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@rlemon Is your own beard as long as the one in your picture yet
bob can't grow a decent beard
@TylerH sadly, no
Guys, if I write something on a textfield or any form element I cant get the textContent from it
the dom doesnt update when writing something in a textfield or input
Why would you want the textContent rather than the value?
@KevinB div contentEditable ?
@KevinB because they didn't think about value
he said textfield or any form element,
div isn't either
Ya right
I didnt think about it. Programmers block
also note that the dom inspector shows you the defaultValue, not the value, so don't be surprised when it doesn't reflect what you changed the value to.
A div is a flow element which can be in a form
(just to point that out)
@KarelG I needed 12 bit adc, and 12 inputs. So I have two BBB connected via usb-serial issuing commands back and fourth. It's fun!
By the way, ive been creating a javascript program that accepts voice input and analyzes the wave file. Then it analyzes every word and converts those in notes. You can change the pitch of these notes and even the vibrato
@Asperger Thanks for fixing that to American English
Freedom thanks you
Still bad english but im lazy lol. DIdnt sleep for 24 hours(no joke)
Whats the longest time you guys didnt sleep?
I often don't sleep for 24 hours
British English is far superior to American English. Give me your delicious, extra u's.
Just not consecutively
longest I've ever gone is like 80 and change
@ndugger That's delicios to me
then I fell asleep walking
@rlemon would pay to see footage
and was yelling at my gf's mom at the time random shit
@KevinB that's what I'm going for, but I don't think it's a good idea
@Asperger 72ish
@rlemon how's that going for you?
in fact, I think that's why guice uses modules
i'm often at 30-35
@CSᵠ pop a molly im sweatin
@Abhishrek you're just on meth
here I was thinking the joke was that rlemon only sleeps for like 7 hours
@ssube nope
@ssube no idea what you just said m8
@CSᵠ easily can go 48
@CSᵠ molly is slang for MDMA
just don't have any alcohol :/ it's a sad story
@CSᵠ I believe you've consumed MDMA and will being perspiring.
when I don't think I don't get tired.
I'm not even correcting it
@rlemon you must be full of energy :-D
@rlemon same but that's really strange, also the sleep hangover afterwards
Alcohol is great. I'm gonna pick up all sorts of stuff this evening.
Give me alcohol suggestions! (cc @ssube)
@CSᵠ no hangovers since hs
I never get hangovers
I like to blame my Irish blood
@ton.yeung you know what else is unhealthy? commenting on my fucking lifestyle
@ssube will search for that, but only thing o get on is cafeine, cigars and that's it
it was a joke
can confirm, he will post pictures of you merged with other people if you do
@ndugger basic bar: Bulleit bourbon, Jameson Irish, Kraken black rum, a white rum, Luksusowa Vodka, Bombay Sapphire gin, Milagro silver tequila
all good, nothing above $20-25/bottle
swap Kraken for Sailor and you can get a handle each of vodka and dark rum
for about $25 a pop
Eh, I'm not the biggest fan of Sailor
Captain, then
@rlemon i meant the kinda hangover i get after sleeping 12+hrs after being awake 40+hrs, not really a hangover..
Love captain
ohh, I discovered Growers Dry Apple Cider
all told, you're looking at maybe $200 with tax for all the base alcohols
Yeah, I figured
fucking delicious and cheap
!!wiki apple cider
grab some generic bitters, rose's lime, grenadine, sprite, apple cider, coke, and you'll be able to make all the normal drinks
Apple cider (also called sweet cider or soft cider) is the name used in the United States and parts of Canada for an unfiltered, unsweetened, non-alcoholic beverage made from apples. Though typically referred to simply as "cider" in those areas, it is not to be confused with the alcoholic beverage known as cider throughout most of the Europe, called hard cider (or just cider) in North America. Once widely pressed at farmsteads and local mills, apple cider is easy and inexpensive to make. It is typically opaque due to fine apple particles in suspension and generally tangier than conventional filtered...
@ton.yeung juice is filtered, cider is just the straight shit you get from the apple
if you want to get slightly more fancy, pick up sweet vermouth, orange bitters, a rye whiskey, milagro reposado, and some schnapps (creme de menthe is good)
most hard apple ciders you buy in stores is hard apple juice
that'll cover 90% of the drinks there are
@ton.yeung pulp, with cider
you need to take that pulp and press it
the difference is moot
it's all apple juice
cider is just much more tart than "juice"
it's super good
literally if you let cider sit till all of the particulates are out of it you just have juice.
if you add sugar, you have juice you'd expect to get in a store
pressing your own apples is a pain in the ass and not worth it unless you have a large press and a couple hundred lbs of apples
4L is $6 in the store
4lbs of apples makes, what, a growler or two of cider?
4lbs of apples you'll be lucky to get 300ml of juice fro m
expect 40% loss at least by weight
depending on how good your press is *
yea, you don't get a shitload of juice from apples
if only Orange Cider was a thing
so, something like 10lbs for a liter of juice?
if that
again, depends on the apples and the press.
@ton.yeung cider
very roughly, 25lbs/growler
you need a fine filter for 'juice'
According to this site 40 lb of apples = 3 gallons of cider, so 4lb of apples is about 1000 ml
@Retsam 150lbs of apples got me ~3L of juice
because a) the apple, b) the press, c) the press
and took like 7 hours to do
@ton.yeung much better, eh?
yea, I highly recommend buying the cider
Sorted by fullest lobby
@SterlingArcher bulma.io bro
use it
CSS is going to change
Ignore all style
@rlemon mebbe.
Receiving isostring date and creating a date object from it, adds an extra day. Any seen that before?
Now I need to figure out how to better store games in redis, with properties like status, id, and shit
but first vape
!!afk vape
Here is the string: 2016-03-06T14:00:00.104Z, i'm in australia.
@ton.yeung sydney
Best way to do that? Not a timezone guy myself.. Btw the moment js lib is there to be used, if that makes it easier
I believe there is a .local()
@ssube you know my current redis structure -- should I add another hashset (like I do with player objects) for game settings data? (game name, status (queued, finished, running, etc)
@SterlingArcher um, depends. You can keep game users in one list and game metadata in a hash, or just keep the whole game in a hash.
Separate is probably better for performance and complexity, but introduces a sync risk.
What do you mean a sync risk?
Isn't the node-redis methods async by default?
@rlemon not sure that i would able to achieve that. not that skilled :P
I think he meant synchronization, not synchronous
should all RESTful services be versioned?
btw, the sound cape is broken. confirmed by the company itself
they're going to send a new one within 3 weeks (arrival date: 1st week of march) :-(
@KarelG that sucks.
@KarelG just use a USB mic for now?
i don't have an usb speaker :p
i do have a headset but that's ...
@Sean If you've got people using your service, then you had better not make breaking changes to your API contracts without versioning.
Though, you can always retroactively introduce versioning by treating "/foo" as "/v1/foo"
@SterlingArcher keeping the game meta and game players in sync
Should be simple updates, no?
Most of the meta data is static, aside from status
@ton.yeung 1.x it can be used for fixing small bugs and stability issues. Only move on to 2.0 if you have done a large change
you only have to set version: 1.0 < x <= 5.0 fe
or just 1.0 < X
@KarelG I think you're confusing an API version with a package version.
@ton.yeung What kind of facade do you mean? I'm making my first API that's going to be widely consumed and I'm trying to make sure I start on the right foot...
oh thanks, I'll give that a watch.
what if i say that an package can be seen as API too ?
@Sean I found this ebook pretty good: Web API Design
@KarelG Let me amend my previous statement then. You're confusing a package version with a REST API version, which is what we were discussing.
ah rest API ... Ok yes
my excuses
when people have versioned REST routes, do they typically have their controllers/models/etc named with the same version as well?
It's crazy how 1350 lines of code, and I've barely scratched game functionality.
Oh, apparently that video is just a video presentation of the same ebook that I linked.
so when you make a new one, you'd be pointing to fooControllerv2?
90% of that is routing, authentication, middleware, and basic socket stuff
Personally, I might version my controllers fooControllerV2, but don't version my models and services. (Use unit tests to make sure that changes to your models and services don't cause breaking changes on your existing controllers)
hmm, maybe too much logic is happening in my models, then. my controller is pretty bare bones.
basically just validating params and passing to the model.
@Sean nah, that gets ugly.
You'd want to put them in a namespace of some kind, more likely.
Yeah, I tend to go the other way, models are essentially just data and usually validation, while the bulk of the logic is in services and controllers.
With Express, you don't even need to have unique names, just put them in a directory and load the directory into a router, then have one router for each version of the API.
@Lemony-Andrew Cops showed up wanting to talk to me. Turns out I hadn't gotten caught for anything, haha.
I'd do src/api/v1/endpoints/Foo.js and src/api/v1/index.js, where index has a single function that just does router.handle('/foo', require('./endpoints/Foo'))
then in src/api/index.js do router.handle('v1', require('./v1/index.js'))
and adding a new version is just a directory and one line in the router
plus they can interoperate (new version calling old)
gotcha. I think that's how I'd been thinking about that, also.
Express' router composition is crazy powerful
I'd do src/api/foo/bar.js && then src/api/foo/bar.v2.js

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