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Come spring, break it all out, make cool stuff and get shitty.
@ssube hey! I also am looking into building a forge.
I'll let you know how that goes.
and if you have any brew related Q's hit me up
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@alexdmejias Please don't post unformatted code - hit Ctrl+K before sending, use up-arrow to edit messages, and see the faq.
I spend my money on... wait, I don't have money to spend :/
I have room in my garage to run a small forge over the winter I think. maybe make some cool knives or something
@rlemon I was looking at building one, but then found out gas ones are a lot simpler to work with.
yea gas ones you can build tho
Specifically for beginners, they keep more consistent temperature.
also get a crucible, then you can take scraps and cast with them
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@alexdmejias Please don't post unformatted code - hit Ctrl+K before sending, use up-arrow to edit messages, and see the faq.
guess not :P
@alexdmejias you know websockets? tcp? things like that?
@rlemon there are a couple places around here, since I live near an industrial area and train tracks, that sell scrap metal by the pound (or ton). It's like $35 for a ton of steel.
var net = require('net');

var client = new net.Socket();
client.connect(3001, '', function() {
found old train track anvils online, too, for $40-50
@ivarni thanks!
!!urban ftfy
@AwalGarg FTFY [FTFY]Fixed That For You
with tools, I think it looked like $500 at most
If you're reimplementing websockets you''l need other things, else just use an existing ws lib
@crl the socket server already listens to 'status' if I hit it from other socket.io clients
reimplementing websockets requires the websocket spec
@alexdmejias you could maybe understand well websockets since they are supported everywhere now
and just rely on websockets, not the socket.io wrapper
as a good start
ahh i thought that websockets === "sockets"
@ssube I'm thinking of just buying a bunch of fire bricks and building a brick forge.
fire bricks are cheap af
supa cheap
then just run gas lines and a thermostat?
I bet my roommate and I could figure that out over the winter, actually
there are DIY 'heads' you build for the torch
get a plan and put it together quick come spring
just some pipe and fittings
run the entire thing from a propane tank
I've been watching youtube videos on knife making for almost a year now
I think it's finally time now that I have a garage to take up the challenge
you can't run a forge inside your garage, can you?
we were gonna put it outside
with the door open, yea it's fine
as long as it is near the bay door?
the heat doesn't cause problems?
@ssube the idea is that the heat exits the front and not the top or sides
my garage is mostly finished and my bedroom is right above it (tuck under deal)
point the front outside
ohh yea my garage is just cement and drywall
think about the videos where you see people running them in workshops
I'll make sure I have a fire extinguisher handy as well
I'm soon going to be full medieval. brewing my own mead, making my own knives.
I should buy a horse...
make your own horse
parents' dog destroyed my shoes again... that's the third pair of shoes in the past 4 months
I have two cats and some fish
I'll do my best
Luckilly, none of them were my nice dress shoes, but still, pissed
get some tape
I used super glue
got it on my fingers
use the cats as the top
the fish as legs
it'll be close enough to a horse
I don't have either. but I have a finishing nail gun
nails might work better, since they can rotate then
I think I might be able to find some bungee cords
> At a hotel restaurant, a man sees an attractive woman sitting alone at the next table. Suddenly, she sneezes, and a glass eye comes flying out of her eye socket. It hurls by the man, and he snatches it from the air and hands it back to her. "This is so embarrassing," the woman says, and she pops her eye back in place. "I'm sorry to have disturbed you. Let me buy dinner to make it up to you. May I join you?" He nods. The woman is a stimulating conversationalist, stunningly pretty, and the man finds they have a lot in common.
@rlemon >_<
O O here you go
can this be made better? stackoverflow.com/a/30551462/3183756
@rlemon groan
Congrats, @BenFortune -- now you need to stop drinking sodas and energy drinks. I started with Izze juice when I was waning off; I'd recommend it. No extra suagars, but tastes amazing.
sucre, azucar, zucchero maybe someone knows the german term here
@Abhishrek played with service workers?
@AwalGarg long time ago
@Abhishrek time to do that again. vis working offline shall be a big improvement
vis is this
@SterlingArcher LOL
is that legit?
I believe it. Pornhub's pr is great
you gotta look good when you're selling people to people who can't get people
@Cereal but have you seen the stickers on the new laptop?
it has no sense
did you see the last picture
It's just a render
those stickers / laptop were a joke
what happens if you add/remove a script tag dynamically from the dom? is that javascript in memory and is that the reason i can't view the source in chrome dev tools?
im trying to reverse engineer some obuscated javascript, and it how it works, is it appends the obfusecated code with appendChild, then that node is later removed from the dom
im speculating, that because the script dom node, is added then removed from the dom, that is the reason i can't view the resource in chrome dev tools
any thoughts?
check the sources panel
its not in sources panel
if i prevent the node from removing itself, by changing the script tags id, the code stops itself from executing
deleted nodes still appear in the sources tab
not if the node had inline code
yeah it had inlinde code, let me gist it real wuick
You can edit posts by hitting up on the keyboard, or hitting the dropdown menu on a post and clicking edit
@user1152226 no need. one possible way to tackle this would be to add a breakpoint to the dom onload event, then reload page.
step through everything, add breakpoints to all obfuscated code etc.
Some really mischievous obfuscators infinitely loop with a debugger; statement rendering most debuggers quite useless. In that case, you proxy the scripts, manually remove bad parts, and rerun
can't breakpoint it, because i can't source it
one sec ill code pen it and it will make sense
Are the jQuery API Docs probably the best place to start learning jQuery?
@Programmer Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@Programmer They're the best place to learn what jquery functions do
@user1152226 in the sources tab, on the right pane, there is a tab "Event Listener Breakpoints". Open it, check the load part, then reload.
james.padolsey.com/jquery also a great resource ( @Cereal )
don't set a breakpoint in their code.
Okay thanks, I prefer the recommended resources from actual users of the language. My first result was w3schools, which I recognize as a poor resource.
w3schools gives you the basic and an interface to test your code. So yeah, api.jquery couple with jsfiddle is a great place to start. It is all about trial and error :)
@andre3wap Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
Help my fan broke
@AwalGarg like this codepen.io/anon/pen/EVMrqr
there is no way to breakpoint that
I like the part where he completely ignored everything you said
ah word
@Cereal I did?
@AwalGarg No, he did
Why do you like that part :(
dang, i didn't even know about event break point listeners in chrome dev tools thanks
is there something like that in safari though
safari has notoriously terrible devtools
it is, the breakpoints stop working
well, im remote debugging on iphone
well the javascript also kills itself if you don't run it on an apple device, using chrome with ua, it somehow knows and kills itself
er, spoofing ua to be iphone it kills itself
Serving up a video is more complex than serving up a standard file in Node. I had to create a read stream
oh.. I need to write some code to find the closest (in coordinates) element in a div to a given [x,y]
@user1152226 proxy the scripts, use valence, record all stack frames, hook breakpoints in native methods with userscripts, meddle with inbound and outbound traffic, ... there is only so much to do outside the debugger.
what is valence?
what is google?
!!tell user1152226 google valence devtools
the sarcassmo sea
What is the valence of oxygen though?
If possible, should I read a file with javascript?
@AmericanSlime Your question is far too broad; what do you mean?
The answer is yes, always.
I have a flat file acting as the database, and was going to use php to read the lines and send it back to the js, but if I can just read it with js, that will save me the ajax bullshit.
You should always be reading files with Javascript
@AmericanSlime The AJAX bullshit is there for your protection
@AmericanSlime you can't really do that without ajax
Well you can if it's only done on page serve
you could, but why would you want to
you're exposing the contents of your flat-file database to anyone with a web browser
Ah that's valid point.
@ShotgunNinja doesn't sound like it - flatfile sits on user workstation
@jumpstracks ...not necessarily
it may in his case, though
!!learn should Yes. .* evil overriding
@crl Command should learned
@AmericanSlime what is source of file?
!!should I jump in a lake
!!should you really override that command?
@ShotgunNinja Yes.
@Cereal Yes.
but it's cooooold outside
!!should I forget this command?
@crl Yes.
!!forget should
@crl Command should forgotten.
Someone already built a thing that queries the real database and constructs this file, new lines being new records, with pipe delimiters between columns. My system needs to query the database, but was just gonna leverage this file he already has so I don't have to do my own queries. The only way I knew how was to read it with php and send it via ajax back to the page that requested it, but if I could just read this file on page load within javascript, that would save me a step or two I think.
@AwalGarg it already does work offline vOv
@AmericanSlime well it's possible, MAY be best approach based on needs - will size or concurrency be an issue? (also how complex are the queries - you probably don't want to write an sql engine in JS)
@AwalGarg codepen.io/anon/pen/EVMrqr if you move up the stacktrace, eventually you just get to the obfuscated code, (setting the event listener to clock) that code pend is basically similar to what i am working with
@AwalGarg Its not doing anything online.
although thats changing with this commit, incoming comments / forks / modules
@Jhawins @Loktar where do you handle HTTP / Async calls in your react applications ?
Stores / Action Creators ?
Or do you create partial Optimistic updates to stores and create actions ?
for (let j=1;j<cs.length;j++) < can I somehow have the inside of the loop not evaluated when cs is empty?
@Nick Maybe, I'll give it a few weeks first :P
@jumpstracks My original query was complex to the point where it took too long for the database to give results, and every page load query'd the database itself. Times this across multiple users and that seems like poor performance. The solution was to query once, very general, and then process those results outside the database.
Let's all start a room-wide health initiative.
lol that's kids stuff @user1152226 :P try harder. The website which obfuscates code in that style was made by a bunch of idiots
@AmericanSlime didn't really answer the questions :( If datafile too big, browser may run out of memory, clients may see stale data if not refreshed from server often, and sounds like you're already processing results outside of db? in a browser? so moot point?
just set up a cheap DB
I'd be looking at using a denormalized/or fact table if db was slow, but if you can use clients to process i suppose performance will be better at the expense of overall energy consumption being higher.
Hmm need a green code movement :) how many lumps of coal does your code burn a day?
@jumpstracks It's being refreshed every minute or so, so that wouldn't be a problem, but the size of the file...never thought of that. It's currently 4,000kb.
@AmericanSlime ya thinking 4 mb in browser and network isn't such a good thing - your IO is basically speed of network, vs disk speed, and the slower clients won't process as quickly. You could use js on server I imagine :)
It's not a big deal to read this file on the server and pass it along. I just figured if I could do everything in one language, I should, but I couldn't think of a reason why I shouldn't other than what Shotgun said about it being viewed by anyone, or what you said...big file might bog down the browser, so that kinda answers my question.
I have a quick question: How do I capture the stdout of a loaded node.js module. For instance, if the module outputs "hello" to the command line, how could this trigger in a node program?
Unfortunately my server is apache with php, don't really have node or something running, even though I should.
@AmericanSlime That's alright...
@HelpingHand You can't without hacks, you should refactor the module
@copy The module is in c++ and was ported(?) to javascript through swig and node-gyp. I require(); the module, create a variable that links to a class within the c code, and operate functions on that (ex. cprogram.certainclass.start(stuff);)
@copy It unfortunately outputs errors and warnings out to the cmd line...
It really shouldn't do that
Ok, it looks like I'm gonna have to write my own "data puller" since it might become an issue me and this other guy trying to share a flat file where we each need different things out of it, which brings up my next question...
You can maybe try to hijack the global console object :/
or process.stdout itself
Not sure if I make sense though
If I'm going to pull data and store it somewhere for later usage, is putting it into a file the best way of doing it ?
@Abhishrek actions
@Loktar okay, just making sure am not doing something radically stupid.
There are arguments for it in the stores and actions
but idk
the actions just made more sense to me
does anyone know where I can get a contraption similar to this for <$100 that can lift 100lbs
I'm making something stupid in componentDidMount
@copy @AwalGarg Yeah... But I'm not too keen on editing those functions of node... I have contact with the producer of the c++ code, so maybe he can change the method... How should it be done ideally?
@Abhishrek We use Reflux actions/stores
Let me rephrase my question, how do sites manage multiple people getting records from a database at the same time? Are they all just doing the processing outside of it by the way flat files or something?
Well I have a User object which comes from either localForage or Auth0 api
@Jhawins yeah but you can just as easily make the calls in stores if you wanted
its an overall flux question
to me it seems more logical in the action handler to dispatch multiple events
1. when attempting login
2. when login fails / succeeds
@copy @AwalGarg I'm going to look elsewhere... Thanks for the help anyway...
i.imgur.com/sYRgMBp.png @AwalGarg my 4 year old nephew thinks am patriotic because of this
kinfly please check this question
Q: Adding one more event in JQery date picker the current adding functionalities not working

MahadevanCurrently working on calculating the year using jquery. This was working perfectly as expected but I want to add one more function into it. If the user enters a wrong value for example 121212 it should say "You have entered the wrong format. Kindly enter the correct format". $('.startDate').cha...

@Abhishrek keep dangerous things code away from 4yo :P
okay, so I'm no longer using a shitty switch and I'm getting 10-14mb/s on steam :D
@Mahadevan it already got a good answer
it was not correct
is there a good one-liner for assigning 2 vars, better than a=ai;b=bi;?
that was the reason i have not given the correct answer
The internet in my house completely dies if I don't throttle steam :(
@crl let [a,b] = [ai,bi];?
It goes at 15MB/s, but you can't do anything else
I'm also watching netflix and streaming music (don't ask..)
took the day off
Wait... I don't think that's legal destructuring
I think you have to declare the vars first
no that should be valid
@rlemon "Watching porn" got it
@Cereal no :( my muscles on my bottom half are in pain
Man, C# room has gone full retard
@crl Is your enter key broken?
@AwalGarg well hes fascinated
@rlemon yay!
by games (ofcourse)
@copy :)
@SterlingArcher ?
just sum if (dj<di) {i=j; ri=rj;}
I destructured
my last message was "my bottom hurts" and you said "yay"
I destructured dat ass
home made medicine
whew. I had to tighten my belt after that poop.
any suggestion guys
Q: Adding one more event in JQery date picker the current adding functionalities not working

MahadevanCurrently working on calculating the year using jquery. This was working perfectly as expected but I want to add one more function into it. If the user enters a wrong value for example 121212 it should say "You have entered the wrong format. Kindly enter the correct format". $('.startDate').cha...

@rlemon did you have assigned macro to these macro keys ?
for this quetion
Why haven't you engaged the person that answered your question?
@KarelG some of them
my new basement standing gaming desk
I like the wallapper
standing and gaming will be interesting
which one ? Or would you rather to keep it secret ?
basement is a winter job

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