Is there any way to check if a particular plugin is available?
Imagine that you are developing a plugin that depends on another plugin being loaded.
For example I want the jQuery Validation plugin to use the dateJS library to check if a given date is valid. What would be the best way to detect,...
should I have been able to write that code my self after reading the first couple chapters of eloquent javascript?
I can understand what the author did if I really really analyze it, but I was really unable to come up with it my self. I guess that means I didn't comprehend enough from the reading or something
Good question. From my experience, nobody can get it after the first read. Or the second. It is something you have to memorise, practice, and experiment, in this order.
I like the challenges in it. They frustrate me and discourage me when I can't come up with them on my own. But after analyzing the authors solutions my understanding increases, and I can modify the functionality of each program so I am at least understanding something
these chat rooms have to be the greatest resource I've found. It's nice to be able to start discussions with those who have more experience aside from the fact that my newb ass questions might get annoying from time to time. But I try to just ask things once and if people want to respond they can or not
Ok. Normal and typical for my average human student. I remember I was relieved when I first learn the for loop, because I have been doing it with goto and recursion. I didn't even know the word recursion at that time.
I toyed with html/css here and there over the years (I'm 22 now). I remember when myspace was out and everyone had to have a custom layout. I remember hacking into some layouts to change things/doing some on my own. I toyed around with it some throughout highschool.
Then in 2011 I got into making beats and wanted to make a site to sell them, so I started learning to hack around and do dumb things but nothing serious. Fastforward to now and I really want to become a developer. I have a lot of random skills like a jack of all trades deal. So I'm trying to solidify my HTML/CSS/Javascript and go up from there to I can build really cool shit haha
its a shame myspace faded away, because that could have been a really cool way to get kids into html/css/programming who wouldn't have before
I remember lots of kids who you'd never think would get into that or learn it were learning at least a little just because of myspace
Jack of all trade is hard, you will have lots of things to learn. I spent Q1 this year learning video. I already used avidemux, but now I am comfortable with ffmpeg, avisynth, various options, and proper video editors.
@taco Facebook was relatively late into the game. IE6 was several years old and Longhorn (Windows Vista) was on the horizon. I didn't realize Friendster was standards compliant
Not suprised. Big sites has too many chance to do it wrong. Just yesterday I find a major page on Bing ad's report, the <th> doesn't even align with the corresponding <td> in document structure. The interesting part is, they used to align.
"When your culture is engineering-focused, you do not understand social. Social is a very emotional experience. Engineers are not so much, in a lot of cases." - Sean Percival
im surprised how decent the recording is. I didn't know shit about proper technique then and the recordings arent the worst. I'd probably do worse now that i know more lmao
i got into the producer thing for a while and was making beats. I made some sites and tried to sell around 2011 off and on up till now. I've made sales before, just nothing substantial. I always give up on the sites before they have time to grow into anything
I have $58 sitting in an adsense account im trying to get to $100 so i can cash out lol. Tried the little affiliate marketing things before but I cant do the cheesy popup make money quick type sites because the passion isnt there. I don't think theyre reliable for income anyway
I had these scheme worked out where I was going to become a touring rapper, I even recently recorded 6 tracks for a mixtape. But I can't put my self out there like that lol
myspace encouraged people to look for more indie music it seems like, cause a lot of people wanted to have songs from bands/artists no one heard of and stuff
I think Justin timberlake screwed up when he bought Myspace in that he should have saved peoples legacy media on the site. Disk space costs nothing. He could've lured me back if he saved all of those photos
99% of the old photos are broken or just thumbnails
I keep thinking there's gonna be this magical point where "I'm ready for my first client" but I think if I keep waiting for that i might be waiting forever lol
@AboutLeros And do you know where is the problem? That line do a lot of things and depends on many other lines, so you have to narrow down the problem.
So something is wrong with src.img_logo. Can you pinpoint whether it is a problem with src or with img_logo? Do you know how to use browser console to debug?
like mentioned, print the src URL to Javascript console. I'd recommend putting it in quotes to rule out whitespace, e.g. console('img_logo url: "<?php echo $url;?>"');
can anyone tell me why calling an image url from mysql with ajax isn't working? $("#img_logo").attr("src", "img_logo"); it works if i replace "img_logo" with the url of an image.
for some reason the bash thing seems to be stuck after trying to upload my files, maybe it's just some big files. I have three mp3's in there its on 23/26
@maurice Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Pleasedon't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
So I just uploaded a repo from cmd line, now in theory when I make changes I could upload a new branch or whatever to github and that would be a new version?
@Sheepy when echoing instead of writing in the html element <?php echo $userRow['data_blabla']; ?> i'm using this <li class="list-group-item" id="data_blabla"></li>
If you take away the database part but keep the ajax part - so that js still ask the server for the url, but the server doesn't read from database and use a static url instead - would it work?
@AboutLeros Your current problem is you cannot load any image, if I recall correctly. If you can load the image when the server respond with static url, we know it is a problem on how you read / pass on database data. Otherwise we know it is a problem with the ajax communication.
@AboutLeros It seems that we have problem understanding each other. Sorry I give up. Try get some working example from the internet and modify them. When it breaks, you will know immediately and find out why.