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@CSᵠ that makes the require paths really confusing
@BadgerCat Peek a boo!
<3 Express routing
@ssube well... it doesn't if you keep up with the latest version
that's linked to non versioning
anyway there's plenty of ways to go about this route
Super simple, and accepts params nicely
src/api/v1/endpoints/Foo.js' and src/api/v1/models/FooModel.js` allows you to require('../models/FooModel.js') from any version to get the current version
or require('../../v2/models/FooModel') to explicitly request a different version
@SterlingArcher i just hate your formatting, but otherwise looks nice
otherwise, you end up with a ton of files in the same place with very similar names
@Sean This is the sort of structure I use: gist.github.com/Retsam/9b1a425cea164f5cb2fd
What's wrong with my formatting D:
@SterlingArcher indent ONE MEEEELLION spaces
vs app.route("/").get(
I would also break it after app.route("/games").get((req, res) => {
or ^
stick under 120 cols, but break at the curly
it does make sense like that but ohh, my eyes
also, JS convention is indent two spaces, not 8
I learned it from lemon!
I think that's just hubgit
ident FF spaces FTW
In my code it's a tab (4spaces)
I feel like 4 spaces is the version I see most commonly.
oh, tabs
Fuck 2 space indenting
@SterlingArcher fite me
@SterlingArcher you must have an awfully short dingus
@SterlingArcher use any lube for that?
Wow, I mixed "I hate" and "fuck that" and it didn't turn out well
@CSᵠ hell no
it was rude, now with context it's hilarious
so ctrl right click drag moves a frameless terminal
but it is not keeping in place
@Trasiva hi
@rlemon forgive me... imgur.com/gallery/2OnDK
hmmm, interesting. thanks for the input, dudes.
> must have over 500 friends
> I showed you my dick answer me
I lost it
you lost the pic?
is there any way to check if a variable contains a class constructor (in babel or native)?
is foo === foo.prototype.constructor reliable?
function isClass(func) {
  return typeof func === 'function'
    && /^class\s/.test(Function.prototype.toString.call(func));
Q: How do you check the difference between an ECMAScript 6 class and function?

MoncaderIn ECMAScript 6 the typeof of classes is, according to the specification, 'function'. However also according to the specification you are not allowed to call the object created via the class syntax as a normal function call. In other words, you must use the new keyword otherwise a TypeError is t...

@rlemon that looks like it won't work with babel :(
but I don't actually care if it's a class class or a function class, so long as its a constructor
A: How do you check the difference between an ECMAScript 6 class and function?

MoogsI did some research and found out that the prototype object [spec] of ES6 classes seem to be non-writeable, non-enumerable, non-configurable. Here's a way to check: class F { } console.log(Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(F, 'prototype')); // {"value":{},"writable":false,"enumerable":...

babel probably follows the descriptors proper
you can check those
so we have a showing any minute now.. and I'm staring so hard at this screen
just waiting for someone to come in :p
!!> var a = function(foo){console.log("pass") }; var b = new a(); b.constructor()
@Quill "undefined" Logged: "pass","pass"
<3 technology
@Loktar 1. What is that
@Loktar 2. Fucking 3 FPS?
his bathroom cam
@SterlingArcher So glad they added that black box at the end, it would have been hard to tell where to look, otherwise
@SterlingArcher recording our front door
lol I hear the dings at home through the camera LOL omg
and on here
yeah 3fps is pretty wtf
@SterlingArcher low FPS is often default
for the software
@Retsam right? Master of camouflage, the leopard is
well that camera is kind of shitty, the one in my room is getting 15fps
@Loktar keep us updated
motion (recording software) defaults to 1fps for streaming
Updated on what? What's happening?
Oh, showing the house
selling it
got it
moving in with me
yeah, I'm paranoid people will steal shit
no one has at all.. but still
@Loktar worst I did when looking at homes is peed in their toilet
Everyone should just move to Minnesota
ohh and open closests. people never clean the closet
I need to know how much rooms in there
oh ours are clean
people open mine, I'm cool with it
I forgot the keys to my home and now I'm locked outside.
how can you not expect it?!
closet space is crucial
I feel 14
@BenjaminGruenbaum ouch!
@rlemon yeah exactly
@BenjaminGruenbaum back door?
Yeah, and my wife is out in her dance class thing and I have an hour to kill but no phone battery and 20% phone battery
@Quill I'll just have a beer and chat
@BenjaminGruenbaum I got locked out once -- I climbed my second story balcony, using the ingenuity that was a patio table on the AC unit -- fell 3 times, threw up once (I was drunk bc tequila), finally made it up, slept on the deck for 3 hours before I realized the sliding door was open, and passed out on the couch
So do you have an AC unit, a patio table, and a bottle of tequila nearby?
@SterlingArcher that sounds like a great story :D
Yesterday I had a hard night out, but usually I don't really get that drunk anymore.
It's been a while since I've been that drunk
It's a shame, I used to love it, I don't even enjoy beer as much as I used to 3 years ago.
But I have my nights
Used to substitute soft drinks for it.
I can only drink so much beer before I get so full I feel sick.
From there on I just "sip" on mix drinks like vodka sprite
With the occasional shot in between...
So easy to get drunk with shots, if I want to get really drunk I just take two hits of absinthe one right after the other and I get a "good start" from that.
I take you haven't learned about loops? — Patrick Evans 52 secs ago
Oh dear
Yeah, if my goal is to "have fun", I'll start with a shot
Typically I'll end with a shot as well...
loops are a fad
I had all sorts of weird alcohol last night; started with a bloody mary
"in order to do further calculations, my algorithm will become very lengthy." algorithm. hah.
You drink that when not on an airplane?
Bloody Mary? I don't have it often, but sure, Lots of people drink it when not on an airplane, lol
@ton.yeung Jew gotta be kidding me!
Bloody Mary, blessed are you among cocktails. Pray for me now, at the hour of my death, which I hope is soon. Amen.
A good bloody mary is hard to find but can be excellent
@MadaraUchiha omfg no no more puns!
Make your own; Just get a decent mix (gotta make sure to get a quality one), throw in some olives, some garnish, and a beef stick!
There's been like 400 puns in the past 2 days
Or just make your own mix; It's simple enough
!!afk vape to escape the puns
esvape the puns
I like to drink an Old Fashioned when I'm cheap, but yesterday I went to a %50 off place and had McCallan for $8 a glass.
@MadaraUchiha I'm glad you feel like Sharon the puns with us
I keep having to remind myself you're vaping tobacco @SterlingArcher, vaping is pretty common here but not as much for tobacco.
@rlemon that's a girl's name ^^
psst, it's nicotine. not tobacco
that's like calling all alcohol "beer"
But also, I'm not the hugest fan of an Old Fashioned, at least not the one I recently had. The bitters were not very good in it
@rlemon it doesn't get you high.
well, that's what people who vape here typically vape
@ndugger I'm not a huge fan either, but I don't enjoy whiskey that's not good scotch and an old fashioned is much much cheaper
@BenjaminGruenbaum ever had Highland Park 18?
@BenjaminGruenbaum my point is that you are not vaping tobacco, you are vaping liquid nicotine. when you vape weed you (more often) do 'vape' the leaf, but you are specifically vaping the THC off the leaf without burning the leaf. In retrospect nicotine has to be extracted, there is no 'vape temp' for that.
@BenjaminGruenbaum vaping here is a toss up
same here
but 'vaping' socially is regarded as nicotine
@ssube yes, but I'm not a huge fan - it's nice.
but the vape shops are starting to having to put signs up that say "no weed stuff"
@rlemon yes, you're right.
@BenjaminGruenbaum huh. It's one of my favorite scotches.
I only ever smoked hookas, I don't really enjoy tobacco.
@BenjaminGruenbaum I only have to mention it because people have tried and just ended up throwing up iirc
@BenjaminGruenbaum turns out a nicotine vape is pretty similar to hookah, for most purposes
although still better for you
just minus the tobacco
then there was this one guy on reddit who didn't understand then entire process.. or life.. wrapped a coil with fucking solder.
it ended EXACTLY how you would imagine.
@ssube it's good, but it's not a good money/price ratio IMO, it costs around $150 here and for $80 I can buy Lagavulin 16 which I enjoy as much if not more
Obviously it's an opinionated question.
@BenjaminGruenbaum It's maybe $130 here, but I'm a fan of the sweeter highland ones, and the oak behind the toffee is fantastic.
@ssube hookah is a social only activity, it's also ridiculously cheap here.
It's something you do once every two/three weeks.
@rlemon It's something you do once every two/three minutes. (source)
hookah is super cheap and usually social, but it's a pain to find all the bits
I have one, keep it in the kitchen cupboard and sheesh in the fridge
and get one friend with "iron lungs" .. ugh
but getting it out, put together, going to buy tin foil, poking holes, packing, filling, lighting the coals...
we rarely get it out
@ssube I mostly drink somewhat cheaper stuff, Talisker 10, Talisker dark storm, the less expensive Laphroig, Caol Ila, Glenlivet 18 and in company Glenfiddich 18
@BenjaminGruenbaum both the Glen* companies make good stuff. I like one, not so much the other, but don't remember. I've had a Laphroig or two, never heard of Talisker.
@ssube it's super cheap here, $4 for a hookah for 4 people for an hour
please for the love of pete don't use tin foil.
glass coal holder man
dank weed pipe bro
@rlemon I have always used foil. Every single time I've ever smoked hookah.
I use tin foil and my hookah is legit
@ton.yeung Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR) and Speech To Text (STT) are probably in the right ballpark.
The hookah tongs come with a little poker to put holes in the foil.
I know the actual risks of developing anything is slim but switch to glass
you'll never go back
Here, hookah is cheap, a good new hookah costs $10
more convenient and there is a flavour difference
Once you go glass, you never go back
developing what?
it's not actual tin, it's aluminum
which isn't toxic afaik
it is, just less
I use lead foil
but regardless,
@ndugger ah, you smoke michigan style
1 min ago, by rlemon
more convenient and there is a flavour difference
Hi guys, has anyone used any javascript diagrams library to allow user interactions to create UML or ER like diagrams? I'm looking at jointjs core library at the moment. Just though to ask here for any experience with drawing libraries out there.
Around here, Hookah is something that you outgrow after highschool. It's generally just a bunch of kiddos sitting in the dark, trying to hide their tobacco consumption from their parents.
I'm not sure that's right
between my friends, we own 3 or 4 hookahs, and just sit on our back porches smoking them during the summer
It was with the people I grew up with
They can be used for various things
@ndugger I didnt know hookahs were for tobacco until I was like 20
@ton.yeung nowai. Weed is too greasy and will clog a hookah real quick.
Plenty of people use it for weed
hookah sheesh doesn't leave resin in the tubes, but marijuana will
@ndugger yeah, and either clean or replace the hoses frequently
@BenjaminGruenbaum might be of interest: stackoverflow.com/questions/35279171/…

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