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* (disassemble (start (find-service 'remount-fs)))

; disassembly for (LAMBDA ()
; Size: 43 bytes. Origin: #x10038D9F54
; 54:       498B4C2460       MOV RCX, [R12+96]                ; thread.binding-stack-pointer
                                                              ; no-arg-parsing entry point
; 59:       48894DF8         MOV [RBP-8], RCX
; 5D:       488B158CFFFFFF   MOV RDX, [RIP-116]               ; "mount"
@Zirak this is cool shit ^
does js actually compile down to asm?
@MeltyButter everything compiles to asm :P
@towc not really
js is interpreted
@towc not js though
@towc not really
js is too weird for asm
so another language interprets js, but that other thing runs in asm so....
well... "language"...
@MeltyButter it's actually compiled just in time by modern browsers
where did I go wrong Florian? (genuinely interested)
it'd be faster if they pre-compiled it
@towc well, PHP doesn't compile to asm, only to opcodes. The fact that something interpreting these opcodes is compiled to asm is kinda irrelevant.
@MeltyButter look up webassembly
js is a mix between interpreted and 'cached' maybe
oh, I thought you'd still count it as being boiled down to asm
@towc and js hasn't been interpreted by most modern browsers in a while, it's all JIT
anyway, 6% battery left on my laptop, good night
do you ever wonder if all like IT and programming is a load of busy work designed to make use think computers are more complicated than they are?
@MeltyButter the more you know, the less you know
computers are extremely complicated
complicaters are extremely computed
@Mosho yeah but keeping them ticking over is really easy
ticking over?
we only need like 10 people who actually know what's going on
I have no idea what you are saying
@MeltyButter nobody should have questioned hitler, because they only needed one person to know what was going on
why should everyone else in the world bother thinking it over again
@towc well yeah if we somehow had an infinite supply of intel processors and etc etc etc all the way up to us, the webdevs, we wouldn't bother figuring out clock cycles work or whatever
so you'll not learn anything else other than web dev. Have fun
@towc yeah... my point is that there's probably a point between sand and angular.js where there's some lads going "lets make up some bullshit to justify some pointless jobs"
damn why can't checkboxes have a value attribute matching the checked one, I could have something beautiful if it was the case
because they're not radio boxes
it returns 'on' always, that's shitty
@crl they do! it's .checked ?, right?
I mean I have a checkbox mixed with other inputs, and it's the only one where I need to check .checked, instead of value, and I wanted to make a loop, but this fucker breaks it
then... do it?
@crl "checkbox mixed with other inputs" - don't do that?
it's ok I'll loop on [{prop:'...', value:'value'},...,{prop:'shitty checkbox',value:'checked'}]
@MeltyButter huh?
ever seen some forms?
well I see, what you mean maybe, I was doing something weird anyway
@crl surely you could make forms where each element only interacts with one element?
yea, but wanted something generic
i dunno maybe i just dont like mixing things because my mum and my dad used to argue all the time
function () {
    return this.map(function () {
        // Can add propHook for "elements" to filter or add form elements
        var elements = jQuery.prop(this, "elements");
        return elements ? jQuery.makeArray(elements) : this;
    }).filter(function () {
        var type = this.type;
        // Use .is(":disabled") so that fieldset[disabled] works
        return this.name && !jQuery(this).is(":disabled") && rsubmittable.test(this.nodeName) && !rsubmitterTypes.test(type) && (this.checked || !rcheckableType.test(type));
That's how libraries like jQuery serialize form elements, note the checked check
hmm ok I see, my case is slightly different (binding those fields to event handlers in loop), but thanks for the idea
rip your windows, nah hope the best
I just wanna play ksp!
I have a loaded image as <img src="some_url"/>. Is there anyway to get the DataURL of it?
It clearly says you should "turn off your computer", have you tried that ?
@David img.src
@David canvas
img.src gets me the url, I want it as data;image/png yada yada
oh there's something for that, ImageReader thing
Draw the image to a canvas, .getDataUri or something
@David or just split the last "/", right?
On mobile, too lazy to look it up
Q: How to convert image into base64 string using javascript

Coder_sLaYI need to convert my image to a base64 string so that i can send my image to a server. Is there any js file for this... ? Else how to convert it

^ told you
oh I was mixing with FileReader nvm
I was thinking about going the canvas route
think that'll have to be the solution
It's the only solution as of right now
You can redownload the image with xhr... But that is silly
@Zirak hey, I'm hitting a dumb error when trying to start the bot after merging your changes... probably my fault but I'm not clear on how to fix it
$ nodejs run-headless.js
    throw err;
Error: Cannot find module 'run-headless.config.json'
    at Function.Module._resolveFilename (module.js:336:15)
    at Function.Module._load (module.js:278:25)
    at Module.require (module.js:365:17)
    at require (module.js:384:17)
    at Object.<anonymous> (/home/sean/dev/SO-ChatBot/run-headless.js:8:14)
    at Module._compile (module.js:460:26)
    at Object.Module._extensions..js (module.js:478:10)
    at Module.load (module.js:355:32)
run-headless.config.json exists, is readable, has the right contents, etc.
@rlemon - Yes you can, creating an arraybuffer, and converting it to base64 with btoa, but you're right, it's silly
fantastic guys, it worked. Thanks @rlemon @adeneo
Q: jQuery UI sortables

Andrei GlingeanuRequirements I need to create some special case of sortables with draggables. I don't like describing this sort of interaction in words so let me put some images first. Here's what happens when the user drops one element onto the grey circle. The grey circle expands and the element goes i...

@AndreiGlingeanu Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
this.change={}; // change event handlers
	i=>this.change[i] =  e=> this.setState({temp: Object.assign(this.state.temp,{[i]: e.target.type==='checkbox'?e.target.checked:e.target.value})})
Your hatred for white space disgusts me
needed that to fix the bot on node 0.12.9 on Ubuntu 14.04
Hi, I'm looking for a free chat box to add my blogger. Can someone tell me a good one?
@slbgdp Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
Anybody know three.js? I need some help with skinned meshes
@DanieClawson i actually do know three.js, fire away gakusei
@CapricaSix Thank you very much! Do you know whether they have custom filtering for words?
"use strict";
var e = document.createElement('span');
Object.assign(e,{id:'iyguy', style:{color:'red'}});
I thought it would throw, but it silently ignore the style attr
@MeltyButter What I want to do is make animated characters via composite, basically. So like, swap out individual bone sections' verts/faces/etc for those of the matching bone in another model
@DanieClawson when im trying to figure out stuff i listen to depeche mode and really go hrmm
If I could just figure out how they store which verts go to which bone that would help immensely but i've been digging thru the doc and examples for a while and ig I'm just missing something
I'm having image issues with my AWS S3... "has been blocked from loading by Cross-Origin Resource Sharing policy: No 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header is present on the requested resource. Origin 'http://localhost:3000' is therefore not allowed access."

I can't use it in the canvas. not sure if my CORS settings are wrong.
I just want my AWS S3 to play nicely with me trying to take an image of mine and do something with it on the canvas. No luck atm.
maybe try like this jsbin.com/qapixo/9/edit?html,css,js,output I faced the same proble a while ago)
img.crossOrigin = 'anonymous';
!!> var o={x:1,y:2}; var p = {z:3, {...o}}; JSON.stringify(p)
@crl "SyntaxError: invalid property id"
@crl "SyntaxError: invalid property id"
^ does destructuring work for this?
kinda glad I got out of NYC last night
@littlepootis I want to record (inside a 3rd party script) when the SPA sends an ajax request from code I can't modify. Is it possible?
if your browser has a console it might be
if you locate where it's sent too, record?
Does anyone know of domain name registrations that last for 100+ years? This is the only one we could find register.to
Also would that be an appropriate question to ask?
there won't be internet in 100 years
@crl The internet has always existed we are in the matrix. Neo never left the matrix in the movie.
Q: No 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header is present on the requested resource with AWS S3

DavidI host the images for my product on AWS S3. I need to get the Data URI of one of them but I can't get it. Here is the full error: Image from origin 'https://example.s3.amazonaws.com' has been blocked from loading by Cross-Origin Resource Sharing policy: No 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' heade...

If anyone knows how to solve this, I'd love advice. I've been stuck on this all day :/
did you see my message? @Dav
Yes I understand what you are saying. Basically there won't be internet. I won't believe it.
Hi Can I ask for help regarding bootstrap please
@MarkBean Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
If you're going to post a question you've asked on Main, please include why the current answers do not work.
Sorry @crl I didn't see it
did it help?
can you comment on my question?
i don't see it
@David - The same origin policy applies to canvas as well, you can't "taint" the canvas with images that are cross-origin, and still get the data etc. If you can, the easiest would probably be to create a lambda that returns the base64 directly from AWS
@adeneo from all the reading I've done I should be able to get the image with the crossOrigin='anonymous' thing
and it would work
There's no way around the same origin policy, other than setting the correct CORS headers on the serverside
Q: HTML5 Canvas getImageData and Same Origin Policy

Daniel X MooreI have a site running at pixie.strd6.com and images hosted through Amazon S3 with a CNAME for images.pixie.strd6.com. I would like to be able to draw these images to an HTML5 canvas and call the getImageData method but it throws Error: SECURITY_ERR: DOM Exception 18 I have tried setting window....

@Lug my setState util looks like: this.setState({temp: Object.assign(this.state.temp,{style:Object.assign(this.state.temp.style, {margin:e.target.value})})}) :) for changing temp.style.margin in state (2 levels)
I'll try to create a util function, that make it less ugly
^ that looks pretty hectic
only because he omits all of the possible white-space, because he's a lunatic
Yeah, all on one line that's nonsensical.
anyone here familiar with gulp? im trying to get my stylesheets to show my project and none of them are showing. pastebin.com/yjNN6QDL
@JeremyLove Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
ive added on change to my other watch task and also added them into the build and still no luck
no stylesheet files are showing at all when i try to browsersync the project
@crl It'll likely be everywhere. Your toenail will probably be connected to it.
yea, but probably not the same internet
maybe no more domains names like there are now
wget --method=POST toenail.body.crl.iot.gov.us/api?burn=100
I found out what the best conversation starter is. "So, my tea is pretty hot ... but it's not the hottest thing in the universe" - VSauce
oh hi gais
My windows-like gui library is almost done, and I'm hoping it'll be smaller than 600 lines
@Lemony-Andrew Is it on github?
@Meredith Yeah, it's under a building branch --- I'm also writing the code and adding the comments in somewhat later pushes because I'm in a rush.
Can I see it?
I would take a look at the build that's on github -- I'm in the middle of "componetizing" the sections of windows, so the build im working on is broken."
it's "furigui", pronounced "foo ree gui" look at the second branch
under building
stackoverflow.com/questions/34971465/… I've been stuck on this all day
Anyone know what is up? :/
@David I had a similar problem to that in the past. I can't remember exactly why/what it was. I think if you're using a canvas and add a picture from a different origin you can't save the canvas*.
Isn't that the whole point of CORS though? It should tell you whether you're allowed to or not.
Seeing as how I maintain both sides of this, there might be something I can alter to allow me to do it,
Add that attribute to your image
You can't add a co image to a canvas without explicitly enabling it
which attribute? Anonymous? He added that one
@Meredith by the way, if you want a quick and running example of my gui, this is an older version of it on jsfiddle.
It has some es6 mixed with es5 so if it doesn't work that may be a problem lol.
Oh I thought this was for building desktop apps with node
I haven't looked at the code yet
I've made the decision I'm just going to stick with es5 because I don't really care much for transpiling if browsers don't support it natively. Not worth my time at the moment since I'm in a rush -- I do know es6 though.
@Meredith I'm actually going to be using it in an Electron app
Lemony, Meredith. I think I figured out my issue.
What was it?
Order of operations?
@Lemony-Andrew Nice :D Electron is great
I had things correct... but I had my browser cache on, so it kept using the image from the cache where I didn't have the CORS.
Web development is just wonderful, wouldn't you agree? lol
C9 ide is my all time favorite ide. If it was an actual desktop software I would never use anything else. The fact that it has pretty much all the functionality of a typical development space is nice, but because it's running on a VM some things are slow, and it has built in limits and a $20 a month for larger development :/
!! webdev or gamedev?
@Lemony-Andrew gamedev
Woot knew it
!! keep working or sleep?
@Lemony-Andrew keep working
welp no sleep for me
doess crossorigin="anonymous" and crossorigin="Anonymous" both work?
case doesn
't matter?
Yeah they're case insensitive
But always use lowercase
@Lemony-Andrew I wouldn't use C9 unless I'm on a Chromebook.
@littlepootis It's by FAR the best IDE I've used. Atom don't even compare - haven't tried brackets
@Lemony-Andrew Brackets and Atom are slow af
C9 is incredibly fast for what it's capable of doing, and basically being a browser spa
Do you use the website or run locally?
I use the website
My favorite ide is vim
@littlepootis this? vim.org
It runs on every potato
looks too basic. I'd probably prefer notepad++ over it
Lemony said vim looks too basic.
@littlepootis not enough gui, i need something that holds my hand
@littlepootis not enough gui, I need something to do cx mx
@Abhishrek Um, we are talking about editors, not operating systems.
It looks like a command-line/terminal built into a flimsy looking notepad++ from what im looking at
If that's a folder tree I'm seeing that's basically the only bonus I noticed
@Lemony-Andrew If editors were vehicles, notepad++ would be an ox cart, vim a fighter jet, emacs an island.
It's just a matter of personal preference, but still.
@littlepootis I'll buy into it if it has auto-completion
And if it shows function definitions and their arguments, and those definitions
@Lemony-Andrew It has everything you'll ever need.
@Lemony-Andrew there's probably a plugin for that
C9 has it built in
I want my hand held damnit
Then, it isn't for you.
But yeah it really all comes down to preference. I wouldn't mind trying it out
@littlepootis but ^ ... lol
I don't have gui on my debian sid, so vim is the only term editor that doesn't suck.
@littlepootis well if you have chromium you can use c9 XD
@Lemony-Andrew Nah, I haven't used gui editors for a long time. Vim does everything, and much faster.
@littlepootis man, c9
is blatantly fast, is incredibly fast. I don't even know how
@Lemony-Andrew While hard to learn, vim is unfathomably powerful. The only editor that can even come remotely come close to it is emacs
For example, you can check your emails from vim.
I can check my emails on a tab next to c9 ..
with the default gui provided by the site I choose
But you can't use C9 to edit your local files. Or when your PC fails to load a GUI.
When I use C9, I use vim
weird, but yeah
@littlepootis but I can use c9 to upload my edit files, use git, and have everything in the cloud to edit from anywhere
@Lemony-Andrew I can bind a letter to do all those things for me.
Well since it's ubuntu I can run any process I want
from the terminal and make commands / files to run commands
Esc gita "lol my commit message"
@Lemony-Andrew run vimtutor
lol it's running
Strange that they chose hjkl instead of something more conventional like wasd or arrows
arrows work too*
Yes, arrows work, but hjkl's faster.
typing 100k in normal mode will take you exactly 100 lines above
Oh I see what you mean
movement = #*(hjkl > direction)
!!xkcd editors
!!xkcd real programmers
Lol both of those were pretty funny
I hate to be a help vampire but I've been working on this issue all day and I can't seem to figure it out. Just hoping someone here might have an idea. :)
Just realized I'm asking a dupe of this - stackoverflow.com/questions/23482095/… but doesn't look like it's answered either.
maybe regex?
.{6}$ means last 6 chars
hmm but wouldn't it be the same thing? It's gonna do the regex match against "%s" and not against whatever's actually selected.
I'm downloading chrome from official site , but it doesnt download the 64 bit. why ?
oh , it's still beta. Didn't know that.
how to create new html/php/js pages(which have code) on button click using javascript (preferred) or jquery
Any solution for this ?
no need to give the code here - just give some really easy link or idea of steps to take
I am a beginner web developer
Thank you
Have only done few months
of these kind of stuff
know html and css
and some javascript
Please help
Thank you
What'd I miss over the weekend?
this can be used to create a new page
1 message moved to Trash can
@AdminRelative Please don't post unformatted code - hit Ctrl+K before sending, use up-arrow to edit messages, and see the faq. For posting large code blocks, use a paste site like gist.github.com, hastebin.com or pastie.org
@AdminRelative pls don't post a gazillion lines of code here thanks
3 messages moved to JS trash
@AdminRelative jsfiddle.net
And be sure to create a stackoverflow.com/help/mcve
@Alpha6 Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
Hi. Browserify help : Say I have a JS file without module.export. How can I add that file to browserify output ? I couldn't find any info about it.
Sure I can module it , but it's an external file which doesn't support modules ( by itself). HOw can I add that file content to the browserify output ?
2 hours later…
Hi can someone please suggest me a good poll widget for blogger?
@BenjaminG Hi valued associate of the SO JavaScript Team. Add me pls.
@CapricaSix I tried smartchatbox. It's really cool. Thank you! Do you know how to add a custom words to filter in smartchatbox?
@littlepootis I'm not in charge of that team.
@BenjaminGruenbaum whois?
i have a query where i want to freeze one's account by clicking on "FREEZE" but after that the "FREEZE" should change into "UNFREEZE" even after the page is loaded
how can i do the above
i could change the FREEZE to UNFREEZE with Javascript but after refreshing the page it again become FREEZE
as far as i know we can use switch case in php by inserting 0 for Freeze and 1 for Unfreeze
can anyone please help me out
@TahaDhailey Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@littlepootis it's Caprica
Hi all..
Hi . Can someone help with this question/problem
chrome won't reflect the code present inside the angular controller, but firefox does.
I donno how to make chrom to recognize my updated code
Thank you all
Please help
@AdminRelative That site played a video ad as soon as I opened it. Fuck that.
@Caprica pls
@Zirak when you say 'inspect nodes' you mean dom nodes? I was wondering if you could access the Styles console tab like you do with the console
but I think you mean inspect items of an array/object
@Madara - Can u try it again please
@MadaraUchiha - Please try it again - Thank you
hello , i have visual studio 2012
all js code inside page can't be collapsed
i have many function and need to collapse
any idea ?
@Bassem google for code folding in vs 2012, you probably have it disabled
@MadaraUchiha ctrl + shift + r does the job..
@AvinashRaj wow you figured that out so fast
The jsx spread operator is special right, not pure JS? (the way they spread objects inside an object) .. <a {href:'http://ok.com', ...this.props}>
@crl it's a proposal.
hmm ok thanks
can't do let n = { x:1, y:1, ...z } though
oh you can?
@crl Sure you can.
It's not a JSX feature, it's a babel feature.
yea, jsx ⊂ babel
although my browser supports it better than babel
aurora:) downloaded it too
@littlepootis ... Object spread operator?
Yes, just enable the es7-compat flags. es7spec.github.io
Don't forget to open the console on that page before and after you have enabled.
These links are only funny on actual Fridays and we all know them.
heh, i was going to click that
thanks for saving me Benjamin
@BenjaminGruenbaum I have a node proxy running at boot blocking that specific video, ever since @FlorianMargaine last got me good.
@MadaraUchiha that's terrible :D
@BenjaminGruenbaum Simple solution to simple problem
can someone please tell me some stylish polls for blogger?
I should replace it with a request to one of the songs in my playlist
*Madara successfully finishes writing the script*
*Clicks the above link*

_You know you love me, I know you care
Just shout whenever, and I'll be there_
@rlemon I'm pondering a 12 days of node thing modeled after your 12 days of Christmas thing where random prizes are handed every day but you need to have a commit in the last month in node (preferably the docs) - opinions? (It's for the 20k stars)
405 to go
I prefer react without jsx
@crl nulls, nulls everywhere
TBF, I like JSX, from a purist's perspective, it's a transgression
But it does make sense to have a language very similar to HTML/XML as the view language, because most (all) web developers are already familiar with it.
well, I'll often have props :)
And also, I much prefer HTML expressed through JavaScript, than JavaScript expressed through HTML (lol)
let _=undefined;
function v(selector='', props={}, ...cs){
	if (typeof selector ==='function') return React.createElement(selector, props, ...cs);
	var cls = selector.split('.'), tag=cls.shift();
	return React.createElement(tag||'div', Object.assign(props,{className:props.className+' '+cls.join(' ')}), ...cs);
v('.foo.bar', {onClick: this.clicky}, '...', '...', v(), v('.ok',_,v('input')))
one liner just for the example, it's indented then
v for vdom, but I'll have to avoid that letter in vars..
it adds an extra space in classes if it's empty, but well.. it's trimed later I think, I could resplit and concat, but meh
let _=undefined :D?
Just ignore props if there aren't any.
he didn't like nulls
and if there are children after?
also default params just work with undefined, a bit lazy to add more lines
If there are children but not props - use that as the second parameter ala overloading
function v(selector='', props, cs) {
    if(!cs) { cs = props; props = {}; }
hmm, I thought about it, it can be unclear, well I'll try, thanks
can you use a simple _ as var name ?
!!> var _=2; var foo = _=>_+1; foo(6);
@crl "SyntaxError: let is a reserved identifier"
@crl 7
oh I expected shit
@KarelG ever heard of underscore/lodash?
sorry thought it was for me
in some languages, it stands for all values (doesn't matter) like haskell / PROLOG / ...
and i've never heard of lodash
stands for 'ignore that param'
!!> const _ = 2; _
@KarelG 2
huh const is working and not let
Q: Why is import/export feature NOT implemented in any modern browser?

Matthew TiptonI wonder, what is the reason of not adding this feature to browers by any vendor? None of them (Edge, Chrome, FireFox ) has this feature builtin. I wonder why and when this feature will be available natively? PS I know about Babel, Traceur, RollUp and that I can use this feature with them, but...

it's a new feature. Not so important IMO
what is the class (if any) of what React.createElement(..) return? it's not an instance of React.Component
probably a plain object

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