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@KevinB oh yeah. Refreshing is probably way more likely, too.
well, we're talking about putting a 2 wheeled vehicle one one wheel, right? isn't that... "dangerous" to begin with? :p
@Mosho Yeah but since you are in a low gear, as soon as you let off the throttle it's gonna wanna decel, which is gonna pull the front end back down to the ground fast lol. So you always have an easy out, just let go of the gas.
@NathanJones no idea if this library is good, but it has a nice example: github.com/flatiron/director
@KevinB damn thing is missing two of its wheels to start with.
If you wanna like balance in one place during a wheelie or anything you'll have to learn to do it with the clutch. And it seems way harder to me.
@jhawins I tried last time on the duke, was too complicated tbh
I think it's something that should be first practiced on something smaller, off-road
clutch is easy
Honestly I know this won't sound safe... But have you tried wheelies over hill crests?
Honestly I think it's safer than stop and go ones.
what hill? I'm talking about highways lol
And you get a good feel for the balance.
I'm talking about learning and I wouldn't learn to wheelie (or wheelie at all) on the highway xD
Idk I am used to living in the middle of no where.
I start liking ES6 generators. What do you think?
A: How to do this "weird" loop through my array?

BergiI recommend nesting two ES6 generators: for (let y of outwards(7)) { for (let x of outwards(7)) { var i = y*7+x; use(arr[i]); // for one-dimensional array use(arr[x][y]) // for two-dimensional array } } function* outwards(n) { console.assert(n%2 == 1); va...

@Bergi Beautiful
@jhawins o/
Sup Shrek
Anybody in here knows how to do delta compression in javascript ?
And send deltas of values instead of the values themselves
^ Thats what I have been doing but wanted a better implementation, thanks :D
@copy nice !
I was wondering though if there is a library which returns the difference b/w two objects
more like
const c = difference(a, b);
const b = Object.assign(a, c); // everything same as b
That + Byson / BiSON = :D
I think I might have went a little overboard, haha.
is possible with java script searching internet
hey guys!
has anyone ran into a random issue with divs resizing on button click? Only thing I can see that might be causing it is bootstrap pull-right?
@stackprogramer wat?
@stackprogramer yes possible search internet api exist
i know with python is possible that is called web scripting
web scraping
spider and crawls in has api for user
crawls and scrapes
then tracks and sells mwahahahahahahah
@stackprogramer google "web scraping + javascript"
@Trasiva that was me buying $5 sample vape juice
if google search support regex
try it
at all,do you know link that describe ability of google engine completely
right there
also, if you wanna search and not scrape, you need to index the sites yourself or hook into an existing API
you can do that research yourself please
I failed
I think google has a nice paid api
and a shitty free one
duckduckgo might have an api as well?
i will test duckduck
@ssube Well, I made a post on reddit to get some suggestions, it really blew up haha.
shaving is lame
yes, it is
trimming is where it's at
Gotta have at least some stubble on that face.
I'll never have a completely bare face again
I trim at 3/4", then shave my cheeks and neck
sterling has seen my beard on snatchpat
Yeah, gotta get rid of the neck beard, for sure
I usually keep my cheek areas, but I've shaped it before
I shave when my face looks dirty
my beard is patchy :/
@SterlingArcher Used all the suggestions I gave him to clean up the edge of his beard.
I think he's a convert to DE instead of cartridge.
can you make mine grow fuller?
@ndugger I have pretty decent cheek bones, so I tend to go for a line between my earlobe and the corner of my lip (roughly)
keeping that clean seems to accentuate the jaw beard more, which is thicker anyway
@rlemon Supposedly the only thing you can do is let it keep growing until it covers the patchy spots.
makes it look nice and clean and distinguished
@Trasiva :(
you can see the nice patch on the cheek
and the moustache doesn't connect fully on the other side
@rlemon So shave and keep it at the jaw line?
wow. you look sickly
yea I am
went to be at like 9 last night (sudden onset tiredness)
feeling mega tired today still
go home
@ndugger Canadians are naturally pale
Wow, I just realized how secret looking my company website is
As a Minnesotan, I know this
@rlemon if you work from home tomorrow, you can help me l2vape
vaping is for squares
just kidding
I kinda miss it
I'm gonna vape with cigarettes
one hell of a website lol
smokers are jokers.
don't hate the vape
vape is gr8
@SterlingArcher that isn't SNC
how many vapes could an ape vape if an ape could vape vape?
@rlemon it's a "subset"
@ndugger All of them. Those bitches have big ass lungs.
Technically I'm SNC, but my department is MACE
@ndugger Does the ape have an ape vape or a vape vape?
Does the ape vape vape vapes, or does the vape vape vape vapes? Does the ape vape ape vapes or vape vapes? Does the ape vape vape apes or help apes vape?
if the ape vapes ape vape and the vape of the ape is grape, how great is that.
@rlemon Every hour at the top of the hour.
not hanging out with the gf cause that's not going well, so... probably a lot
@ssube remember to switch hit every 2nd time
don't wanna unbalance those forearms
@rlemon oh, I have a forearm squeezer somewhere, one of the nice 10lb ones
I need one
actually, I should buy a set of those, not sure where it went
right now I'm using a cat toy as a hand squeeze
it kinda works.
we used to have a high-resistance one, 10 or 20lbs, and would leave it on the coffee table
folks would come over, pick it up, need both hands
(in seriousness, recovery for the wrist still)
we were pumping out 5x20 while watching TV with a whiskey ni the other hand
my grip strength is weaker than it should be
when I was heavy lifting I almost resorted to straps
@rlemon I used to have one of these when I was rehabbing my hand when I broke it.
I have 2/5/7 lb weights
I often will just wrist roll with those
ankles are not a problem
I severed a ligament in my wrist.
so I need to re-strengthen that hand specifically
general working out is not a problem
being able to lift the plate to put in on the machine is the problem right now :P
well not really, but kinda still
yes, but I need specific target areas
otherwise I have my own routines and they work well for me
I appreciate it tho
injury is annoying
pain is annoying / checkmate
I could take it or leave it
I like the water squirty thing at the dentist
as in, it didn't really help long term
Chiro hasn't fixed shit for me.
but they told me it might not, there are not many muscles in your wrist so there isn't much to 'recover'
it kinda is what it is
@Trasiva I'm convinced 10/11 chiropractors are scam artists
I know there are some good ones, I've never met one tho
@rlemon Yea, me too, but the VA keeps sending me.
Dentists are scam artists too
@ton.yeung My back is permanently fucked. I chew on toothpicks when the pain gets bad.
dentists are a rip off. I don't see them as a scam artist
they don't charge me to fuckup my mouth
they charge me to clean my mouth.. they just charge way too much
I have an extra tooth but they didn't remove it before straightening my teeth and it really fucked up my jaw
So I paid a couple thousand dollars to fuck up my mouth :(
Ouch that sounds like it hurts
@Meredith yea, well, there are shitty people in every profession :/ you would think they would have more regular testing / evaluation on them?
I've switched doctors a few times to find a good one. dentists as well
@KendallFrey B
I just haven't found a good chiro :/ so I'm more biased against them
@SterlingArcher obviously not
There's a 25% chance you'll pick B
@ton.yeung I have zero curvature left, it's always funny when I get x-rays and the tech freaks.
@ton.yeung yea I'm just not gonna use one :P
@ton.yeung wat?
@ton.yeung Happy endings doesn't make them good.
@SterlingArcher The really evil thing about that is that although none of them is a correct answer, neither is "none of them"
That's what your spine is supposed to look like
I have none of those curves.
Ah shit, I missed the "at random" part
most spines are gay
@ton.yeung It's very uncomfortable, and results in a lot of pinched nerves in my lower back.
@ton.yeung Nah, the grass is always brown, 'cause humans have murdered it.
@Trasiva lumbar scoliosis
(I have)
@rlemon Sounds just as fun.
and for some reason two discs in my back like to slip all the fucking time
to the point where I can recognize i've done it and correct it myself within weeks
@rlemon At least you have free healthcare, right?
all of the physio stuff is the same
why bother taking my time to go
Well I shan't be trusting any more farts today
how's life
It's been raining all day
twas close, but I got lucky
yea, never trust a fart. ever.
that should be common sense man
Also eat fiber once in a while
My... the lazyness...
Q: div.innerHTML is not a function

matt-pI am trying to write a method within an angular service that when a invalid code is entered into the shopping basket, it writes to a div id="error". ``` 1 ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ service.writeError = function () { 81 ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ if (document.readyState === "complete") { 1 ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ var div = document...

> div.innerHTML(content);
Well that's new
div.innerHTML = function (html) { div.innerHTML = html; };
@Enijar This would obviously help...
@Meredith blerg
Nothing like overriding a property to be a function
@SterlingArcher Even better: JScript, where myObj.myProp(index) = value; is valid
@DenysSéguret $10 says he saw a jQuery answer use .html()
assumed vanilla was teh same
@KendallFrey dude never gamble on a fart
@rlemon Downside to all these script kiddies delving into jQuery before they understand JS.
I feel like he's old enough to know this by now
@Trasiva only?
@ssube You're right! Fixed.
@rlemon Might be the explanation ^^
one more DV
I don't get dv's
well I do, but not from the main interface
I wanna get a link to the question he apparently copied before that Q is deleted
so we can downvote that apparently totally wrong answer into oblivion
stackoverflow.com/tools nice tools page for the unaware
> This page requires more privileges
well yea
I'm such a basic bitch.
If any of you assholes star that, I'm going to show you just how basic I'm really not.
Oh god fucking damn it.
@Trasiva um, are you trying to imply that being a basic bitch is a bad thing?
@copy ma-star-bation.
@ssube Not in the Christian sense, no.
@Trasiva Explain.
Before I have to take off my uggs and whoop your ass
@ssube I was referencing the fact that I don't have 10k rep and attempted to access mod tools.
are you sure you weren't implying that bleach blondes with uggs going to Noodles and drinking flavored vodka are an inferior type of person?
@ssube I feel like this is a very loaded question.
you bet your sweater dress it is
Any suggestions on good interview prep material that isn't Cracking the Coding interview?
and be careful with your answer, I haven't gotten any new flavors of vodka in like 3 weeks and I'm gettin pissy
brush up on terminology
If you make vodka gummy bears/worms, the vodka that's leftover is pretty good
It's really sweet and syrupy
@Meredith it is. Recently I bought the sodastream syrups, which make great mixers.
Just a small splash of red apple or something in vanilla vodka is delicious.
@KevinB roger that
Well i can understand amount of data and queries can reduce performance. But same thing if i do in php it is very fast but not here. So I want know how can i split these query to different methods / functions . Do you have an answer ? — Pritam Parua 1 min ago
> Hi, my items.forEach(query('SELECT ... LEFT JOIN ... LEFT JOIN')) is slow
no shit, you're looping left joins
@ssube That's actually a really good idea. What's the bottle of the flavours like? You just pout it out? It's not some propriatery nozel or something silly?
I saw them at target
Also, I've taken it upon myself to learn how to make a bunch of different kinds of drinks. I'll be the coolest cat.
@ndugger just a bottle, like $5-10 each. You can get a spout for $2 or something, which is nice, or just pour a spoonful.
You can carbonate drinks with yeast if you want
Me and my roommate made shots where we put enough red apple to coat the bottom of the shot glass, filled with bourbon, and topped with cinnamon.
Tasted bomb
like apple cider shots
I'm not the biggest fan of cinnamon in my drinks
Except that's not true... my homebrew cider was a really strong cinnamon flavour
If you wear uggs you are probably a terrible person
they have a million kinds of flavor, some with caffeine
@Meredith works extra good for sour gummy worms
@ssube No pumpkin spice lattes?
Yeah, I saw Target has like half an aisle for soda stream stuff
I might pick some up
red apple is good, lemon lime is good in tequila drinks. I want cranraspberry and mango berry.
see what I can make
Honestly though I'd rather just eat the gummy worms separately and just take shots of vodka
blood orange sparkling water, lemon lime syrup, and silver tequila is super good
@Meredith +1
@Trasiva no, but I do have a bottle of bubblegum vodka.
My go to drink is vodka sprite, and irish carbombs
@ssube if you are carbonating anything with sugar already in it, be sure to wait for it to gass off before taking it form the sodastream (you know this probably, for everyone else)
@ndugger if you're gonna start experimenting with drink mixing, I may have to hang out with you
otherwise.... mess
@rlemon I just have the syrup, no machine.
@ssube I'm gonna get myself ridiculously wasted by tasting my own creations
Add a small amount to the bottom of your shaker, pour in booze, ice, shake, strain.
It won't be pretty
yea, if you get the machine and carbonate anything but pure water, it gets over carbonated and you should wait
You can make great drinks.
otherwise... mess
I just got a shaker that has a bunch of recipes along the side
source: I have a soda stream and tried to carbonate orange juice
@ndugger oh, bro, I have a few books with like 1500 drinks all told
and most of a stocked bar, missing a few things right now
@rlemon that sounds fucking good
My bar is almost empty right now. Still moving into my apartment
I have no alcohol
next step is to get a small keg (used) so I can fill it and carbonate my mead
and have it on tap
ohhhhhhhh that'll be nice
@ndugger If you can convince me you aren't a diddler, you should come to my party next weekend.
uhhhh, maybe
@ndugger be careful. ssube and his friends like to sleep around
@rlemon Just get your forge working, build your own!
he might try to make a pass at you
tempted to do: let r=getRange() || return; but would get hated for that
use const
@rlemon I'm personally not really into guys
wait till you see his beard
the dingus creeps me out
no :)

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