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Know anyone at Netflix? Their six-figure salary doesn't start with a 1
@SomeKittens I figured haha, there aren't many programming jobs around me though
@Jesse I just went by the 27-31
Closest JS job is about a 2 hour commute
@BenFortune Where are you, UK?
And that's for a senior position
@SomeKittens Aye
fuck, working without music is like torture
how the hell do people code in silence
i code in silence :p
> It takes an income of about $106,500 a year to be in the millennial one percent, according to data from the U.S. Census Bureau’s Current Population Survey.
@BenFortune what does your wife do? Can she transition for you?
I'm getting close, then
@KarelG that's weird.
I code in C#
@SterlingArcher Girlfriend, not really.
I mean we've only been together a few months
@Nick looks like that makes me a 1.75%er
C#+JS = everything.
I think.. maybe 1.25%er
@Luggage bridge.net
Been getting into C# recently, I likes it
@SterlingArcher no... i am not able to hear the song text since i'm hearing impaired. So why listening to the songs ? I tried it once and it has distracted me more than a co-worker asking me something
@BenFortune to be honest man, it might be worth it to move to an area where there is more jobs for your line of work
@KarelG ah that makes sense. I can't focus without music
@SterlingArcher ended up fixing the bug, and adding to the end of the file
Well.. I can but it takes more focus
// told you
@BenFortune never move or don't move for somebody, especially not an SO, double especially not one you haven't been with for years
@BenFortune C# is a better language than JS, but still nothing beats Haskell :P
@rlemon that's like a tragic poem lol
i always thought that hearing ppl gets distracted when they're listening to music
I wanted to break 100k by the age of 25, but I don't see that as possible anymore. My new goal is 100k by 30
Is this the proper use of Promise.all given that runCycle returns a Promise?
Promise.all(_.map(cycle.jobs, (job, index) => {
   return runCycle(job._id, index);
@ssube But what if she's the one? :(
@KendallFrey C# and Haskell got into a fight once, Haskell made a damaged copy of C#, and that's how we got Java.
@SterlingArcher OHHH also in that same file
@SomeKittens how can you use $http without injecting it?
@BenFortune lol
not a thing
path: srcPath + '/' + id, // not actually the ID, roll with it
Oh god there's a microphone confliction going on right now.. my ears hurt
I don't believe you
@Nick I still have a (slim) chance, if I change jobs in the next few months
@Nick don't have too many expenses by then... like own housing, kids, ...
Making $100k by 27ish is my actual goal now, though
@ssube Impossibru ! C# is younger than java
@KarelG And you're shorter than the joke.
!!brb vape
@SterlingArcher That didn't make much sense. Use the !!/help command to learn more.
shut up cap
i feel like i won't be making 100k for quite a while..
My father did just fine with 100k and 5 kids. I would never want more than 2 kids, so I should be good, financially
@ssube i got the joke, but ... :(
I have no kids.
@Nick then he has a decent salary ...
@KarelG He's retired now, and he makes even more moeny. Oh, the joys of being a Colonel
Why spend money on your own children when you can put it towards other people's attractive children?
oh, government pensioning ?
that's mostly the best one :P
Kind of. He also gets disability pay (he fell out of a helicopter once)
and then Retirement from UPS
@Nick ohh, interesting.. I might have have a use for that.
@Nick I play GTA too...
for the moment forget the fact that I don't
the uncle of my mom was a chief of taxes dept. During his retirement, he gets 2000 nett per month. And that while a simple cleaner doesn't even earn 1500
I'm pretty sure he broke a lot of bones
@KarelG That depends on what type of cleaner you are.
The good cleaners make millions a year.
how ?
asshole cleaners
not sure if i used my "cleaner" right ...
Cleaning up blood and bodies is in pretty high demand
@crl You shouldn't be injecting it into a controller. You should be injecting it into a service.
a male/female that just cleans dirty stuff in parks let's say
@KarelG the good kind are the ones that work for criminals
if you ever need inspiration for a new job, watch Blacklist
@ssube i get you :p
or John Wick
a) it's a great show, b) all the criminals are dapper as fuck, c) they're all great jobs
yeah these series with Jack Spader
*James ...
Parks and Rec
it has very compelling characters for a crime drama
highly recommend
!!doge recommend inspiring criminal
many recommend inspiring criminal
poor doging
dammit cap
!!doge recommend, inspiring, criminal
            such recommend
                             so  inspiring
very  criminal
you forgot to use the , :)
!!doge doge,doge,doge,doge,doge,doge
                 so doge
                       such doge
very doge
              many doge
                        much doge
very doge
I don't use commas.
@ssube liar
@SomeKittens ah ok
@KarelG no, you
One big problem Angular 1 has is that it gives you just enough rope to hang yourself with. Then people write angry blog posts about how they hung themselves and it's Angular's fault and React's rope is much better for hanging.
@BenFortune nuice
@SomeKittens yup, and that rope is global state.
@BenFortune You have won 10 internet points
40 feet of uncuttable rope.
@Abhishrek Yay, what can I spend them on?
and a wobbly chair
Koutnik's law of frontend blog posts: Any post comparing two or more frontend frameworks is biased toward one and can be safely ignored.
In Angular in practice 99% of dirty checking is global through every async API.
!!tell BenFortune google internet points
@SomeKittens you can't name laws after yourself
other people have to name them for you
@ssube You say I can't, but I just did.
this is the problem with SF :(
In React, people hang themselves by making their architecture global, heck, everyone is touting "all state is global and at once" like it's something good.
That lets react blame the people and not itself.
@BenjaminGruenbaum How so?
@BenjaminGruenbaum "Anything my favorite tool does is good and anything any other tool does (even if it's the same thing) is bad"
@SomeKittens every http request or a timeout for example schedules a $rootScope digest except if you explicitly opt out.
@rlemon woooo no kids!
does vanilla.js count as a framework? </troll>
@BenjaminGruenbaum ah, yeah. $httpProvider.useAsyncApply() should be default
@SterlingArcher that you know of
I did have a close call in college
My brother is convinced it's my baby
@SomeKittens that's less, but still a lot of global state.
Question: Using Javascript, is there a way to delete certain known images from the browser cache?
@RahulDesai no, as far as I know.
I loaded them using Image() objects.
also it's hard to compare less than 2 frameworks
Q: How to programmatically empty browser cache?

TowerI am looking for a way to programmatically empty the browser cache. I am doing this because the application caches confidential data and I'd like to remove those when you press "log out". This would happen either via server or JavaScript. Of course, using the software on foreign/public computer i...

@SomeKittens I think they sort of shot themselves in the foot. I think Knockout got it right. I think they should have gone with scoped updates.
@BenjaminGruenbaum Angular 2 has scoped updates.
Yes, obviously.
@BenjaminGruenbaum ok
I prefer isolate scopes, that way everything isn't global
@SterlingArcher location.reload(true);
Although really, I like React better because of how it feels like you're composing stuff, I'm just really not a fan of flux.
dammit lemon
If you mix redux and rx it gets sort of nice, but still. React is also starting to feel very heavyweight.
@RahulDesai You could probably load an empty image (at the same url) with caching disabled
How easy would it be to implement something like a "download all" button?
Assuming you have that control on the server
It's funny, I think people really like React because of JSX and not because of react, all they wanted is component syntax they could like. Kind of like WPF.
@rlemon write an answer
They don't really care about how it does transactional updates, they just wanted an easy way to do components.
@benlevywebdesign it depends on the context of this question?
@benlevywebdesign <button>download all</button>
@benlevywebdesign as easy as you want it to be
@Sterling Lets say I have 4 files that all go together and I want a one click download of them...
@copy Do you mean change the image to empty one at where it is hosted?
@dievardump damn lots of options Ill try and check it out tonight when I get home
looks pretty helpful though so far just browsing it quickly
@RahulDesai Yes, using a script obviously
@copy I kinda need to keep it because user might need it in the future.
Do you want to zip them and present 1 file to download or do you want to just have it send 4?
Or else I will have to re-generate it.
If not zipping, just loop the download function for each file
@JanDvorak doesn't empty the entire browser, but the page
@BenjaminGruenbaum Still working on learning all that FP stuff.
good enough for most intents and purposes
@Loktar well there is a lot of examples, but not a lot of options
But yeah if you can just take a look that would be great
@SomeKittens I think it's really not about FP. FP is just a way to sell people things because it's cool now.
I thought it'd blow like 2 years ago but people are still calling stuff FP.
@Zirak I've now crunched 28d 17h for cancer researchers. Thanks for the reference!
As if there are any languages without FP capabilities in the market, or that we're still coding C. Or as if pure FP is ever going to pick on.
@BenjaminGruenbaum Well, whatever people are calling composing things these days.
See: Recent Gustav rewrite.
completely ditched inheritance. You won't find an extends in the codebase.
@BenjaminGruenbaum Java7
@JanDvorak yes, also Java6, I'm talking about the latest versions of languages.
PHP has lambdas
@Sterling, hmm thats a good point. Lets just say for now I want to download the 4 files at once no zip. I'll have to check the computer I we have at work to see if it is quick to work with a zip.
does it?
Inheritance can be useful. OOP is a useful way to think about things. I do agree that hierarchies are usually terrible though.
@JanDvorak yes, for about 4 years now? Also a bunch of other modern stuff like generators
Ok, so I finally got hit by timezones in full extent...
ban ALL the timezones!
Turns out that <b>everything</b> we do in our front-end at my new job regarding times in JS is just plain madness
@Jonathan Import moment, done.
We have a back-end that sends local time but calls it zulu time
You should drop jQuery 1.2
Then some geniusses decided that we should convert that date to a date object in LOCAL time
(we modify the date value)
and then we start with the rest of all madness
Can someone explain this to me
Like I'm overtired with a day long migraine
  var M_PI = 3.1415926535897932384626433832795028841968;
  var M_TWO_PI = 2.0 * M_PI;
> two pi
!!> Math.pi;
@SterlingArcher "ReferenceError: MATH is not defined"
@SterlingArcher "undefined"
!!> Math.PI
@SterlingArcher noob
@Cereal 3.141592653589793
Fucking pleb
@BenjaminGruenbaum It was just a lot of boilerplate for Gustav.
I'm recreating a dead library
the explicit-ness helped me reason about things when I was first building Gustav, but it is no longer useful.
@Nick jQuery?
@Callum webgl-2d
Oh, sounds fun. Oh, no it doesn't.
@BenjaminGruenbaum FP in C is fun
@Luggage Would be nice if someone rewrote that but without modifying built in prototypes
I think they did..
Function pointers all the things!
How should we call it?
@Sterling I want it to be quick & simple for anyone who might download the files.
I am listing the individual files so that my boss can click on them to view each one and then download it if he wants to. But then I also want to just do a download all. It would be nice if I didn't also have to upload a zip of all the files because I don't want to have to re-zip if I make changes or fixes to one of the files.
Can't the controller just zip it when the download all is called?
sending emails from node-email and gmail is always landing them in spam
best I can figure is I do not have
> reverse DNS records for the IP address(es) from which you send mail
someone wanna eli5 how to do this?\
@rlemon you need an spf record in your dns
that isn't eli5
@rlemon I'd just use an email sending service like SendGrid or MailChimp
Rolling your own email is HARD
but but but
this is freeee
and I do not need replies
Honestly, Google "email spf dns <your dns provider>"
just to send the email and have it not land in spam
@rlemon so's the entry plans for both.
@Cereal what?
@rlemon sourire plus
@rlemon that's what mail chimp and the likes do
@rlemon I'd use something like that too, email is hard
@rlemon doesnt gmail has an api ?
@benlevywebdesign User clicks link. Server says "Hey, user wants this.". Server zips all downloadable files. Server returns zip file
@Cereal How?
You can send emails using gmail
You're limited to 500/day though
Is there an easy way to parse "2015-09-23T18:31:04" as an UTC date in JS?
Maybe that works in this case
@FlorianMargaine mail-tester.com/spf/godaddy ??
@copy nope
potentially can send an email every 2 minutes to 300 clients (not all at once) .
but that is very unlikely.
!!> new Date( "2015-09-23T18:31:04")
@crl "2015-09-23T22:31:04.000Z"
!!> new Date("2015-09-23T18:31:04Z").toUTCString();
@SterlingArcher "Wed, 23 Sep 2015 22:31:04 GMT"
You'll only need 864 gmail accounts
I need the result to be 18:31 UTC
then add a Z to the end
@SterlingArcher "Wed, 23 Sep 2015 18:31:04 GMT"
That will haunt me so bad....
if adding a Z haunts you then you don't strictly control the string input, which is a problem by itself.
So, I check with regex if the datetime contains a timezone, and then parse it? Please shoot me now
or just use moment.js's .utc()
Make a function. Could be worse
@CapricaSix you need moment.js.
just checked their kickstarter page
the full kit retail will be like $1500
damn @rlemon so simple, but definitely needed
can't believe no one else has made that yet
@Loktar new one, dumbell protection. suspend them from above you while you chest press so if you slip you don't fuck yourself up like I did
it just drops to exactly chest height
makes adjustment
I would rather have cracked a few ribs than tear a ligament
Did I just see somebody die in their product video? lol
I've seen that vid before from somewhere else
(probably reddit)
dude ended up with some injuries, but otherwise okay (iirc)
was likee 300lbs on his neck lol
his neck was just the lever
his other arm and the weight offset was helping
no headphones
but he'll never swallow without a machine again.
today has been so painful :(
Someone add node.js bindings to a c++ SDK for me, thanks :p
ordered a new router, should be in today \o/. Old one's dying though. Fantastic, if aged, router.
@BenFortune that's pretty simple actually.
@BenjaminGruenbaum It is?
So, multiple small repositories or one big repository for most things in source control?

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