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but how do I know that a/b is NaN? using isNaN()?
17 mins ago, by ivarni
Use Number.isNaN() to check if something is a number
@overexchange isNaN(a/b)
THE POINT IS, it helps tracking down errors in your code
if a function returns NaN when you were expecting a number, you know there must be some incorrect arithmetic running in that function, or it had invalid input
in practice it's an exception without a stack trace that sometimes pretends it's a zero
unless you bother checking for a NaN (which 99.99% programmers won't), NaNs will cause bugs to be much harder to find.
if NaN was signalling by default, it'd be much more useful
as you say, it's mostly an annoyance otherwise
sNaN = exception, right?
we don't need exceptions to be encodable within a numerical type, right?
there'd have to be some language feature that lets you do 'quiet' arithmetic when you're expecting possible NaN results
something like the Maybe monad? :-D
why toExponential()/ toFixed() / toPrecision() is placed in Number.prototype instead as the property of Number function object methods like isNaN()/isInteger()?
@overexchange I'm wondering the opposite
From this Number object example, How do we understand, what to go in Number.prototype and what not to go in Number.prototype?
I'd put isNaN and isInteger into the prototype
because they would make sensible attributes
i mean, their purpose is checking a number for particular attributes (NaNness, integerness (integrity?))
is there any java script libary to export the file as pdf or excel ?
anyone use fetch api in prod?
@Sumn2u-シ what file?
One thinks of placing some methods and properties in prototype so that other objects can inherit, correct?
i will get the data from the server i want to create and export in different files format
@Sumn2u-シ Without even looking I can safely assume there's a library called "pdf.js" out there, somewhere, so I guess my answer is "yes, there is"
@overexchange that's also an advantage
@Sumn2u-シ there's no such thing as java script
really ?
@ivarni i'm afraid pdf.js is only a pdf reader though :P
@Sumn2u-シ Unless what my chair is on is a car pet.
@JanDvorak so we have to do it from server side
@Cauterite I mean the reason for existence of prototype is to make prop/methods inheritable
@overexchange right, yes; i misinterpreted you
@JanDvorak haha so i have to do it from server side ?
what kind of files are you trying to convert to PDF/xls?
@Cauterite i get a response from the server i want to create a file and download in the client side , generated file type should be xls and csv
so you want a JS library that can convert xls/csv to pdf/xls ?
@Cauterite i want to create a file
@Cauterite from the response get from server
and what format is that response in?
Guys, I cannot understand what i'm doing wrong and every SO answer I read related to this tells me this is what I'm supposed to be doing -- can anyone lend me a pair of eyes and pin-point my dumbness? jsfiddle.net/dv0vznhc/1 (forEach, wait for ALL promises to be completed)
@moshmage promises.push(request(wURL)))
@MoshMage I'd suggest switching to Bluebird
too many closing parens
@Cauterite a copy-paste error
@JanDvorak request-promises is using Bluebird
though you're saying "use the real Bluebird"?
it doesn't matter how it got there, the code won't compile until you fix it
@Cauterite except it isn't there
@Cauterite jsfiddle.net/dv0vznhc/3 that extra parentsis is only on the fiddle
Q: How to use 'prototype' property amidst designing a `function` type object?

overexchangeAs per the understanding, The main purpose for the existence of prototype property in a function type object is to allow properties/methods sitting under prototype to get inherited by other objects. This enables prototypical inheritance. Considering window['Number'] function type object, how wo...

What do you people use for indentation or code formatting, in general? Tabs for indent and space for alignment? Other way around? A key advantage of tabs is that when your file is mostly composed of indentation (as with all industrial-strength JavaScript code), it takes much less space on disk and on the network. But with spaces you can more finely indent accolades (or other characters), for example. Which one to favor? :s
Are you trying to start a war? :)
@MoshMage where it 'require' supposed to be defined?
@AnastasiyaAsadullayeva soft tabs = tab key causes 2k space characters
@Cauterite require is a node-native function to require certain modules / scripts
In python, space is used for indent. tab is not encouraged. BTW indentation is must for python syntax
@AnastasiyaAsadullayeva i assure you, filesize is never, ever a concern when deciding between tabs and spaces
i use tabs because i'd rather press the tab key once than the space key four times
Besides, network traffic is a moot point because minification
@Cauterite use soft tabs
what's a soft tab?
We use spaces because convention, but with them soft-tabs like @JanDvorak calls it :)
i don't have a soft-tab key as far as i'm aware
@Cauterite When you hit tab, the editor inserts 4 spaces
@Cauterite when you press TAB key your IDE writes 2/4/6 spaces (or more, you can configure it)
alright, then i'd rather press the backspace key once if i want to reduce the indentation level (instead of four times with spaces)
Head's up guys, @AnastasiyaAsadullayeva is just trying to troll you. And I just want to spoil her fun :D
I suggest you plonk and move on
@Cauterite shift+tab
^ does wonders.
okay, then, thinking from another angle,
why would i want to use spaces to do a tab's job?
@MoshMage It is better to use space ' ' because editor1 has tab \t configured as 2 spaces(say) editor2 may be configured as 4 spaces
python interpreter never allows tabs, being an indented language
@overexchange so you want to override the editor user's preferences? sounds a bit obnoxious to me
@overexchange well... we are in the javascript channel though :P
@Cauterite Have you seen what a codebase looks like when everyone uses a different indentation level?
plonks @Cauterite
Also, have fun merging branches
plus, when you git something git does transclude every tab to space
Doesn't matter this question has nothing to do with any language
@overexchange it wasn't my question to begin with :o
@ivarni …what?
generally in a dev team editors are directly configured to work with git plugins
so if complete dev team uses same build envi, then tabs or spaces does not matter
In my workplace, configuration of editors on all dev machines is done by separate config team
@overexchange you can configure the editor all you like, there will appear the guy who just mashes the space bar four times.
@overexchange In 10 years in the industry I've never seen that actually done
So the word "generally" might not apply
@ivarni I have not been 10yrs in the industry and even i never saw that happen
what does this have to do with tabs/spaces?
the closest thing we have is.. git squash the tabs/spaces to the defined in somewhere and when the ide loads the file it'll tell you "your preferences are different from the spacing on this file - keep your preferences or the files'?" (something between this lines)
plonks @Cauterite on his head again
@jan it's starting to hurt now, what gives?
Hey all, anyone remember a site from like the early 2000s where you could get lots of crappy javascript effects and stuff like Snow, Flashing text and particles following your cursor.
Thank you!
lol don't remind me
I'm glad I haven't seen cursor trails in ages
Ahh nostalgia, thanks
@ivarni yuck
Now time to vandalize some sharepoint pages before I quit my job :D
yuck - they're using doc.write
"Works in NS6"
does that even still work?
opening a script with an HTML comment... aw, nostalgia
` ? true:false;` - I got it, they coerce to boolean, but the spacing is still way off
guess no one ever told them about !!
oh yes, they don't even use partial transparency in their image files.
While on the topic of nostalgia, heathersanimations.com (protect your eyes)
you think IE5 can render PNGs? :P
Who the he... yeah, right. Back then.
@ivarni *wears sunglasses* The goggles! They do nothing!
@Cauterite What if simple negation didn't return a boolean?
You know, host objects.
no i don't know actually
Actually this won't protect against the really egregious host objects
are you saying some objects may have overloaded negation?
Host objects can do weird stuff
so host objects are objects which aren't created by JS code and aren't part of the language?
i see
I swear, sometimes I wonder about people
Why in the world would this question stackoverflow.com/questions/32521959/… have 2 upvotes?
sockpuppets, friends or colleagues
I've seen worse, came across a real shitty question once with 8 views and 7 upvotes
I swear, I should quit reading Angular questions on SO before 10am EST. The early morning crowd can barely type their own name, much less ask a sensible question.
I stopped watching that tag ages ago
what kind of date calculation is this? ="'01/09/2015'>(c.startDate.slice(6,-2) | date:'dd/MM/yyyy')"
what language is this?
I think it's supposed to be an Angular JavaScript expression, but it doesn't make sense to me
certainly looks like a syntax error to me
I guess I kinda get what they are thinking here, take their date, pass it through the angular date filter, then see if it's less than the static value... but I don't think you can compare them in this way?
Well, you can but it might not do what you expect it to
but I'm not sure filters work like that, it's been a while
regardless, that should be a function in the controller in my opinion
guess I should probably actually get some work done today, eh? heh
modern way to check if image src exists?
I mean if the image file exists
check for a 404
If you're using jquery, you can attack .error to it to check
Thanks, useful.
Or in vanilla, just add an event listener on 'error'
no, just check imageElement.complete
"HTMLImageElement.complete Read only
Returns a Boolean that is true if the browser has fetched the image, and it is in a supported image type that was decoded without errors."
!!> var img = new Image(); img.addEventListener('error', function(e) { console.log("There was an error") }); img.src = "http://doesnotexist.com/test.jpg";
@Cereal "ReferenceError: Image is not defined"
@CapricaSix Fite me irl
caprica doesn't have DOM access unfortunately
Yeah, I wasn't sure if she'd have access to Image
but yeah, for checking asynchronously, listen for 'error'; synchronously, test .complete
damn microsoft and their type names; whenever i see UINT_PTR i think unsigned int*, but it's actually an alias of size_t
@Loktar , @rlemon @SomeKittens ^
@user2900150 Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
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@user2900150 Please don't post unformatted code - hit Ctrl+K before sending, use up-arrow to edit messages, and see the faq.
inside different divs
How can I unload the script tag when I change the tab. I have multiple script tags like this <script id="third-conn">
$(document).ready(function() {
$('div.actor-$i').connections({ to: 'div.impact-$j'}).length;
<script id="third-conn">
$(document).ready(function() {
$('div.actor-$i').connections({ to: 'div.impact-$j'}).length;
a starting point might be window.addEventListener("blur", …) @user2900150
@Cauterite: Can you please elaborate a bit more....because I cannot put document.ready inside the blur.
Then don't
Also, you can, it's just not useful.
window.addEventListener("blur", () => {
    let S = document.getElementById("third-conn");
@Cauterite why don't you jQuery?
i don't know jquery
can someone halp jsfiddle.net/4kj3v2fd
padding is off.
seems like a css bug
but only with FF right?
Looks like it. Weird shit man
@Cauterite: Did you see that
see what?
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@Sunrise Please don't post unformatted code - hit Ctrl+K before sending, use up-arrow to edit messages, and see the faq.
@rlemon well played.
yes i did, but i don't have time to investigate it now i'm afraid
@Cauterite: okay thanks....but if you can please do that
@user2900150 stop begging
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@Sunrise Please don't post unformatted code - hit Ctrl+K before sending, use up-arrow to edit messages, and see the faq.
@CapricaSix I used Ctrl+K but in doesn't help
@JanDvorak :)
just indent it with 4 spaces then
@Sunrise if you use a callback in the middle of your promise chain, it defeats the point
@user srsly - you don't know how to call a function?
"requires the page to scroll to again" - then just calling the scroll handler should work. Naming the scroll handler "repaint" might move it out of the "dirty trick" territory. — Jan Dvorak 6 mins ago
@JanDvorak: can you suggest and sample code for that. — user2900150 1 min ago
You need a tutorial, not an SO answer. Voting too broad.
@JanDvorak: I know but I could not get what actually you are suggesting.
@JanDvorak: I did try this $( "#test1" ).scroll(function() {
  $( "#first-conn" ).append();
Okay so, dumb question, but passing a method to a then implicitly passes the return from the promise, right? Eg: createAccount(doc).then(Router.go)
i'd hope so
So that will take whatever returned from createAccount and pass it as parameters to Router.go?
@corvid It merely sets up the promise to call the function you passed when it's done. If that function so happens to return a promise, the next then has to await it.
@corvid btw it might need to be Router.go.bind(Router)
if go expects this to be Router
Ah, that's what I was missing then, the thisArg
@FlorianMargaine yes we did!
var obj = {};
var c = {};
c.peer = "xyz";
obj[c.peer] = "Sandy";
alert(obj[c.peer]); // Sandy
alert(obj.c.peer); // error y ?
@simply obj does not have a 'c' field
@FlorianMargaine That's awesome. Also, your accent is great :D
hmmm i got it thx
@SomeGuy Interesting coming from you :P
Didn't say mine wasn't :P
Wrote some code which I just recently optimized to half the size by using ternary operators. Problem is that clicking on the class wont trigger the appropiate animation. Any idea why? jsfiddle.net/yfzrq3ck
@SomeGuy lol, thanks
@Asperger For future reference, there are JS minification tools like uglifyjs to do this for you.
this is such a weird thing in javascript :\ what's its purpose?
@Lalaland Converting if and else to ternary?
@Asperger It will do all sorts of space-saving conversions.
It's actually quite impressive.
@Lalaland I will do them myself until I kind of master it then I will use the converter : )
how do I check via jquery for a class AND a input name match?
thanks for the info
it's what makes javascript object-oriented
implicit `this` and the crappy method call syntax is what makes it problematic
Morning Web Monkey's o/
By the way lalaland, do you have any idea why my class wont be triggered when clicked?
@Asperger yes js minification is aweseome
Sounds like it. I don't like how it changes context so it seems hard to know what it actually is at any time unless the documentation says it explicitly
@corvid in python and D, when you write Obj.methodname, it automatically evaluates to a bound function, equivalent to Obj.methodname.bind(Obj) in JS
Ooooh, that makes a lot more sense now, so it's kinda like making a class and how self is the first parameter in python?
right; self is python's "explicit this"
self is python lack of design to pass the object instance
"oh we don't know how to implement virtual methods because we can't control the scope... uh oh... oh well let's pass the instance as 1st argument and call it explicit this!!!"
if they had explicit multimethods, I wouldn't say this
but there? it's just bad design
i thought it was for the benefit of nested classes
Hi guys.
so the nested class's methods can use a different name for this, to not clash with the outer class's this
@Cauterite WHAT ?
"virtual method"? Sounds fancy
in JS if you define a function in the body of another function, the `this` from the outer function will be shadowed by the `this` of the inner function
unless it's an 'arrow function'
Hi everyone.
@HassanRaza Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
hi @HassanRaza
the fuck
Someone looks angry
gimp is great
How come padding on a text-area element pads only the text but padding on a text input field pads the actual box?
@Nolski display
@FlorianMargaine i.imgur.com/2KoUeWN.png
or rather, jsfiddle.net/og997vms/2 is probably a better way to show this.
Hey guys, has someone here used react native? I'm trying to switch the barTintColor from a scene to another without success..
@Nolski I don't see the issue here
@Zirak padding increases the box width on the input but not the text area
@rlemon what is that letter font
@Nolski That's because of border-width and the margin
@Nolski default box-model sucks
use a sensible box-model and problems just vanish
@catgocat lemonmeme.com "Bangers"
Huh, TIL
Thanks guys
left:calc('100% - 400px') why not work?
I calculate..
@MirkoCianfarani remove quotes
my google-fu is failing me
what is the license on the outer limits theme
I can find it for download in a crapload of places
I thought calc only works on width/height
there is like 6-7 units it works for
doesn't matter the property as long as the units calculated are <acceptable units>
!!mdn calc
> The calc() CSS function can be used anywhere a <length>, <frequency>, <angle>, <time>, <number>, or <integer> is required. With calc(), you can perform calculations to determine CSS property values.
Fuck IE... Is always a shit
Remember guys. Today is the anniversary of Pearl Harbor
@Nick pearl harbor?
@FlorianMargaine It's a joke; Pearl Harbor is December 7th

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