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Well.. that sucks. I don't want to push you away form learning node.
becaue if so I could use my own stuff to collect the emails, and then just use mailchimp when I wanted to send a broadcast
Another question: I'm currently replacing innerHTML to "enhance" chat messages, but this fucks with urls etc sometimes. How do I transform the text of an element while supporting nested elements?
regarding email, most internet service provider will allow a certain amount per send and a certain amount per hour, per day. But as other might point out, the danger of being blacklisted is waayyy to high. Mailchimp and other solution are there, believing in their capability to dodge blackmail bullets.
@KendallFrey tree walker and only transform text nodes
it's the best way
deal with it
You can also import into it, so yea. not really any risk in either direction.
is there not something that I can say get all text node descendants?
rather than recursing
not that I'm aware of
if there is, let me know
he's transforming it
I wrote my own tree walker, then Zirak pointed out it is part of the DOM API now
OMG, I like node.js structure
but damn, the complicated tasks are done for you, where the simple tasks requires you to beat your head against the wall.
dig around in this blog a bit
@GregBorbonus what do you mean by complicated/simple, exactly?
with es6 its not require('express') right? its something else, right?
import express from 'express'
You can spin up a server, a lot like Ruby's Server method
thank you
with like 4 lines of code.
but you have to write a book to set a cookie
Not really
ohh, I see what you mean. Yes, node's api is quite low-level. file, net, http..
@GregBorbonus node is purposely light when it comes to that
it can be more than an http server
but you just hit up npm to find some work on top of that api. like express or one of the alternatives.
ohh, npm.
thanks @happy
I'm a little discouraged by that
so you rely on the many modules you can use to build up your app
you don't need npm, but it is easier
yeah, but one of the advantages of node.js is it's so light
but you have to include a lot of stuff within your code.
express and koa are two popular options for web servers in node.js
well yea, you can build up your stack as you like.
but php has a lot already built in
a lot that I don't need :D
No one needs PHP
but you can still configure to add/remove .
there is a thing to be said about modularity
God I love giphy
@TristanWiley make your thing unonebox
indead of Mr Node.js telling me how my web server should work, I choose a 'product' from a rather nice seletion.
when you post, grab your last post id, wait 60 sec, unonebox
When I see @SomeKittens at MWJS, I'm gonna introduce him to my coworkers as Macaulay Culkin
What do you mean rlemon?
1 message moved to Orphan GIFs
@TristanWiley watch what cap does
after a time, she unoneboxes the image
Oooh good idea
An appreciated courtesy.
she waits till the timeout limit
The only thing is if the person refreshes it will stay forever
I suggest 30 seconds
There are always edge cases.
yea, but how often will you /giphy then move pages
True... lol
Has anyone created a shared hosting platform from node.js?
@GregBorbonus many
@GregBorbonus many. be more specific :)
I'm not sure how to be more specific with it
many different users, many different apps.
!!google node free hosting
ohh, right. yes.
ohh, I like that
and there are big names, too. microsoft does node things, i think
isn't there free node hosting on Azure or something
How do you suggest I get the last post ID?
@TristanWiley ohh it is messy :/
I just spin up the cheapest level of machine on google cloud (like $6 / month) and put node on a linux box.
never used one of them fancy push-to-publish services.
you post to the chat, the chat makes an element, the post replies and stores the id on the element and removes the pending class
so mutation observers if you want to be 100% sure
Then how should I edit it?
post to the api (ha, I called it an api)
Figured, alright.
Are you talking about unoneboxing? Just hit the up arrow and edit the message.
Not like that lol
post to /messages/{id} with the data fkey({ text: href + ' ... ' }) (if using jQuery)
otherwise you'll have to build the string
I've set text-decoration: none on a link but the space for the underline on hover is still being considered for the height of the element. Is there any way to just have height be the text?
href ofc being the link href
@SomeKittens span with outline-bottom
outlines don't occupy space
inside of the a tag?
Rlemon, I seriously want to marry your brain
@SomeKittens hrm, yea that is ugly.
I mean it would probably work.. but ugly.
Not in this state.
@SomeKittens Underlines are usually at the baseline of the font, which is not the full height of the font, as the tails of lowercase letters go beneath it... are you sure that's what's happening?
I was thinking the same, but was not confident enough to say it.
I just spat out the first solution I thought of :D
@ndugger ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
line-height issue?
@Some that looks right to me; you forget that it can have lowercase letters
well, I got it working using mailchimp exactly how I wanted and now I have email responder. But I didnt learn any php, or node :''D but I still can so its all good :P
the line-height doesn't adjust intelligently if you have only allcaps
it should
but it doesn't
So, that extra space is for the tails of lowercase letters
which you don't have
but the font still retains that height
I would just make the line-height for it larger than its actual height to bring the text down
i just don't like how they have to opt in for me to get the email
Trust me, I'm a doctor
i could force them to opt in before the download will start but thats so cruddy lol
@SomeKittens wall of text solution above ^^
but i guess unless they are in the mailchimp thing the emails i sent would be all spam anyway
@SomeKittens one line solution way above ^^
that won't solve it...
I outlined the problem, the solution is an exercise for the reader :D
@AlexGray you are trying to add an email directly without sending the user elsewhere?
From an existing site?
i think they have to opt in
@AlexGray what do you have on your side?
before they will be added in the list and me seeing
Are they clicking a link?
i just used an existing mailchimp form in place of the form I made, and made the thank you page link the download link. I could instead send them to a page instructing them to opt in, then start the download immediately
ohhhh. the email they get and have to click, yes.
yeah, its all good. I assume thats how mailchimp makes it so the emails arent spam
part of the laws or whatever
that's part of it, yea. also all emails sent though them get an unsubscribe link and the bottom and other things.
i can either hope the users opt in after the download, or force them to opt in if they want the download
i think most internet people are programmed for that anyway by now
In return, if you follow the rules, your marketing or update emails DO go into email boxes at all the major email places.
@AlexGray the newer version of their api seem more simple -> developer.mailchimp.com/documentation/mailchimp/guides/…
you can push email to be added on your mailcimp list;
    "email_address": "[email protected]",
    "status": "subscribed",
    "merge_fields": {
        "FNAME": "Urist",
        "LNAME": "McVankab"
Ohh, you can bypass the email confirmation?
seems like it
@ndugger @rlemon just did some hacky line-height stuff
imo however, bypassing it would make you more bot friendly. Google captcha are really nice now, your user would only have to click in a box
Really the only way to fix that, unless the font is designed for allcaps only
im either really stupid or idk what cause i dont understand that api lol
where do you implement that? In html or what?
@AlexGray what is the country you need to respect law for, in the first place?
no, a program or server-side of a website.
I'm sitting here like... wtf
e.g. node.js
or php?
Without server-side code you are limited to using their forms. There are kinda ways around it using JSONP, but I think that's an advanced topic, in this case.
POST requests are a bitch without jQuery
yes, or php, but we don't liek that kinda around these parts. :)
anything is advanced with me
@TristanWiley that's not true at all
@TristanWiley feel free to use this as a reference: github.com/ndugger/youdontneedjquery#ajax-post
man I had a really old all silver quarter and i lost it :(
No. You don't use jquery on the server side and post CAN be quite easy in node (fixed accidental edit)
Aww thanks ndugger <3
That's beautiful
this quarter is from 1937
@TristanWiley fetch, man
@ndunger so say I have this
they made it happen
    $.post("/chats/leave/" + 17, fkey({
        "quiet": !0
    })), M(17)
seriously.. did anyone watch that video?!
dude is harry potter or something
harry carder
it is amazing
This one is driving me crazy, cant figure out why there is still an image in the div: stackoverflow.com/questions/36272089/…
where should I start to learn about using node.js with rest apis?
should I just start by studying that node documentation provided earlier?
is anyone here good with swift?
@john Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Pleasedon't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
The best way I learned node is to just try it out. I used the http module to create a server, and I logged out the request object, and saw the url, so I made a router.
here's the swift question. any inputs is appeciated stackoverflow.com/questions/36297741/…
i guess thats what I'll do tonight. See if I can get node going with the mailchimp API to make a custom signup form that doesnt require double opt in. sounds like a pretty good learning project
I liked the way node.js is taought in this MEAN stack tutorial: youtube.com/watch?v=OhPFgqHz68o
do you write node in the the text thing they provide you?
you write it in your editor :D
oh :O lol...whats their editor for?
they supply a command line app
you can run the repl or execute the app
node app.js
i think I'll watch that MEAN tutorial. Sounds like what i was planning to do with mySQL and php, except I think these languages will be better
Uber, LinkedIn, PayPal and a lot other companies have started using Node.js!
do they typically integrate with those other languages in the "MEAN" family
I'm trying to find a place for python at my table.
@AlexGray Sure. But make sure you code yourself! :)
What other languages do you mean?
Its a Javascript stack.
i gues the mongoDB, angular JS, expressJS
and node
so its basically that all of these things sort of base off javascript, and that makes for easy to write/read/maintain code because they all sort of jive together?
crawl before you sprint
That's the sales pitch, but angular is falling out of favor and mongo is misunderstood and not what most people need.
learn node and express maybe
yea, what the Lemon said.
so maybe that MEAN stack tutorial is a little ahead of me?
if you don't know the tech how do you choose a stack?
id like to eventually be able to have ideas and just build them. But theres so many damn languages and a million ways to do everything it's tought to self learn haha
express is a good gateway into node
learn some basic node to start with. express makes simple things like routing easier
is that an ok entry vid?
i like to learn by video when possible
the JS world is full of choices and people have been shooting them at you. just go get started with node, and maybe express.
i'm a word man, myself, so no idea.
ill just give it a go and see what happens
I learned Node.js on CodeSchool. They have a pretty decent tutorial.
ignore the paywall start
hit the down arrow
gotcha, thanks.
\o\ /o/
@rlemon o/ Its friday!
@rlemon bu bu bu it was thursday last night, I started writing java then everything faded away.
> The beauty of EJS is that, you can create partial views using EJS.
What a word-smith
lmfao wot
search result of "big ballin is my hobby" lol
how can node know what i mean when i sat npm install mailchimp
@AlexGray NPM is like a package manager. it'll install it where node.js has libraries installed
you need to tell your working script to use it though.
@AlexGray NPM is Node Package Manager and that command "npm install mailchimp" will install "mailchimp" in "node_modules" directory inside where you are firing this command.
how does it know what mailchimp is though
does it access the internet or something
it asks the NPM database, remotely
it also should have a cache of the database from it's last grab
so then I can include whatever is provided in that mailchimp module in any script I write?
atleast, that's how I would expect it to work. Most package managers like that operate that way.
I believe so.
Yes, it does access the internet and download the latest version of mailchimp.
@RahulDesai Do you know if npm is like yum in that it'll install all of the package? If so, does it have the option of making configuration changes, like a ./configure --option ?
I have been thinking about making a package manager that does just that.
I haven't used yum, npm does install the package complately - complete as in it will download all the dependencies as well.
For options, please see: https://docs.npmjs.com/misc/config
@GregBorbonus npm is written in js.
npm 3.x works more like yum. npm 2.x doesn't.
and never install npm global packages as root
also, it sucks
node sucks?
or npm lol
Why do you think it sucks?
i guess im trying to advanced things lol
npm inherently sucked until 3.x. Now it's mostly the ecosystem that sucks.
I'm catching up with the npm collapse last week. npm stands by their ground, and insist that it's a policy issue with nothing to do with law. What does this room think?
mkdir npm-sucks && cd npm-sucks && npm install react-native
do this
when it completes, open the node_modules folder
The fun part is, npm explained the service agreement which, in hindsight, means you give them the right to distribute your code - regardless of its license - even after you unpublish it, perhaps forever.
wow, that is a really good change!
No, they didn't change that law talk which you agreed to when you use npm. They simply post it to explain that "you agreed that, even after you unpublish, we can restore your code from backup and distribute it"
I noted that it doesn't say how long backups can be kept. I know USA is keeping 80 years old telephone call records from a recent law case.
duh.. a package once published shouldn't be removed.
@Sheepy I dont really care tbh
in the grand scheme of things this is just a blip
how well should one know javascript before working with node
everyone will continue to use npm
until the next big thing comes along at least
heh or go back to using bower!
lol the bower resurgence renaissance
I mean if I remove some code because I had a bad day and wanted to make a statement and they replaced it I would be annoyed no doubt
but, everytime I use some other service I just assume they own whatever I put on there for the most part :/
Not all npm projects are open source, and the existence of unpublish is also something they are pretty firm on. While the issue / incident won't happen without unpublish, I don't think it is the core issue.
yeah I mean there is the whole greater good argument. If your package being removed is going to screw up thousands of projects it seems like there should be something in place to prevent that from happening.
Yup. That's what they did with the policy change.
yea, I dont mind it really. But couldnt someone just be malicious anyway?
Just publish a version that is totally screwed
I mean that is something that was always possible, but I could see it happening as a form of protest now
I think it is possible that it will happen in the future. No doubt npm will, again, do whatever the term of service allow them to do to keep things running.
yeah, just sucks a lot of bystanders are affected in the process
why couldnt they just download the repository at the point they decided to include it and have a backup for it on their servers for fallback use?
Because build machines need to pull the single authoritative code to a blank canvas every time? You don't want to keep old code on them. Old code can break things.
not to mention that could get rather pricey/large
@Loktar o/
Fuck Netflix.
I thought they were saying a new season was out, not that they now had an old season
Oh boy
@Loktar hangouts for the followup
lets make a program that guesses every single possible password in the world until correct login for any netflix email
A coin has two sides. NPM obviously think they shouldn't let someone undermine others so easily, which I can understand. But I personally think the developer who delegate something to external dependency is the one taking the risk in the first place and should bear the result.
I agree with you. In a way, its an argument between being productive and being complete.
@SomeGuy woah, woah, aren't you going to buy me dinner first?
@AlexGray it would take like 1.5 million years with a pentium4, 500,000 years with an i7
@SomeKittens You know you want it too.
and about 3 seconds with quantum CPU
I do very much want dinner
what if you hooked 500,000 i7's together
@GregBorbonus Quantum computers don't brute force password. That's not how they crack encryption, and which is different from password.
encryption, correct
not password brute force
Quidditch is a sport of two teams of seven players each mounted on broomsticks played on a hockey rink-sized pitch. The pitch is rectangular with rounded corners 55 metres (60 yards) by 33 metres (36 yards) with three hoops of varying heights at either end. Having been created in 2005, the sport is quite young, but it is played around the world and actively growing. The ultimate goal is to have more points than the other team by the time the snitch, a tennis ball inside a long sock hanging from the shorts of an impartial official dressed in yellow, is caught. Rules of the sport are governed by...
the scenario was to go through all the passwords in netflix accounts.
@GregBorbonus I have a much faster (and more illegal) suggestion
and quantum CPU's would only be limited by how fast netflix replied with a password invalid
Not sure I want to know
I can't believe quidditch is a real sport
Having a wiki page doesn't mean it is real.
I remember thinking when I first saw Harry potter this would be cool
now that I'm an adult, I'm not sure I think the same
this is driving me nuts, can't remember a quick way to pull an arbitrary, singular key value pair out of an object without knowing the key
does lodash have something for this?
I've got an object that will always have only one key value pair, but I'm not sure what the key will be and I want to just grab it
is it as simple as a _.forOwn and only expect it to run once?
Ow. I see how the spot "is real" now. Great. Fantastic. I see that the players must really enjoy the game.
@Shane If it's only one key on the object, shouldn't matter much how you grab it.
yeah, figured
just trying to be defensive and hoping there was a "just get one" option without a lot of extra syntax
because someday, somebody's going to put another one in there and screw it up
How about Object.keys( subject )[0]
let [key] = Object.keys(subject);
That's better :)
ah ok, I'll tinker with that, thanks!
hello guys
can anybody help me with this question please
A: How to perform dropdown control validation with angular js validator?

Shailendra Singh DeolYou need to change your code like as - in Html for select list- <select class="form-control m-b-sm" name="selectbox" required-message="'Yo! This field is required..'" required ng-model="form.Obj" ng-options="c.Name for c in Objlist track by c.Id"> ...

Hi, this question is asked many days ago, but still unsolved, so can anyone please help?
Q: Google Line chart With Refresh - Not working after refresh

Abrar JahinI am trying to create a Google Line Chart with AJAX. And I want to set interval for refreshing data and I want the chart will be drawn each time after page resized. So, what I have done is- index.html- <html> <head> <link rel="stylesheet" href="http://maxcdn.bootstrapcdn.com/bootstrap/3...

Hi, I am using dynarch.com/jscal calendar , How can I get only month and year (except day)
@crl If you are referring to css grid, then you have to enable experimental features in chrome for it to work. And better to master it now then wait until it is the next best thing to sliced bread.
how can i turn an audio player built with javascrip css and html into a wordpress plugin that a retarded baboon could use?
@AlexGray The coding part of it is easy. It finding a retarded baboon that is your biggest challenge. Probably wanna ask around.
no i know where i can find many of them X"D

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