via api
also with the object browser you can get a link and open the link ;-)
Gyms Hate me, learn how to be fit with this one simple trick! body { overflow: hidden; }
@Abhishrek how do you get the link? All I see is the link to open the JSON
@rlemon and if you want to be sexy body { display: flex; }
@SterlingArcher try putting the object id right after facebook.com :D (thats a shot in the dark) otherwise there should be a link field in your post json
err I'll have to reactivate my facebook account in order to answer that :-/
why you :-|
@SterlingArcher developers.facebook.com/docs/graph-api/reference/v2.6/post I was refering to that one there is a distinct attribute for link
and not the link attribute cause that one refers to which url this post links to
@KendallFrey 1.1 out
My Mun base was starting to get a bit laggy
see the post id and the user id :D
and I was just getting into a new game
I've been thinking about what you said about using arduino to control lasers
The link you followed may have expired, or the page may only be visible to an audience you're not in. D:
@KendallFrey yea?
sounds cool, but I can't think of anything really good that I can do without breaking the bank
I am tempted to try controlling a laser with the mouse though
because how neat would that be
laser light show?
idk how tho
steppers are not really that fast
yeah I've been looking at that
DC is hard to control without some sort of optical encoder or something else
DC motors are unpredictable
I'd either need a high end servo or a galvo
which are expensive
yea servo might be good enough
but then you limit some of the directional no?
er, some of the precision
precision isn't my biggest worry
I'm thinking a laser show :D
the main problem is probably being able to control both speed and position
most servos can only do one
that is why steppers are win
but I really have never seen a 'fast' stepper
can steppers control position?
not everyone uses angular dude
wouldn't that just make them servos?
@KendallFrey they can. but they don't know start
you mean they only know relative?
yeah that probably isn't good
which is why you use another control to position it
on my laser pointer toy for the cats it would spin till the light hit a photo resistor
idk.. I'm not used to modern stuff. my electronics game is dated
That sounds overly difficult for a light show
yay, we are officially doing 20% time
Ideally I could just command it to "move to Xdeg in Yms"
The sweet thing about public betas for KSP is having mods that work right away
no update for MJ though, hope it isn't broken
I'm torn
do I run stock
obv mechjeb
but otherwise
I think I should
@SterlingArcher the link matters :-|
also I don't have you on facebook bro :-(
but basically facebook.com/{user-id}/posts/{post-id}/
to see if it went through
hahaha my flag fell over
What's your handle?
vote in my poll fuckers
my base seems to have become quite unstable
science mode or career?
@phenomnomnominal I voted and it still says 0 votes
@rlemon sandbox ftw!
he asked about angular
I need to check out the new wheel physics
no one answered
idk about others, I don't know angular.
who just pinged me?
and he was never seen or heard from again
@Luggage it was a kick
well, interupted me factorio either way
But guys seriously I have an Angular JS problem
I'm using Angular JS! GET IT
/me goes back to doing nothing
@Loktar did you see my ping about that game a few days back?
the survival one?
empyrion galactic survival
I checked it out.. it looked really ummm rough?
check it out
awe really?
lol, I think it's fun
from the videos anyway
I'll stream some gameplay maybe tomorrow
i bought it but never played
I've only done single player
I love the idea of the building + survival. and I can make ships and stuff
electric furnaces are expensive
space engineer is like that, too. not that you shouldn't enjoy what you started
yea I got that as well. I'll admit tho I played it a very long time ago ( I think it was still rough then )
didn't like it much
it's been apolished quite a bit
but yea, it was very rough and still has some rough spots
@KendallFrey my flags are broken
only white
my flag is still the right one
just fell onto its side
did you try starting a new game?
no I mean my options of starting flag.
> What is this chat even for
and I have no available missions.... yea I think my install is borked
yes, they added bigger static solar panels
@rlemon oh, didn't try that at all
nahh my install is garbage
started a new game. no flags, no missions, no parts
uninstalled the game. reinstalling now
and we're off!
holy crap, you can just... adjust the wheel friction
turn the runway into ice
omg new menus
:D :D: D
so excited
sticky menus man
thank the lord
I wonder why my Mun base turned into a Mexican jumping bean
undo in the hanger is no longer lagy af
@mooncat39 Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Pleasedon't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
Anyone here?
Guess not
I need help with jkqieruy
@KendallFrey the lack of lag is amazing
also could be that I uninstalled all of my mods :D
@Zirak Just did a bunch of free writing, looks like that was the perfect laxative for my writer's block.
~2k words and the article is so much better than the first draft
New blog post?
Had an old one half-written for a while now. Liked the core concept, couldn't make the post make the words I wanted
What'll it be about?
@SomeGuy DM'd you the link
it's a pretty rough draft but the framing is much better than the old one
I'll check it out after my exam!
good luck!
wow, KSP fucked up my entire computer
the display was acting funny
general consensus is 1.1 is pretty buggy
I can't repair my wheels :(
yea mines bugging
I thought it was MJ
disabled MJ
still buggy
MJ doesn't even come up for me
my first 1.1 mun mission
ship looks ugly af
hopefully it works
They changed the suspension :/ my stuff doesn't work as well as it did
I should figure out how to lock it to 0
So close to figuring out this facebook api
made it home too
good morning
hey, is anyone familiar with web workers?
i am quite confused by the concept.
@phenomnomnominal Mind if I ask a few questions?
of course not
@phenomnomnominal So, I have a worker.js
Don't ask to ask questions!
@happy that's not helpful :)
This has to be the biggest annoyance for any room owner or regular. We are on a Question and Answer site; so yea, I'm pretty sure it's ok for you to ask a question here.
Inside, I have:
self.addEventListener('message', exec);
and function exec() {//STUFF} is my entire worker
I'm a room owner. If I was annoyed I'd say.
@happy sorry :( I will remember not to ask
@happy we were already talking. @thepiercingarrow don't worry, it's fine.
@phenomnomnominal thanks. So, I was wondering. I've read a few web articles and an exerpt from a book, and all I've found are simple workers with the entire program within the addEventListener
yep, that's about right for examples, but there's a very useful function called importScripts developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/WorkerGlobalScope/…
@phenomnomnominal Okay, yeah will look at it
important to remember you can't use most DOM stuff within worker code though
@phenomnomnominal yeah, i'm just using the worker to run calculations (interpret input)
So, all i've seen so far is the main script calling:
var w = new Worker("worker.js");
w.postMessage(some stuff);

then the worker takes the message and does stuff
but is the worker script actually run? if so, when? when var w is defined?
@phenomnomnominal how do global variables work within a worker? I just don't understand how a worker can receive a message if you don't explicitly start a worker.
@phenomnomnominal hi?
sorry, back
there aren't globals, each worker has it's own context
if you want to share anything between workers, you need to post messages to them individually
it's generally a bad idea
they should do small independent tasks
new Worker runs the script
which is what sets up the eventlistener
then on postmessage the worker will receive the stuff
@phenomnomnominal Oh. So, I have this brainf interpreter, i want the main script to send the worker the code and input in an object, and the worker does the interpretation and sends back the output. is this a bad idea?
@phenomnomnominal i know, but how do global commands in a worker wok?
@phenomnomnominal would they run when the worker is called? or once per page load?
@thepiercingarrow The worker script will be executed immediately. But your current thread won't get the worker's message until it is back to the event loop.
Is there some clever way of making myObj['prop.propo.mmm'] work like myObj.prop.propo.mmm
or should I just grab some left-pad-ish npm thinger
@Sheepy so does the entire worker execute on postmessage? or just the addeventlistener part?
just the listener
@thepiercingarrow What are "global commands"? Do you mean what are available in global?
@Sheepy i mean like are inside the worker at the top level (not inside the addeventlisterer function)
i have a very bad understanding of web workers (probably obvious), thats why im asking
@thepiercingarrow A worker executes in another thread. It doesn't execute in your creator thread. Its communication with its creator goes the creator's event queue.
I am asking badly.
@Sheepy Sorry, what I mean is, say you have the file:
It's ok. Finding the correct question to ask is what chat is good at. :)
var brainfuck = {
p: 0,
inp: 0,
cp: 0,
cells: [],
openclose: {},
interpret: function(c) {
switch (c) {
case '>': ++p; break;
case '<': --p; break;
case '+': this.cells[p] = this.cells[p] ? ((this.cells[p] + 1) % 256) : 1; break;
case '-': this.cells[p] = this.cells[p] ? ((this.cells[p] + 255) % 256) : 255; break;
case '.': self.postMessage(String.fromCharCode(this.cells[p])); break;
case ',': this.cells[p] = this.input.charCodeAt(inp++); break;
case '[':
case ']': break;
self.addEventListener('message', exec);
@Sheepy so, when I postMessage(object) to the worker, would the brainfuck object reset, not exist, or be whatever is ended up as, the last time i posted a message?
@Sheepy because its not inside the exec function
it would be the same
unless you make a new one
@phenomnomnominal ah, so if I wanted it to reset, i would have to put the declaration inside the exec function?
@thepiercingarrow Worker has its own context. Like your window. When you start a worker, it simply runs, like a <script> in html. And whatever happens, happens. It doesn't "restart" when it receive a message.
yep, or have a reset function
@Sheepy How do you start a worker? is it when you declare var w = new Worker()? or when you postMessage?
@phenomnomnominal great, thanks!!!
When you new Worker. postMessage goes to the worker's event queue. Worker's onmessage is just another event handler.
@Sheepy oh.. so the new Worker starts the worker, and returns a reference to it..
Thanks both of you so much!! Helped a ton!!
I think I finally get how it works (somewhat). Thanks!
Beware that Chrome cannot load worker from file protocol and cannot spawn subworkers (from any protocols).
@Sheepy file protocol?
i.e. If you put a multi-thread site on a USB, it won't work in Chrome. (But it'll work in other browsers.)
@Sheepy Great. I use palemoon, so I should be alright ;)
Thanks again!
Just something to keep in mind when you're ready to put it to practice :)
I see.. will try to avoid that then. :)
bye, see you around :)
Firefox 46 is out. What's new? It's slower. That's a feature.
that tech jargon went over my head. What is W^X?
> It is a memory protection policy whereby every page in a process' address space is either writable or executable, but not both simultaneously.

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