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Does any body know anything about Adobe Action Script?
2005 called, they want their programming language back
and they are pissed
Update on the design I'm working on
the banner portion is a video
just what the internet needs, more banner videos
yeh m8
@Luggage Because websites were awesome
@James I know it sucks
Hmm, I've got a theory question
do you know how to turn a shape into a button? (AS3)
@SimonSarris I've got a theoretical answer
I've got a hypothetical response
@James Add a click event handler?
@SimonSarris get real
I have theories on why your theories are theoretically theories
So there's no cross-browser way to detect if a DIV has resized
just use a timeout like the rest of us plebs
But you sorta can if you do this:
I have drawn out the shape using the tool but I can't refer to it i my code
  var obj = element.__resizeTrigger__ = document.createElement('object');
  obj.setAttribute('style', 'display: block; position: absolute; top: 0; left: 0; height: 100%; width: 100%; overflow: hidden; pointer-events: none; z-index: -1;');
  obj.__resizeElement__ = element;
  obj.onload = objectLoad;
  obj.type = 'text/html';
  obj.data = 'about:blank';
you lost me at 'draw using tool'.
!!tell @ssube !!rimshot
Using Adobe Flash Professional sorry
@ssube real talk. Need opinion. Can I txt you? ._.
Is Cap still dead? :(
@SimonSarris that's not... good
@James ugh
That's not all the code but I won't bore you with the details. Essentially if you take the DIV you wanna observe for resize events, add an <object> to that DIV that acts as a whole 'nother Document, you can attach a "resize" event to that Document and observe it like you'd observe your main Document.
@SterlingArcher yes, although I have to finish some stuff in the next hour, so it'll be a minute
10-4, text me when you're free
SO let's call this a shitty solution intuitively, shall we? But what's the worst that can happen, if I inject a second Document into a page? What should I be worried about?
@James This is the JS room
@ssube ALAS WHY
[x] error: 'Hello World!'
Why is it a bad idea to inject a Document into a DIV in a page in order to observe when that DIV changes size?
@SimonSarris Extra memory usage
It does work
It just feels so wrong
Might be more expensive than polling, depending on how much you need to poll
I know but I can't find out how to interact with the individual layers it in the action script code
@copy it's not going to be that bad compared to how heavy pages are now
@SimonSarris does the element resize without the window resizing?
Using this code I can observe things like:

myDumbDiv.style.width = '500px';

Which I cannot otherwise observe. If the window itself resizes I've got no problem since there's an event for that.
@SimonSarris Thanks very much
@SimonSarris yeah, was just gonna say you can kind do an event delegation-like thing
but you can't if other things can cause the resize
can we plz have element media queries already
this is really basic but what does void do?
eats your soul
don't use it
that or nothing
absolutely nothing
there's really no way to tell
what is it for though
late nights, home alone
plenty of lotion
@James seriously thought, Javascript doesn't have a void
well, javascript code can seem like a endless void
can you confirm that Action Script 3 is Java Script or am I being an idiot?
typescript has a void :P not that i advocate for typescript
@James it is not
@James you are being an idiot
@Nick be nice
Read his question
AS3 is a variant of ECMAScript, which is JS (for the most part)
He gave me two options
@Nick be nice
Be nice xD
fuck your face
Love you too bb
are most people transpiling javascript these days
But srs, we gotta at least try and sometimes better the JS room stigma haha
@user1152226 many, sure. Since browsers don't have ES6 support yet.
what is void used for in AS3 then?
This isn't the AS3 room
He's not wrong, it gets pretty toxic in here sometimes.
my whole code base is typescript :|
TypeScript yay
@Trasiva Right now, I feel like this room is a haven of sanity :(
I like TS, although I have no reason to use it instead of ES6+Flow
we don't have incremental compilation setup though
I guess interfaces are pretty swell
so its difficult to work with
@user1152226 wat
you shouldn't need incremental compiles
it takes <500ms for tens of thousands of lines
@user1152226 just use System, compile on the client at dev time, bundle for prod
you do if you have a huge project with all kinds of crazy dependencies
we need to move to a monorepo
Is there a room for AS3 or flash?
Probably not, since nobody likes it
@user1152226 npm modules
local npm registry
works real good for scale
yeap that is the idea
i like the idea of a mono repo though
@user1152226 gimme a grand and I'll set it up for you over the weekend :P
I'll do it for 900 :)
@James what nick is trying to saying is that ActionScript is semi-dead for Stack
you would probably take a few hours and realize you should have asked for more money
@phenomnomnominal but you'll do it upside down
@KendallFrey It is, but it doesn't mean we can't be a little less toxic to the non-regulars here.
Flash and AS aren't that popular or in high demand, compared to JS
!!s/upside down/better/
@user1152226 dev tools is my job, I can set it up and tie it to LDAP in about an hour
mono repos make more sense than trying to version a ton of smaller npm dependencies though
I just heard that the C# room was almost frozen yesterday
does anyone know what the void is for in AS3
Q: What is the use of void in AS3

BennyWhat is the use of void in Action Script 3.0? Can any one give brief explanation with example?

@phenomnomnominal Thank You very Much
If only there was some way to like, search on the internet. Some sort of "search engine".
It'd probably have to search very large numbers.
Like there must be close to a Googol of pages by now
something like that would probably make a lot of money
So, I'm working on quite a large project. We're a few months away from launch, so we did a pre-mortem of all the things that could go wrong. Just got the meeting notes, casual 94 things. None of them unreasonable.
sample of the 94?
Assuming one of them is "Kiwi birds get loose in datacenter"
Not enough kiwis left in the wild for that to happen :(
I want to change a react element's props
but it's frozen
without using cloneElement
there are 15 "key themes"
Aren't komodo dragons native to islands near NZ?
@phenomnomnominal Kiwi is tasty.
Buy-in, Ads, User reaction, multi-site/transition problems, training ownership, post-release support etc etc etc
then a billion issues under each
!!afk drowning in existential dread
I only have to worry about CAP right now
If like 1% of our users hate it enough to email, that's like 40 thousand people
Ads are cancer
They sure are
Cancer that makes us a lot of money, driven by people who think that is all that matters.
I'm working on a personal project (that will never see the light of day) that's like a youtube/hulu service that's based on complex subscription models instead of ads. The user can subscribe/pay a specific channel or network of channels instead of a single subscription to the site, like the new youtube red
@SomeKittens totally
I'd rather see ads all day than pay money (even $1) for sites I use.
@Nick there's some European startup doing the same with written articles.
sounds a bit like Patreon
Nice, yeah, I like that idea about written articles
Like a large complex network of magazines online, that you can subscribe to individually
That's more original than my project
@Nick it's each article read, actually, with instant refund if you didn't like it.
@BenRacicot Well, I'd rather pay, which I do. Ads are cancer, and I'd prefer to stay disease-free
@SomeKittens Oh, that's a bit odd, but still cool
@Nick the idea is to support generating good content, not just clickbait
Yeah, for sure
we run our own ad network, so it's not all total shit
I just have a problem with us sending users to other sites to buy things they could buy from us, for $1.50
I'm just trying to create a platform for content creators to make money without blasting bullshit cancerous ads at users. Like I said, I'll probably never finish this, but my model would be something like, "creator pays me for space/bandwidth (plan based) -> user subscribes to creator (fee decided by creator)".
I think I want something like, creator also has free content, but you need to subscribe for the premium content, and also videos older than x days
like hulu
The idea isn't for me to make a lot of money; it's to provide a more professional platform for content creators that pump out content regularily.
If I ever do finish it, it will either be a huge flop that everyone thinks is garbage, or a big hit
but I'm lazy
but I've already learned a lot, working on the back end for this.
Native advertising is the way to go. I love native ads on youtube, because the channel authors make it their own, and typically only endorse products they actually believe in and are relevant to the content of their channel
^ this
I'm hoping we get there
Aye, I'm alright with that
Plus you've got the option to skip over it if you're not interested, and the money goes straight to the content creator, not Google
github is refreshing their design
That moment when your new mouse is also a keyboard
@Luggage They have to, otherwise their expensive designers would have nothing to do all day
All user interfaces must be redesigned every 2 years
meh. incremental changes are good
it's not a drastic thing
Still though, most of the times things are made only different, not better
I kno wwhat you mean, but.. I don't really see a problem.
they aren't a tiny company wasting money on something they don't need, they are a big player keeping themselves fresh
@Zirak does it have extra buttons?
If you end the day with less code in your project than when you started your day, that day was a good day.
The upside of @github's redesign... https://t.co/G0EvS8Bn18
github has a new design? where?
@SomeKittens It has like 6 buttons. Regular back/forward, one changes some weird stripe colour, other 3 are configurable
@Zirak knowing GH, they're rolling it out slowly
@Zirak On repository pages
Only in civilized countries
And Murica
Anyone in here familiar with Parse?
Behold my mouse
It's weirdly small
@Zirak clever !
I had a mouse once, and a cat. Alas, that configuration wasn't meant to last...
@monners Because the mouse was a real bitch?
(get it? bitch?)
(hey did you get my bad joke?)
As in the mouse was actually a dog?
Go home @Zirak, you're drunk.
@SomeKittens woah man. Look at the rxjs and reactive-programming tags on SO.
eats @copy's head
crunch crunch crunch
300, 1000 questions
Almost no posts for them
@monners That's what you were meant to discover, asswipe
Hi guys!!
anyone here?
!!welcome LightFlow
I want to discuss something with you
I have a big dilema
yeah hahaha
Find unity in the self
I'm developing a web application and I really I can't decide if it's better to use web sockets or ajax long-polling for notifications and messaging
I had a DLLema but then I switched to Linux
haha :P
@LightFlow WebSockets.
Now there're elfs everywhere
no contest
@LightFlow That's your dilemma?
WS were designed to fix the problem long-polling duct taped over
Websockets without thinking twice
I'm worried about the scalability
web sockets are better, but long polling might be needed for olld browsers. fortunately a common feature of websocket helper libriares (like socket.io) is a long polling fallback
How many people use the system now?
You shouldn't
(also longpolling is more resource intensive)
right now only 100
The correct answer is 'both'.
but they may be more in the future
You've got no scalability problems then, great
I have heard that there is a limit of total concurrent connection when you are using web sockets, is it true?
@LightFlow same limit as long polling
what is your server tech?
asp, node, php, etc?
I'm using node.js
You need to worry about scaling when it happens. Not a second before.
that is more likely to be a problem than websocket protocol
someone asked the same question in stack overflow some years ago, and one reply was "I made some test and in around 6000 connections it starts to fail" something like that
right. in the real world you'll have problems sooner, but I think 100 is not an issue to aorry about
because every connection is a different file in linux and there is a file limit blabla (I don't even know if it's true all of this)
and any 'scaling' you'll need to do won't be limited to websockets
I'm not saying I'm old, but afternoon naps are awesome
@LightFlow so make your own test
@Luggage what do you mean?
only my wife, @CarryOn can call me "Lu".
somewhere a random stack overflow user is saying 'wtf'?
@SomeKittens I agree, I can only be sure if I ran my own tests, I have to do it
or do what I did and say "it'll be fine"
@SomeKittens Or just spend a bit of time setting up a proper dockerized deployment system?
docker doesn't solve ANY of this.
@LightFlow Seriously, don't worry about it. Premature optimization and all that.
oh, not docker again :P
Docker is ... ok

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