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*only candidate that isn't batshit insane
@ton.yeung just like america
then i will have more laughs against USA
wooooooahhh jsfiddle changed :D
@ton.yeung He has raised almost as much as Clinton
@ssube I actually think he's good
Like, for example how do I get the text from pastebin.com/raw.php?i=Wxxr2aFp?
@Nick me too
but he's also not insane
!!tell karelg youtube "bill maher what republicans hear"
most of the others are publicly insane
@ton.yeung no he doesn't
@ton.yeung america, the country in north america, is poor
Hilary is pretty crazy; not Trump crazy, but I really don't want her in office either
Implying that all the puppets don't have the same master.
The very top is just the face, has no power, so it doesn't even matter who you vote.
we're in a massive amount of debt. Just because we spend money, doesn't mean we have that money
@ton.yeung well, because that's how it be. They don't think it is like it be, but it do.
even i'm a foreigner, i seriously doesn't want to see Hillary Clinton as president. That would be a slap in my feminist face.
Just throwing this out there, maybe representative democracy doesn't work in large scale countries.
@KarelG what about the "Trump Card"
@ton.yeung depends on who you ask
@ton.yeung I wasn't saying that it wouldn't
@Nolski I don't think there's evidence of that.
@Abhishrek he's not good either, but he's giving us a reason to laugh with USA.
@KarelG worse
Hilary won't win. This country is not ready for a women leader. We don't need to go all soft like Germany.
Q: Add allow-modals to the sandbox of Stack Snippets, snippets are broken in Chrome 46+

Rob WChrome blocks modal dialogs such as alert, confirm and prompt in sandboxed iframes unless allow-modals is set. This behavior became the default as of Chrome 46 and Opera 34. This breaks Stack snippets that make use of modal dialogs. Fortunately, there is a way to re-enable them, by appending all...

@AmericanSlime That's sexist and rude
@AmericanSlime let's not be blatantly sexist, k
* waits for Madara *
(ignore this please)
@Nolski @ton.yeung he needs <30's to vote in record numbers to win (imo)
if he don't appear, then he's so prejudicial
I'm trying to make some incredibly difficult JS puzzles; I'd appreciate it if anyone wanted to be a "playtester" for my first one: jsfiddle.net/4v0uhdvq
I'm mostly interested in (1) whether you found it easy, hard, or impossible, (2) if the hints helped, and (3) if you found a solution I did not intend
@KarelG If trumps wins and bans outsourcing
@apsillers: Let's have a look
@ton.yeung I agree.. I'm jsut saying.. That is how he will win
he will one shot prolly the entire global politics.
hmm, this StartChat function in chat is mysterious
anyone played with it?
@AwalGarg o_o
@Abhishrek ?
it probably starts a chat room with [an, other, user]
@ssube I think it's a bit hard to prove either way but how seeing as how Obama ran on ending the war in 2008 and relentlessly criticized Bush for his foreign policy yet pretty much mimic'd it as soon as he went into office, I think it's pretty much impossible to educate a general populace to vote for the "right" candidate.
@Abhishrek maybe bad for your country ?
@Nolski when the candidates lie, sure
@ssube he never lied
maybe not literally, but he certainly misrepresented what he would accomplish
@KarelG maybe bad ? Most engineers in India are doing outsourced jobs or, tech support
@apsillers I don't even...
@ssube When he criticized bush, it was because he went around congress to wage that war.
a politician at least lie one time, or (s)he wouldn't reach that far.
very few candidates have actually, literally lied
there was a study on it recently and the number is super low
"I am not a crook"
most of them don't deliver, but few blatantly lie
Obama being muslim mean anything?
@ssube politifacts are full of bullshit outright lies
@rlemon ich bin ein berliner
@AmericanSlime enough
there's fun trolling, then there's just being an ass
There are few things more lenient than javascript.
@Cerbrus I might try a gradation of difficulty: if you get rid of the delete statements, it can be solved with with and set/get accessor properties, which is a lot easier
eh, obama isn't muslim ...
Protestant i think
No he is Muslim born in Kenya /s
@KarelG it's an old joke/jab
Pretty sure nearly every POTUS ever is Protestant
@Nolski Pretty sure a couple were Catholic
Kennedy, maybe?
There's a list on Wikipedia
Yeah I remember JFK being catholic (I think?)
The religious affiliations of Presidents of the United States can affect their electability, shape their visions of society and also how they want to lead it, and shape their stances on policy matters. Thomas Jefferson, Abraham Lincoln, William Howard Taft and Barack Obama were accused of being atheists during election campaigns, while others, such as Jimmy Carter, used faith as a defining aspect of their campaigns and tenure to hold the office. Almost all of the presidents can be characterized as Christian, at least by upbringing, though some were unaffiliated with any specific religious body...
Sanders is non practicing jewish
@rlemon only kind I've ever met
I think
I think it matters in today's climate. I don't think someone would win the states if they were openly muslim.
Actually you are right.. I've never met a practicing Jew...
gf being non-practicing jewish gives me an excuse to have a seder dinner, which is sweet
Maybe online, never irl
You're agnostic
You are what you choose now
Who has played Contra?
@ton.yeung Religion is a choice in most countries/cultures.
So I know who to stay away from
Religion is a choice (for most)
I just overheard that Contra is the reason for today's shootings
I've played contra2
Some guy in the bathroom to some other guy in the bathroom lol
@ton.yeung Possibly both
@ton.yeung he might just be confusing iran/contra with the video game
there have been jokes going around about that recently
He said Halo is fine, but CoD and Contra no bueno
Is there a new contra?
No he meant the 1987 Contra lmfao
I was having trouble pooping over the laughter
Contra1 is old. Contra2 was better
Actually, I think pants are the reason for today's school shootings. Not all school shooters play video games, but I bet they were all wearing pants. Therefore pants cause shootings. Q.E.D.
Contra 2 is old too :p
There was a shitty Contra for the Dreamcast
Dreamcast doesn't count :P
Why in the world wouldn't the DC count?
Was one of the last greatest consoles man!
Because nobody bought it.
@Loktar s/last/least/g
Dreamcast might be the only console that does count.
It's the N-Gage of non-handheld consoles.
Everyone that didn't have a dreamcast thought it was shit
dude, I've played Dreamcast before, it's awesome
@Retsam no.. it isn't
I'm just messing
dreamcast was what made multiplayer a thing for everyone I grew up with
unless you mean that in a good way? somehow?
we moved on to xbox when it came out
I just wish they didn't get rekt by the PS1
heh yea
Also Contra III alien wars was/is the shit
I would have loved it if Sonic Team didn't lose their shit as Sega went under
on the SNES
@ton.yeung never played it
I played the PC port of PSO:Blue Burst
shooters, mostly
that game was the shit
Yeah Dreamcast had some nice shooters
which is weird because Goldeneye for the N64 was widely regarded as the first big console shooter
Rogue Spear was a good one
Goldeneye, too
and yet they basically arrived at being an FPS by mistake
Rare has said on record that the game was originally an on-rails shooter with no free movement
Goldeneye is one of my fav games, so great.
which is probably why all of the movement feels like you're a walking bumper car
also the n64 controller
zelda feels much the same way
that being said, it's still one of my favorite classic games of all time
it's the single-stick look/move
I loved the n64 controller, still do :p
I like the feel of Zelda N64
I love the N64 controller with the exception of that terrible analog stick
the analog stick quality is shitty
although I definitely remember the whole "Okay, how do I hold it?" thing
I've replaced 2 of them
yeah it depended on the game really
most you held the middle with your left hand, and right part with your right
the GC sticks actually work in the n64 controllers
When I first picked up Kirby 64 and it didn't use the analog stick, I was so confused
although the sensitivity is way different.
GC controllers are unusable
I liked the GC controller, too
it's a little wonky, but it was the best feeling controller of its generation
@Abhishrek zirak has a commit in node github.com/nodejs/node/commit/…
it beat the hell out of the Xbox controllers and the cheap-feeling Playstation ones
My analogue stick on my N64 controller only pushes halfway in all directions the rest is dead spot :/
I need to buy a new one. Unless I can fix it somehow
yeah they break down really easily @Jhawins
@Zirak Congratulations
I forgot ALL my shit in Indiana again!
you can buy replacement sticks
but most replacements are just GC analog sticks
@Jhawins Again?
that sounds like a pretty serious problem bro
I don't really recommend any new third party controllers either (for the n64)
@ShotgunNinja I live in NE now but grew up in IN until May of this year so I keep forgetting to grab my N64 and games and old PC and everything when I visit home
they are pretty cheaply made.
@Loktar they're not much worse than the originals
@Loktar They sell replacements?
@ssube imo they are much worse
NE as in Nebraska or New England?
I played Paper Mario a few months ago with my replacement, the stick already started breaking down
dude, the only way to play Paper Mario is through Wii VC
with a Gamecube controller
Best bet is to find an original controller with a "tight" stick
Yeah mine is way too loose is all. It works fine
or build a car simulator
@ShotgunNinja I'm not a fan of emulators :P
i have seen some video's on youtube with a real car simulator, that moves with your steerings
haha actually emus aren't bad.. but I own the originals
so I'd rather just play those for the feeels
I loved having all the old games on my PS3
N64 emulator, SNES SuperN etc
Thank you George Hotz..
@rlemon lol @ humans doing cat things
Nobody is gonna get that lol
@Jhawins lmao inb4 flags
@KarelG haha yeah those are pretty badass
Yea I fixed it haha
God that meeting was brutal
@KarelG There are Ferrari branded ones like that in a lot of arcades
still this one is extreme.
I actually bought a first-party N64 controller online to make a prize for a speedrun marathon a few years back, and the analog stick on it was insanely accurate
They have them at the amazing pizza machine lol our version of Chuckee Cheese
@KarelG lmao that second comment
@ShotgunNinja yeah the sticks are great on the first party ones imo no one else does them justice
@SterlingArcher didn't noticed that
Learned about prototypes and constructors today, and I running far ahead of myself and got a little lost. Trying to figure this out right. I read on place that 'new' is kind of like this in terms of an Object.
function newObject(func) {
var args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 1);
var object = Object.create(func.prototype);
func.apply(object, args);
return object;
If make, var Samurai = function(){}
and add a prototype like, Samurai.prototype.weapon = function() { return this.weapon };
> TIL Garry Hoy threw himself through a glass wall on the 24th story of the Toronto-Dominion Centre and fell to his death after the window frame gave way. He was attempting to prove to a group of prospective articling students that the glass was unbreakable.
var Jack = newObject(Samurai); will have that prototype and Object property
technically the window didn't break..
Just like, var John = new Samurai();
@SterlingArcher Brah, you should totally go to that link while at work.
@SterlingArcher Yeah, the glass was unbreakable, but the glue holding it in place broke
@Trasiva no way haha
However, if I console.log(Jack) I get Object {}, if I console.log(John) I get Samurai {}
even though they look the same
user image
we're doomed
Why does John have the Samurai identifier?
But not Jack?
you didn't set constructor etc
@FlorianMargaine What's the joke here
Lounge might move to miaou
@SterlingArcher Wimp
@Jhawins clearly, lounge is moving to miaou.
I don't know who cat plus plus is
But weird lol
@Jhawins One of the antagonist in the 2015 lounge wars
the other joke is that catcatplus starred a nodejs project.
I saw Bartek basically say he's out of the lounge here only IRC
@AwalGarg in the newObject function, how can I set constructor?
But don't know what all the drama is about lol
object.constructor = func
See ya in 4 hours
@Cerbrus Oh wow, it's on its way to becoming meta.so's most downvoted question
Most users on main never get to +98 and this one got -98
It's at -98...
Just 2 more, guys!
yes wow
Oh, and it's been closed twice already
Q: Does Stack Overflow support code bidding?

Don ChakkappanDoes Stack Overflow help us to sell and purchase code snippets or complete projects?

Q: Why not charge $0.99 per question?

sangonySure, it might slap the Kumbaya open forum model in the face but how about charging $0.99 per question? The board gets a piece, the person who's answer is accepted gets a piece, and the moderators get a piece (maybe). Won't this filter out some of the "poor quality" questions and make people thi...

wat is dis
Q: Should we discourage leading +/-1 on comments?

Shog9Update: The test is over; results and the final form of this restriction detailed here: Remove the limitation that stops comments from starting with +1 or -1 I'm getting really sick of finding folks arguing about votes, only to see that the bickering started with a comment of the form, -1,...

someone downvoted that -100
3 most downvoted questions on meta
The mod action one is 4th.
And I'm betting will settle for #3~2
@KarelG Yea, The suggestion is horrible
@Austin I don't think there is a differnece; it's just that Chrome (or whatever browser you're using) understands new and internally, privately knows that John is a Samurai
I couldn't resist
@AwalGarg Ahh thank you! So one last question. It seems to me like constructor and prototype are almost the same "thing". I know prototype is used to access the type it inherited. Constructor seems like it is referring to the label of that prototype? So if thats right, a constructor can have prototype's, but all prototype's are/have a construct?
@Cerbrus lol, it actually got 32 upvotes :D
-100, there we go
(correct me if I am mis-speaking please)
@MadaraUchiha we can upvote this one to have it leave the 3rd place :P
@AwalGarg Nah, it's in -102 already
@Austin the constructor property is essentially useless
!!> ({constructor: String})
@MadaraUchiha Shog's suggestion has a massive amount of raw downvotes, though... 274
@AwalGarg "[object Object]"
bot sucks...
@Cerbrus Yeah, people really didn't like that one.
@Cerbrus Oh my god that is rich!
anyways, do that in your console
I didn't either (I'm seeing I've downvoted it too)
Says unexpected '>' token
and after that do ({constructor: String}) instanceof String
@Austin -_-
oh derp
just write the code part...
@AwalGarg @Austin Note that setting the constructor on the instance makes them appear the same in the console but actually causes them to be different, with respect to whether constructor is an instance property or an inherited property
That in-effect doesn't matter, again.
i.e., if you do object.constructor = func in newObject, then John.hasOwnProperty("constructor") != Jack.hasOwnProperty("constructor")
C#.. C++.. next up.. JS ._.
Awal isn't that example refer to this hidden boolean property thing? Like ary = []. if (ary) //true if (ary == false) //true?
I guess I am confused on how/what that means to constructor itself
@Jhawins What a mess, eh?
@Austin no, what?
@Cerbrus It's fucking beautiful when it happens to someone that's not me... lol
@Jon: "No, controversy has it's place." Yeah, in discussion, man. Without it, there would be no discussion, after all. — sbi 16 mins ago
The "" + number to convert to a string has been so helpful. Thanks to whoever told me that some weeks back.
Read that and a little further xD
@AwalGarg I agree; it only matters if, e.g., you're enumerating properties (and then, you can still make them non-enumerable). I just wanted to point out to @Austin that -- despite how they appear in the console -- the structure of Jack and John are actually identical, without setting constructor on the instance
@apsillers So... by setting the constructor in my newObject function, I am making the inheritance "farther away"?
@Austin constructor is normally inherited from the prototype parent
> We talk about sex here, in the open! (Gosh! Think about this!) In Berlin, if you walk through any park in the summer, you will see nipples, and nobody thinks anything bad about it. That is the spirit at work in the Lounge
@Austin You can, instead, set it on each instance, if you want
What the hell does that last sentence mean
@apsillers Normally? As in when I say Object.create(func.prototype);?
@MadaraUchiha You know how I feel about you, but having read direct quotes of the content in dispute in Lounge, I can see why Moderator action would be required. I mean, I don't find anything offensive, but there are some things you just don't talk about, let alone on SO
functionally, there will very little difference in practice
or like New?
@Austin Right
(new Samurai()).hasOwnProperty("constructor") == false
Our meeting room is so nice :p
@Nick There's a very big gap in what the lounge considers offensive, and what Stack Overflow considers offensive.
@Austin Object.create won't set constructor
awal is a room owner now?
Just saw that myself
As a chat user and a moderator, I personally sort of understand it and kind of let it slide most of the time because that's how it is, as long as no one complains.
Sumarais inherit their constructor from Samurai.prototype.constructor, but you can instead make the instance have a constructor property that overrides the inherited value
This particular instance caught the eyes of many mods who aren't Stack Overflow chat users.
@MadaraUchiha Yeah, there's a gap in here too, but having read that, the gap in Lounge is far greater, lol
Where are HTTP headers in latest version of chrome?
Which triggered what seemed to be an overreaction, but from my perspective, it's just that they weren't being told off often.
@Nick if you don't find anything offensive in that chat you need to get your moral compass checked
@Kitler No, people just need to not cry over everything and move on
@Kitler Or get rid of the magnet at the south pole of that compass.
@MadaraUchiha Dude, the Lounge is so jacked up, even Ozzy wouldn't touch that.
@SantoshKumar there's still the "Headers" tab afaik?
@MadaraUchiha why do you keep hyperlinking Main? lol
Oh man, what did I miss?
@SterlingArcher [so]
no waayyy
@BenFortune A -100 question on meta.
@Nick suureeee
Don't you know? They replace your brain with a computer when you get elected Mod
I had no idea
there is also [se] I think Stack Exchange
Pretty sure Madara's brain was already a computer
@SterlingArcher [so], [se], [meta], [anime.se], [main]
@apsillers Ah! Interesting! So new didn't have it, but create did, so why does @AwalGarg say it .create would not have it?
How have I never known that
Was worth a try
@Cerbrus an even better one
@Cerbrus I... this doesn't help...
@SterlingArcher .se
From my console test .create did have it? unless I am missing something
@monners You forgot the .se
I think I win
lmao more lounge flags
@MadaraUchiha Hax
@SterlingArcher lol it wasn't me was it :/ I really didn't mean to start anything
Ok, I gotta check out this lounge thing
@SantoshKumar click on one of the requests..
I was just confused about what a sentence meant from one of the comments haha
@Austin You are doing something wrong. Object.create won't set constructor in any way.
wasn't you J lol
Lounge as in the C++ room?
@SterlingArcher You'd think that they'd realize they're better off watching what they're saying, for a while...
Oh wait I am sorry!
It seems that Lounge makes rape jokes and makes really derogatory comments about women's sexual lives? I mean, that's just inappropriate always. I wouldn't even make rape jokes to my close friends
I made a mistake
you're right! :)
Lounge has a policy of not learning from mistakes.
I know I'm late to this, but another shooting...really. Anyone know who/what the suspects are?
@AwalGarg Lounge doesn't have any policies :P
@AwalGarg It's a tradition. And outsiders can't change traditions, that'd be oppression!
Except for this one :P
@AmericanSlime who cares who they were
Don't give them the satisfaction of glorification nationwide
@Cerbrus "outsiders" heh
Wait, what's our tradition? I think I missed a memo
Let them remain nobodies. Remember the names of the victims
@AwalGarg I don't know where are you referring to.
@monners Lol at other rooms' drama?
@SterlingArcher I get that, but it would be nice to know who the enemy is.
The enemy.
@AwalGarg Another question :) And maybe my question is off from the beginning, but when you do instanceof is that basing it off of the specified prototype or type?
@Nick I make rape jokes, but I try to keep it lighthearted.
@Cerbrus Oh, right. Yeah, got that memo for sure
There's a difference between a psychopath and an enemy
@AmericanSlime Where was this one?
America is a pretty messed up place, when you've got gunmen killing children, and just random other gunmen every other week.
@Austin rephrase
@SantoshKumar click on any of the listed requests?
What is instanceof actually checking?
@Nick needs more guns
@ShotgunNinja California, our favorite liberal news CNN has coverage.
!!tell Austin mdn instanceof
But oh no, we can't have background checks on gun purchases, because the government just wants to take my guns away
@Nick messed up but still an extremely unlikely way to die and very rare considering the missions of guns everywhere.
^ that has pretty good explanation
@Luggage let's not bring this up again. USA clearly has many more school shootings than any other 1st world country. That's enough said
another Nick :o
Ok good, so I guessed right, its based off the protoype. So when protoypes are compared, how does that occur? Or does that turn into some winded explanation. haha
JS has referential equality for objects.
@FlorianMargaine "let's not talk about this, I just want to get in the last word"
If all kills in Call of Duty were real, I wonder how long after a new launch it'd take for gamers to wipe out the planet
@Luggage exactly.
I'm thinking less than 24 hours
Are prototypes actually considered as Objects then? Or is that moreso just for conceptual meaning/reference?
@monners 7 billions people is a lot.
Everything's an object
@FlorianMargaine reminds me of this
yes, they are objects indeed. Builtins are exotic ones, sometimes.
@FlorianMargaine Let's see, I've played roughtly 24 hours (not straight, but there are some that do), racked up about 3000 kills, so multiply that by, what, 2 million gamers? Gettin' pretty close
%ObjectProto% is the top of the chain, down from that is a rough river with lots of branches. All mess, no logic, makes Awal an angry boy.
I just want to know if the shooters (3) were home-grown terrorists or from over seas.

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