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yeah, Nate sucks
the other American Indians are ok though
@ndugger the ignorance is too think to be real
is too think? What thuh feck
like a bowl of oatmeal
You mean thick?
seriously though Nate (the native american one) has been acting a fool for a long time.
You can't argue with that
that is the second time today I wrote think accidentally
> Nate of American
no, jesus is mexican
could be auto correct
but.. I doubt it :p
I also wonder if thats a real tweet
@Loktar doesn't change the immugration or india comments
!!learn iguess "<>https://i.sstatic.net/xGJvj.jpg"
@SterlingArcher Command iguess learned
@Loktar I doubt it
you fucked it up
@rlemon nate of american's think immugration day
20 tweets
and protected now
huh, the quotes still work
20 tweets, 0 followers, following 40 users
I call shenanigans :p
you missed an opportunity there
From skimming over that twitter account, it looks like the person writing the tweets changed after a while. Like someone else took it over.
user image
@Loktar reverse image searched the profile pic and nothing else came up
@ssube oh cool that's a nice use case for async iterators.
@Loktar now that The Black is on spootify I'm spamming repeat
such good
Hmm, I was hoping to get a quick answer for my code problem, but this chat just seems to be funny pictures
@petervries Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Please don'task if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@ssube wait no, thanks anyway
@petervries well, you never asked a question
@petervries Then how about you ask your question instead of complaining?
so we're chatting
@SterlingArcher noice, its on google music now too
im not complaining :)
I actually like the pictures haha
^ I like this guy already
> I was hoping, but
I don't like his first message.
you dropped the ball on the intro mate
leave the room and try again
5 second rule
@Loktar dude
5 second voyeur
@Loktar I can get behind that
@petervries no but seriously, got an issue?
Doctors recommend 5 seconds a day of voyeur activity
1 message moved to Trash can
@petervries Please don't post unformatted code - hit Ctrl+K before sending, use up-arrow to edit messages, and see the faq. For posting large code blocks, use a paste site like gist.github.com, hastebin.com or pastie.org
surprised cap didn't delete that message
oh, there it goes
(Cap is a bot, don't get upset)
she is just slow @KevinB
watching her soaps.
lies! they have me trapped!!! HELP!
@rlemon gif not loading
separate it into two messages
lets try this then :) pastebin.com/NWs6mcvz
function tourtje() {
    if (document.body.scrollTop > 50) {
        window.onscroll = null;
this indentation hurts baby seals
haha, its my 2nd script ever. 80% of it is stolen from another funtion
if I want babel-preset-stage-1, do I also need babel-preset-es2015?
so, you have a tab key
grrr.. i hate when i move my mouse back over to my primary monitor and accidentally close my code editor.
I'll look into the proper indentation :)
@petervries protip, if you are calling a function without params, you can chagne..
window.onscroll = function() {tourtje()};
window.onscroll = tourtjr;
All it wants is a function reference
@Quill Not a designer, but I still hate that so god damn much.
But what's the real issue?
window.addEventListener('scroll', myFunc); // developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/EventTarget/…
function myFunc() {
  // stuff
// at any point remove the scroll listener with .removeEventListener()
window.removeEventListener('scroll', myFunc);  // developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/EventTarget/…
thanks for pointing that out, it looks more clean now. I'm trying to also make the page jump to a certain anchor, together with the other functions
window.location = window.location + '#anchorIdent';
or do you wanna use .scrollTo
I use another script for smooth scrolling, so I think .scrollTo would make it nicer right?
Don't use smooth scrolling scripts
I already hate you again
@petervries console.log(document.body.scrollTop) inside your event handler, if you're asking why it seems to not do anything. always test your conditional values if they don't seem to do what you want.
Thanks! And why are smooth scrolling scripts a bad thing?
there is a debate whether or not ui animations are worth it
The con being?
some people think the longer I have to watch your effing animation the less your site offers
@rlemon In high school we used to have this fox and her kits come up to us when we'd sit outside to eat lunch and wait for us to give them some food. Eventually they got so comfortable with us they'd let us pet them once the kits were a little bigger. Basically oversized ferrets without the stink gland.
because they remove control from the user. If you can get around that problem then go for it
hold down your middle mouse button on the scrollable area and move the mouse up and down. Does your smooth scrolling script interact with that?
Ah, I see. I think it depends on what kind of people your visitors are right?
Yes, auto-play videos are the bane of the web
I don't mind smooth scrolling if it is automatic and button triggered (think: "return to top" buttons that zip you up the page)
@adv Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Please don'task if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
I like how peter is actually listening to yall
new chatter of the day! +1
a smooth scroll for a scrollTo operation i kinda like, as long as it isn't too slow.
>300ms is too slow
one more thing, if you got the time: is there a way to use the 'window.location' and stop the scrolling that the user already did?

My function triggers when my visitor scrolls, so when I then set the window.location they always scroll too far
i don't think you can fix that
I wouldn't touch the scrolling in reaction to the user starting to scroll, that's annoying
@petervries Not particularly; When it comes to smooth scrolling, it fucks up the user's preferred behaviour. If they want smooth scrolling, they will implement an extension that will do it for them, or use a browser that already does it. When you add smooth scrolling, it will conflict with the user's settings, and create really buggy behaviour.
You would have to remove control from the user for that to work
people have different reading speeds, if I can't read (and scroll) your page at whatever speed I want, I'm more likely to Ctrl+W and go somewhere else
@ndugger I see, thanks for pointing that out. I think I'll remove it then, since it doesn't really add that much
When it comes to animation speed, though, I always think 200ms is the perfect time. Anything longer than that just feels laggy.
while your scroll is happening, you would have to prevent the user from scrolling at all. (which i wouldn't do, but I've seen it done)
can I make 'window.location' happen when the user is done scrolling, and only happening once? Or isn't there a condition for that?
yes, but there is no "user is done scrolling" event, you would have to guess based on the frequency of the scroll event happening.
Woo chrome 49, CSS variable support
I'm not a fan of the css variable syntax
I'm not a huge fan of an extra build step
meh, if you have one build step you may as well have 20
any time someone mentioned controlling how a page scrolls, i'm reminded of this: line6.com/helix
"--foo", I mean, they could have gone with "@foo" or "$foo" to adopt a widely used syntax and also for some consistency.
I guess there's good argument to keep it different though, too.
Like if you were gonna mix LESS and css vars for some silly reason
@KevinB :'(
Dat site lol wow
That was emailed me with the message: "Why don't we do stuff like this!??!?!" sigh
:root {
  --color-red: #990012;
#foo {
  color: var(--color-red);
sure the syntax is something to get used too
but I think runtime variables will be hella nice
@rlemon I am also a fan.
@KevinB Holy shit, that was just a very stressful experience
doesn't scss use $ naming?
yeah, i can't stand it. but for some reason several people here loved it
Probably an incredibly silly question... but do checkboxes not have a default true/false value state change?
@SterlingArcher checkbox.checked
I know that ^
@SterlingArcher checked="checked"
rephrase your question geek
@Trasiva ew
But I could have sworn they have a default true false
oh ew... that was a coldfusion thing
@SterlingArcher your question isn't making any sense
I forgot
@ndugger What? That's html.
@KevinB that website is the worst
coldfusion html elements? i never used those
I would rather have porn popups than trapped video scrolling.
@KevinB That made me want to murder something cute and cuddly.
@ndugger I meant like.. you grab the .value of a checkbox, and if it's checked, the value is true, else false
ColdFusion forms will do that for you, but I forgot that isn't native to HTML
@Trasiva When dealing with attributes, omitting the value is equal to a boolean true, so you only have to do <input type='checkbox' checked/>
@SterlingArcher That's .checked
yeah yeah yeah
to be absolutely clear, that page isn't mine. :)
walking in circles
@ndugger I'll have to validate, but I think it was still mandatory for older browers.
Object.defineProperty(elm, 'value', {
  get: function() { return this.checked }
fuck older browsers
@rlemon swear on me mum
why are you on your mum?
@ndugger No thanks, I like my browsers to be able to at least give a reach around and not break their hip on the first go.
@Trasiva You also apparently like to support legacy nonsense that has no business existing.
thoughts on edge @ndugger?
I don't like to support oldie, but if i don't i get support calls.
i don't like support calls
@ndugger I don't get a choice. I keep pushing to require newer browsers but I get told I can't cut them out.
@Quill My thoughts are that it's a browser that exists. It has the best support for ES2015+ features, and has a decent development record thus far. That being said, do I use it? Absolutely not.
@KevinB Same here. I broke our entire website one time because I included a javascript function that didn't work in IE8. Killed a huge portion of the website functionality until I downgraded it to older JS stuff.
<!--[if IE 6]>
<p>Get a newer browser, you dinosaur.</p>
more like, if IE 8
@ndugger Chrome and IE are still leading for ES2015+. Edge is pretty far behind.
That's not true at all
@ssube source?
83% for Edge, 91% for Chrome: kangax.github.io/compat-table/es6
@ton.yeung help, afk, ban, convert, define, die, doge, eval, forget, google, hang, imdb, info, jquery, learn, listcommands, listen, live, mdn, meme, moustache, mustache, nudge, refresh, spec, stat, stats, summon, tell, unban, undo, unonebox, unsummon, urban, user, weather, welcome, wiki, xkcd, youtube, zalgo, !, !!, $.baby, (4337654<<1)+1, (y), /somecommand, 2020/07/23, 3, 666, :p, </pissing>, ?, ^, ^5, abesnacking, abhi, abhishekpornfreak, acronym, ah, ahah, algosmarts, aliens, am, angryticks
apocalypse, appreciated, archerneat, artisticpoop, artisticsilo, asd, asdf, asians, awesome, aww,
fortunately I've gotten our IT to agree to install chrome or firefox on any machine that runs into a problem with our internal apps due to IE8, so i've been able to drop IE8 support. still supporting IE9 for now though
Chrome is starting to beat Babel for ES6 features
on select applications
@ssube Chrome 49 isn't out, so he's right for another few weeks.
@KevinB Yea, IE 8 support is required here for at least another year. : /
@ssube did I see that Canary now natively supports const let and block scope outside of strict mode?
@Trasiva ugh another year?!
damn dude that sucks
Also, he said IE was leading, which is blatantly false.
I would just leave honestly
"at least"
I have no doubt that Chrome will eventually take the lead
@SterlingArcher yeah
@SterlingArcher looks like it's got pretty much everything
but IE? Fuck outta your fantasy land
We just dropped style support for IE9/10 :p
Proxies and Reflect
Is Canary beating Edge in ES6 support now?
@Loktar Well congratulations to you. :P
@SterlingArcher soundly
by support i mean it has to work, doesn't have to look pretty. :)
Tempted to ping jonathansampson lol
@Trasiva seriously though man, that sounds like the kind of place that isnt fun to dev at.
Reminds me of when I worked in the fed gov
is v51 of chrome/canary out yet?
@Loktar It has it's moments, one of the bigger draws that it's pretty lax in terms of the environment and the hours usually aren't awful.
But yea, that's why I'm on the hunt.
@ssube at an aproximate $25 a bottle, and I want to get 12ish bottles of various alcohols, I'm gonna be spending a lot...
@ndugger if you go for a stocked basic bar, yeah.
@Quill Pretty sure the beta channel is still on 49, so 50 should be useable but not 51?
My bank account is hurting from moving, drop on another few hundred dollars... yay
Oh shit they have 4 channels I didn't even know that.
@ndugger get a handle of luksusowa ($25), a bottle of captain ($15-20), and a bottle of jamo or bulleit ($20)
I wrote down all of your suggestions. I mean, I can afford to get them all, but my bank account is lower than it's been in the past 5 months. I just don't like going below a certain number
boss: just add it yourself
me: okay, but it's going to be ugly
boss: I'm sure it won't be that bad..
@Quill Just checked, Canary is V50 for me still
@ndugger if I had to pick $50 worth of booze, those three would be it.
@rlemon You need a paper bag for that amount of ugly.
@rlemon Hahaha what the fuck did you do
I'm dropping 10v to 2v for analog input
so they all have a common 20k and need a 100k over
floating solder joints are the best
we have a 'programmer' cable here that has like 18 components mid cable all just soldered to eachothers legs
the thing is a fucking mess, and you can't really touch it
but it works and has been working for like ten years
haha, there is no shame here
we take pride in our fungeneering
@rlemon do you know a good cable to use for going from USB to just red/black?
I've pulled apart a USB squid and it works, but the wires are very thin and not meant for that
I'm trying to run some LEDs from a battery for my rave hat, but need to go from USB to powa
So that's who left me those seeds? Tricky humans
@ton.yeung Haha, if I had a cat I'd totally make something like this with latex fingers.
@ton.yeung Damn thing would lose it's mind.
@Trasiva but that will be tricky to solder
i would kill a cat with a laser
Now to actually create the game in redis with the proper metadata...
@ssube use an audio cable from some headphones
Really? That's what my buddy used to shout after every call of duty kill
no lol though he is incredibly twiggy
Off topic, unrelated, but awesome news guys
@SterlingArcher If I shouted something after every kill I get, I'd lose my voice

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