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14 hrs blocked
@AjaxGuru there should be a license file distributed with jquery ui.
I keep checking the feed
@FlorianMargaine so i can curl code from a frame of theirs into my project?
@AjaxGuru that's not related to the license.
the examples aren't?
then why do they let you copy their code to edit?
you're asking different things
license is about usage of the code
@Jhawins You kicked me twice today admin ab00s admin ab00s reported
"curl code" is about using their bandwidth
yes, to prove you can get around their CORS with ajax/CURL
@Trasiva vs consoles?
or just period?
@Loktar Period. I'd get it on PC so after the first playthrough or two, I can mod it. Modding FO always gives it a fresh breath of air.
@nick who's ab00s?
I'm waiting until it goes on sale personally but i know my son really loved it
@Loktar That's kinda what I thought I'd do to. It'll happen soon enough I figure.
@AjaxGuru I am ab00sed
@nick you mean abused
@Trasiva yeah I mean you could always wait until the end of Dec
Just in case someone knows
Q: Change filename when using express/multer

feniixxI'm having trouble uploading a pdf, when I upload it (I'm using ng-file-upload) the file json that reachs express.js is: { fieldname: 'file', originalname: 'db.pdf', encoding: '7bit', mimetype: 'application/pdf', destination: './client/public/docs/transactions/', filename: '8a3fe7cb736...

see if it goes on sale during the Christmas Sale
if not just grab it at full price
I'm debugging a module I wrote like....two years ago here when I first started. Some of the things I wrote for the errors...wow.
but idk, it looks fun I just have too much to play currently so rather than paying full price and letting it sit I'm just going to wait
> God damn it, you shouldn't ever reach here. Why did you reach here? FUCKING FIX IT!
@AjaxGuru enough of that you pedantic nerd
@Loktar I'm in the same boat. Between SC II and a few other older games I haven't beaten yet....ugh.
I do what I want!
@Jhawins Make me RO — nick 11 mins ago
@nick (that Nick ^) what the hell man?
@Austin As far as I know, Jack and John are exactly the same. There is no difference between them. There is no way for JS code to distinguish between them
@Austin However, the console uses knowledge outside the scope of what JavaScript code can see (i.e., knowledge of how each of the identical objects was created) and chooses to render them differently
@Loktar who's abusing the kid?
@Jhawins I put you on the spot
probably 100 people read my comment
now you have to make me RO or you'll look bad
do you think jqueryui would be upset if i used their examples in my speech?
probably not so long as you give em free advertising
give credit where credits due
free advertising - a link in the javascript?
Cite where you found their examples and it should be fine
being silly
@Zirak and @KendallFrey are Room Owners
It's the robe and hat
Often confused
Anyone want to take a look at this project (github.com/user123212/routing) and tell me why the routes don't work as they should?
@Loktar #worthIt
@ShotgunNinja be careful, they might boot you
@AjaxGuru like, for what?
@DemCodeLines did you really name yourself user123212
I just explained to you what some tags meant
@ShotgunNinja Yeah man, you're walking on some pretty thin ice
oh no
kicks @Zirak
kendall's mom is a dank meme
@Zirak thanks
I might as well just delete myself now
@nick It's just there for sharing stuff.
@AjaxGuru I got your back bro
@ShotgunNinja do it
Mooom, they're pressuring me to quit chat
I'm telling on you guys
@ShotgunNinja S...shhh...ss.... shut up and bbbring me more rum
We're cyber bullying you what are you gonna do about it
how do you know whether, or not you're being anal about a technologies nuances?
> inb4 ban
@nick cry profusely
@AjaxGuru if you're asking the question, you're being anal.
Oh damn, I didn't think that would be 5 minutes
sorry @nick :(
@AjaxGuru When you're wondering whether you're being anal about a technological nuance
@Zirak I like a video that opens with some sweet blacksmithy
like building a framework similar to #wordpress for it?
and plan to speak about that stuff also?
You just have to follow your heart
It knows where the rum went
my heart is in it
no, please tell me
Why was @nick kicked again?
Have I missed something?
@MadaraUchiha that was my bad
@AjaxGuru It's all in the wirst
You kind of do a flicking motion
That's how you know
I'm back guys
@Zirak what's in the wrist?
All of it
@Zirak what is it?
@rlemon that's like ebaums-era
@Loktar I just installed it, after all these years still so much fun
@AjaxGuru Have you ever woken up not feeling quite in harmony with yourself?
i thought that was for the rum
You just don't wanna get out of bed
Maybe read a book
@Nick I'm sorry my memes are not dank enough
Just not see the light of day
I'll try harder next time
How many Nicks are there in here now?
"guru" apparently means something other than what I've been told
Just a few ;)
It's just like that, man
Hey rlemon :)
Q: Why is my Observer subscriber not running when I run it after an async function?

Nathan JonesI have some code that looks like this: export default async function promptHandler(source) { source.subscribe(function(line) { console.log(`line == ${line}`); }); let matchingTests = await getMatchingTests('ROGL'); } This prints out the contents of the source Observable, whic...

and Zirak
@nick boom 6 pings
You start with your 100% and then you slowly accelerate
(@MadaraUchiha, get the reference?)
@phenomnomnominal it is ok bb
Got a html question for you guys - if I'm dynamically making a style tag and I want to add a newline inside that style tag to keep the CSS tidy... what can I use? <BR/> tags have no power inside a <style> tag.
@Nick oh my god
@Polyducks don't
@rlemon but so much mess ;_;
ALL modern tooling (dev tools in browsers) will format it for you
not only are you another Nick, you have the same avatar as someone else lol
@Polyducks First, don't. Second, have you tried newlines?
@Zirak which manga?
@zirak How?
@FlorianMargaine Not manga or anime related
@Polyducks \n
@Zirak Very familiar.
> not being called Nick in 2015
@zirak I got it ;)
@Nick why not?
@zirak just couldn't think of the word 'newline'
@MadaraUchiha Imagine someone sitting next to the pool, giving swimming advice to someone else before hitting on a 3rd someone
@Zirak is it from That One Swimming Anime?
It's from that movie with that plot
Starring that guy
Does it take place at That Pool, though?
Now that you mention it, it does look like that pool, but I'm pretty sure they shot it at that other pool because of budget cuts
Yeah, using That Pool is pretty expensive
it's got a real tight schedule
much earlier than Steams
Is it okay to mix async function calls with Observable subscribe calls, or should I convert all Promises to Observables with fromPromise?
Someone should tell them that winter isn't for another 20 days.
Seasons are so dumb
I'm in Brisbane right now, it's like 30 degrees (C)
And there's fucking Christmas stuff everywhere
like it always feels weird in NZ. But here it is just ridiculous
Move to the correct side of the planet
The one with the bombings and shootings? Nah I'm good.
Dumb seasons > dumb people
What if they gave you...a cookie?
That would appease me
What if they gave you...a stale cookie?
That would anger me
oh no
^^ appropriate
That's no good then
You can't please everyone all the time.
just grabbed 2 gog mystery gifts, got, Breach & Clear: DEADline and Another World: 20th Anniversary Edition
inb4 yo mama joke
paid $6, they go for $19.99 and $9.99
@MadaraUchiha I will wage thermonuclear war on you
wait how many wars are you in right now
Yeah, I did a mystery gift and got Brütal Legend, which is $15 normally... though it's not a game I'm exactly likely to play.
goes to kick @nick again, but doesn't
yeah, still though I expected shit adventure or mystery type games
im trying 2 more
Agarest: Generations of War and Airline Tycoon Deluxe
@nick Few too many -_-
Maybe someone will institute a trading system where people can trade random games they don't want for ones they do.
another $15 and 10 game, noice
Is there a service where I can pay people to write unit tests for me?
@Zirak halp
If you check the "as gift" option, do you get to see what the game you got is?
I'm forced to write perl code
@phenomnomnominal I appreciate your self-restraint
@nick don't tempt me, maggot lover
I herd
maggots like kiwi
@FlorianMargaine rip
@NathanJones unrelated to your SO issue, but this is nice: github.com/ReactiveX/RxJS/issues/752#issuecomment-161234549
Apparently the random guarantees a game between $9.99 and $34.99
@MadaraUchiha alright I'll wait my turn
1v1 or nothing
I'm a gentleman
that's cruel
Spelunky $15
Crusader Kings Complete $10
Crimsonland $14
Saints Row: The Third - The Full Package $15
last 4, no more mystery games lol
it's so weird
there's @ and % and $ just for variables...
Britain just voted to bomb Syria, rip
@Loktar Spelunky is pretty fun
@rlemon yeah I played it on my vita a bit
I'm buying gog mystery games $3 a pop
no idea what you will get, but I haven't got one under $10 yet
but did you donate to wikipedia yet?!?!
done for now though lol
think of what that $3 will get them!
nah I don't donate to wikipedia
(their current campaign is asking for exactly $3 per user)
it is pretty obnoxious this time around lol
HUGE banner
I don't see how you can expect to run a site like that not at a loss... honestly. I'm all for people donating to them, but to think you could cut even is silly imo.
@BenFortune :(
I might donate to wikimedia if it meant the banner would go away
@KendallFrey you could donate and then use adblock
That would require installing adblock
@KendallFrey yeah, I donate $$ every month, I wish it would go away.
I'm lazy
I'd pay a cent per page
probably even 5
I'd pay the cost of serving that page, per page.
foreach my $line (filedoublearray($sgmlcatlistfile)) {
wikimedia has plenty of money I wouldn't worry about it
my gpu arrived today, but my payments still haven't been processsed on my card
Anyone know of any intermediate-advanced Javascript (es2015) books?
@KendallFrey reverse the payment
that's not the point
Guys :| Is it bad to keep variables that appear on a view within a specific model?
I want my payment so I can buy more shit
@KendallFrey I know that feel
@corvid is it a ViewModel?
I paid a bunch of late bills when I got my first paycheck at the new job, and they didn't show up in my account for like three days
that just so happened to be over Cyber Monday
@phenomnomnominal I don't know what that is. It's workflow process, and it feels more natural to keep it in a model (so you can update the JSON fixture instead of manually editing code) but someone is telling me that's wrong and you should just put it in the client

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