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Is there a functional, pretty way of doing this?
if (foo >= bar.length - 1) {
  foo = 0
} else {
I've done some variation of that so many times now
foo = (foo + 1) % bar.length
@BadgerCat wow
@copy wow, that's impressive
hi anyone want to help me on something?
how can i get this fiddle
that so that when i click on the same item it slides back up
please help
Suggestions on how to make evented code look synchronous ?
async await?
@phenomnomnominal example ?
@phenomnomnominal oh I know async await
I am wondering how you recommend on wrapping evented code in them
oh I didn't really read the question
I have a pusher channel. I am using this channel to transport RTC Connection handshake data
I would like to do something like
async joinRoom(roomInfo){
   const connection = openChannel(roomInfo.channelId);
   const dataChannel = handshake(connection);
currently I am wrapping the point till the subscription_suceeded event in the pusher channel inside a promise
function openChannel(channelId){
   return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
        const newChannel = pusher.subscribe(channelId);
        newChannel.bindOnce('pusher:subscription_succeeded', e => resolve(newChannel);
        newChannel.bindOnce('pusher:subscription_failed', e => reject(e));
is this the only way of doing it ?
hey anyone actually here
hey man
do you use quora?
the site? no
looks like ask jeeves
How do I not catch the HiV - answer don't be dumb
I was just going to reference their search bar as an example, but I wanted to know if anyone knew how to implement a textarea that grew vertically as you type
vertically? up/down? this for a chinese site?
so horizontal
No, vertical
oh ok
so when the text would reach the limit, it would auto carriage return, and the div/textarea would grow to 2 rows instead of 1, and so on
like a tool tip would
can use the resize:vertical; css when they start typing
@Abhishrek multiple messages?
@phenomnomnominal so far don't need them when opening channel.
but can you give an example ?
        ({action}) => {
          if( action === 'pong' ){
@juanvan Hey thanks alot
hey guys
i have a question
any chance you could get multiple "pong" messages?
is there a bot here?
does not look like cap is in here
@CapricaSix !!urban Peanutbutter
oh she is
@CapricaSix help?
where is your bot @juanvan
don't have a bot that is relmons'
@NBOT The commands are: cat, gandalf, listcommands, echo, kill, imagetext, slap, time, sniper, cowSay, help, meme, bigLogo, bigWord, catLang, pirateLang
@NBOT Hmmm. I dunno what you want help with. Do +help command
see i have one
@NBOT +Help
just do +help
like this: @juanvan
@juanvan Hmmm. I dunno what you want help with. Do +help command
+help hi
@NBOT No such command bro.
+help hi
@juanvan No such command bro.
+sniper juanvan
@NBOT ( -_・) ︻デ═一 ▸   @juanvan [ @juanvan was killed by a sniper! ]
+cowSay @NBOT
` _____
< @NBOT >
\ ^__^
\ (oo)\_______
(__)\ )\/\
||----w |
|| ||
+cowSay hi
` __
< hi >
\ ^__^
\ (oo)\_______
(__)\ )\/\
||----w |
|| ||
cow say is messed up
should take this to a private room
bc its testing and don't want to clutter the room
@juanvan Information on interacting with me can be found at this page
does that there she is
!!ban CapricaSix
@NBOT stop that shit or I'll kick you
This is not the place
!!ban phenomnomnominal
@Lama Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Pleasedon't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
hi @lama
hi @Firedrake969
any delta json libraries ?
2 hours later…
1 hour later…
@Cynfeal Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Pleasedon't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
i need help here
my URL for the Ajax post request is not working after publishing the web-app
i tried creating the URL using the server-side helper in the view and passed the same to ajax post
still doesnt work
using MVC
any help would be appriciated.
i have placed null in the ajax post URL field
still it is picking up URL :S
i dont know how it is picking up URL
good morning
can you be of help for the issue i mentioned above
how can I help you?
Show us what you tried.
@Cynfeal A hint: when you don't get help in a technical chat, it's often that it's hard to understand your problem. See that: sscce.org
starred messages are fucking boring
i have 3 cascaded dropdowns
Hi Guys, JQuery related question?
@GeraldoIsaaks Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Pleasedon't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
on the change event of one List are populated for the other 2
the thing is application works fine over localhost or so called debug mode
but after publishing the cascaded dropdowns gives 404
if it works on localhost make sure you add a http:// before url accessing external
upon monitoring the application i have seen that the dropdowns dont work becuase the POST url
is not found
@Mosho Yeah, there's a bad habit here of starring (and keeping stared) what looks a little funny in current context
here is what i have tried
$(document).ready(function () {
    //Dropdownlist Selectedchange event
    $("#Region").change(function () {
        var rslct = $("#Region option:selected").text();
            type: 'POST',
            url: '/Home/GetEng', // also tried these '@Url.Content("~/Home/GetEng")',//URLENG,//'
            dataType: 'json',
            data: { Region : rslct },
            success: function(Eng_list) {
                var list="";
                $.each(Eng_list, function (i,Eng) {
                    list += "<option value=\"" + Eng.Value + "\">" + Eng.Text + "</option>";
I have a JQ plugin that needs to work much like a ipone contacts app; float the current category title - if 'A' float it until "pushup, and away" by 'B'... much if it works but i need to make the effect exactly like what i just described.
I am currently using the slideUp but it doesn't work well...
@Cynfeal ctrl + k does the job
that was the ajax call
show me your path to file
@DenysSéguret yeah, where are all the cat gifs
and show me the url where the file is
somehow the MVC is resolving the URL for the call even if i place null in the URL
the file ? it is a MVC application the /Home/GetEng => /Controller/Action
Q: Relatve and Absolute path in JQUERY Ajax

user1066421$.ajax( { type: "GET", url: 'Home/GetMsg', success: function (result) { }, error: function (req, status, error) {} }); By Default URL taking relative path for Home/GetMsg. I am calling this function from different contro...

go with this and you're fine
just removing the / from the start ?
url: '@Url.Action("GetEng", "Home")',
but that is a server-side helper my javascript is another file
that runs over client
it wont be able to resolve
but still lemme try
Hm, we should really have a timestamp in the kick notification.
Anyone happen to know who to talk to for that?
step 1: tell @rlemon :D
didnt work
i used the @Html.Hidden("GETENGURL",Url.Action("GetEng","Home"))
and in javascrpt url: $("#GETSUPURL").val(),
do console.log() to check what is the result
@Cynfeal You should learn how to debug your code
Most browsers have a console, and a debugger.
POST localhost/Home/GetSuperVisor 404 (Not Found)send @ jquery-
i know that
its a 404 on the url
404 = not found
that is the issue from the start
so your url is wrong
that is what i was asking from the start
it is not resolving the right url
this url works over localhost
but not after publishing
do following: hit windows + r -> type cmd and press enter -> type ipconfig and hit enter -> get your ip and try your luck. If you want to access project from outer localhost (logics - ) you have to grab external ipv4. Don't forget to forward ports
@GeraldoIsaaks When asking a question, you should always have these 3 things: What you want, what you have, why what you have isn't good or isn't close enough to what you want.
is bootstrap worth learning ?
!!should @Mathematics learn bootstrap?
@Maurice But of course
good luck

I have a JQ plugin that needs to work much like a ipone contacts app; float the current category title - if 'A' float it until "pushup, and away" by 'B'... much if it works but i need to make the effect exactly like what i just described.
I am currently using the slideUp but it doesn't work well... Please see portion of the code.

current = $bc(".title")[this_current];

settings.current_title = this_current;
f_Ypos = Math.floor($bc(current).position().top);
@Maurice is it a good bad thing or is it a bad good thing ?
If you got enough time go learn some bootstrap codepen.io/chriscoyier/pen/hBzat
Hi guys,
no bootstrap ?
@Mathematics If you're not a designer, it's a good thing. It's an amazing framework for scaffolding your site, if a little heavy.
@BenFortune When I do use bootstrap, I don't use the CSS in dist. I use the less files for the macros. The CSS is always my classes and my rules, with the addition of macros and mixins from bootstrap.
Bootstrap's ugly unsemantic classes that describe how it looks instead of what it is never made me feel good about myself afterwards.
I just use Bootstrap as is. I download a theme from bootswatch.com and off I go. I let the designer go over it when I'm done with pages. He likes to base things from Bootstrap, too, so he applies custom themes and such on top of the structure I made earlier. I just download a theme at the start to prevent I hate the way the site looks from minute 1.
@MadaraUchiha Not nearly as bad as MDL's naming schemes :p
First thing I usually do is, .btn { border-radius: 0; }
@RoelvanUden Yeah, depends what you do.
If you need a low-cost, low-maintenance thing, bootstrap + theme is a good choice.
If you're going for an app that will live a long time, I don't want to learn bootstrap's DSL, nor do I want it on my page.
I prefer pure css. Just because it is much "faster" and simpler for me.
Pure css is fine, but it gets old after a while, especially if you're a programmer by nature
I really don't enjoy spending hours tinkering with css when I could just use bootstrap and get a presentable page in a couple of minutes
I hate CSS
It's a horribly inexpressive language.
You don't write CSS to write CSS, you write CSS to express how you want the document to look.
And CSS isn't expressive enough to easily describe what you want to happen.
Neither is HTML, for that matter.
It's just that the W3 WG is deadlocked in arguments for the past decade or so...
meh, pure CSS can be fine depending on the app... you're not going to use bootstrap for a landing page
@FlorianMargaine Depends on how and why.
I can think of a few landing pages where I wouldn't want to include all of bootstrap for. I'd want it to be as slim as possible, probably in a single request.
Sometimes you'd want a low-cost page to make and throw out there, that's where bootstrap is really good.
Also, as a framework to bootstrap (heh) your application development.
hi, this is my first usage of chat functionality in stackoverflow
@SrikanthAlluri Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Pleasedon't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
can i raise question on Knockout?
over here?
I usually work on administrative panels that need to present quite a lot of data, buttons, etc. That's where the Bootstrap stuff that is provided really shines for me. Separators? Check. Table styles? Check. Navigation pull-downs? Check. Breadcrumbs? Check. Forms? Check. It all depends on what you want it for. I never use Bootstrap on mobile apps for example.
@SrikanthAlluri Did you read the rules that you were just linked to ?
Nobody cares too much about how it looks, so long as the structure is okay, it's not horrible, and you can get a lot of data out fast. Yay for our bootstrapping needs.
@RoelvanUden yeah, this kind of page definitely benefits from bootstrap and I wouldn't do something without it, unless I have a front end guy, and he decides
@DenysSéguret, I just did
So, don't ask if you can ask, just ask
and so started posting my question..
I'm trying to create a grid using Knockout, where the first control holds list of services and upon selecting a list I have to populate all the other fields in the grid.. now to show the list of services, I have used JQueryUI auto complete plugin..
I'm some how able to manage (using google) to bring both Autocomplete & editable grid working independently.. but facing lot of trouble to combine both of them..
I have raised it over here but no responses so far.. stackoverflow.com/questions/35111776/knockout-js-editable-grid
is it that much tricky to achive?
@DenysSéguret o/ do you have knowledge about coffee ?
and not the script :P
@Shmiddty o/
My 2 cents on the CSS talk
I evalulate
I use skeleton css if I really need a framework, bootstrap if this is really a requirement or wrap something for the purpose (like for the game I am making I just wrote the entire css thing)
Q: Add timestamps to chat "Kick" notifications

CerbrusI'd like to request a small addition to the notifications room owners get on chat, when a user is kicked. I usually leave my PC on, overnight. Since I'm a RO in a couple of rooms, it's not that uncommon for someone to get kicked, while I'm counting sheep. As it's important to recognize repeat of...

[/Shameless advertising]
Wouldn't it be better if the system just automatically escalated towards repeat "offenders"?
like the review-bans do
How would a RO know if it's a repeat offender?
@Abhishrek not really. When I want a good coffee, I just go to Italy.
@Cerbrus good idea.
lol there is a downvote somewhere I never did
@DenysSéguret :L
Deciding to kick someone can be based on whether or not that user was kicked before
@Cerbrus If the system kept track of it they wouldn't need to know
The system doesn't usually kick people
@Cerbrus the kick time can tell you
Well if people are kicked over who they are and not what they did I can see that being useful then
@ivarni: If a user's been kicked for "trolling" before, any RO would kick instead of warn. And I think that's why you should always have a look at what caused someone to get kicked
@FlorianMargaine tell me what exactly?
@Cerbrus if it's a repeat offender
Ah yes
this is how I see flux jsfiddle.net/crl/sbbhnqnf/19 (without sepearation of view and logic, but not bothered for the moment)
I have so many ways to make an object using properties, using function, using class keyword

Why are there so many ways of making objects in JS? Which way came first, which one is most popular, which ways should be used when?
is worth learning three.js? :D
If you want to work with WebGL, yeah
ThreeJS is significantly easier to deal with than WebGL itself :P
Hmm. I will make a list with pros and contras :D
bit scary what you can do jsfiddle.net/crl/sbbhnqnf/22, it's funny to see how react update flow is downward-only
hello all
@RicardoAlves Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Pleasedon't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
im havving a little problem trying to put some js code on joomla, can someone help me a bit? thx
this is pretty much work
@crl That's kind-of the point.
ah ok, thanks
Hi Why there is not margin on left and right
Please help
thank you
Sorry about that!
@AdminRelative Y U NO float disables margin? jsfiddle.net/yLw787hd/1
and is css related question?
hello everyone !
@ShishirKushwaha Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Pleasedon't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
okay caprica
Same country, huh? :D
this is a bot.
oh, okay.
just wanted to know I've read the rules.
I had a small query.
I've open a child window using window.open();
Now making a ajax POST request from child window, brings response in parent window. Why so ? Any idea please.
Show us what you did so far.
sure, give me a moment.
Redirecting user from Parent window to child window.
window.open(url, "Session", "menubar=no,scrollbars=yes,resizable=yes,toolbar=no,width=1200,height=800,location=0,titlebar=0,directories=0");
document.location.href = "/busy";
Thus, parent window now got url "/busy"
!!mdn window
@littlepootis Window
@ShishirKushwaha Not sure what you're trying to achieve
finally @littlepootis joined the game.
+ 1
Yes, it took some time to recover from what I did yesterday.
I'm trying to open a child window. And redirect the parent window to a ideal state. Say to the url 'http://www.example.com/busy'
Idle, not ideal, btw
Now the child window will be a popup and user is going to use this new window. (for video chat)
What's the problem?
When I make a ajax request from child window, I should get the response back in child window.
but somehow the response of AJAX from server is gone to parent window.
Is this live somewhere we can see?
Do you see the request in the Network panel of the dev tools for the child window?
love de girls
the response goes to parent window, because the ajax is executed there. Instance's reach
I think so. How does ajax request from child gets 302 redirected automatically ?
Hm, I'm just reading this:
The HTTP response status code 302 Found is a common way of performing URL redirection. An HTTP response with this status code will additionally provide a URL in the location header field. The user agent (e.g. a web browser) is invited by a response with this code to make a second, otherwise identical, request to the new URL specified in the location field. The HTTP/1.0 specification (RFC 1945) initially defined this code, and gives it the description phrase "Moved Temporarily". Many web browsers implemented this code in a manner that violated this standard, changing the request type of the new...
@ShishirKushwaha Just made a simple example to test it out, and I don't reproduce your problem
I'll just deploy it some where and get back to you.
To provide the live example.
need 2 mins.
Thanks for the patience.
I got what the real problem is. (don't know how to resolve this).
When I open a child window. i.e window.open()
The parent page is 'Referrer' of the child window now.
Now when I'm making any ajax request, the ajax request is executed as follows.
Ajax Request from child window -> Server gets the request -> Server sent JSON response to referrer i.e. Parent window -> parent window sent the HTML of child window to AJAX response success in child with code 302. Ajax request complete.
@BenjaminGruenbaum for this role, 70-90k USD (DOE). company is in hong kong. remote is OK but we ask that you be on site on a quarterly basis, usually a couple weeks (expenses covered)
@ShishirKushwaha That probably isn't it. A server can't simply choose where the request goes back to
If you sent the request, you will receive the response. You may be confused about what the referrer means
The parent window gets reloaded right after ajax is complete.
okay, I guess I'll figure out, where I'm wrong. Thanks for all the help guys.
@PaulGhiran Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Pleasedon't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@nick that actually sounds pretty cool - I'll let some friends know.
What is or was parse anyway?
All kinds of panic-y topics and I haven't got a clue what they're even about
I'm not quite sure
@rlemon Wow, that picture is super interesting. Those rocks look eroded. What eroded them?
Hi guysm, I have asked a question on cr.se (codereview.stackexchange.com/questions/118517/…) about a wrapper for jQuery ajax, but, is it a good thing to do? Is it a good idea?
@SamSwift웃 Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Pleasedon't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
Space debris? </wild guess>
@CapricaSix, thanks for the welcome!
@Bhanuprathap Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Pleasedon't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
This Cap is a real princess.
i want to know, javascript plugins to handle dynamaic content while scraping with scrapy?
I see a question mark, but I don't see a question...
Are you looking for plugins that can do that?
But scrapy is python...
A little question to make my brain work again: How would you realize this: I got a select where I have some options. If I select an option (e.g. Steel) the second select should allow only certain options.
@Maurice Use the data attribute
Or generate it dynamically from your JavaScript
@BenFortune I thought an object which contains more objects for every vendor
Make a nice data structure and write some code for it
var vendors = {

	"ABB": {
		products: {
			"Machine 1": {
				weight: 1,
				size: 2

	"Bessey": {
			products: {
			"Machine 2": {
				weight: 2,
				size: 1

thought about something like this
good or bad idea?
products as an array makes more sense, I think.
mind = blown.
I so knew this text was a click bait :D
Viewing this information about users with over 80,000 reputation requires a Stack Overflow Gold Account
well played, sir!
@Marko Wut
check Benjamin's profile :)
hi. i'm learning javascript using the eloquent JS book. I'm not understanding an example with bind. pls help
1 message moved to Trash can
@Akhoy Please don't post unformatted code - hit Ctrl+K before sending, use up-arrow to edit messages, and see the faq.
Wow @BenjaminGruenbaum approaching 100k
//this example filters an array of objects by returning objects which match the property name as in theSet variable
var theSet = ["Carel Haverbeke", "Maria van Brussel",
              "Donald Duck"];
function isInSet(set, person) {
  return set.indexOf(person.name) > -1;
//ancestry is an array of objects to filter
console.log(ancestry.filter(isInSet.bind(null, theSet)));
not understanding how it knows to loop through each "person" object even when i've not specified it

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