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I have a french exam next month
Un chien walks into un bar. Et prendre .....
@littlepootis so you should just give up, right?
@SterlingArcher I don't know what give up means, sorry.
@SterlingArcher you should have some @littlepootis
@rlemon I didn't get this one
But I got the others!
He doesn't have any little pootis
@littlepootis abandon
@littlepootis "Un chien rentre dans un bar"
I should really learn to think in French.
you should learn to pootis
Hi peeps, I would like to know if there is a stack exchange site where I can ask the following type of question: how can I go about building an online text editor which allows code compilation/running, much in the sense that codepen jsfiddle and the like do it? This is simply to get a feel for the tech that exists behind these tools. I of course would like to understand the stack behind it. Unless this is already something appropriate for the Javascript chat.
@AGE it's tricky because most of the stack network requires an attempt first
There really isn't an exchange site for "how do I go about planning my project"
I get that
I am failing at d3.js :\
@SterlingArcher It's a very broad and open ended type of question, I am just wondering if there is anything I should be looking at or anywhere else I should be asking this type of question. My personal searches have turned out as broad as my questions so far
All jfiddle really does it give you an editor, save the text on the server and make an html page with your code in it (or linked to) that it puts into an iframe.
The best thing you could do is just try
See what you can do before you actually need help
@ndugger I agree I will definitely begin tinkering... well regarding the database question I would already be trying to answer, would relational vs nosql be a better choice?
jsbin is quite smarter than fiddle, but servers suck
@Luggage the text saving on the server means relational or nosql? My knowledge is a bit lacking in this area, I can of course do more research once I have a better idea. If either do not matter then I really need to get dirty with both and see whats the best approach
@MatShinoz I mastered the art of pootis notehub.org/sq052
> PootHP
@AwalGarg #2 now
I forgot to mention Pootoshop
We're hiring a "Senior Product Manager" in Minnesota -- It seems like an abused position with a lot of responsibility, but it's an open position nonetheless.
And here I am with my 8 stars on SourceUndead like a noob
@AwalGarg seriosuly though, congrats on trending man. The cv-maker is very clever
@Cereal Sorry I missed it, how'd you do?
Blackbeard has 10... though I haven't touched it in a few weeks. I'm hoping to fix some bugs in it this weekend now that I'm in my apartment
@ndugger followed and *ed <3
stupid angularjs question: if i declare a service via app.factory() will it create a new object for each controller or use the same one? eg: can i access data assigned to the service in one controller from another controller and have the same data?
I can probably write something that's sort of like jsfiddle (in the compilation sense) in 100 characters.
new Function
@BenjaminGruenbaum what's your favorite and probably legit use of eval you've ever seen?
@BenjaminGruenbaum implementing jsfiddle without the iframe stuff would be useless though
@SterlingArcher eval('obj.' + dynamicProperty)
@FlorianMargaine yeah, I wrote a clone called mochafiddle a few years ago for fun that ran tests and all that, was fun.
@FlorianMargaine omg why
@BenjaminGruenbaum who didn't
I wrap all of my functions in eval(`function here`)
@SterlingArcher ah, I did something similar
@SterlingArcher eval has no legit use cases because it has quirky scoping and different rules for indirect use and lots of other quirks. new Function has a lot of legit use cases - both optimizations to trigger the JIT (those are legit) and for dynamic scoping and contexts (like in Knockout)
I only like the sauciest of sauces
@BenjaminGruenbaum what do you mean by quirky scoping?
eval and with work well together.
Ahhh I made a calculator like that in college but (even though it wasn't explicitly defined) I got an F for using eval
@BenjaminGruenbaum eval?
@BenjaminGruenbaum reading, already have a question
Hi guys! What is wrong with the following line? :(
if (element.style.opacity <= 0)
It gives an XML - not formatted correctly error.
@FlorianMargaine user-select: none;
@crl go ahead, fork it
(0, eval)('var a = 1;');
<textarea id=d></textarea><button onclick=eval(d.value)>Run - 59 char repl can probable be shorter.
How is this indirectly calling eval? Is it some form of casting?
@AGE what?
@Tigris trying to put javascript in html? the < might be your problem
or binding?
@crl also, it's a shame jsfiddle doesn't save the date, but I'm pretty sure user-select wasn't super well supported when I wrote it.
Luggage: Yeah, how should I approach then?
!!> (console.log(1), 2, console.log(3), 4)
@SomeGuy 4 Logged: 1,3
i thougth browsers were pretty lenient on <.. is is XHTML?
@SterlingArcher ^
I'm sorry, I'm a noob, but wanna learn, and can't figure out, why I could not put some simple scripts to a page.
All comma-separated expressions are evaluated, and the last one is returned
@FlorianMargaine hehe ok
> css dev
@BenjaminGruenbaum that's very cool I had no idea, I guess its simpler than I thought at least to get started on it, I guess using require to tie in a language dependency on button click is also what is done on jsfiddle, much like node uses v8 right?
Since eval is returned in that expression list, and whatever is returned is called, eval is called
Luggage: From the header it is xhtml 1.0
@SterlingArcher I'm not calling eval directly I'm calling some reference to it.
@Tigris is your page XHTML or html? What is the first line?
@Luggage XHTML 1.0 from the header.
I mean the first line - header kind, not the html header :D
!!google javascript expression list
Server error (status 500) occured (message probably too long)
@SterlingArcher coincidence
@AGE require is just an eval following a ``readFileSync` with the code wrapped with a (function(module, exports, process){ at the start and a })(newModuleScope, sameModuleScope.exports, processThingie); or something like that
!!tell SterlingArcher mdn javascript expression list
I keep on doing that :/
@Sterling: Less than or equal: <= And this is what I wrote, so what now?
@Tigris change it to plain html and you'll have an easier time. This is a good html5 starting point (has a few things you don't need) github.com/h5bp/html5-boilerplate/blob/master/src/index.html
TIL operator precedence
@Luggage okay, thanks. :) I will have a look at that.
@Trasiva I lost to a pro in ro64
@SterlingArcher Are you kidding me ?
@Tigris in fact.. that has a LOT you don't need.. amybe it's not a good example. but you want a plain html5 page. that's what you are looking for
@BenjaminGruenbaum ok that is enlightening, so I can simply tie in an eval that uses a specific language (example javascript) to parse whatever is on the textarea on button click. The Save functionality I guess can be tied into an AJAX call which saves the text in a server... whatever that implies, I'm just not sure whether or not a relational model will be best for doing that
@SterlingArcher bedmas + other shit
@Tigris what?
@Sterling sorry, I thought you meant something to my stuff :D
@Luggage Okay, I see. :) Thanks, a lot.
<!DOCTYPE html>
done and done
@rlemon no no, like I didn't know an assignment statement was low on the precedence list, like the comma operator. Member access is the top, apparently
Not mathematical order of of operations precedence
yea, that is the other shit
// require for JS files is:

Module._extensions['.js'] = function(module, filename) {
  var content = fs.readFileSync(filename, 'utf8');
  module._compile(internalModule.stripBOM(content), filename);

// which in turn (after stripping the BOM which isn't a biggie)
// remove shabang
content = content.replace(shebangRe, '');
// wraps it
var wrapper = Module.wrap(content);
// and runs it with `runInThisContext` which is a line number preserving eval
// useful for debugging.
 runInThisContext(wrapper, {
I know PEMDAS, if that's what you guys were scared about
you silly PEMDAS freaks
The confused part of canada
It's 14 degrees right now
snowstorm tomorrow
we chilled off
we had 14 yesterday
was nice
also snowed yesterday
!!weather kitchener
@rlemon Kitchener: -0.42C (272.731K), sky is clear
!!weather moncton
@Cereal Moncton: 11.83C (284.981K), light rain
// @AGE where `Module.wrap` is just:
return NativeModule.wrapper[0] + script + NativeModule.wrapper[1];
// where wrapper[0]
'(function (exports, require, module, __filename, __dirname) { \n`
// and wrapper[1]
!!weather herndon va
@SterlingArcher Herndon: 46.45F (8.03C, 281.18K), overcast clouds
Does anyone know a jQuery image slider (with naviagtion < > and 1,2,3..), that only changes the background of a div, while the text stays sthe same?
sounds overly specific
author it yourself
I'd * that
@AGE relational model will be file, so will any other model - it's a very very simple data schema
and very simple data.
@BenjaminGruenbaum awesome! alright, I have no idea what that code does but I am going to spend sometime trying to understand it. Good to know that the DB model doesn't matter being its simple.
@BenjaminGruenbaum by filename you mean the text in the text area right?
@rlemon If you forget to set <meta utf 8>, firebug will stick its potato in your ear
don't use firebug
that meta thing isn't required. Optional
people using different encodings are retarded IMO
if we're going on minimum requirements, half of the tags can be omitted
@TechTreeDev provide the same text to every slide
@rlemon : you forgot <nav> for navigation and <footer> for footer
<!doctype html>
iirc, is perfectly valid
end tags for html and body are assumed (like <p>)
too lazy to end the end tags, huh?
@TechTreeDev add text beneath, and don't set title
i saw 3 weeks ago a HTML template, featuring XHTML
i felt like jumping back in the time
XHTML is the futupootis
@Maurice personally, I do. just showing what is possible in HTML5
Argument was valid. +10
@rlemon Is this upto the browser or is it in the spec?
never knew the download attribute htmlgoodies.com/html5/markup/…
@BenFortune pretty sure it is spec
A: Is it necessary to write HEAD, BODY and HTML tags?

AlohciOmitting the html, head, and body tags is certainly allowed by the HTML specs. The underlying reason is that browsers have always sought to be consistent with existing web pages, and the very early versions of HTML didn't define those elements. When HTML 2.0 first did, it was done in a way that t...

wow, you can omit a lot more that I showed
html5 is very loose
relevant link to the spec
@rlemon Nice, thanks
<!-- Recommended -->
<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>Saving money, saving bytes</title>
he serious?
that is called doctype decoration
you can read on it
I mean no html head and body tag
You can actually omit a lot more, but I wouldn't, you'd just use a minifier.
no that is not recommended
never think "ohh I can minify this more"
think "is this really more readable?"
I have my structure and I'm happy with it. Think about a 1000 line file with just 1 container :D
got the touch drivers working
so pumped
Nice, you still on jessie?
!!youtube pump it
wat? black eyed peas?
!!ban Maurice
@Neoares The user will be thrown into mindjail in 1 more invocations
!!ban Maurice
@Maurice The user will be thrown into mindjail in 1 more invocations
nah is lieing
It's snowing very lightly again here today
Not even worth calling it snow
it's raining men here
we have enough, so the sky doesn't really care
My TF2 hitsound is "gaben".
!!youtube raining men
TF2 is a bad game, and you should be ashamed with your life choices
@Neoares i'll give you a hint: magic underwear

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