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I did it for you, look at the answer
@Luggage I appreciate that. And it's working as expected, but just like everything else in software, the fix over there has led to another problem: TypeError: undefined is not a function at line 196:21, which is token: this.generateJWT(). Column 21 is generateJWT()
model.generateJWT(), not this
from: .then(function(model) {
If you want to get fancy, you can have bookshelf salt and hash a password when you call .save() instead of having to do it yourself before. I'd leave that until you have more of a feel for bookshelf, though.
@Luggage That would be by intercepting the save event and doing all that in there, right?
Problem is, I also have a login route:
router.post('/login', function(req, res, next){
  if(!req.body.username || !req.body.password){
    return res.status(400).json({message: 'Please fill out all fields'});
  passport.authenticate('local', function(err, user, info){
    if(err){ return next(err); }
      return res.json({token: User.generateJWT()});
    } else {
      return res.status(401).json(info);
  })(req, res, next);
throws same errors
passport.authenticate uses functions from User, so I kinda need to keep it shared.
User.generateJWT() <- capitalized.. you want user, lowercasse, it hink
actually, i don't know what is going on there..
anyone know why i get this an invalid character warning when in the fuction called on the onclick of this button
<button onclick="return redi()">NO</button>
when i pass this value on this onclick of this image.
<img id="@item.treasureID" class="thisImage" src="@imageSource" width="100" height="100" onclick="return MakeSure(@item.treasureID)" />
@Luggage This is a long shot, but would you like to see the code?
Not really. :)
No problem, I understand ;)
If anyone else would like to help (or if @Luggage changes his/her mind ;) ), then here:
Q: JS thinks function is undefined, even though it clearly exists

DemCodeLinesThis question is related to Function is undefined, Bookshelf.js model function is not being recognized as a function I am using Bookshelf.js to handle user register/login API-endpoints, built with NodeJS and ExpressJS. However, when POSTing to the login route, Bookshelf throws the following erro...

try req.user
@tyler Last I checked, JSFiddle et al don't do Node.js — SomeKittens 11 secs ago
Long day at work :P
@Luggage that's undefined lol.
return done(null, false, {message: 'Invalid username or password'}); <- i think that's now hwo you return an error
in your config/passport.js
it's not req.user, your was right
validPassword() is async, so you gotta do the same dance as createPassword().
Which part is not async? passport.use(new LocalStrategy(... or passport.authenticate('local', function(err, user, info){...?
you are'nt using validPassword() in an async way.
@Luggage ValidPassword is different, because I fetch the user by email first and if there is a match, only then use validPassword function call
if (!curr_user.validPassword(password)) { <-- that's now how you call it since it returns a promise.
also: var curr_user = this;
that doesn't look right.
$('#img').attr('src', 'path/to/src').fadeIn(3500); why wouldnt this work?
What's that selector mean?
var user = new User({email: email})
.then(function(user) {
    return user.validPassword();
.then(function(isPasswordValid) {
    if (isPasswordValid) {
        done(null, user.toJSON());
    else {
        throw new Error('invalid password');
.catch(function(err) {
   done(null, false, 'OMG!');
something like that..
validPassword needs user entered password and what is stored in DB
validPassword: function(password, encryptedPass) {
yea, pass in what you need.
validatePassword: function (password) {
    var encryptedPass = this.get('password');

    return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) {
        bcrypt.compare(password, encryptedPass, function (err, match) {
            if (err) return reject(err);

            if (match) {
            else {
                reject(new Error('inavlid password'));
That's how I'd do validate.
it rejects the promise if it's the wrong password (or an error, of course).
there is also a compareSync(), then you don't have to deal with async code at all there, but that's cheating.
@Luggage That seems to be simpler method, but do you still need that multi .then() after .then()'s that you posted above to make it work?
Right now, user is returning null if I follow the code you gave
.fetch({require: true}) will throw an error instead of passing null to the next function.
oops, didn't mean to edit that.
you have debug: true on in your config so you can see the queries fire against the DB?
Have set that yet
India has the 5-6th worst salary for developers in world.
and 5/6 of the worlds developers
@rlemon nop like 1/3rd at max
dont forget china and the east
@rlemon what ?
these numbers seem off
but I have no other sources
@Luggage I was entering the wrong email. So no errors being thrown, just that I get a 401 now.
well, you're further than you were.
@KendallFrey so wait. sun exposure kills dyes and inks. so the flags and crap we left on the moon (we: USA) will be all white by now
aliens will think the french got there first.
Did not expect that ending lmao
Also why Michael Jackson was so white;
all those moonwalks.......
@Luggage Turns out the code's hitting .catch(function(err) { towards the end.
doing a stack trace on error says: TypeError: undefined is not a function
On line 16:21
which is return this.validPassword(password);, validPassword is column 21
ok.. so 'this' doesn't have a function validPAssword().Are you sure 'this' is the right variable? You made that mistake earlier
@Luggage The function goes:
passport.use(new LocalStrategy(
  function(email, password, done) {
    var user = new User({email: email})
    .then(function(member) {
      if (member === null) {
        return done(null, false, {message: 'Invalid username or password'});
      else {
        return user.validPassword(password);
    .then(function(isPasswordValid) {
      if (isPasswordValid) {
        done(null, user.toJSON());
      else {
        throw new Error('invalid password');
there is no way that's right.
so we are inside the scope of new User, which means this should point to the Model.
you ahve a mixture of done() and returning apromise.
Changed it to what I have
well.. look at thr user object and see why it's missing the function..
did you use my renamed validatePassword() from earlier?
user or User?
I am speechless, turns out I didn't change names
if you used my function, then you are using it wrong
i reject on a bad password, not resovle with false.
Yeah, that's probably why I am just getting a straight up Error: invalid password
you are using my code from before i re-wrote validatePassword
It does sound like it, the function is abnormally long. Let's see if I can rewrite it.
function (email, password, done) {
    new User({
        email: email
    .fetch({ require: true }) //will throw error if there is no record
    .then(function (member) {
        return member.validatePassword(password) //will throw if it's not a valid password
        .then(function () {
           done(null, member.toJSON());
    .catch(function (err) {
        // we'll either get a 'record not found' from bookshelf or a 'invalid password' from .validatePassword()
        // but we don't want to expose all that, so we'll return a "invalid username OR password error
oops, need to call done() instead of return member.toJSON(). Fixed.
This is probebly a basic question, but how do I submit 2 variables with JSON encoded strings? Like I've added an event listener on my form submit, stopped it, made a couple of json strings, and now I want to continue the form submit with those variables?
I know I could do it with Ajax, but I'm trying to prevent using it in this case
@DemCodeLines ohh, the fact that you are calling .toJSON() will prevent .generateJWT() from working, later
Hmm thinking of it. The easiest way would probebly be to just add some hidden fields to my form with the json strings as values, than submit it. Not sure if that's the best way to go though
that's the only way i know of off the top of my head..
@Luggage Yeah, I changed it back to just member (without retrieving the JSON) and it seems to have started working as expected.
i'll send an invoice.
haha, I do appreciate the patience though. Some others in this room (*ahem) don't really exhibit that.
Why does Chrome allow for low scope structure compared to firefox ? Does it surely not encourage bad programming habits?
@Luggage if you have chrome and run this code, you won't get an undefined error when you click the canvas and the update function executes, but in firefox it will say undefined function
seems chrome is less strict.
pastebin.com/xw1u7rrA help please function is undefined
@Dave protip: never share code that messy again
@KendallFrey it's not a finished script
It literally only takes one click to tidy it up
i was too caught up in the different results to think about it
@BenFortune pastebin.com/xw1u7rrA undefined is not a function in that query callback
solved @BenFortune solved
passed callback in db query too
@Dave I don't get any errors in firefox.
I really, really hate myself for posting my answer to this question: stackoverflow.com/questions/32707063/…
But I had fun writing it xD
Q: How to edit value in a specific td after clicking button

MicaelaHere's my button <button id="Modify" role="button" class="btn btn-warning" disabled>Modify</button> Here's my script for Modify button $("#Modify").click(function(e) { e.preventDefault(); var id = $('#cLoanOut2 tr.active').attr('id'); bootbox.confirm("Are you sure you want to modi...

How can a td be editable after clicking modify button? Can anyone help please?
@Micaela Why make it so hard? Just do contenteditable="true" on the td? Not that I recomment playing to much with that if you plan on saving the new data
who wants to save changes? crazy.
Then? how can I save the data?
@Luggage I don't know? Might simply be an online excel sheet? xD
yea, MS decided to drop the ability to save on the new Office Online, too. Really simplifies.
@Micaela With Ajax you can easily save the data with a change event listener. But be aware! Firefox has an annoying bug that adds a ghost <br /> to the field when you submit it
@Luggage I ment saving it online instead of just locally
And I know MS added that option to! :P
@Micaela I stand corrected. You shouldn't submit the data with a change event listener. Unless you want a crazy amount of queries being send to your mysql server. Instead you should use an onblur event listener. That way to data is only being send after the user is done editing.
Windows JavaScript & jQuery Complete Help & Hotkey - visoogle.info/JavaScript%20Autocomplete
after install try hdm period period
this will show help for all document methods
or hqem for jQuery Event Methods
as well as hotkeys that are quick and easy to remember
@MaxMeents My first feedback: Redesign that website. It hurts my eyes the moment I visit it. Also you might want to create a browsable API instead of just listing it all out.
thank you
I haven't worked on the site, just the app
Also, I (and many others), will be very carefull about just downloading some executable. Add a MD5 checksom and perhaps even a link to a virustotal scan for it
is there an easy way to do that?
@MaxMeents why Windows JavaScript? For IE?
for ie?
Internet Explorer?
I wanted something I could use anywhere
I couldn't quite figure out where/how the library (?) is used.
@shriek I think by Windows he means the executable is written for Windows
its a simple ahk program
Ah, I see.
Didn't even download it and somehow my first thought was "ahk" xD
yeah, just prettied up the msgbox
and took out the icons
but dude, I love typing dm and gebi to return document.getElementById() // Returns the element that has the ID attribute with the specified value
or change the i to c and document.getElementsByClassdocument.getElementsByClassName() // Returns a NodeList containing all elements with the specified class name
typed it twice
SO chat takes care of dubble posts. We dont see it
anyways, dude, its so nice to see all the traversing methods in jquery simply by pressing hqtm
It's been quite some time that I've used document.getElementsByClassName. I just use document.querySelector() these days.
all commands end with period period to anyone trying it
Ye but querySelector() is only supported by latest browsers. You need a fallback for old ones
(which I know is no one but a guy can dream)
see.. for example, I had never heard of queryselector... and this is what I found out...
Document Methods

Description : Returns the first element that matches a specified CSS selector(s) in the document

Document Methods


shortcut : dmqs

help shortcut : hdmqs
help shortcut : hquerySelector()

***In the fututre Type the Document Methods abbriviation dm followed immeditely by qs ex. dmqs

Anyway. Basicly what you did was write some sort of IDE autocomplete feature
I secretly put this script if I detect people using old browsers.
yeah.. one complete command as an example ..
Previous_Clipboard := Clipboard
Sleep, %clip_transfer_wait%
Clipboard = toArray() // Retrieve all the DOM elements contained in the jQuery set, as an array
SendInput, ^v{left}{right}
sleep, 100
sendInput, {shiftdown}{left 74}{shiftup}
Clipboard := Previous_Clipboard
ClipWait, .2
MsgBox, , jQuery Miscellaneous Methods,`nDescription : Retrieve all the DOM elements contained in the jQuery set`, as an array`n`n jQuery Miscellaneous Methods`nqmm`n`n toArray() `nta`n`n`nshortcut : qmmta`n`nhelp shortcut : hqmmta`nhelp shortcut : htoArray()`n`n ***In
And that's not even correct. querySelector() returns all elements with the class selector specified
dude, I just found out about brackets today, adobe brackets and I'm in love
oh, well, I got my info from w3 lol
Put that website on your blacklist! Don't even think about it! Just do!
that sucks dude
Hmm. Nope. For once I'm the one at fault. Seems w3 is right about it
I wish I had good examples for every property and method
@icecub Not just class, it follows the familiar css selectors.
That's why it's versatile. And I don't think it returns all the matches..just the first.
document.querySelectorAll() returns all the matches.
Document Methods

Description : Returns a static NodeList containing all elements that matches a specified CSS selector(s) in the document

Document Methods


shortcut : dmqsa

help shortcut : hdmqsa
help shortcut : hquerySelectorAll()

***In the fututre Type the Document Methods abbriviation dm followed immeditely by qsa ex. dmqsa

I'll stop
couldn't help it
@shriek Ye I'm at fault. I used to earlier today and had some weird results. That's how I got it wrong
yea, it's nice.
hey, so no joke, I want to be a good programmer someday... wtf should I be doing with my time
@icecub W3C are the people who set the standards for web stuff. w3schools is unaffiliated.
I still don't know how WHATWG is affiliated with web.
@SomeKittens I know. I also know w3schools has it wrong most of the time. Which is why I avoid the site all together
@shriek WHATWG is like iojs
Yeah..for HTML5..but what's going on with them right now?
Still active?
what is whatwg?
shit, nevermind
well, it seems so. Their wiki was updated not too long ago.
@MaxMeents If you want to become a programmer, you have to start somewhere. Personally I started with PHP because it's a very forgiving and relatively easy language to learn.
I really need to learn that
I started out with that but there are other options these days.
Last time I touched PHP was like 2008.
Um..node being one. :)
is node.js just another framework like jQuery? is jQuery even a framework... is framework just another word for library.. so confusing
So far I've only touched the surface of node. I've been playing around with websockets for a chatsystem in combination with php. But node seemed like a better choice
@MaxMeents No you don't
there are much better places to learn to code.
PHP and node?
my bad, I'll stop asking
No websockets with php, ghehe
Ah..I was like..wut!!
@MaxMeents Typically a "Framework" provides the structure for the whole thing, whereas a "library" or "plugin" just provides one facet of functionality.
Framework: Angular
Plugin: jQuery
node isn't really either
It's a tool for running JS on the serverside
And @MaxMeents ..jquery is a library (not plugin @SomeKittens )
difference being @shriek?
jQuery can have plugins..and I suppose plugins can have plugins too..plugins all the way down.
plug it in plug it in
jQuery is ment to have one code that works for all browsers. As Javascript tends to need different code for different browsers sometimes
@shriek they're interchangeable. really.
@icecub by and large, that's a thing of the past.
@MaxMeents ahem.
@SomeKittens Agreed. Still that was the original intent for jQuery
Yup yup. But usually plugins are just tiny functionality that you plug it in while library covers broad set.
ah.. express disapproval or embarrassment. ahem.. not cool @somekitttens thats just harsh
speaking of express..express IS a web-framework in node.
whoops, trying to say shriek won that one
plugins vs library
Any of you guys mind giving your opinion on this answer of mine? stackoverflow.com/questions/32707063/…
plugins = smaller version of library.
I sure had fun writing it. But somehow it feels just so wrong, that I think of deleting it anyway
@MaxMeents didn't realize there was a competition
always @somekittens
every facet of it
ah jk
MEOW peace
@SomeKittens hah.
how could I automatically convert any year figure to hour and hour to year or hour to day with a simple number.conv('y')
thank you
var splitByAt = ratePlanString.split('@');
	for(var x=0;x<splitByAt.length;x++){
		var arr = splitByAt[x].split('=');
		alert('splitByAt ('+arr[0] +' : '+ arr[1]+')');//shows splitByAt (0 : 0~ALL)
		hashMap[arr[0]] = arr[1]; // Add key value in the object
		alert('after adding to hashmap > '+hashMap);//shows after adding to hashmap > [object Object]
any help please?
@JudeNiroshan works fine for me.
@SomeKittens I have declared my hashMap Obj as a global variable
Well I guess not. Anyway. Been a long day for me, so I'm heading of to bed. Gn8 everyone
var ratePlanString = '<%=s%>';//"0=0~ALL@301=0~ALL|38~Bed and Breakfast Rate@1087=0~ALL|38~Bed and Breakfast Rate|1~Land Only";
alert('ratePlanString  ' +ratePlanString);
var hashMap = {}; // Declare empty object
can someone suggest me the app they use to auto upload screenshots?
and clipboard the url
@MaxMeents cmd + shift + 4
@JudeNiroshan also works fine.
uh, kittens, dat does nothing for me... possibly cuz of gadwin?
no, not gadwin
@MaxMeents Works on my machine.
thats why
@SomeKittens When i restart my server, it works fine! :)
@JudeNiroshan congrats
@Zirak github.com/Zirak/SO-ChatBot/pull/249#issuecomment-142183704 explained, see the conversation of me and lemon before that
@Zirak also holy fucking hell did you seriously use onmessage on the socket object o.O
I can't believe I'd ever say this but @AwalGarg! I'm glad to see you. Finally a voice of reason.
Sorry didn't get that, rephrase?
heh, just messing with you
dunno how India works, but the rest of the world moved past Windows 95 a while ago.
@SomeKittens If India even worked, things would be a lot better
been 6-8 internet weeks since I submitted that swag form. when will it arrive :( @Tim
@AwalGarg haha nice GIF. Good morning.
which way is better to display some divs in circle shape? 1. use css - left and top style attributes (manually) or 2. use js and calculate them? (if possible)
@Maurize 3. Use border-radius
@FlorianMargaine how do you mean this?
Is there a good library in angular js for performing digest authentication?
But this is not very helpful if you are using a fully RESTful backend
as it expects endpoints for logging in and logging out
points = document.querySelector("#circle").querySelectorAll("div.point");
@Mullaly Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
is an issue that I can't querySelect a div and then querySelectAll?
@AwalGarg No, I ironically used onmessage
I think that's a jQuery addon
@SomeKittens the term is "jquery plugin"
which are never a mess™
@AwalGarg you're a php fan, don't you dare talking about mess
@FlorianMargaine explain or accept your defeat in front of the Dark Lord Awal Garg aka Rash
@Zirak why do we need to think about the non-userscript scenario? It already takes care of that. if the __stackexhca... object is not defined, it continues to make the extra socket connection
@AwalGarg "Think about" as in "does it also happen in"
@Zirak no, AFAIK, there is no way to share the socket without hijacking the native prototype before chat's code runs
unless ofcourse, there is.
That's not the question, the question is whether the bug may happen when the bookmarklet is run
@Zirak oh that, well if the bookmarklet is run after chat has already loaded, then I don't see why. but if say someone loads chat and while it is loading, the bookmarklet is run as well, I dunno what happens.
is there a way to check if the last child has finished css animation, to start it again?
Is there a way to reload one js file only (fireforx developer-edition) ?
Has anyone here logged to file with winston?
@animaacija you can't undo the execution of a script, no
if all that script does is define some pure and determinable functions, sure
@Zirak I don't get it. how does join work?
What is this i dont even
I'm totally screenshotting the discussion on there, in case it gets deleted
@Maurize is that a frankfurt?
> Actually never mind. I've lost the will to live. – gotofritz 4 mins ago
Yea, it went from misunderstanding SO to completely, utterly overreacting.
@AwalGarg Open a websocket to the room
@Neoares this is the result from googling "fireforx"
gotta get me a couple fireforks
codepen.io/ge1doot/pen/PPzRdL putting glasses on
@Zirak but there is a better way! POST to /chats/join/<rid>
@AwalGarg hrm, I didn't think of that, then
Maybe someone here knows. I use this to do an animation 1 time for every div. animation: loading 1s 1; So I just need to add this to all elements again if animation is finished
I'm gonna go out there and build my own friggin logger soon
@Gemtastic hats off ! :D
I don't get why winston won't log Q_Q
Q: How to create <input type=“text”/> dynamically

Mohammad UsmanI want to create an input type text in my web form dynamically. More specifically, I have a textfield where the user enters the number of desired text fields; I want the text fields to be generated dynamically in the same form. How do I do that?

can anyone tell me wtf
was this migrated from Quora
You're surprised there're questions asking how to combine two function calls?
A: How to create <input type=“text”/> dynamically

EliasdxMaybe the method document.createElement(); is what you're looking for.

> How do I add numbars
>> I have two numbars I'd like to add. How do I proceed.
>> Maybe the addition oparator can help you (+).
@Zirak I have a vague feeling it is fixed now
border-box - The width and height properties include the padding and border, but not the margin. but below simple & fancy selectors give same size boxes here. box using fancy selector has border and padding so width of the box should be greater. am I correct?
This organisation has about twice as many TLAs as actual projects because noone seems to be able to agree on how to name things >.<

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