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@Waxi You're going to use both. Certain things can't be done until the page renders, whereas other things can be done pre-rendering.
Virtual terminals are beautiful
Right, but point is, log in arbitrary base is just as fast as two logs in a fixed base plus a division
The only reason I use a Windowing system is for web browsing and gaming.
@KendallFrey which is 2-3 times slower than a built in log2
@littlepootis but you have to deal with ugly fonts unless you use framebuffer in which case you might as well just use wayland/x
@ssube which isn't significant
@AwalGarg there are some nice fonts..
@KendallFrey I'm talking about GPU instructions, where it is.
@ssube @Trasiva thank you much
On the CPU, not so much
esp since the use cases for arbitrary base logs are so rare
@littlepootis shoot one with a link
(I use VTs often too, btw. don't get me wrong but I know what shit I deal with :P)
You don't like the default font...?
@Zirak looks nice … In php-src we also prepend extended data to the objects and then we write it as: (struct some*)((char*)(obj) - XtOffsetOf(struct some, std))
@bwoebi :(
but your container_of thing looks even more concise
@ssube why so sad?
I'm not sure what php-src is, but from the quality of that code, I'm going to assume the source code for PHP. Nothing else could be that simplistically bad.
@ssube yes, it's source code of PHP … and openssl is much worse, I guarantee that.
openssl has an excuse, on account of being crypto and actually doing something useful :D
@ssube sigh that's unfortunately not true
@ssube good joke. Next!
@littlepootis nobody likes it. god what horrible ugliness
@Zirak the concise way it delivers filth... it's like the human centipede of source.
@AwalGarg :(
@bwoebi are you suggesting that crypto isn't useful?
It referred to your last statement. Tons of code are that simplistically bad.
@ssube no, … the fact that it is an excuse.
And openssl is that bug-ridden, I doubt it's usefulness sometimes too
this is fun, "Error code: -1" and no error text on an ftp operation
Your wireless wires seem to have been cut off
^-- keh
@rlemon : useful for in your country: i.imgur.com/kEkeWtP.webm ?
@KarelG rlemon is afk.
If I land on user.php?id=1 and this grabs data based on the id, how do I put this php data into js while remaining on the page? I've never created a page on the fly. I'm overthinking it, but not sure where. I need the php array to become a js array so I can use it to build my page.
jeep makes a tracked snowmobile version
That screams @Josiah 's alaskan cousin, Brosiah
@Waxi well, you can insert it into js using <script></script> tags, or you can present it as html on the page and read it with js.
@SterlingArcher country J, the cool one
other option would be to retrieve the data via ajax
when demoing pre-generated accounts, setting the password to password1 is legit, right?
although I don't think you can worse than normal J
@FilipDupanović asswordp
Now y'all are just being silly
just trying to be safe for work
@KevinB That's what I normally do, grab it once I'm ready, but this time it needs to be ready before the page is built. Too much to pass into the URL, so I want to create the page as I go. I didn't think about outputting it directly and reading it again. Figured there was a slick way to pass them. Thank you!!
@FilipDupanović why not set to something random generated with a cryptographically secure PRNG?
Who makes demo passwords secure... I mean honestly.
it's a fucking demo
lead by example
password or admin or root are all good demo passwords
My databases are still using root and no password...so secure.
@SterlingArcher @ssube exactly, but I can already see the eyes rolling when I set something simple you can type in without copy/pasting
it's a password, not a fucking private key
Set it to your name
@FilipDupanović so make it secure, do whatver
Go nuts
I accidentally sent messages to /rooms/11
password1 it is! I believe in me
Maybe do a retina scan for entry.
I accidentally sent anthrax to /rooms/10
Who am I kidding, it was no accident
I accidentally the entire
@Zirak why did you post *******? Just cuss man
@FlorianMargaine how do you detect language in pastie.margaine ? (or do you at all to syntax highlight)
@FilipDupanović Make it something that they won't forget, and stick out. IMTHEZODIACKI113R.
The entire :(
@Waxi please provide you're biometric document in order to unlock the lavatory door. Thank you for travelling in the EU.
Wait, our passwords are asteriskified?
Chat hides passwords with *s? Nifty
wow it works
Did it work?
problem is my password is literally 12 asterisks
@SomeKittens ha
@SomeKittens lol
my password is randomly generated letters and numbers
because I'm a professional
I really should use lastpass
@ndugger and yet all you see is thick dots.
lastpass has been hacked a couple of times. Nothing is secure
Jokes on hackers, I'm broke af
Damn pay schedule transitions are a pita
keepass.info anyone?
There's an ad for Muslim Matrimonials on that page
@SterlingArcher I wouldn't recommend them. Been using it for a few years.
bots afk, I need reboot
I'm going to move to keepass stored in google drive or something, once I care enough.
The form filling stuff in lastpass breaks more sites than it works with.
I write all my passwords down on paper
There's no security like physical security
Corporate's IT recommended keepass to me.
I get my passwords tattooed on my wrists
@ndugger I know your type; people come into your house and then they need 15 minutes to type in the 32 masked characters on their phone correctly before they can access YT
@ndugger Your password is --mom->?
@ndugger why do I almost believe you?
I love policy that makes you change your pw every x months.
My roommate pissed me off with the wifi settings. She asked me to change the wifi name. She rejected every pun I had. And she made me reduce the security of the password
What the hell is wrong with "Tell My Wifi Love Her"
Time to man in the middle her
It's unlikely you'll have any neighbours that know how to bruteforce your wep key
@Waxi like what pretty much everything uses?
I've seen images of text containing passwords...thought it was safe I guess.
oh wait
wep2 plebbroski
whatever is used these days
I love when you ask the waiter what's the WIFI password and he says askthewaiter and you don't get it
dammit yea that
same thing
Thanks Truvia, but I would actually need the exact opposite of this. If the .logged-in DOM exists, then DONT run the code. How would I do this? — GlennMc 27 mins ago
inb4 ssube no it's not pleb
wpa2/enterprise/802.1x mufuckas
ugh. I am not a sweetener.
I'm Back Baby!
Hi back baby
I'm not sure if you can even combine all of those things, tbh
I'm Zirak
I am.
wow wtf. ACLs work out of the box on kernel now? when da hell did this happen? @FlorianMargaine
@ssube OpenSSL proves you can combine any standards, as long as you produce something long and cryptic
Or is it just arch compiling the kernel with weird flags?
grumble grumble stupid circular dependencies
God dammit Zirak I already watched 20 minutes of that shit today
@AwalGarg pacman -Qi acl
It's required by something, probably systemcd
System of a Down
I think enabling ACL is also the default on mounting some filesystems
@Zirak why is vim depending on it -_-
@FlorianMargaine please ignore the above ping. I am an idiot.
It's left-pad all over again!
Thank you for the help @rlemon I just did not understand how to explain it well.
I lost it at the pokemon cutout
@KendallFrey our new flag.
lmao i love it
@rlemon Flag of where?
A goose's head in a tim hortons cup? Yea. It fits.
@KendallFrey, @ssube You might be the only ones here who'll appreciate this: skeptics.stackexchange.com/questions/32563/…
@rlemon I bet the cup has maple syrup in it.
@Trasiva naaah. just snow
@Zirak yeah, didn't get it
@KendallFrey entropy isn't what it used to be
@Zirak heh, because entropy
@rlemon oh ok, hahaha very funny
@KendallFrey daw, ok :(
@Zirak dungeddit
Apparently it's a non-funny entropy joke
Botltzmann was a really cool guy who's known for the Boltzmann Equation and has a constant (kB) named after him.
@Zirak I'm sorry but "kilobyte" sounds nothing like "Boltzmann"
His equation is S = kB ln(W), where S is the system entropy, kB is his constant, and W is the number of states the system has.
@Zirak 51
huh, but I don't believe in entropy
reddit.com/r/forwardsfromgrandma I've never seen so much cancer in a subreddit
the only states I care about are the great 50 of the USA
@ndugger you mean 51
@Zirak 42
50 + Canada
Canada isn't a state
it is the great northern state
you both forgot Hawhyee and Alaksa
Because of the 2nd law of thermodynamics (a system's entropy either increases or stays the same), his greatest tombstone gets worse over time.
It's pretty big for a state
Which I found amusing
@ndugger yea, States are tiny.
50 + Canada + Hawhyee + Alaska
States are the size of european countries
I never realized just how large our provinces were until I drove acrossed a few states
@Abhishrek it's trying to auto detect the language
@FlorianMargaine The semaphore I always wanted :D
I think I found a bug in the TS compiler. it finds circular dependencies when the files are referenced with absolute paths, but not when they are referenced with relative paths.
@Codeman hm. Software has bugs?
no way.
@FlorianMargaine It's increasing the size of some struct, not sure how much they'll like that
@Zirak the super_block struct is already huge
That's quite a big boy. Do you know if it's prone to changes?
"prone to changes"?
Yeah, if that struct recently changed, etc
You said they're bananas about exposing public interfaces, I'd guess they'd be banana split about struct sizes. Or maybe not.
that depends on which
dunno if that struct recently changed
but if a struct is already huge, then adding an int won't do much harm
@Zirak that said, they can be bananas about struct size
but really when it becomes much bigger than it already is, if there is a choice
anyway, gnight
!!afk meeting
@BenjaminGruenbaum what's nodejs onboarding?
on('board', function(newGuy) {});
@ndugger European Countries ? I am pretty sure some of your states are size of Asian countries
I will never get bored of watching birds use my pond as a bird bath
DJ qualls is funny and nice to watch xD
Hey guys anyone have any experience with websockets? In particular socket.io?
@papakia Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Pleasedon't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
I need to know if in the "on connected" callback I can make calls to the url that the client is currently on. I.e. if they are logged in I can make an ajax call to the url to download the web page
Essentially i need to save a copy of the website (inc all resources) so if the owner wants to go back and view an earlier version, I can reproduce it for them
I'm getting a "Invalid left-hand side in assignment" because of this EmailWrapper.style.background-image = "radial-gradient(circle farthest-side "+ SmoothMovment +"%, #009cde, #003087 125%)";
SmoothMovment is a integer
@phenomnomnominal Ok the errors gone but it aint doing anything
@FlorianMargaine you've built a router right?
looks promising
@phenomnomnominal When I console log EmailWrapper.style.backgroundimage it shows the changes but not in the HTML
@rlemon hahaha, that behaviour screams "I've run into this door so many times"
@Tarson Capital i: backgroundImage
looks neat
My if statements screwed up though
lol. really nice.
now it works, completely
Probably better if the timer started on a hover
WP Engine is unreliable
Slow as tits today, lol
@Tarson btw, you can do that in css with a lot less lines and more semantically correctly ;)
in case you're interested, not saying your method is bad, but it looks like you're trying to improve so...
google: js classList, css transition
off-topic here:
hello there. I live in brazil and isp's here have recently started to announce download quota limits for their users, due to infrastructure limitations. I have a 50/25 Mbps FTTH connection and my plan should get a 170GiB quota, which I find pretty low. I wonder is there such limitations in wherever you live at?
I don't have 'limits' in the sense that they cut me off
but I have to pay more for unlimited bandwidth
I have 150Mbps at home, multi gigabit at work. Unlimited for both, though I think they get upset if you use more than 500GB a month for my home conn
also "infrastructure limitations" are such bullshit. They don't wanna pay to upgrade the infrastructure. They should be using that $$ to upgrade their cables
@towc I couldn't transition a Background-image. I already talked to someone about that. They said not possible to transition a background image move.
Even tho was gradient
@Tarson they right, but you can still do something about it
you can transition between the images of the gradients
which is probably good enough for what you want to do
too late. it's obsolete, now.
@Loktar Did you get your Vive already?
Shot in the dark.. has anybody ever worked with a Facebook application?
@Trasiva no
@SterlingArcher how so?
I'm trying to make a story post so that players can share when they have completed a quest -- I'm following the API, but in a test app I can't see the actual post, but I see the object in the object browser. Does my app have to be public and released for it to show on a timeline?
not sure, never done something like that
@towc I tried the opacity, didn't do what I wanted really
It works, and it works very fast and fluid so I can't complain. It's not bad...

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