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Dinner was awesome and healthy
@KendallFrey there's plenty of those
hm I lied, perhaps it's not so common
holy shit there really are no cards with more than one HDMI connector
use DisplayPort if you can, it's far sexier
@Nick is that brown rice?
you're really going all out aren't you?
ye m8
@ʞɔᴉN I'd never heard of it until today. My monitor doesn't seem to have one.
@Nick only way to go m8
@KendallFrey yeah it's a newer connector but it seems like it's supported on most newer equipment
just checked my video card has 3 DP and a single HDMI
the thing that bugs me the most about using HDMI is any display I connect is identified as a "television" in the Windows display options
so after spending way too much time looking at CPUs, RAM, and graphics cards, I've got an estimated price of $1000 so far
for the whole build, including PSU and case?
no, just those 3
@SomeKittens oh, that looks like something @FlorianMargaine was interested in.
lol, I was going to say 1k is not a bad price for a build..
I learned that there is a huge price difference in GPUs
I'm gonna get a build in a couple months, budget of $1500
if you want to completely empty your wallet, go for a broadwell CPU and DDR4 RAM
Are new GPUs that much faster than slightly less-new ones?
probably, but how important is that to you?
@Nick you could build something pretty awesome with that budget
I mainly just want smooth Rift gaming
I figure anything that can do that is good enough for everything else I do
Is it very heavy? what's your current GPU?
@Zirak oh, him too
@ʞɔᴉN 660M
dumb question: Let's say I've got three servers and five incoming streams that vary (sometimes wildly) in how much is coming through per stream. What would the best way to distribute incoming data across said servers?
@ʞɔᴉN slow clap
servers are processing the data, not storing it.
So why would I choose GTX 980 over GTX 970?
I mean, 970 seems adequate
@KendallFrey it's 10(!!!) better
@SomeKittens 2/2/1 isn't too far from the optimum
@copy pulled those numbers out of a hat
get dual 970's and use SLI
If you can split streams, round robin
looking for an answer for the complex case - how to rebalance processing when one stream suddenly 100x's the others
Source i sends the jth packet to server (i + j) % n
so have each box have the capability of processing all five streams and round-robin or random/random?
advantages of round-robin over random-random?
Less variance
Got a good article on this?
Nope, I remember that from a class
ah, well. Thanks
@Nick Post it on your instagram
Isn't that what you people do nowadays?
Good night :)
user image
@rlemon Where has the tree gone?
or he moved
How would you consider this? I mean which flag would you prefer? - stackoverflow.com/questions/32514234/…
Off topic
ah right, then you can pick the recommendation etc one
okay thanks
Hi guys
Hi friend
I'm a beginner in javascript (currently I'm learning from Eloquent Javascript)
What client-side framework do you recommend for Expressjs?
I'm looking at ractive
ractive js
React is good for a beginner?
I'd say so
Thanks copy
sup cool kids
What's a cool way to make a responsive page nowadays
in b4 JS
@Mosho make it blank like it's art
Tell them to imagine the data
I have to eat though
CSS can kill you http://t.co/LnJENp2fFS
@Mosho flexbox?
is there a reasonable workaround for IE9?
want ie9 support?
!!s/cool way//
@Luggage What's a to make a responsive page nowadays (source)
damn. messed that up
but you get the point.
I kinda want to use JS
bootstrap 4 is coming out soon. it's dropping ie8 support so should be as 'modern' css as you'll get that supports ie9
I update Closure Compiler every few months and with every update it makes my code a few hundred bytes smaller
in simple mode?
No, advanced
@Luggage nice
@copy did you have to build your code base up around it?
it fucks mine in the ass
You have to understand the limitations
TIL about bootstrap 4 alpha ... doesn't seem to render properly in chrome yet, though
Mostly, how properties are renamed, and how to export and import stuff
I'll take another look sometime
To be honest, it might not be worth it. In this case I need the dead code elimination
@copy Have you seen this one? iteral.com/jscrush
But that's too slow for things other than golfing
react 0.14 stateless function components: facebook.github.io/react/blog/2015/09/10/…
The react-tools package and JSXTransformer.js browser file have been deprecated. from that page
@copy think I'm going to go with a redis-based jobserver
Sounds good
Badge progress seems broken. Anyone noticed?
I have 185 Angular answers, but only 183 show for the badge. Been that way for several days at least.
maybe you deleted some? if that makes any sense
Nope, they're there.
@Luggage this is my favorite part
> The props object is now frozen, so mutating props after creating a component element is no longer supported. In most cases, React.cloneElement should be used instead. This change makes your components easier to reason about and enables the compiler optimizations mentioned above.
I literally could care less.
@Luggage Yep, that's awesome. Good to know that the React people are still innovating.
And they are ditching JSX transformer as well.
I really do wonder if the JS community is relying way too much on babel.
hi all, anyone to take a look at a fiddle?
1 hour later…
Q: How can i upload multiples images with preview

Deepak GoyalI have a file upload field that accepts multiple images. I need to preview these images before uploading them. Also can I set limit for maximum number of images to be uploaded?

@Lalaland Oh?
@Lalaland As in integrating it in react itself or ditching JSX entirely?
@ivarni why thanks?
@Mr_Green We just had that bug
In production
So it's kinda a sarcastic thanks
it's so good at not keeping cache that it nips it at the bud and doesn't even download it
it downloads the headers though, and reports it as 200 in the devtools
React is now dependent on Babel? The JS world will burn if Babel is ever no longer maintained, hah.
@RoelvanUden watwhy, that's a terrible idea :D
@RoelvanUden Sebastian now works for facebook, they have a whole team.
They're maintaining babel.
@BenjaminGruenbaum Oh. Cool. Not bad. :-D
I want to access the keyCode that is 68 from the above code but when i type e.caller it gives me undefined
how can i access the keyCode?
@rlemon @Loktar we did it!
shit man
@SomeKittens nice!
@Zirak it was the other way I wanted to do, though
do you know of a javascript library that handles localized number input fields? If I was to type 1000 it should automatically transform it to 1'000, basically on the keyup event.
@FlorianMargaine would be cooler still if the login screen didn't accept any input but was just for "show"
@FlorianMargaine Like a login screen that you couldn't log into directly
you can only enter using usb key
... I don't get it
.. wait, I think I do
but that doesn't make sense
what doesn't make sense?
what good would access through a usb key be if you had a login called "admin" and a password "1234"?
Security is only as good as its weakest point
so just eliminate the possibility of a user being able to provide a correct username and password and only enter through usb key
the point is you can have a long passphrase and don't need to type it
or you can disable unix login and only keep hermes available
it's not a critique, I just thought it would be better that way
@Neil you can do that :)
but you still need a password input in case your ssh key needs one
(not supported yet, of course, but that'll be possible at some point.)
if you could disable the login, then the password couldn't be entered anyway, so it's fine
just thinking that that would be a great office security system
if someone lost their usb key, you could disable their user and give them another
@Neil you can run passwd -d <user>
this will only allow the user to login through the usb key
or you can remove the unix login method in the allowed PAMs methods
you can buy cheap usb keys for less than the cost of peanuts these days
is there a good way to combine both and / or operators?
@Neil you don't need to, you can simply remove the lost key from the authorized_keys file and put the new one
@Asperger xor? nand? what do you mean by that?
@FlorianMargaine you'd have to know what key corresponds to which usb key though
stackoverflow.com/questions/32511138/… the salt is strong with this one
:25639332 You mean (1 == 1 && 2 == 2) || 3 == 3 or 1 == 1 && (2 == 2 || 3 == 3)?
@Neil ya something like this, my example was kind of off so I deleted it lol
you could write a function.. though if you're going to compare something to itself, unless you're testing for NaN, you could just replace it all with "true" and be done with it ;)
The thing is kind of preventing long lines of code.
@Neil I mean, if a user loses his usb stick, get his computer, remove the key in authorized_keys, add the one for the new usb stick, you're done
@Neil yeah, that's the whole point of this project :)
@Neil For example when I do something like if (x == undefined AND Y == undefined OR X AND Y == undefined)
@FlorianMargaine Good idea
the passwords could be generated even.. nobody would have to remember theirs
@Asperger Not following.. if x == undefined and y == undefined, then x and y are both undefined (defeating the purpose of performing a 2nd check)
Oh I see
Thing is, I have some parameters set and want to add some default values if some of them are not used in the function call
@Neil if you mean "know which public key in authorized_keys is for the usb stick", you can simply add a comment in the public key (first part is key type, second is public key itself, rest is comment
@Neil or even better, entirely disable it :)
@Neil passwd -d <user>
so if I say x == undefined and y == undefined and I only defined x but not y...
it would turn false
@FlorianMargaine ah, I just figured that the password was necessary as a formality.. you mean you can authenticate entirely using keys?
Actually. nvm. My logic is off anyways.
lol. Need to redo my code
@Neil yes
@Neil you can disable login through password
which you're supposed to do on remote servers btw... disable password, only rely on ssh keys
A: Skip arguments in a JavaScript function

CerbrusYou could use apply: foo.apply(this, Array(5).concat([theFValue])); In this case, 5 is the amount of parameters you want to skip. Wrap that in a function: function call(fn, skipParams, parameter) { fn.apply(this, Array(skipParams).concat([parameter])); } call(foo, 5, theFValue); Howev...

Want to skip the first 5 parameters of a function? foo.apply(this, Array(5).concat([theFValue])); Because why not xD
@Asperger Don't use == btw. === is better.
@KingMob Unless you explicitly don't care about types.
@Cerbrus +1 for suggesting a param object
@ivarni +1 also, for the same reason. Could also use bind.
@Cerbrus I think it's always better to be explicit :-)
Or var _ = undefined; foo(_,_,_,bar); if you just don't like typing.
Some times, it's just fun to write an example how it could be done, then conclude with ho it should be done
Hm, that's nice, actually :P
Q: socket.io authentication with sharing session data, how io.use() works

SrleInspired by How to share sessions with Socket.IO 1.x and Express 4.x? i implemented socket authentication in some "clean" way where is no need to use cookie-parser and to read cookies from headers, but few items remain unclear to me. var express = require('express'), session = requ...

@Cerbrus This. By all means answer the question but suggest a better approach as well.
@Cerbrus Well I think that can be instructive as well as fun.
points for explaining why the alternative is better
Using a param object makes the caller code easier to read (imho)
what do you think is the cause of this error?
Refused to set unsafe header "Accept-Encoding"send @ jquery-1.10.2.min.js:6
jquery-1.10.2.min.js:6 Refused to set unsafe header "Host"send @ jquery-1.10.2.min.js:6
I think it's refusing to set an unsafe header
it only appears in chrome
Some headers are not meant to be set by javascript but should be set only by the browser
Hi, is it possible to promisify methods recursively. Because I have function that accept some params and callback, then inside that function I call other async function and pass as callback function received in outer function. Is it possible to promisify outer function and it will promisify inner function too?
so its okay to ignore it @ivarni ?
No, it's telling you not to set that specific header
I set it for gzip "Accept-Encoding": "gzip"
It's complaining about you trying to set "Host" though
its not about the gzip?
sorry poor english
is it an error or a warning?
I'm guessing warning, an error would stop the request from happening
yes it was an error
so the request didn't actually get sent?
but the error doesn't show in firefox
why is that?
Firefox probably allows you to set that header
firefox probably either silently drops unsafe headers or allows them
how to allows it to all browser?
does the request-making function have an option to set headers?
                headers: {
                    "Upgrade-Insecure-Requests" : "1",
                    "Accept-Encoding": "gzip",
                    "Accept-Language": "nl-NL,nl;q=0.8,en-US;q=0.6,en;q=0.4" ,
                    "Host" : "www.sample.com"
here is the code of mine
okay, so just delete the 'host' and 'accept-encoding' fields
I don't think you can control the encoding of a XHR request.
the browser should automatically detect whether to use gzip or not
that can affect the speed?
@FlorianMargaine NOICE
depends on the nature of the response data
okay let me try
i mean, the browser will probably add "Accept-Encoding: gzip" to the request on its own, so you don't need to specify it yourself
> The above headers are controlled by the user agent to let it control those aspects of transport.
yep; it will also add the 'host' header by itself, based on the URL
I tried to remove it and the page grade is now less 5
$(this).prev().find(".m-users ul li input:checked")
// can i do this without using find or any alternative
@winresh24 "page grade"?
@Simply what does .prev do?
I mean page insights speed @Cauterite
is that a problem?
//current element (this)
for seo purposes :)
page insights speed is gold for them
@Zirak IKR!
@Simply i think it's impossible to do any backwards selection in CSS
that includes selecting previous siblings or ascendants
although now i re-read your question i realise you're asking about replacing find not prev
so you can probably ignore me
@Zirak ?
@Zirak ?
@FlorianMargaine You can replace that with one line
@FlorianMargaine I thought you were joking about connecting to yourself with ssh
@Zirak you mean if (is_hermes_block_device(path) && has_hermes_fingerprint(path))?
@Zirak heh
@Zirak not at all :)
@Simply this.previousSibling.querySelector(".m-users ul li input:checked")
I put the ssh keypair on the usb stick, and just use libssh to validate the connection
so I didn't need to reinvent my own crypto
the mapping between key and user is also already handled with ssh (through the authorized_keys file)
so overall, I think it's a pretty nice decision to use ssh
What would you call an object that performs actions against a mercurial repository?
@phenomnomnominal HgUser
That'll do, ta
jsfiddle.net/12k76emk why is it like this small?
shouldn't you set the font style before drawing the text?
:P ew .. sorry, I though it took all of those as settings
well it does, but the draw function (fillText) depend on the current values of the settings
ok, and another question. jsfiddle.net/12k76emk/2 I am doing 30, 30 in the fillText which is half the width then why is not vertical center
here it says, You always refer to a property of the predefined Number object as shown above, and not as a property of a Number object you create yourself. Does that mean one should not try adding the property to Number object?
@Cauterite Did you see the checklist that I shared you? I was looking for same information chat.stackoverflow.com/transcript/message/25623849#25623849. Compare to yesterday, am in a very better situation in deciding, how to move forward
@overexchange it just means you should do Number.MAX_VALUE instead of (new Number).MAX_VALUE
@overexchange oh yes, i did see that. good to hear
@Cauterite Number seem to be a function constructor object
If I open the select image browse window and choose one. How can I get this event?
@Cauterite am really happy that i got that checklist, now the path is clear. I learnt JS/html/css its time ti apply using that nanodegree program
What for Number.NaN used?
!!>Number.NaN === Number.NaN
@Cauterite false
for lolz
type and value comparison?
the only thing you can do with Number.NaN is assign it to a variable or pass it to a function
if, for whatever reason, you need that variable/param to be NaN
you know what NaN is, right?
Use Number.isNaN() to check if something is a number
Why Number.Nan is required? I did not see java/python providing this as standard language feature
@overexchange java has Float.NaN i think
why is it required?
it's not really; you could get the same value by doing 0/0, but 'NaN' is more explicit
just for the sake of code clarity
a=0;b=0;if (a/b == NaN){}
are you asking why there's a .NaN property, or why NaN exists as a numerical value?
4 mins ago, by ivarni
Use Number.isNaN() to check if something is a number
Nothing is == NaN, not even NaN
Also, use isFinite()
@Cauterite why do we need NaN property?
@overexchange just for code clarity
mathematically why doe we require NaN in the code?
console.log(typeof NaN); // 'number'
In computing, NaN, standing for not a number, is a numeric data type value representing an undefined or unrepresentable value, especially in floating-point calculations. Systematic use of NaNs was introduced by the IEEE 754 floating-point standard in 1985, along with the representation of other non-finite quantities like infinities. Two separate kinds of NaNs are provided, termed quiet NaNs and signaling NaNs. Quiet NaNs are used to propagate errors resulting from invalid operations or values, whereas signaling NaNs can support advanced features such as mixing numerical and symbolic computation...
mathematically we don't. But it's a part of the float spec.
because any operation involving NaN also results in NaN, it's mainly useful for detecting when float operations have failed,
@overexchange This is consistent with at least Java, where Float.NaN is a float
IE it is an early predecessor of exceptions.
lets say in some part of your code you have `x /= y;`,
if, in some circumstance, `y` happens to be zero, and your code is expecting `x` to be a valid number after the division,
Bad example since 9/0 is actually Infinity :)
oh, oops
But it turns out Number.isNaN(Infinity) is false so carry on
a = 0
b = 0
typeof Infinity
well, lets say some operation caused x to be NaN,
any subsequent arithmetic involving x will also result in NaN,
except boolean operations
NaN values will propagate through any arithmetic operations
except casting to integers
that's not arithmetic

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