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@GNi33 you'll have to tell me which guy so I can go and try them myself
@rlemon nah, he got me on the wrong foot there real quick. It's all good
@GNi33 no really, it's in the rules. don't bitch about people shooting the shit and it not being about js
that just puts all regulars on the wrong foot
@BadgerCat I'll try to find out :)
why me happy = jealous people ?
guerrero, that's what the area was called
Alright, I'll try to remember when I fly out there
@BadgerCat corner Zarco - Calle Violeta
@GNi33 Saved :)
Don Baldo is what it's called apparently
Ugh, why did I have to look at the pictures.
@JanDvorak I sent you an e-mail with our pics
Excellent, it just arrived. Thanks
@GNi33 India == Mexico ?
probably all "way too big" cities I guess
I'm surprised by how bright the sky appears in the second picture.
@BadgerCat Congrats on your thesis :-)
@JanDvorak yeah, my friend had a very good camera
@Abhishrek thanks!
lol cc @Loktar @rlemon
Hi Can anyone help me in fixing a Google maps issue? I have added a class to marker using jQuery and when I drag the map, zoom in or zoom out map the class is removed. I tried adding class again using Google maps google.maps.event.addListener(obj.map, 'bounds_changed', function() { But still is not working.I also added question for this on SO website.
@MadaraUchiha why your name is blue and rest black
because he's a StackOverflow moderator
@Mathematics he is moderator
@Mathematics Because the rest are mere mortals, and I'm beyond that.
yeah... that... :D
@MadaraUchiha Mortals ?
He's god
!! google mortal
@littlepootis bad joke
It's not a joke.
@Mathematics I'm a moderator. That's why I'm blue.
!!cordova sdk or android sdk
@Maurice cordova sdk
moderator of this room ?
And on the seventh day, God rested, got bored and provided a waterproof answer on what clearfixes in CSS are
@Mathematics Moderator of Stack Overflow.
damn you javascript groupie
@MadaraUchiha I can't believe I voted you in last election
I have a feeling punctuation might be important in that sentence
@JanDvorak sunscreen gives you cancer?!
@MukeshKumar Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Pleasedon't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@BadgerCat it's a conspiracy theory
@BadgerCat Empirically, dihydrogen monoxide causes 100% mortality rate.
As 100% of people who died were known to consume it no more than few weeks before dying.
But so does the lack thereof, and faster.
sunscreen actually enhances cancer development instead of blocking sun, because corporations are in the or work closely with the medical field, where cancer means big bucks, yadda yadda
Files copying too fast and messing up inodes
You need a better filesystem
Or hard drive's failing
@MadaraUchiha empirically bullshit
correlation != causation
and you know it
@KendallFrey Of course :P
Although living is the #1 cause for mortality everywhere.
Perhaps mortality causes DHMO consumption?
As your health diminishes, you switch from fizzy drinks and beer to ... something that upsets your stomach a bit less.
@MadaraUchiha Will you be able to assist me in solving my problem.
just tell us what your problem is
if someone has the time, motivation and ability to help, they will
16 mins ago, by samir chauhan
Hi Can anyone help me in fixing a Google maps issue? I have added a class to marker using jQuery and when I drag the map, zoom in or zoom out map the class is removed. I tried adding class again using Google maps google.maps.event.addListener(obj.map, 'bounds_changed', function() { But still is not working.I also added question for this on SO website.
@samirchauhan able to? Likely. Willing to? hell no.
The problem is choice game!
!!welcome samirchauhan
@samirchauhan Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Pleasedon't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
Am I the only one who's bothered by the Pleasedon't? It's there for weeks
!!help welcome
@MadaraUchiha welcome: Welcomes a user. /welcome user
@jAndy THE game?
@MadaraUchiha damnit, nowi've noticedtoo.
@MadaraUchiha @JanDvorak Sorry for that.. Can you please help me in this? When the map is zoomed in or zoomed out the active class is being removed.
@samirchauhan Please stop pinging people asking for help.
3 mins ago, by Caprica Six
@samirchauhan Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Pleasedon't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
> if anyone's free and interested they'll help
@samirchauhan You should probably use the tools exposed by the Google Maps API instead of trying to mess with it via jQuery
a wasp or bee just got me, god dammit
@samirchauhan I think all the dom elements on the map are recreated on user interaction
so your classes will be thrown away, it's best to use the API methods here and not tinkle with them from outside
@GNi33 the difference is that wasps love to hurt humans and bees just want to defend theirself.
the sting was still stuck in my neck, so I'm pretty sure it was a bee (RIP), but that fucker flew off, so I'm not completely sure
hm. bees are rare here...
heart = melted -> imgur.com/gallery/n66rCS7
@Maurice watch the video
awww her tears bring my tears (inwardly oc) <3
I also have onclick event binded on a markers. So clicking on this opens details of that marker in sidebar
can anybody help me with this question:
Q: How to perform dropdown control validation with angular js validator?

LearningI am doing angular js dropdown validation but getting problem when doing dropdown validation. I have taken everything from this website and using this code: https://github.com/turinggroup/angular-validator Demo But in the above link there is nothing like doing validation on Dropdwon control.So...

1 message moved to Trash can
@samirchauhan Please don't post unformatted code - hit Ctrl+K before sending, use up-arrow to edit messages, and see the faq.
<div style="position: absolute; display: block; left: 643px; top: 414px; z-index: 10000; cursor: pointer;" title=""><div class="labels map" style="position: relative;"><div class="direction-r ">
  <div onclick="javascript:Drupal.fysho_user_report.toggle_timeline(this)" nid="4" id="node-4-holder" class="flag-wrapper-report node-4-holder" type="icon">
    <span class="flag-report">
	 Branded Rock Cod    </span>

I'm developing a console application for myself but I can't seem to get arrow keys to register as input. Any thoughts on what input method I should use instead; WASD?
star wars 7 was complete shit
I also wasn't a fan of force awakening
didn't hate it, but didn't make me jump out of my seat
I loved it
@JanDvorak HJKL, WASD...
@JanDvorak readline?
@rlemon I kinda hated the fact that they turned it into some sort of comedy
scenes just for the sake of them, cliches all around...
almost no innovation
@towc comedy? Harrison Ford has always been a smart ass if that is what you mean
@FlorianMargaine I did enable raw input, but arrow keys didn't supply anything to getc though according to every tutorial they should send a sequence of \e and the direction code
too much action with nothing innovative in it and too less lore
To me SW7 seemed like a trailer for SW8
@rlemon also finn, ray, ken, leia...
fuck people's opinions on things are boring.
when did leia do anything funny
the only fact that she was there contemplating the son and acting wifey with han
@towc see the comedy was on par with what I expected. I didn't like how rey just "was" badass without progression (at least luke had training) and kylo ren was poorly casted if you ask me
both of those took away from the movie too much for me
You didn't like that the wife was acting wifey?
@rlemon agree on the last 2 things
@rlemon she was driven by the Force.
My theatre laughed when kylo ren took off his helmet
@Cereal they hadn't seen each other in ages if I understood correctly
@JanDvorak couldn't that have been said about luke? and his dumb ass pointed the saber at his own face when he got it
I mean, luke did take on a sith lord with almost no training
unless you count yoda sending him into a cave as training
then this whole bullshit about the stormtrooper... I thought it was because a chip was broken before I saw the film, but it doesn't mention anything like it...
@rlemon When Luke got his lightsaber when he was unprepared for it. Rey freaked out in the cave, then got her senses and focused on getting in line with the Force.
any training is better than "I didn't believe the force was real... now I'm a jedi"
@JanDvorak yea you can try to explain it as much as you want. I still don't believe it and it took away from the movie for me. give her something for training.
or make her suck more
either would have satisfied me
I think the storm trooper thing is explained in the book
He wasn't a clone, and used to be a janitor
She didn't take down a sith lord the firth thing he did.
And the guy that died in the opening scene was his only friend and it shook him
then chewbacca's girlfriend? Seriously? That's just because they could...
@JanDvorak She did cut a sith apprentices face
That's something
But yeh, I can see why that could be considered unrealistic.
@Cereal if a book is required to be read to understand basic things in the film, it wasn't a good film
@Cereal I think people assume all storm troopers are still clones
@towc unless the book happens to be Bible.
it seemed to be just one of those things to get money, like what usually are the 3rd onwards part of most series
@rlemon It was explained in the movie that these weren't clones, though
Kylo's rival there says it
@Cereal I mighta missed it... when?
@towc after the galactic empire Jango Fetts clones were slowly replaced by natural people conscripted
so it is understood storm troopers are no longer all clones
When they need to capture the droid. Kylo says they should be using clones, or something to that affect. What's his buddy officer says he has the best trained men and they're better than clones
ohhhh wait! Right, Finn says that he was taken away from his family... yeah...
Or something
@Cereal oh, right... yeah...
and you're also telling me that nobody else felt that it was wrong but finn?
He's a strong, independent storm trooper, who don't need no order
@towc dude. we have war today. people do shit all the time that others would consider wrong
you turn it off.
you have a job to do
I couldn't do it, but it is done all the time today
I imagine others feel it's wrong, but fin was the only one to break the best rebel pilot out of prison and manage to escape
and clearly finn couldn't do it either.
well, but so many people who are at war try to spare as much as they can from what I understand... sure, there are soldiers who keep raping natives in various places, but still
Perhaps usually the Order knows whom to take but they misjudged Finn a little.
@JanDvorak they conditioned him (and we presume the others as well)
Which will probably come in next episode, with the golden storm trooper woman there
his conditioning just didn't take
hey guys, QQ re: jQuery, i would like to use the jQuery selector on "data-" info in tags, vs a class or id. Is this possible? Or does the selector only work on Class / ID / Elements?
@Andy Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Pleasedon't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@JanDvorak from what finn said, he was taken from his family when he was very very young
Perhaps there have been more dissidents, the order just was more successful dealing with them.
@Andy google "css attribute selector"
e.g. <h1 data-action='basket'>Add to Basket</h1> i would like to do something like $(;data-action="basket")
the MDN link is very informative
@Andy you can target any attribute on any element: `document.querySelector( 'element[attribute="value"]' )
@towc make him docs please
attribute selectors have a few rules you should know
that isn't at all what he needs
!!tell Andy mdn attribute selector
@Cereal which is the badass chick from game of thrones, so watch out
I was getting to it >:(
I would like to see someone attempt to make stars wars universe consistent with game of thrones universe
@Neil why not? Just in 2 different galaxies :P
ok, about to watch deadpool. Heard so many great things, hope this one doesn't also fail me
Don't go in expecting any amount of plot and you're golden
@towc but there's what's her name in both
Deadpool was ok, was a little disappointed
They put the funniest moments in the deadpool trailer
The opening scene is so cool 0.o
(frozen in time, but going through space)
probably didn't actually take that much time to make...
I want the Star Wars and Star Gate crossover to happen. Han, while scavenging, finds a curious ring with weird engravings on a old moon base. unaware of its purpose he thinks it decorative and puts it in the cargo hold. Years pass and nothing happens until by chance Han and Chewie enter the region of space the Chappa'ai is programmed to just as the cheyenne mountain gate dials in.... Star Gate Wars: alterans vs sith!
Deadpool makes a couple jabs at the lack of funding for the film (number of xmen cast) that had me laughing
Deadpool was entertaining. just don't let the hype ruin it for you
@rlemon that sounds like it would be awesome if I knew what the hell alterans were
had I not watched the hype I probably would have liked it a lot more
@Neil ancients
if you watched star gate at all, the ancients (alterans) were the original gate builders
I am guessing they are evil then?
they ascended and now just keep out
so they are like the Q, but less interactive
Daniel Jackson becomes one briefly.. twice.
Q was a god, basically
so are the alterans
but they are not allowed to interact / change anything for people
but you can cheat the system (Anubis) and become a half god
all the powers, none of the rules.
god I know way too much about SG1 :/
They impose the rules that they follow?
!!wiki sq1 alterans
@rlemon The Gods of Wikipedia did not bless us
So it is like a fate thing beyond our understanding
@Neil the story is, they are the first evolution of humans. 10,000 years ago they seeded this galaxy from theirs as they fled the wraith (an artificial enemy they created but got too powerful) -- most of them ascended to a higher plane of existence, some seeded us. Now they are so evolved they don't care to bother with us and the ones who do go against their form of a prime directive
if you follow Star Trek then that should make sense :P
i love that i'm on a JS fchat and y'all are talking about Stargate Which is awesome! THe ancients built the gates too.
6 mins ago, by rlemon
if you watched star gate at all, the ancients (alterans) were the original gate builders
yup, mentioned that. :P
then there is the Ori, which are like Sith vs Jedi. both draw from the same power (kinda) but one is evil
one is not
@rlemon these aren't unfamiliar concepts in the sci fi genre, but I do enjoy reading about it
I really think a StarGate StarWars crossover would work
@Neil if you enjoy them, watch SG1 then SGA, don't bother with SGU it sucked and was nothing like the first two
In all likelihood, should we ever encounter intelligent life, it will be self replicating robots of a superior intelligent lifeform
@rlemon I may look into that then
I'd sooner guess us from an alternate timeline
the first aliens we'll meet will be us :D
That would have some far reaching implications
Infinite resources for one
@Abhishrek humans suck
dudes, Quick continuation from my attributor selector question, sorry to OT te stargate stuff. All the examples i've seen assume a tag. e.g. span[attr-action="basket"] whereas i would like to do *[attr-action="basket"] is that possible?
or is that bad practice?
Possible, yes.
I'm surprised you don't know the tag, though.
@Andy * selector is always a bad practise
you can just do [attr-action="basket"]
and that will work the same as *[attr-action="basket"]
That, too.
oh and another Q. Wehn doing AJAX stuff for rendering, is it best to return the rendered HTML or the JSON and then have JS render the HTML as required. I'm a "lone wolf" dev atm doing full stack and the only AJAX rendering i've done in the past has been to return the HTML.
@Andy or use classes
Another Q :o
@JanDvorak simply because i might have them on icons, a, div etc... (the design hasnt been 100% finalised so unsure :D)
@Andy json!
Don't fall into that trap
@Neil re: or use classes. I want the classes to be for design vs. JS stuff so trying to seperate them out.
@littlepootis sfw?
> We have aressted one of isis but he is just fucking kid
> We found with him weapons and missiles
> This is fucking sad
@Maurice yes
@Andy consider using a prefix then
@littlepootis god those comments
Not using classes is probably not a good idea
@Neil how do you mean? i.e. basket-grid or something?
also @Neil in terms of "trap" do you mean dont return the HTML, use JSON and do the rendering? Or was the JSON! as a "WTF, dont do that"

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