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I'm gonna make a meta post about how it's unfair that the moderators are deleting things I want to comment on in the middle of commenting.
@BadgerCat no price ?
@AmericanSlime support contracts like... support
@Trasiva Imma deletevote that :3
I have yet to see something that was actually a one-off
things that look unique are a result of the client misunderstanding the problem
@Zirak more reviewers than number of lines changed :P (and congrats!)
There's nothing new in the world. We should all just go home and go to sleep, none of it matters anymore.
@Trasiva I'm not your bro, pal!
@Cerbrus I'm not your pal, friend.
@KarelG no
not worth of my attention :p
@Trasiva I'm not your friend, buddy.
i had courses in AI back then, machine learning
interesting course. But didn't specialize in AI
I will write my thesis on ML
interesting. What's the subject ?
predicting admission to american hospitals
Can someone run this and tell me what it returns?
dig rkoutnik.com +nostats +nocomments +nocmd
oh crap, meeting time
This probably already exists in some form, but I always thought a company could do well if they offered native English speaking tech support for a large range of computer issues. They would pay a subscription to gain access to unlimited help 24/7. Thoughts?
;; global options: +cmd
;rkoutnik.com.			IN	A
rkoutnik.com.		1800	IN	A
rkoutnik.com.		1800	IN	A
// @SomeKittens
rkoutnik.com.	1800	IN	A
rkoutnik.com.	1800	IN	A
@BadgerCat "admission" has multiple definitions. Do you mean the access price ? (reply later if you're back from meeting)
and can you access rkoutnik.com ?
awal:~$ curl -I rkoutnik.com
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Server: GitHub.com
Date: Wed, 02 Dec 2015 19:06:29 GMT
Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8
Content-Length: 47875
Last-Modified: Sun, 22 Nov 2015 21:20:50 GMT
Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *
Expires: Wed, 02 Dec 2015 19:16:29 GMT
Cache-Control: max-age=600
ok, then it's just my DNS cache
@Cerbrus We could keep this going all day, so I'm going to circumvent it with a hearty fuck you, and good day sir!
@rlemon: You might be able to continue your rage on that question after all. It's gotten a undelete vote.
@Cerbrus linky
@Trasiva Likewise ^_^
@Cerbrus I'm glad you picked up on the humor in that, I realized that some people might get butthurt.
American based tech support, good or bad idea? Why?
@Trasiva like madira ? :p
@Cerbrus It's already dead Jim!
@Trasiva I don't always :P
@KarelG I was thinking like cat++ or Elyse.
@Trasiva It's dead, but for some reason, it has a reopen undelete ote
@Cerbrus Oh, I can't see those yet.
I'd be rich if I had a dollar for every time someone complained about not being able to understand their tech support.
Q: How does Black Friday work?

BizorkeOn days like Black Friday, everyone rushes out expecting huge savings on everything they buy. The level of demand seems to reach ludicrous levels, and one would expect smart merchants to react by increasing all of their prices in response to demand. Yet year after year we see videos of people be...

@SomeKittens @SterlingArcher @BadgerCat imgur.com/gallery/5LcB4
So much rep to go until I get there..
@AmericanSlime Continuing to ask vague open-ended questions, good or bad idea? Why?
ohh yea
knife #3
love it
oh btw @rlemon the line drawing thing really helped. thanks!
@Zirak Do I have to ask questions that have definite answers? I'm looking for opinions.
<anything>@rkoutnik.com will send to my gmail
@AwalGarg selling a lot more crap at lower margins can be more profitable than selling low volumes at high prices
esp. if everyone else is undercutting you
@rlemon Tip needs to be sharper if that's a gutting knife.
y u lag
Stop biting your nails
@rlemon it woooooorrrks
@Cereal that is harder than quitting smoking
var Tail = require('tail').Tail;
var tail = new Tail('package.json');
tail.on('line', function(data) {console.log(data)});

Why doesn't this print anything?
are you appending stuff to your package.json?
@AwalGarg no...shouldn't it print the file contents?
@rlemon yeah I know, I do it too
!!should I goto the new office and clean up the cables?
@rlemon Of course not
Because the line event is never fired duhhhh
!!should I goto the new office and NOT clean up the cables?
@rlemon Certainly
Raise your hand if you knew laser was an acronym.
Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation
I'd be more impressed if you didn't google it.
I didn't
Ok I'm impressed, my body is ready.
@AmericanSlime you really think it is an uncommon thing to know?
i found it strange that you didn't ss'ed that
@AwalGarg Absolutely. We have a ton of laser usage here and nobody even knows what it means lol.
didn't what that?
I knew what it meant.
I though any nerd did.
@AwalGarg Even changing the content of package.json didn't print anything
radar is also an acronym
@NathanJones what platform (os)?
albeit a weird one
@AwalGarg linux
that one, I don't recall.. let me think.
radio something direction and range? (guess)
is radar not radio detection and ... ?
RAdio Detection And Ranging
I didn't know that about radar...nice.
ah ranging
good enough.
@AmericanSlime ok bb
Did you know that ATM is not an acronym?
@NathanJones that should work... Did your changes involve actually appending a new line or just changing an already existing line?
Automagic Teller Machine
sonar is an acronym
At The Moment, Automated Teller Machine.
@KendallFrey Explain
@AmericanSlime It's an initialisation
@AwalGarg added new line
bah, whatever.
i'm on node v5, btw
with your initializations vs acronyms.
pedantic nerd
@NathanJones try attaching the error handler as well to see if it shows anything useful? maybe relative paths issue or permissions stuff?
The code itself is surely correct, so most likely an environment problem.
still nothing :(
fs.stat('package.json', function(err,stats) {console.log(stats)});
prints stats about the file, so i think node can see the file
I just checked and it works locally here :/ Are you on CentOS? :P
are you trying to watch package.json for changes or just print the current contents?
Fedora 22
I'm trying to print an entire file using a stream/Observable line by line
something like this
is that line-by-line?
my GF sketched Bernie Sanders... i.imgur.com/0h7t5KL.png
@Codeman reddit.com/r/SandersForPresident would love this
I'm going to be processing huge text files, so I don't want to be holding all of the contents in memory all at once
your package.json is small enough (probably) to just read the whole file and split it by line. it's much simpler
@rlemon probably but it's not my place to post it there :)
@NathanJones so you don't want to watch the files?
ohh, ok, so it's not always package.json
@Codeman why not?
she a redditor?
reddit's all about taking credit for other people's work
@rlemon yeah she is, but she's also weird about self confidence
@AwalGarg no. is that what tail does? i've never heard that term for watching a file or whatever it does
@NathanJones yes, tail watches the file for changes and emits the delta as it arrives
@Codeman but you shared with random internet folks on a google index'd chat
If you only want to read, then this is where node excels. Do what @rlemon said.
that image is now in the google search with the term "Bernie Sanders"
uses streams so, unless it's written stupidly, it shouldn't pull the entire file in
either way, streams are what you want.
@Luggage great, thanks for decrypting my inept nonsense
Is it just me, or does this line of code make no sense?
  .call(Remote, 'lock cycle', cycle._id)
  .then(p => Promise.resolve())
the last line is weird
makes sense to me, assuming denodify is like .promisify()
@Luggage it turns the weird cb(err, data) pattern into a promise, iirc
and yea, the last line seems redundant.
yea, that was my assumption.
yeah the last line is what I mean... then, resolve? That seems like it doesn't need to be there at all
it does one thing. it removes the resolved value from promise so other .then()s won't see it.
maybe that's intnetional.
.then(p => undefined) would do the same.
!!afk so many wires!
and it's odd that it promisifies .call(), then calls .call().
But wouldn't there have to be promises chained after it to do anything?
yes. if it never returns the promise, then that last line does absolutely nothing as far as I can tell.
@Luggage I'm betting remote is not a function
yea, i guess so.
i wouldn't name a function .call(), then.
Remote.call is something custom and poorly-named
might I suggest
.phoneCall() ?
what promise library is that?
he's probably just trolling
@Zirak congratulations!!
@ssube Remote is a class. I think that denodeify doesn't bind this the way that it is expected to or something, and call binds this
@Zirak seriously that rox
@corvid denodeify doesn't bind anything
call doesn't bind this, it specifies it for a single invocation
@FlorianMargaine what are you talking about ?
But the first arg is the thisArg, doesn't that mean what you're binding for this to the function?
@corvid sure, close enough
@Codeman For some reason I like the pattern on your floor...
I love Sublime Text, especially when it updates in real time when I change the settings.
Me too
Me too
i like the autosave feature
@Abhishrek his commit landed in nodejs src
It does that too?! I just got used to hitting ctrl + s every 5 seconds lol
How do I store a string from pastebin into a variable? The whole JSONP thing is really confusing and I don't quite understand.
Is mister Sanders not old to become president ?
@KarelG communists live forever
anybody using ternjs
He's old, but he's the only good candidate

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