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But you did. Look at your filter
ok. but isn't isInSet a custom function?
i understand it'll loop but how is it auto passing the 2nd argument?
!!should I dual boot my main pc?
@rlemon Nuh-uh
this development machine has been 'stacking' crap on it for like 2.5 years
badly in need of a cleanout
@rlemon rm -rf /
asking if I should dual boot
clearly this was my windows development machine
any help guys? :(
I don't think I'll have to do any windows development aside from maybe some slight testing
@rlemon I dual boot, I normally dev on my linux and play games on my windows.
Same here
at home I just dev on my laptop and game on my desktop
@rlemon In that case, I'd just go full linux and have a windows VM installed in case I need it.
my work pc over the past 6mo has been for so/google music only
and a second screen to load docs on
btw, have you guys played Undertale yet?
I haven't
the problem with killing window and loading linux on this machine fully is cap will be down for the duration and there May be memory migration issues
probably not, but may be
@SomeGuy Totally worth it.
@MadaraUchiha turns out this can brick your efi. Don't do that.
I really haven't gamed at all in a month
I still mean to finish Wolf Among Us
last time I tried to go linux -> windows or vica versa caps memory fucked up with some of the unicode entries
Played ep1 a month ago, and then forgot about it because it's on the Windows partition
@FlorianMargaine Yeah, I don't think anyone here thought I meant that seriously :D
Last night I successfully docked a Science Pod onto my Space Station KSS (Kerbal Space Station)
@rlemon Rejoice!
Should I get that game?
ohh I was so pumped
@MadaraUchiha yes, 100%
wait for a sale, but yes
@SomeGuy It's got the deepest story impact out of any game I've played in the past 5 years, at least.
Neat. I'll add it to my wishlist
(Also, some of the best soundtracks of the year)
@Akhoy just invited me to a room...
in Room for Akhoy and Cerbrus, 3 mins ago, by Akhoy
hi. just needed some help with JS if you dont mind. have been trying to understand from a long time
Aye, Now my day is ruined -.-
I've seen that one before, today. But still, my day is un-ruined now ^_^
ugh. @FileZilla why do you have 11 versions in my /downloads folder?
why do you have filezilla?
dammit, I don't know what in this folder is 10gb.. but I have enough space to back it up so I will deal with it later :/
It's confirmed. Dogs are awesome.
(As long as they're big enough to lick your nose without having to jump)
@KendallFrey complete guess: millions of micro impacts? or when a larger impact does occur it must create some wind like effect no the surface sand which could erode other rocks?
@Cerbrus you telling me you'd turn this down?
@rlemon That's what I thought of as well, or perhaps there is enough atmosphere to actually wear it down over time, but I doubt it
or was*
@rlemon Highly recommend WinSCP
idk, how much if any atmosphere would be present for the few billion years after the impact
I didn't see enough evidence of an impact large enough to affect it though
@KendallFrey that's why I was thinking many over a long ass time
like, billion years long.
IIRC, the moon landings roughly doubled the Moon's atmosphere or something
solar wind hasn't pulled that off?
I would have assumed anything we could add would be pulled off faster :/ but I don't know much about this stuff
what is the most difficult task in software engineering ? yes you are right it's domain modelling
cache invalidation and naming things
domain modeling is easy. you just make one class for each database table. (joke)
> I don't get it. ~90% of the programmers out there.
@Mathematics Getting along with your peers.
@Mathematics Naming things.
@MadaraUchiha How is @Mathematics' user profile still showing me a 404?
FF snips console.log
how do I backup memory
^ Skynet has become self-aware
@SomeGuy He's a ghost.
@MadaraUchiha Elaborate :P
@SomeGuy His account got merged with a different account, but his chat profile for some reason sticks around.
@MadaraUchiha long standing bug
Hey all. I'm hoping for a bump in the right direction. I'm trying to change a background image via JS but it doesn't work (no effect at all). The image I want to change is the background of the <ul> under the "Services" dropdown menu on this site: premierfencing.com.au
I've tried: document.getElementById('fof-sub-3298').style.background = "url('http://bnest.co/subdomains/public/Menu_Fence_black.jpg') no-repeat scroll 0% 0% / cover !important"
check your console
your pic requires authentication
server 401's
why does the instagram api not provide email for auth user ?
Whoops, botched the copy/paste on that one: document.getElementById('fof-sub-3298').style.backgroundImage = "url('http://www.thedigitalowl.com/Menu_Fence_black.jpg') no-repeat scroll 0% 0% / cover !important"
that one has no auth on it, and doesn't work. I thought it was the auth at first so I tried moving it, and same issue.
Why this doesn't work? (expected answer is 1)
hello guys ,
please have a look on this https://jsfiddle.net/y7n4fpmb/
after i pick dates usign datepicker , how can i pass them to asp.net server side page
number has a length
Because numbers don't have a length
@shortCircuit What? When I remove length, the result is fine ...
because your number is 1, doorknob
@Bassem ajax
@madara , the page contain many inputs & events ,
is there another solution ?
Well still I don't get it .. How can I get the length of a number?
make it a string...
@madara like hidden fileds
@CapricaSix tnx ...
morning from Kokomo indiana!
@Bassem Can't use post/get?
i can @waxi but what about hidden fields !
I have a target input element in an event that when I hover over it in the debugger the input is highlighted in the browser. However when I inspect its width prop it is 0 but its scroll width is 220. Any ideas why?
@rlemon I was in a meeting. Puppies are exempt from the nose-licking rule. They just have to have eyes that don't pop out of their heads.
Which approach is better to convert a number to a string? using .text or .tostring() ?
@MadaraUchiha that's part of domain modelling :)
@Bassem Nothing wrong with hidden fields either.
@MadaraUchiha I feel so special
@Shafizadeh And there is also "" + number but probably not the best one.
yes, your approach is another one ...
.toString() is the common approach, and probably most readable
also, Number.prototype.text ?? I don't think this is a thing
@rlemon You are right ..
@rlemon tnx
@waxi , so should i append also input type hidden beside every text date ?
can I petition that everyone uses the entire word "thankyou" or the shortened "thanks".
tnx is gross
lol thankyou looks cool, but I thought it was thx
"ty" is better.
There is no "x" in "thanks". Or does one usually axe questions on SO?
please be advised, @rlemon is too good for windows and is moving me to linux. I'll be down during the transition and memory may be a bit touch and go when I get back. that Moose Loving Canadian Bastard!
@Bassem I can't comment on asp.net works, but what exactly are you appending? The attribute type is hidden sure, and then it's just carried over when you process it?
@Cerbrus try to spell "thx"
@KarelG "Thanks"
ok @waxi Thx :D
that's why "thx" is also accepted for "thanks"
ty = thank you
That's internet-slang yo
It's txtspk
THX or thx may refer to: THX, a sound-system standard THX 1138, a feature length film by George Lucas based on Electronic Labyrinth: THX 1138 4EB Electronic Labyrinth: THX 1138 4EB, a short/student film by George Lucas thx, a word in txtspk representing the English word "thanks"....
why can't I create a border around the browser viewport
To be honest, I am impressed how that robot (Caprica Six) answered me? Does someone control it?
13 mins ago, by Caprica Six
make it a string...
She's got AI
!!define AI
Oh, she's down already
@AdminRelative Why are you doing it with javascript? Just set the CSS to use vh and vw.
@Shafizadeh She's a Cylon. They're quite good at emulating people. Do you know nothing?!
it's a film yes
@Waxi - what do u mean
anyone consider there self architect here ?
@AdminRelative There is a unit in CSS vw and vh which refer to viewport width and viewport height.
oh o
@Waxi - it also doesn't work
@Mathematics yes and no
i thought that you could manipulate viewports with the @ tag
@viewport {
    width: ...;
    height: ...;
@AdminRelative Let me see....
@RoelvanUden what is the best source for learning domain modeling
@AdminRelative It works for me, maybe you wrote the CSS wrong...
Honestly there are tons of design pattern and architecture books out there.
It's just how much you wish to apply

    	width: 100vw;
    	height: 100vh;
@RoelvanUden yes but I am looking for alternatives and only struggle to domain modelling
@Waxi - then a scrollbar appears
@Waxi - I don't want a scrollbar to appear
I want to submit a from remtly hw can I do that
Howdy y'all.
here is a website where I want to send data and submit it ..
url https://leads.learmediasolutions.com/form2.php?Form_Key=ZmU0ZDZmMjc
@AzeemHaider I get warnings all over the place on that URL
@AdminRelative The reason why your JS didn't work the first time is because you're not loading jQuery into the fiddle. And if you don't want the scroll bar, either use overflow:hidden or use padding to push the scroll bar out of view, but probably gonna need overflow set on the parent container.
@SterlingArcher Your mountain adventure looked fun.
I have data in array and I want that frm is fill autmaticaly and submit
check again this is working... @madara
@Waxi - it also doesn't work
@Mathematics There are no best practices or good ways to teach domain modeling. What you should know is that domain modeling is an iterative process. It usually comes after defining use cases. So, design use case diagram first. It can help you to design a good model. When you got your model, reflect it to your use case. See if you can improve the use cases (subprocesses ?), then improve domain model. Repeat until you meet the requirements.
the use of design patterns can be used as a tool, to solve some difficult requirements (like a process that needs an observant )
@AdminRelative I think jsfiddle is doing something in the background. Could bring it down to like 95, but let me test...
@Trasiva :D I enjoyed it, but being cut off from technology is weird
Ubuntu install is too slow
Whats cooking?
I barely took my phone anywhere and it didn't feel right
@AdminRelative can yu check my query
I want to submit a frm remotlly
Blind leading the blind :p
Don't randomly ping people
@SterlingArcher Haha, then you wouldn't like camping with me. The only technology allowed is a radio. Other than that, it's technology free.
@MadaraUchiha check the link now its working...
@AzeemHaider did you have tried a small research about that ? IF so, say what you have discovered
@AzeemHaider - what do u mean by remotly
Camping is fun, and I can tolerate leaving tech on that.
we're you so dependent on that ?
@AdminRelative here is a form in website and i want to fill it and submit it using javascript.
The form is in another website
here is form
@AdminRelative can yu check this
morning folks
@rlemon I awoke on Mon, 01 Feb 2016 14:40:34 GMT (that's about 28 seconds ago), haven't done anything yet!
no memory has been restored.
give me a few.
@ShotgunNinja mornign
May please someone tell me why the output is 3 ? jsfiddle.net/sj0yugtq
@Shafizadeh "NaN"
It is 3 ...!
On a download link, is there a way to require the user to chose the name & location with the standard file saving dialog instead of having the file directly saved in the download directory ?
!!> Number("-").toString();
@SterlingArcher "NaN"
@Shafizadeh console.log is your friend ;)
@DenysSéguret like "save as" but you mean "download as"?
@SterlingArcher heh :-)
Imagine you're using this : http://stackoverflow.com/a/18197341/263525
The file is directly saved in your download directory. I'd like the user to chose the name and location instead.
!!> Number("-").toString().length
@Shafizadeh This is the LENGTH of the "NaN" string
@Shafizadeh 3
@DenysSéguret OH !!!!
Got it now
Hellooooo ????
Calm down Adele
she has too memory much now
@MadaraUchiha I understand your mean now :-) tnx. BTW I think you can explain more a bit than just a word ;-) we aren't profesional as you are ...
what is the vanillajs equiv of $.offset?
@SterlingArcher and thank you
@DenysSéguret so what's wrong with that download attribute? Does it not work like the answer says it should?
@AdminRelative Add box-sizing:border-box and it will work.
@MadaraUchiha Using gray matter is hard.
@SterlingArcher It works, but I want to see the file saving dialog, not having the code decide the name
@Shafizadeh Noted. I don't always have time to explain.
@DenysSéguret are you averse to creating a dialog?
@Shafizadeh It's a basic thing, especially when he gave it to you as a string.
@SterlingArcher Well, I can't reproduce the important part: browse the disk to chose the location
@Trasiva Yes, My experiences are low. That's why I couldn't get that.
Q: Specify default download folder - possibly with JavaScript?

Brian HWe're currently in the process of developing a web-based application which will require the downloading of files through the browser. It would be ideal to have these files end up in a specific location on the file system. Is there a way to make the file save and file open dialog default to a s...

@Shafizadeh Then instead of a sink or swim style of learning, you need to do some basic reading.
Does not seem to be possible :(
@SterlingArcher I don't want to specify, I just want the user to do it, just like when you right click on a link (but I don't want to tell my users that they should right-click)
@SterlingArcher Yea, because letting Javascript see the user's file system is SUCH a good idea, haha.
@DenysSéguret still searching, but everything says no. Bear with me
Just tell them to set their download folder in their browser settings lol
Hrmph, shouldn't babel-node be able to parse await myPromiseFunction() if it has all the presets enabled?
@DenysSéguret this is as close as I can find
@corvid do you have the preset for es2015? because await is es2016 (hint: you need some plugins for babel)
I don't think it's possible because: while the user is still selecting the directory, JavaScript still needs access to the filesystem to grab those drectories
@SterlingArcher The answer is retarded: it answers the opposite of what OP wants
@rlemon yay
@rlemon yep, es2015, stage-0, stage-1, stage-2, stage-3, react are all enabled
@DenysSéguret sorry, the comments are more helpful
Aren't presets just a collection of plugins, though?
this is actually in the docs :D
and the first result for "await babel"
you have failed today my friend.

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