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ugly to check React.createElement('div').$$typeof
@BenjaminGruenbaum do you know topsort?
topological sort, sorry
@MadaraUchiha awww
@KarelG really? it's not important to provide normal module encapsulation and avoid some shit frameworks as requirejs?
you can encapsulate your js code without using frameworks
@FlorianMargaine yes, sure.
@MatthewTipton because the spec is not finalized.
@MatthewTipton left a comment, you were reading the wrong spec.
Sirko was referring to implementing it natively. Though, of course, you couldn't if you tried since as @BenjaminGruenbaum said the spec isn't actually there yet
@BenjaminGruenbaum that would be more vpaste.net/u7aMk (createElement is variadic)
@BoltClock the better question is why javascript engines don't implement the hooks required to support it.
@crl fwiw that's still much worse than JSX, half the point of JSX is that you suddenly get compile time errors.
well, I also like to develop without having to transpile
@BenjaminGruenbaum I have multiple acyclic graphs where the elements in them are the same, so topsort is not good enough for me. Do you know something that can handle this?
I have thought about something, but it has some drawbacks, so fishing out there in case
@FlorianMargaine what are you actually trying to do? Just get a topological sorting of the elements in your graph?
If two asyclic subgraphs have the same elements in doesn't matter which you put before the other - both are valid topological sortings.
@BenjaminGruenbaum I have multiple root elements, that's the issue
or topsort can handle that?
@FlorianMargaine what do you mean? Can you draw a problematic graph real quick?
@BenjaminGruenbaum nah, I'm on mobile... think about what systemd is doing. Starting all the services in parallel, multiple roots, and dependencies respected
A topological sorting is possible on a graph if and only if it's a DAG, If it's not a DAG, then you can't put an ordering on the elements.
that graph looks like spaguetti graph, you may need the fork-sort
and a service can be under multiple roots, with some services inbetween
Multiple roots is perfectly fine of course in a DAG.
It doesn't have to be a tree, just a DAG. You can obtain topological sorting by a simple DFS (Tarjan) - I can find my old algo lecture notes if those help.
@FlorianMargaine topological sorting works in DAGs which have multiple roots. I think your case is a DAG which is perfectly fine and topological sorting it will work if you want a "what has to happen first" list
Basically, if you have something like:
A -\
      + C
It doesn't matter if A or B are first in the order - there can be more than one topological sorting on a graph.
I didn't know how you have combined two different meanings:
- programming language
- specific runtime mechanism

Like C# language specification, you won't find there any details of runtime or how intermal modules would be loaded, so why EcmaScript specification must describe the mechanism of loading/runtime?
@MatthewTipton as far as the ES spec is concerned it can return null for every module you import, and of course it needs specification.
@MatthewTipton as far as ES is concerned how a module is processed is like how setTimeout works - it's provided "by the platform". Engines want to standardize how module loading works - for example: can you or can you not import from a raw absolute URL?
Until that is standardized by whatwg, there is no point in implementing it since you'll get conflicting implementations.
This is why it was removed from the spec in a late draft to begin with.
again, ES6 is a specification about language, not specific ways to do it in lower level. Browser vendors can use Mutex/Semaphores or just critical sections for internal use to load modules.

But it doesn't relate to language specification, which just describes AST (Abstract Syntax Tree).
@MatthewTipton you need to specify how to load things if you want to use the syntax you have for that.
Also, the spec doesn't describe the AST, it describes semantics...
@BenjaminGruenbaum language != runtime spec
@MatthewTipton which is why the loader spec is not in the language in the first place...
that relates to the C# for e.g. there are different specs for C# language and its runtime called CLR
Yes, that's trivial, we all know that...
@MatthewTipton the language spec only dictates what import and export are, browsers need to agree on how the actual loading will work in various cases.
Until they agree - there is no sense in implementing the syntax.
Sure, each browser can implement whatever loader spec they want - for example Firefox can allow importing from various URLs and Edge can forbid it - but that won't be very good.
There is a need to specify how module loading works.
Not how it is implemented, but what the semantics are. That's up for whatwg and DOM people to decide in the browser.
@BenjaminGruenbaum very annoying, 2016 year... and browser vendors can't finish ES6 normally... very pity
@MatthewTipton browser vendors don't prioritize things that don't make them money or has substantial benefit. Heck, most ES5 features were slow until very recently.
On the other hand, we don't have wtf bugs where the runtime emits incorrect instructions like C# :D
!!doge sad,pity
                        such sad
very pity
But modern features allow to do better projects and things. I know about simulations (own or using Babel like stuff), that any feature wih a big desire could be done...

But simulating !== real stuff...
Anyone used Nodal? Looks interesting.
@BenjaminGruenbaum the runtime emits incorrect instructions like C#, C# is a static typed language, so what about runtime errors you are talking about? If, of course, you're not working with the DLR (Dynamic Language Runtime), but most errors there are done by developers, not C# or its compiler. Am I right?
Q: How to Design schema for this using mongoose?

komalI have added demo in fiddle demo for this how can i make schema? my expectation : i want to find data by brandname i want find data by brandname with modelname and submodel name For example i have given data below Categories : brand name :nokia modelname:Lumia submodel : Lumia 735 TS ...

@MatthewTipton no, literally, in .net 4.6 they shipped with a huge bug
@MatthewTipton yes and we all use babel. They're just waiting for the loader. The order of things will be:
 - Spec stabilizes.
 - Browser lands `System`.
 - Browser lands modules
 - Browser lands import/export
In Chrome's case, also:
- Node writes loader
- Node lands import/export
@BenjaminGruenbaum Is Systemjs going to be the standard?
@BenFortune no, but SystemJS is built upon the module loader spec. github.com/ModuleLoader/es6-module-loader is a shim.
Ah okay, thanks.
@MadaraUchiha and also I can comment in non-jsx :p
but right I get your points
@BenjaminGruenbaum sorry, had to go. I'll try to understand what a DAG is, thanks. Just knowing that multiple roots are supported lets me know that I can go on.
Awesome, glad I could assist.
Baader-Meinhof phenomenon at play? I was just working with graphs and I'm seeing it everywhere now
i'm a bit behind the current science advancement. Reason: my science magazine didn't got delivered since 2 months
Why not?
I love their summaries
Such concise updates
@Mouhssinduoi Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
he deleted it minutes ago
I need help
answer can be found with some googling
!!tell Mouhssinduoi google js+dynamically+change+image+src
@BenjaminGruenbaum duh, a DAG is just an acyclic graph with arrows...
directed yea
@FlorianMargaine not sure if i understood benj correctly, but i think he's talking about kahn's algorithm
how do you define a 'root'? a node with no arrows pointing at him?
it's a vertex without incoming paths
you just said the same thing :) but with right terms yea
hi all
hi mahadevan
i have a query on nodejs express installation can some one help me on that
hi @KarelG
@Mahadevan you mean a question, not query :p
aren't they synonyms?
I have installed nodejs and i have create new app folder and install express but when i try to run file i am not getting any result :)
here is my node js code
Hey can someone tell me what I'm doing wrong. The event is not triggerd jsfiddle.net/6ud8t6sk/1
var express = require('express')
var app = express()
app.get('/', function(req, res) {
	res.send('hello world')
@Mahadevan what are you expecting to see?
@crl a query reminds me to a database. A question doesn't
i want to see respsond in browser / cmd
@Mahadevan open in browser
i tried it :)
when i typed http:\\localhost:1234
what does it say?
it's really a bullshit that Range.getBoundingClientRect doesn't return the position when it's collapsed
it was showing the xampp welcome page
not the result
i am doing some where wrong
i have installed xamp long back and my that port was listening this
@Poteito you're using $ in a jQuery context but you didn't have imported jQuery ( fixed fiddle )
i also have adjusted some lines :)
@Mahadevan Change app.listen(1234)to app.listen(4321);
@KarelG yes, that's one of the topsorts
oh ok
let me try @littlepootis
we can give any port no :)
could you explain me
You can give it any port number.
There are exceptions, of course.
@FlorianMargaine is that not what you're looking for ?
again i need to run this in cmd and then i need to test in the browser right
@Mahadevan yes
ok let me try
cool buddy :) three cheers
my first express code
finally run
thanks @littlepootis
eureka :)
@KarelG that wasn't exactly it, but it helped me sort my head out
is there some cleaner way of returning promise conditionaly, for example lets say that function "foo" may or may not return a promises based on something, often i find my self doing this:
function foo() {
  if(!something) return Promise.resolve();
  return "real" promise
@Srle Please don't post unformatted code - hit Ctrl+K before sending, use up-arrow to edit messages, and see the faq.
It is to hard to keep formatted code here :D
Then in client code inside of then block, if(!_.isUndefined(results)) ...
you could use async/await
then just return
but there is nothing wrong with what you wrote
@Mosho, can you give me small example what you have in mind with async/await?
@FlorianMargaine :) Exactly.
@Srle in bluebird there's Promise.method for that.
It's easy to replicate into native promises.
async function() {
  if (!something) return;
  return promise;
but you need to transpile that
it's ES7
Promise.method seems similar
function method(fn){
  return function() {
    return Promise.resolve().then(() => fn(this, arguments));
Or something like that.
Does anyone have experience using JavaScript with PostgreSQL?
@Someguywhocodes Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
Obviously missing a .apply above and can't edit :/
@Someguywhocodes O_O
@Someguywhocodes if this is a web-project, there is an IndexedDb
if this a desktop one, I prefer not to use JavaScript as the language for the desktop development
@MatthewTipton node
@MatthewTipton node is quite popular.
@BenjaminGruenbaum For desktop apps?
@copy I hope not, but it's catching on :S
@copy Slowly but surely..
Sure it is -> nwjs.io
@littlepootis the shit which even doesn't have a multithreading?
WebWorkers isn't a real multithreading, btw
@MatthewTipton It's real multiprocessing
@BenjaminGruenbaum Ew
@copy tell me, why C++/Qt, C#/WPF/Silverlight/Metro UI and etc have a such thing as a UI Thread and how is it used in real deskop UI
That's fud and bs @MatthewTipton :D
C# for example with WPF on newer methods use evented IO and not threading. Older systems are just older than having mainstream support for coroutines and cooperative multitasking.
@BenjaminGruenbaum O_o, event based? Are you kidding? WPF/Silverlight are using Direct3D for rendering the UI-elements
UI with threads is a nightmare, it's clear that UI with Node and JS is much simpler. The thing copy is "Ew"ing about (and so am I) is just how unsuited for the task JS itself is. Not because of threading but because of some insane defaults - and the fact node itself has some really weird defaults.
so there will be real multi-theading only here
You do realize Node is multithreaded - right?
Only your JS code is run in a single thread (unless you use cluster).
@BenjaminGruenbaum simpler != better
libuv, which powers node is multithreaded.
Node uses multiple threads, but one thread is dedicated to running the javascript, also there are alternatives -> jxcore.com/home
@BenjaminGruenbaum there is a WebWorker and also even WebGL (which may use GPU shaders ), but of course it would be better if one day there will be real multithreading with the Sempahores, Mutexes and etc
Also, almost always simpler is better.
@BenjaminGruenbaum hipster's logic
@MatthewTipton that's irrelevant for writing desktop GUI with Node though, there are a lot of good reasons to want threading but building desktop UI is not one of them.
@MatthewTipton how is "I want the system and paradigm to be simple" hipster logic? Are you just trolling now?
@BenjaminGruenbaum call me, when your desktop program must iterate 100k objects without loading a CPU
100K objects is actually a very small amount :D
Node + libuv + event loop = automatically managed multithreading
@BenjaminGruenbaum if we shell use 3D objects in some WebGL pipeline?
Your argument isn't about desktop apps, you're now arguing a different strawman :D This is hilarious.
Me and copy agreed that JS is pretty bad for desktop apps, we just disagree that lack of preemptive threading is one of them.
@BenjaminGruenbaum no, I just developed too many apps on WPF/Silverlight where UI threads were a normal practice and I can't imagine how modern UI-devs can't make a friendship with threads
Uh, have you developed anything for windows phone Mr WPF/Silverlight developer?
Wait, do you know how async/await works and what's the difference between a thread and a task? Because they're very different and you have Tasks in JS.
@BenjaminGruenbaum yes I have, also for WinRT and even when there wasn't WinRT in Windows Phone, where was only Silverlight
Then how the heck can you say you need a UI thread, everything is async/await anyway... it's all coroutines and not threads.
All the UI is cooperative like in JS.
@BenjaminGruenbaum async/await is a modern stuff with TPL, there is also old fashioned style with Monitor.Enter/Leave, using "lock" and etc...
You don't want threads for concurrency, you just want background work and parallelism - those are completely different things.
@MatthewTipton yup, zero idea. async/await is not "modern stuff with TPL".
@BenjaminGruenbaum yes it's, why not? TPL is provided with the async/await stuff and doesn' provide good features for old model of multi-threading
I have no idea why you want to "make friends" with preemptive multitasking but there are a lot of other ways to do concurrency and there are certainly other ways to do parallelism.
@KendallFrey awww yea mofo
@MatthewTipton there are two separate problems here, interleaving IO and dispatching work to multiple processors. It's important to understand that the two are completely different problems - threads happen to be able to solve both but not very well. What you really want is an abstraction over "something that requires time" - this is what Tasks are for and why a separate concept was required.
The TPL is more about parallelizing CPU bound work - doing UI with it is terrible.
Doing UI with threads like in Android or in Qt is a horrible broken paradigm we're living with for legacy reasons.
In C#, you shouldn't have to do that
simple, even for WebGL

let's imagine, you call window.requestAnimationFrame() each time... it's a very hard operation due your rendering calls with the WebGLRenderingContext

I don't wan't to increase CPU or make the drawing method work slow for example any other tasks like fetching textures via Fetch API/XHR Requests

I have a good sample... Where in thread the method is drawing GL buffer and in other thread I'm working with the network. Separate logic and less CPU work in one thread.
If you have a CPU intensive task - Node is terrible for multithreading reasons - because it has no shared memory model and very few primitives (of course, you can always call into C++). That's a completely different task though.
@MatthewTipton but what you're asking for isn't multithreading for UI, it's multithreading for putting work on different CPU cores. You don't care about concurrency you just want parallelism.
And of course, if you break up your drawing in WebGL it'll interleave events for you. JS has a very simple and consistent execution model where all code runs to completion and platform code calls into your code.
Also, you can totally do that in a separate worker in JS with SharedArrayBuffer, but that's a new and pretty stupid API. In Node you wouldn't have to do that you'd just spawn a child process for it.
in UI it may refer to different stuff... for e.g. your work with the Video...
There is some video filter, audio filter, they do DIFFERENT work and you must for e.g. provide the statistics to the player in realtime (besides just rendering the video)

What would you say? The library will do it work for me? Ok, it will do it, but how? If you say, that it will do work in a single thread - I have no words
@MatthewTipton there are two different issues here, again. There is CPU parallelism and concurrency. You can for example spawn a child process and execute whatever CPU bound work you want there - or heck, write it in C++ since it's probably a better idea for video filter work and then that code calls back into node.
Also, the typical desktop app does not perform CPU bound tasks.
It performs more IO than do CPU work.
@BenjaminGruenbaum okay-dockey, dude, really I'm have take a lot of vine, so I can't continue our discussion fine, but you've interested me and I want to provide some constructive critic with samples. Right now I'm not able to do it due alcoholic status :D so be in touch
Sure, if you have high level discussion I'm also in the ECMAScript room (#8) feel free to hit me up
"Where in thread the method is drawing GL buffer", not sure WebGL is such a good example, the buffer is passed to the shaders, and the drawing is done by the GPU, not the CPU
> Some people, when confronted with a problem, think, "I know, I'll use threads," and then two they hav erpoblesms.
It's a common thing i hear in game forums. "I don't know why they don't use multithreaded for X..."
Probably because it's a flash game?
@Luggage :(
The thing is multithreaded is how you get crappy UI very fast.
Not with jQuery, multithreading works great in jQuery
doesn't it even use the GPU?
For animations, yeah. For simple dom operations, it compiles itself (and Webkit) to low-level code and then executes.
yea,joking, it has no access to low level things
I need to make something to find the position of a cursor (a collapsed selection) in a contenteditable. for Chrome at least who doesn't care to return the boundingRect of a collapsed range
Yes, jQuery compiles itself and Webkit to low-level code, it simply can do all things !
Some people, when confronted with a problem, think "I know, I'll use jQuery." Now they $.extend({},problem)
Object.assign({}, problem);
How do I store a pastebin paste into a variable?
@Charly Don't know what you mean. You probably have to retrieve the pastebin data with ajax
So I have an example paste at pastebin.com/raw/A2XEHiG3, and I'm trying to get it. Ajax doesn't work cross-domain.
Some people, when confronted with a problem, think "I know, I'll use React." Now they 42 unused components.
well, in my case react solve some problems, doing a UI by hand is quite hard
@Charly Well you should maybe see if there's an API around for what you want, probably hosted by pastebin
!! google pastebin scraping
@Charly those above ^
Oh ok thank you~
And OF COURSE pastebin just went down...
That's too bad! Does it have to be pastebin?
ok I got on the API website and it turns out only PRO members can use it.
I also found this, but not sure how to use it: pastebin.com/api#14
req http://pastebin.com/raw/CODE
you could always use enablecors and fetch it
@littlepootis CODE meaning the bin name or whatever? I've never used it
@Lemony-Andrew the bin id
@Charly use what pootis had ^
"lol" best example
Well ok and how can I store it as a javascript variable?
@KendallFrey \o/ Orbited mun and made it home
took 58 days
ended up out near their mars
"58 days" :P
@Charly You should be able to figure that out pretty easily with a google search. Stack Overflow has multiple questions related to that. It will make you a better programmer if you can ask questions the right way for yourself
@KendallFrey nvm, zoomed out
second moon :D
TIL I can sleep
@Poteito your question was answered earlier, but there was 2 reasons your code didn't work. 1: You were using JQuery (as mentioned earlier) without actually having it linked. 2: You had $(div) instead of $("div") . Div is a string, you writing div was essentially using an undefined variable.
Isn't then a function of promises?
@littlepootis fetch('http://crossorigin.me/vpaste.net/....').then(x=>;{console.log(x)}) (source)
@CapricaSix Please don't post unformatted code - hit Ctrl+K before sending, use up-arrow to edit messages, and see the faq.
not exactly the same, fetch is a bit annoying with its extra step
room topic changed to JavaScript: Topic: JavaScript, ECMAScript. Read this: javascriptroom.github.io/rules. Before asking inform yourself on the XY problem goo.gl/taIqf | devdocs.io Documentation™ Helps. WooHoo ES2015 (ES6) released! Room meta discussions: github.com/JavaScriptRoom/culture [ecmascript] [es6] [javascript] [nodejs] [promises] [xandercoded]
@Lemony-Andrew I still can't figure out. I found a few answers, but they all either use AJAX or have the requested file in their own domain, and as I said, AJAX doesn't work cross-domain. I then tried the crossorigin.me thing, but the browser blocked it as "mixed active content". I also searched about JSONP before, which was supposedly a cross-domain Ajax, but it require some setup on their server which I don't think pastebin has.
Oh lol nevermind... I got it.
My boss is vomiting code again :(
It's fine... thanks again
@Charly I said it to Badger Cat, sorry! As for you, I think you may be better off just asking the question on SO if you didn't get it - which I see you did
@BadgerCat well, clean up now
Lol I guess programmers are janitors now
@FlorianMargaine I just hope my meeting is over soon so he doesn't keep making a mess
I will refactor everything when he's sleeping
The bot is at 699 commits
That's insane
make it 700
I think I'll write something about it reaching 700 commits. A little bit of past, present and future.
"the code is shit, why is there 700 commits"
@copy >:(
@BadgerCat 🐱
@copy you like iwbtg?
Now that he broke everything, he's committing it for me to solve
@Lemony-Andrew Yeah
@copy I'm making something similarish to that, as a browser mmo
or should I just say mog lol
@Lemony-Andrew Cool, ping me when you have a demo
I made this: copy.sh/iw
I also considered making a multiplayer version (but not mmo)
Actually, I might make it in the future
I have a working demo, and it's had a lot of fun levels, it's actually up right now, just don't want to share it around too much
@copy here's a little video of my girlfriend strugglign on it facebook.com/Airizona/videos/vb.100001434977292/999450983446058/…
I want to try it
I wish I still had those levels T_T
I finally did it i.sstatic.net/Bmb1m.png too happy to try anything now
@copy I'll let you know when I have good levels again haha. The current map on the game is complete crap and meant for "newbs". I haven't added more levels because I'm working on a level editor that's actually good :l
gotta hack the game for less gravity
@crl you had to hack it?
> Sign up for some random game, try to use my default game password
> Game website says it's too weak; use stronger one with spaces in it
> Download game
> Try to login from game, fail
> Realise web client accepted passwords with spaces, game client ignores spaces
> *sigh*
3rd try lol
what.. I thought I could eat that red cherry :(
xD Same
well , apple cuz iwbtg lol
@copy the game glitched, I fell through the moving block when I jumped into the room above
dammit, I took an hour setting up an orbit around mun with a satellite and it was in the wrong direction :/
@copy always that part going into the second room, can't fall on the block
@Lemony-Andrew Yeah, it's a bit glitchy
@Lemony-Andrew It's possible
@copy I like it though haha, just the transition is pretty difficult with the block moving the way it has
@Lemony-Andrew Oh, you have to jump to the right
Right, into the spikes? Or left into the extra jump orbs
@Lemony-Andrew Oh, you're there. Yeah, use the orbs
@copy haha alright. Maybe i'll beat it! What did you use to make it?
@Loktar Heard anything about Blade & Soul?
@Lemony-Andrew It's written from scratch: github.com/copy/iwbtc
@Zirak nope, is it an MMO?
I don't really keep up on MMO news at all, thats why I ask, and from the artwork/description it sounds like one
just can't find a definitive answer on the site
@copy Mine was too, I wrote an entire Game Engine that I could basically quickly make games however I chose! Did you use a level editor ?
Looks like it. Seems to be martial arts themed, with combos and strategy involved.
I see a file "editor.html"
I looked at some twitch streams, it seems like some classes there require some skill to play.
@Lemony-Andrew I started making one, but gave up
@Zirak hah nice, that is my issues with MMOs actually
they generally are just stat based, and not twitch/skill based
@copy T_T I made it to the block on-top and it like makes me jump higher
That's sort of why I quit Tera. There was a Warrior class there which had an amazing ability to dodge. I had so much fun with it, I was a better tank than the tank class, I simply didn't take any damage.
But people went with Tank-Healer-DPS parties and I couldn't find a decent guild which actually cared about the game.
Grinds and grinds and gearing...blegh
@copy is the blue dot a checkpoint?

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