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I know that guys, I'm there now
@littlepootis ?
I'm asking questions for clarification, and for the record, theres nothing there about cloning
That's a different website
yeah yours is
his has nothing about cloning
I recommend Codeschool. good tut's
Github's tutorial is like a sales pitch to get you on Github.com
My ex-boss used to think Git means GitHub.
thats my first go-round with it
@taco lol
thanks to the links you guys gave me
5 commits. Looks good. You are getting the hang of it!
@AboutLeros Because that question doesn't even need ajax to solve.
@AlexGray are you from russia?
@AlexGray awesome
@Sheepy I know, but it needs to go through the db. so a url can be just pasted in and then will display an image.
@Maurice everyone asks me that, but no. That photo was taken in Kazakhstan however
@AlexGray cloning it now
sweet. It's a nifty little player. I'm sure my code isn't perfect and a little messy, but it was working for me in local host. I was curious if it would work on mobile but never uploaded it to a live site to test
Maybe I should mention that in the readme lol
@AlexGray want to try handling a pull request? I've got a suggestion. You will get to review, and accept or reject it
then pull in the code into your master branch
yeah I definitely want to! it's all a little confusing for me but we can try lol
is there a way I could create a separate branch for your version?
btw you can try it on your mobile by using your machines ip adress in your network
I mean I have the code in like 3 or 4 places on my HD anyway so it's all good but i was wondering how exactly to do the different versions thing
the real ip?
@AlexGray so basically I'm going to fork your code, add a change, then submit a pull request
the real one
@taco Let's see who does it first
@taco sounds good
you copy my repo, make a change, then ask me to "pull" that change into my repo?
@littlepootis y u add newlines, scrub
I just fucked something up lol
Merge branch 'erikroyall-patch-1'

# Please enter a commit message to explain why this merge is necessary,
# especially if it merges an updated upstream into a topic branch.
# Lines starting with '#' will be ignored, and an empty message aborts
# the commit.
and screen is all black in bash XD
to quit and bail
enter is making a line break
Unless you expected to merge a patch
i was just trying to follow the instructions
@BenFortune I brag about loc contributions.
@AjayBijlani Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Pleasedon't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
hang on I gotta figure out something isn't right in my bash thing
@taco Nice, Luis Gonzalez
I've been doxxed by myself. omg.
@littlepootis Ok so I pulled, now would I merge?
according to the instructions to merge via command line
Ill get to yours taco haha
yeah np
last time I did merge it crashed bash or something and said add a message, I'm gonna try again with a message
gonna get back to work
It's not crashing bash. It's open a text editor called vi (or vim)
It's not the easiest thing to use. you can change it to something like pico, which gives you menu options at the bottom of the shell window
very nice, I like your change XD. both of you guys
export EDITOR=ed
or you can have it launch something like Atom
never heard of ed
Swap file "C:/Users/AG/documents/HTML/html_5_audio_player/.git/.MERGE_MSG.swp" already exists!
[O]pen Read-Only, (E)dit anyway, (R)ecover, (D)elete it, (Q)uit, (A)bort:
is that from the last merge?
you closed the window improperly
sounds like vim, as it uses swap files like that
how do I quit that vim thing it came up again
@AwalGarg *nano
choose a diff editor for now
hey guys
@AdanRamirez Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Pleasedon't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@AlexGray Type : then q
or :q!
<!DOCTYPE html>
	<meta charset="utf-8" />

<input id="Button1" type="run" value="button"/>
<input id="Button2" type="stop" value="button"/>

none of that is workin unfortunately
if i click button, i want the title to be specific
how do i do that?
@AlexGray screenshot?
@AlexGray press Esc three times and then type :q!
how do i set the title of page by pressing button?
@AdanRamirez What have you tried?
@AdanRamirez Your types are invalid.
code wizard
<!DOCTYPE html>
	<meta charset="utf-8" />

<input id="Button1" type="button" value="button"/>
<input id="Button1" type="button" value="button"/>

u serious?
if i click 'button1' --> title of page = string = "hello"
do i use javascript?
or can html do it alone?
you should
@littlepootis read only... lol
google for: document.title = string
@AdanRamirez Yes, you would need to use JavaScript.
@AwalGarg why the fuck is a temp file readonly wtf
@littlepootis windows
I like how he has GMail bookmarked
@AdanRamirez dat display picture
yeah, sort of NSFW. @MadaraUchiha ^ is that allowed?
@littlepootis like it?
is 14yo "porn"
@AdanRamirez no
would I have been notified of you guys' changes if you didnt send me those links?
I'm a potatosexual
@AlexGray yes
@littlepootis I'm miakhalifasexual
@littlepootis put dispenser here!
actually this chat is full of engineers I guess
yeah "engineers" sureeee
I'm a fcking engineer man
with a post-graduate in data science & big data
I'm an engineer with a car. Close enough
what does it indicate if a site that looks good in localhost on my cpu looks like crap when visiting on my mobile using <MY IP ADDRESS>/path-to-site
looks like crap?
no CSS?
yeah no css, looks like no js
@AlexGray not mobile friendly?
looks like stock html with no reset or anything
it should be i thought
@AlexGray add this to your head:
<meta name="viewport" content="user-scalable=no, initial-scale=1, maximum-scale=1, minimum-scale=1, width=device-width">
I developed it to be responsive
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
I also develop webs to be responsive
I have that
I mean, I use bootstrap and ggwp
I'll try yours
because I hate CSS :D
bootstrap hardcoooore :D
@Neoares ggwp?
I was using bootstrap but ditched it for my own css grid
!!urban ggwp
@Neoares GG WP good game, well played
@Neoares ! important ALL THE THINGS! !!
!!urban gewp
@littlepootis gewp 1. male jizz that has stuck to body after it is settled for a while.
still looks fubar on mobile
@littlepootis oh god
@littlepootis someone play an April Fools joke on ya?
I think the site and player would be ok on a live site, it's just something in my local setup
@Neoares that's the abbr that I know, yeah, but it doesn't make sense in that context, does it?
I was talking about Gibus Engineers' Welfare Protection
@GNi33 it does for me :S
it's like: i don't want to handle with responsiveness, just use bootstrap, ggwp
alright then :D
@littlepootis rule 42
oh, ok
would you guys use js/jq for a dropdown nav menu on mobile?
or pure html/css solution
@littlepootis I'm sure you were :)
honestly, I'd just use js
seems to be a better/more reliable option currently
given that my painful experience with an all css solution was in Android 2.x times
it definitely got better, but that was basically living hell
I have an html css solution on a site now, but it's kind of janky on mobile
i forgot all about wanting to improve it
@AlexGray depends. . Do I want to try to accomplish something clean or do I want to get it done efficiently?
to be honest, all you need JS to do is to add and remove a few classes, so it's not that bad
> Bootstrap 4 alpha 2 is now available.
@AwalGarg Yeah, not that bad.
but all CSS solutions are always nicer, with all that noscript - dingdangy around
whats the "best practice"
i guess in theory JS might not be enabled or whatever
@GNi33 I hate the world "always"
@AlexGray I like Semantic UI semantic-ui.com/modules/dropdown.html
I don't think I'm using an "alpha" version on a production site, sorry
@MadaraUchiha because it's wrong, mostly, as it is in this case
@AlexGray don't expect to have a solution that doesn't require js, but you should definitely minimize if possible
that looks cool. Those menus look really clean
if your website depends on JS already, you don't have to give a damn about an all CSS menu
With enough effort, you could probably have everything you require in pure css
a lot at least
@GNi33 All CSS menus have extreme usability problems
it started that way because I didn't know jack for JS
but mobile browsers are still a pain to work with
But imho, they are diminishing returns
upon looking it up I saw it was compicated but being that i didn't start JS at the time i figured why not
solved it!
<!DOCTYPE html>
    <title>My title</title>

<button onclick="myFunction()">Run</button>

<button onclick="myFunction2()">Stop</button>

function myFunction() {
    document.title = "run";


function myFunction2() {
    document.title = "stop";


If you shake your mouse a tiny bit, your menu is all over the place.
@MadaraUchiha depends, but I'll agree. The word "all" and "always" both have their same problems here :)
the site in particular that I was thinking of is DEFINITELY optimized/geared for people on desktops anyway
You can't have a throttle before you close your menu
Or before you open it
not to say screw mobile users, because I want a pro looking image for mobile users that stumble on the site to come back on desktop.
now... how do i read .txt files with html or javascript? i want to see if any line in the .txt matches string "hello", if so --> //code
If you support hover, your mobile version will almost surely suck.
Right gtg :D
bruce wayne's house
@MadaraUchiha good chance your desktop version will too
@Neoares I love how shit gets rendered to a good resolution
thank you!
you can just take components from that Semantic UI right?
say i just wanted the dropdown
Just take those files from the repo and include them in the proper places in my project, then markup correctly?
it's all under the MIT license
so you don't have to load the whole framework
not sure
but you can always throw out the stuff that you don't need
hmm, I kinda like that. will use that stuff
@AlexGray yes, just include the css,js files for the components you need.
I'm trying to get it working for a dropdown now
I have no errors in console log but drop down is not working when clicked
provide a working example in fiddle
nobody's going to dig through that huge gist
I just copied the source from one of the dropdowns on the semantic ui page, then got the css and javascript files from the repo
in my original file I was linking to jquery, then the dropdown JS file before the closing body tag
yeah, you'll still need to initialize them
but now it gives me an error that a module is missing
VM4233:4446 Dropdown: This module requires ui transitions <https://github.com/Semantic-Org/UI-Transition> slide down
you mean within the html?
to initialize?
alright guys, ima mindfk u guys with this problem:
@AlexGray no, in your js
i want to use an html page (index.html) from my website to set the webpage on another page
how do i do this?
what is the other page? and what does "set the webpage" even mean?
> to set the webpage on another page
here's the case scenario:
where did you put it in the js? That's why I was scared of using frameworks. Look at all this code I know nothing about just for a dropdown lol
1 page has 2 buttons, 'run' and 'stop'
if 'run' is pressed --> set the page to use index2.html
ah, no
if 'stop' is pressed --> set the page to use index3.html
@AlexGray you generally include framework code by setting the file in the src attribute of a script tag, not copy it in your own
this way it acts as a blackbox, you don't have to care what's in there
frameworks usually provide methods that you can then call in your own code.
<a href="index2.html">run</a>
<a href="index3.html">stop</a>
<script type="text/javascript" src="jquery.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="dropDown.js"></script>
like that?
in this case it's the jQuery - method .dropdown that you can just call on your selector
@AlexGray exactly
@FlorianMargaine okay so clicking that button you jump to index2.html
I did that but it still doesn't work. I included jquery in the same place as the html document as well as the dropDown js from the repo
but what's the url?
it just appears that none of the JS is but I don't have any console errors
how do i set that?
@AlexGray and that is where in the document?
@FlorianMargaine thank you
the links to the js?
before the closing body tag
okay, that's fine
jquery first
@AwalGarg you're welcome, that'll be $5
@AlexGray just include your own script after those two too
and try $('.ui.dropdown').dropdown(); in there
a blank 'main.js' Maybe?
i see
for example, yes
ok sweet now I have the error you got.
I'll try including those files
how on earth can I find script files loaded in IE
what a useless browser
great. mind that you'll probably need to include the missing modules before your dropdown - module
they are already included, I just don't know how to open them so that I could add breakpoints
boom, got it
thanks dude!
I just added the transitions js under the dropdown js in my dropDown.js file, and same thing for the transition CSS in my dropDown.css file and it's working
@Mathematics that depends on what version of IE you're using
That's still a shit ton of code though lol
usually, there's a debugger tab where all included files are listed in a tree view
@AlexGray it is
does it really take all that css and javascript just for that little menu?
a lot of modules will be used by several components though
my bad..... I was loading page without including scripts :|
looks like it does. that dropdown component has a lot of features though
supports selects, dom elements, multi-selects and so on
just look at the usage tab
that's the thing with frameworks
Yeah. right now it starts as "dropdown" and when I click it it closes the drop down and shows whatever I clicked. I'm sure I could adapt it into a project though
$.browser doesn't work
$.browser was deprecated years ago
@AlexGray oh, now I see. If you install semantic-ui using npm you get a setup prompt where you can select the packages you want and it should include and package all the stuff you need for it. not bad
so if i wanted like the dropdown, transitions, popup, card, I can get just them in a package
then implement them using the tips in the usage tabs for those modules?
have a look at the install section of the readme here
i dont know much about anything yet lol. I took a quick look around node, I know it does some kind of install something rether using the npm thing, but I'm just not familliar.
theres so many gosh darn things when you get into this lol
hehe, yep, there are. one step at a time
first its html and css then javascript then hold on a minute theres jquery which is like javascripts little brother and node and then theres bootstrap and semantic and hold on you better upload your projects to github for version control which is actually just a big place for git repos and git is this cool thing for version control but wait you cant just really upload onto github you better learn the git thingy with comand line and

On and on X"D

TLDR: lot's of stuff in the wild web X"D
@AlexGray just get comfortable with the basics first
Halycon and on and on
don't jump in using frameworks right away
write "vanilla" javascript and CSS first so you get the grip of it
after that, you'll understand frameworks a lot better too
yeah Im going back to basics now for sure. Just wanted to experiment with grabbing that component/module and using it
it's a pretty good guide, I'd recommend you to work through it if you want to understand JS at a basic level
as for CSS... hm, I don't know of a really good front-to-back guide right now, anyone else got a good resource?
@GNi33 w3schools
> returning a special value is a perfectly fine way to indicate an error. It does, however, have its downsides. First, what if the function can already return every possible kind of value?
@AlexGray just got to make that distinction between programming to learn and programming to do
JS world reinventing wheels all over again
@littlepootis That's the worst kind of resource.
Im on eloquent js now
chapter 2 or 3
ahahha oh my this is golden
> The second issue with returning special values is that it can lead to some very cluttered code. If a piece of code calls promptNumber 10 times, it has to check 10 times whether null was returned. And if its response to finding null is to simply return null itself, the caller will in turn have to check for it, and so on.
did the fizzbuzz thing and chess board today
cc @copy @BenjaminGruenbaum :)
@AlexGray for html and css: learn.shayhowe.com/html-css
pretty good
and then do the advanced one
and then this: learnlayout.com
damn that site looks like its great thanks
that looks good
And then read about new shit in HTML5 and CSS3
^ I can second that list
I heard that W3schools is a pretty good resource (just kidding, don't kill me)
^^ late on the joke :PPP
classic pootis to open it with a troll message though :P
Im good with the concepts of html/css but i still get into positioning battles all the time lol
Are there any TypeScript experts?
@MichałMiszczyszyn I won't hold it against ya. ;)
@MichałMiszczyszyn waves
I have a very specific problem, do you mind taking a look at it? stackoverflow.com/questions/36311284/…
@MichałMiszczyszyn none whatsoever
@MichałMiszczyszyn Nope. You can't get around that yet
Okay, I'll see what they have to say about that on GitHub, maybe it's on the roadmap somewhere
@BartekBanachewicz what's wrong with it?
@BenjaminGruenbaum dunno, it's just funny how lack of >>= can make your code sad
'@MichałMiszczyszyn your solution (in the edit) is the common practice.
@BartekBanachewicz you do realize Maybe is a terrible anti-pattern in 99% of cases right?
Thanks @BenjaminGruenbaum
It's "there is an issue but not gonna tell you what"
It's as bad as error values.
@BenjaminGruenbaum unless it's obvious, eh
@SterlingArcher I'm sure I linked you this already at some point, but god damn how much I love this song: youtube.com/watch?v=vV_jMQengJo
@GNi33 SterlingArcher is afk: fuck centos D:
@BartekBanachewicz if it's obvious, might as well make every T into a T | Maybe<T> which is what null for refernece types is - except in my opinion it's a bad idea.
I'm starting to think nullable types are just as bad as null.
@BenjaminGruenbaum that's not the same

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