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@ndugger it's not a bad game, it's just fucking old
@Maurice Please stop putting random youtube videos in here that have nothing to do with anything
and overwatch is comming
@ndugger it has to do with my other message :P
TF2 was a good game before the fucking hat ecosystem
@ndugger your please shall be accepted
Just tell me you can't afford a hat.
@Maurice you're speling shall bee axepted
I bought the cheapest weapon to become p2p
Fuck off with the flags
I spent $5, have items worth ~$50
to have more inventory and all that things
3 stranges
@BenFortune What was flagged this time?
@ndugger both of those music videos
@BenFortune wuddi miss
some ass flagged my videos
Flaggers need to chill
whoop whoop I'm going home. See ya
@BenFortune no this is on Ubuntu
@Maurice see you
tomorrow I'm flying to mexico
@rlemon Noice, which WM?
@BenFortune I ended up installing like 9 os's
still unity :/
doesn't really matter, aside from mem
I switched to XFCE
@BenjaminGruenbaum Actually... I have never been like that, here or elsewhere, ever. There was one girl that we talked about in here lol. I have no context on what this meant but @SterlingArcher is the one who bangs lol
they client will never see the wm - we open a full screen app on start
Unity kills my CPU too
//I'm trying to use jQuery 3 beta with Bootstrap 4 alpha, but this code is preventing that:
if ((version[0] < 2 && version[1] < 9) || (version[0] == 1 && version[1] == 9 && version[2] < 1) || (version[0] >= 3)) {
  throw new Error('Bootstrap\'s JavaScript requires at least jQuery v1.9.1 but less than v3.0.0')
version === ["3", "0", "0-beta1"]
doesn't seem to be doing much to this thing
Had it on my Chromebook, was like constantly 25%
i.imgur.com/9orGNGy.png best decision ever
@rlemon Don't you worry about that cylinder looking thing mounted under the steering wheel
@jhawins breaks hard
@BenFortune during idle
@rlemon Why would you use htop
@rlemon Hmm, not bad.
You should avoid that at all costs. Like ls -a
@jhawins why would you give a fuck enough to question it
I like htop
go away
You get it right ;P
@jhawins lolwut
@jhawins ?
It's a joke, I am finishing my first coffee for the morning.
somebody learn that boy a linux
Mar 3 '14 at 15:32, by Jhawins
I'm waiting on coffee... I don't do anything till that savory shit-maker-sauce hits my lips.
for great good!
@NathanJones no, only evil
room -17 are our good twins
How is scoop.sh?
if we're showing main pc's
that is my desktop running atm
@rlemon that's still far from how busy my laptop is :P
all I run is chrome / editor / console
and it's like that all day
and my laptop is often more busy :P desktop is for music and web
ugh. I'm not sure if I like this display
it isn't multi-touch
@FlorianMargaine Jus a bunch of virtual box :P
@jhawins yeah, "a bunch"
And FF lol
@rlemon omg, what is this, 1950s south africa?
@rlemon What did you get
@jhawins yeah, currently in a hangout
@Cereal :(
@ssube @jhawins it is an industrial touch display
I could probably throw a hammer at it and it would be fine
but that comes with a whole other set of "dumb downs"
you could probably throw a hammer at it, but have you thrown a hammer at it?
I feel like you're skimping on the science today
or, I guess for your company, dump a whole combine full of corn on it
Hey guys, this is invalid JSON right?             		data: "{userid : '" + userid + "',ReassignContentToUserID=''}",
@JoJo yep
I thought so, ty
easiest way to check
see if it fails
ok let me try that now
is there a JSON parse function that provides useful errors?
I just calculated, and SourceUndead has 958 lines of code, exlcuding libs :D
any error is useful when you just wanna check if it is or isn't valid
Don't build json with string concatenation. Don't build json with string concatenation. Don't build json with string concatenation. Don't build json with string concatenation.
@rlemon yeah, this is something I've been wondering about before
@KevinB do you mean use json.Stringify instead?
I have a tool that runs on a server, taking JSON webhooks and transforming them, but if the JSON ends up invalid anywhere along the chain, it says... "Error parsing JSON"
yes, and if your browser doesn't have access to it, there's a library that works well
@ssube you should get
then you have to figure out where, from the template and a 5kb payload
Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token blah
I will alter it
@rlemon yes, but where?
well, in the browsr
you are using node ?
just line/col would be super helpful
@ssube jsonlint.com provides error messages
FF is the only browser with good errors
JSON.parse('[1, 2, 3, 4,]');
// SyntaxError: JSON.parse: unexpected character at
// line 1 column 13 of the JSON data
it isn't perfect, but it doesn't suck as bad as you just said
Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token u
@jhawins I remember that you came here drunk one time and talked about some "chick you banged" and posted her FB profile here :P
When you were really new here.
@BenjaminGruenbaum I never banged that girl lol. I got skype titties pretty sure was all :P
But yes..... I remember that lol
you youngsters today don't know how good you got it. sexting wasn't a thing when I was younger, and when cameras were added to phones the resolution was shit
no high def nudies
I remember that. 1.5" 256 color screen, maybe like 2000 pixels on the whole pic
heh I like quake's way of doing things, It does exactly what I pre-baked but in an even smarter way <3
@ssube zoom in to see detail, just see pixels.
@rlemon O_O
@rlemon reminds me of daggerfall (elder scrolls #2). Every capital city had a castle, every castle had a hidden basement, basement had a chest, chest had a "paintaing" with a super pixelated nude.
lol nice
You could open them in your inventory, but all you got to see what giant pixel nakedness, then the guards killed you
@Trasiva cmon bro, you're just starting shit :P
@jhawins You're entitled to that opinion. If that's the consensus then let it die and that's the end of it, I'm not going to sit here and badmouth him regularly.
@Trasiva You took his messages out of context and tried to deliberately start something. I see it. Please don't do it again.
You complained that he says "I thought you were a smart person, gosh."
@jhawins If a user has a complaint, they are allowed to bring it up.
But he was simply trolling lol. Clearly in good fun.
The github repo is the right way to go about that, since we'd rather avoid historical flags.
discouraging issues like this will make it so no one raises them
@jhawins maybe, but you can't tell somebody not to ever complain again.
@ssube Yes they are. And I am allowed to tell someone it's not cool to single someone out like that.
If they have a complaint they think is legitimate, they have the right to bring it up.
@jhawins it's not cool to single him out for singling someone out bro
There was no substance in the issue at all whatsoever. He is just butthurt over yesterday's military comment.
I don't agree with his issue, but I don't agree he shouldn't have raised it
@jhawins Be that as it may, we have to hear him out.
his choice man
What are you guys trying to say?
I can tell him I see through him.
don't discourage people raising issues
disagree with the issue and move on
As a RO, you gotta listen to all the complaints, even if they end up being bullshit.
Take a step back guys. I have done no wrong here.
2 mins ago, by jhawins
@Trasiva You took his messages out of context and tried to deliberately start something. I see it. Please don't do it again.
that is discouraging him raising issues against RO's he thinks over stepped.
I didn't tell him not to raise issues. I told him not to reach for messages and single someone out because he doesn't like their opinion.
chilling complaints is super dangerous
I'll resolve the problem.
It's bordering towards slander because you didn't like his opinion. He tried to "dethrone" someone subtly. I can have an issue with that. You guys are the ones who are making this more than it is.
Great now he's gonna remove it and this will be a real problem.....
you can, and you voiced it in the issue
!!afk only causing probs
I don't see the point in coming in here telling him not to raise those issues "don't do it again"
It's not slander, it's a user with a legitimate complaint. Whether we agree, we have to field it.
anyways, moving on.
Otherwise it turns into "you can't complain, you can't complain, no complaints against ROs, feature-request rename RO to maniacal dictator"
Nah, you guys just can't keep it light.
Or dark
I guess the 72-hour thing isn't a thing amymore
completely our bad man. carry on.
@KendallFrey To what
@KendallFrey What?
@jhawins close the issue.
@KendallFrey he closed his own issue. not sure the 72 hours applies there
@FlorianMargaine Close what issue.
@rlemon he didn't get bullied into closing anything.
You guys are the one who drug it out
@jhawins I've been trying to wheelie (with my z800)
and I can get it, but only heavily using the clutch
which doesn't sound right to me
@Mosho how much are you using your suspension
I don't use the clutch at all unless it's high speeds
well, I slow down, even brake right before
You need to like weight the suspension and then unweight it as you hit the throttle
@jhawins the github issue
Not the best explanation but the message of a lot; of = cross; browser(); handling... makes me not give u the downvote :P — Alejandro Vales 57 mins ago
... why are you commenting?
@jhawins dude, I don't agree. I saw you discouraging him asking that question all together. telling me I'm wrong isn't doing shit because I think you are wrong. drop it and move on
that question was directly to @Trasiva anyways
@rlemon What question was directly to him
the one in the issue, which you just commented to me about
There;'s no quesiton
don't we have some kind of... moderators area to discuss disagreements between room owners? seems kinda odd to see it here
The subject is done and over with. Move on.
@jhawins you mean brake or lean?
it's a heavy bike
@KevinB nope, intentionally.
@Mosho I mean jump
Room culture and RO opinions are public knowledge and go on the permanent record (the "internet," as I believe you kids call it).
@jhawins see, it's not a dirtbike
Until we start taking bribes, we don't need a special room for ROs.
Works on litre bikes too
but you don't have to do it
@Mosho I've wheelied Bandits, FZ09/FZ07
hi everybody, can somebody please help me with this question: stackoverflow.com/questions/35206211/…
@emre22 Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Please don'task if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
I've wheelied a wr250x at 100kg
anything can be done
!!afk poutine
but I expected it to be less about... dynamics and more about power
@Mosho I'm jus sayin I use the same technique on all weights of bike
Well. Basically the way I know it there are 2 ways. You use the clutch or you use your weight and the suspension. Both can be done properly.
I like weighting it better. And you should be able to do it on any size bike. You just are giving it a head start
I'm trying to figure out if I need to use an SPA framework for a bootstrap page with some tables, tabs and modal popups.
@NathanJones You don't need to, no. It may make your life easier.
@jhawins I'll try, though I don't really know where to begin with the non-clutch method
The routing stuff especially (the hash, back button) can be a pain.
I've never made an SPA, so I don't know what I'd be gaining.
With an SPA (rather than an old frame-based or multi-page app), your "pages" are just a change to the app state.
To make that user friendly, you typically change the URL hash (protocol://server/path#hash) when the "page" changes.
That's kind of a pain to manage yourself, especially for browsers with pushState, so getting a router library is a good idea.
If you don't have complicated templates or anything, don't worry about a view library (like React), just use a router.
why mess with the url at all?
When the route (hash) changes, the router will call a function you've attached, and you can pop your modal.
@NathanJones so the back button and bookmarks work
Your page loads, says to call foo for #foo and bar(id) for #bar/:id. If somebody bookmarks nathanjones.com/#bar/3, then when the page loads, it will call bar(3) right away.
bookmarks or refreshes
@Mosho I mean basically you just wanna get in a low gear and put your rpm right below your peak, so for me I do like 5.5K rpm, then you try to shove the bike into the pavement past the shocks, as it bounces back up you stand and pull up and backward on the handle bars and give aggressive but steady throttle. That'll get you in the air. Staying in the air you just have to be steady with the gas and remember DOWN is always safe. Back is always bad lol.
@jhawins sounds dangerous

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