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I do like the way up quarks taste :3
meh. They're not as charming as others.
Anyone here use the "Webpage Screenshot" Chrome extension?
No, I use the builtin Firefox function.
@CallumBarclay Wow, you're sure acting strange
I use 'Full Page Screen Capture'
@KendallFrey Run. And run fast.
Just wondering, because I suspect it of malware
You should probably get rid of Chrome all together ;P
I'm not using Chrome :3
But I'm already home.
@CallumBarclay Are you not down for puns today?
He had a family! Nooooooo!
You can't stop the quark jokes, that's the bottom line.
But it's our top priority
night guys
Q: What do you get when you mix sulfur, tungsten, and silver?
you're all tetraquarks
Well, you've run out of Quarks.
@phenomnomnominal meson pairs are boring
It's all about the pentaquarks
I'm mostly of triquarks
@rlemon False, you get a mixture of sulphur, tungsten and silver. They aren't chemically bonded by mixing.
@CallumBarclay don't be that guy
they can if Chuck Norris stares at the mixture
LOOK LEFT ===========================> you failed
@SomeKittens Yes, I'm great fun at parties.
@rlemon I will murder you in cold blood
can you warm it a little?
I don't like being chilly.
Don't be chilly, be Chile
What was the country that has a flag like the US but with something else in the blue part?
Old america?
I think it was Liberia
That's a really nice gif.
Nope, it was Malaysia
looks like a webm
Loving this site full of flag giphs.
less stripes too
my professor is willing to pay me to convert this website to a responsive design: pimpmyplate.com
I've never done that before, is something like that even possible without completely redesigning the website?
redesigning the website would be recommended
Yeah. How much free time do you have?
I have a month, and I need to give him an estimate
You'll want to redesign it.
So basically re-do the entire thing eh? I'm guessing it's generally quite difficult to make an existing website responsive?
That's only 100 dollars a day!
$3000? That's, what, best part of £2500. I've been getting ripped off.
Not really
It's just ugly
And shite,.
@CallumBarclay He's a college student
Is there anything I could throw it quickly into to see what a fast solution to convert that to mobile would look like?
Someone will do it for like $100 lol
From your guys' experience will that site look like shit from bootstrap?
that site looks like shit
the entire goal here is to have sales go up, and make website look nicer
Yeah I'd just redo the graphics then add bootstrap
redesign it using bootstrap
Anything will make it loko better.
it's 10 years old, so yeah it's shit right now
bootstrap is a css framework
i was gonna say 3k was way too high but if there's backend work involved..
looks like there's a registration system and stuff
I don't think he'd be editing the backend
They've done the bloody menu with a map.
No, it's wierd. Doesn't even use PHP
meh, $3k isn't too expensive depending on time involved.
it's very old
30 hours of freelance === 3K
It looked pretty modern to me
@rlemon yeah if you're competent
no reason to pay someone 100/hr if they're just starting to learn
for me it's gonna be a bunch of learning at the same time too though lol
$30/hr then?
Which millennium were you born in xD
I charged 24 when I was doing something I was semi competent in
I undercharge @ $75/hr
and by semi competent, I mean I had to do some php work and had never worked on php before
I'm thinking I give him both options? Like option A: I simply make the existing website responsive with bootstrap - $500 for one website. Option b: Redesign the entire thing with a responsive feel and brand new template - $3000
Nix option a because you'll make $2500 less
I wonder which one he will choose...
yeah actually nevermind
that doesn't look good
do you know what his budget is, even roughly?
It's a small business
They almost always go for the cheaper option
how hard is it to bootstrap that thing?
you know even if you don't make a ton of money of this gig you could always use it in a portfolio of sorts
Which is why the professor is asking a college student
I have experience in basic web development but the majority of my knowledge is in the backend PHP/asp.net/mysql shit
like i'm out here trying to get people to pay me $100/hr but i dont have anything to show for really
how hard will this be for me?
tough life
@Vimzy hm i dunno
No matter what, your solution will be better than what's currently there
frontend work isn't hard but it's a whole different world
Yeah, front end is a lot easier
I could just use a responsive template, and go from there...?
depends on your aptitude for design and stuff like that
Don't overthink it
There are a bunch of frameworks for this kind of thing
just do it
yesterday you said tomorrow
The less time you spend working on it, the better
That's true, but I mean like from scratch? I can definitely make this happen given some kind of responsive template
Or should I just do it from scratch?
not from scratch why would you do that
You can do things from scratch in your personal projects
This isn't a personal project
the less code you write the more you get paid per line
that's my thinking anyways :)
@nick #oneliner
Okay, so final verdict. Should I bootstrap this thing or find a responsive template and convert it over that way?
@CallumBarclay npm install everything
@Vimzy bootstrap is a responsive framework
it'll have examples
foundation 5 is pretty cool too :)
i'm using skeleton for my current project because it's so simple
nick, will you marry me?
@NickDugger got something to say eh
How about Wordpress? Runs
k bb
@CallumBarclay +1 i write all my apps in wordpress
@nick You've gone mad.
I write all of my apps in wordpress plugins
and jquery
florian@debian:~$ ls /tmp/dpkgfs | grep ncurses
@Zirak ^
Ubuntu > Debian
Ubuntu === Consumer Debian
my stack: jquery, wordpress, wix, squarespace
Ubuntu = proprietary Debian
@rlemon Ubuntu === master race
@nick What about Microsoft Office Publisher
in HTML / CSS / WebDesign, May 27 at 12:59, by rlemon
I use the PJMA (pronounced pajama) stack. PHP jQuery MySQL and Apache
Eh, what? Arch Linux ftw.
wix + phpBB + MS Frontpage + django
@CallumBarclay used to before I switched to mac
@nick You can get it for Mac?
@NickDugger oh babe thats the hottest thing youve ever said to me
who gets security patches faster? ubuntu or debian?
Ubuntu uses Debian as its upstream
I patch my fedora distro with jQuery plugins
yea. I thought I heard that ubuntu was more up-to-date
I'd consider using fedora if it had a different name
@Meredith this x1000
but i guess that's just referring to versions of packages
@Meredith rename it to trilby
@Luggage Ubuntu fetches Debian unstable every 6 months, basically
I just learned about upstreams in git... New job uses it. I've not used forks/pull requests before, only branches of the same repo
I use debian unstable for a couple of packages (chromium, iceweasel, etc), but I'm on stable for the rest
Well, I have no reason to change my existing servers but I have to build some thgins from source or use external package repos anyway, so I'm not really getting much from Ubuntu, I think.
@Meredith Top Hat?
top shelf linux
oh lord i'm a genius
top kek linux
@nick I'm stealing that name, if you don't mind.
@Mike0x Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@Luggage I have my own debian repo for custom packages built from source, so I get nice stuff
i.e. I keep using apt-get to manage all my packages
@CallumBarclay no worries, make sure to list me as a contributor on the git repo though
that'll look awesome
@CallumBarclay Still kinda neckbeardy
Git repo? Hah. Commercial linux distro.
let's fork ubuntu
while that's cool, it's something I'd rather avoid. My packages will all be things other's manage (postgres, redis, node, mono).
ubuntu needs a new theme.. not really digging the brown and reds and purples
top shelf linux needs top shelf design
Let's fork Windows 9. callumbarclay.scot/ww9
There's really nothing called Windows 9
They jumped over it to Windows 10
@Mike0x yeah because that's just the codename for top shelf linux
@nick I use the cinnamon desktop environment
@Mike0x you know why right?
@Meredith is that what mint uses?
no , @rlemon
Damn you, callusedbarcrud
someone always has to ruin it
and then tip his fedora afterwards
@Meredith i like it, its so similar to windows though
That's what I like about it
then again the unity environment is sorta similar too
@NickDugger oh, did you play the game?
Unity tries to be somewhere in between windows and osx
@CallumBarclay I have a game
Unity? I much prefer XNA.
click Kanye until you win jsfiddle.net/rlemon/bzyqn0oy/6/show
Unity is ugly as gross
really wish they'd speed up the menu thing
i use it as my launcher and it takes too long to appear IMO
and search speed
@NickDugger meh
@rlemon I found a bug!
@CallumBarclay squish it
@NickDugger meh
@rlemon Y'see, today is Tuesday.
It's a feature
it is monday
it is tuesday.
!!> new Date().toString()
yesterday was thursday, thursday
@rlemon "Mon Jul 20 2015 20:58:26 GMT-0400 (Eastern Standard Time)"
I win
we, we, we so excited; we so excited
we gonna have fun today
I be her back in black
something something front seat
caprica's time zone should be pacific
Caprica is Canadian.
cuz that's where it's happening
!!urban it
@NickDugger it The word the Knights of Ni cannot hear or say.
ah, ok
!!urban tis but a scratch
@rlemon No definition found for tis but a scratch
messages.style["box-shadow"] = "0px -4px " + toColor(color) + " !important";
Okay, what stupid thing am I doing that this wouldn't set the box-shadow
!!tell JoshLeBlanc youtube do it
@rlemon Don't be annoying, drop the @, nobody likes a double-ping.
(libapt is a C++ API, so cffi... let's give up on that.)
How does one write a stylesheet with infinite color properties
@CapricaSix Ironically it always results in a double ping anyways. (@Zirak)
@JoshLeBlanc did you look at my script?
I haven't yet actually
store the data in localStorage and generate the sheet at init then on runtime
Just saw the picture
what if you just used the person's name as the color
when you load generate the sheet, then append to it (.textContent +=) during runtime when you see new users (and save when you get a new one)
it works well.
Pfft optimizations
I just fucked it up and tried to tie it into chrome storage sync which has stupid silly restrictions on size.
@JoshLeBlanc this means no more inline styles and no more DOM manipulations on EVERY message
you just add a style rule when the user is seen for the first time
it is crazy simple to implement
let me get a beer and i'll write up a quick example.
@rlemon I make firefox addon out of your program. it is tuesday. i be back later with firefox addon.
Can you even generate a stylesheet in a userscript
oh I guess I could just put it in a style tag
That's a good idea
es6 question
is this:
(key) => { return key in this.data }
equiv to this:
how 2 primise
oh I fixed it
(key) => key in this.data
I believe so
so long as "key in this.data" is interpreted as a value
@rlemon y u parenthesize single param
seems right.
I know I don't have too
Yeah, according to my personal standards I should too
but I hate it
foo: a => a in d,
bar: (a,b) => a > b;
the fact that they are different bothers me
so I just () them all
what an utter waste of keystrokes
There are a limited number of keystrokes.
Why must you deprive the needy of them?
yeah cherry mx switches are good for 50k only
@nick I'm not writing function anymore ;)
two extra strokes right now still keeps me in the black.
dunno man, those cherry switches are expensive to replace
only 50k?
/me stops typing forever
maybe more like 50 million :)
var obj = {
  fn: key => key in this.data,
  data: {}
how 2 es6?
babel doesn't like this
might need {}s:
fn: key => { return key in this.data; },
I have to put {}'s on: x => { return { some: 'object' }; }
"use strict";

var obj = {
  fn: function fn(key) {
    key in undefined.data;
  data: {}
now it's not returning anything.
like, do I have to make it a class like object to use this?
or is it going to force me to use Object.create?
let obj = {
  fn: key => key in obj.data,
  data: {}
this works.
but I would like to know why I can't use this in babel that way
Well I'm lost. #insertRule isn't modifying the style element I create. theStyleSheet.sheet logs the correct information however
Juuuuuuuuust kidding
Okay, script updated as per rlemon's suggestion
Blatantly copying rlemon's highlighting style
Miaou oneboxes the parent tweet, not the actual one. And for some reason, I cannot play YT videos from onebox. It's blank. /cc @DenysSéguret @FlorianMargaine
@uselesschien yeah, the youtube bug is weird.
I can't seem to find out what's wrong with it
when adding the iframe manually from the console, it works
It works for some people.
but not with miaou's code
yup... couldn't figure out the issue
Show off
I'm going to back to my cobol now ;_;
@Zirak youtu.be/fzEyG4VtiUY for the lisp workflow in emacs (the ls are slow because of all the logs in the repl, it's instant when not logging anything.)
@JoshLeBlanc I have already written it before.
this was meant to be a example you could learn from maybe
also for me to get more used to writing es6
for now should I be using Array.from(nodeList).fn or [].fn.call ??
not sure
Woah, extra neat
[...document.body.querySelectorAll('#chat .user-container')].forEach(parseNode);
I'd use Array.from in a professional codebase though, much clearer
also wtf rlemon
document.body.querySelectorAll ??
time to stop drinking :?
I mean it works, but it is redundant.
I'm happy with my coding night
Got something neat running
The only reason I did any coding tonight is because I'm bored to tears
@FlorianMargaine gist.github.com/rlemon/2a06c7a8cbf54c42dc33 my first real es6
user colors
Why is my color purple, damn it
Yup, saw it
@JoshLeBlanc because my algo sucks.
@rlemon It's my algo
let color = key => {
	let hashCode = s => {
	    let hash = 0;
	    s += '!';
	    for (let i = 0; i < s.length; i++) {
	        hash = s.charCodeAt(i) + ((hash << 5) - hash);
	    return -hash;
	let i = hashCode(key);
	return '#' + (Math.min((i >> 24) & 0xFF, 175).toString(16) + Math.min((i >> 16) & 0xFF, 175).toString(16) + Math.min((i >> 8) & 0xFF, 175).toString(16) + Math.min(i & 0xFF, 175).toString(16)).slice(0, 6);
key is 'user-{userid}'
I'd use classes instead of plain objects though, the syntax is neat.
but I only need a single instance
I know the syntax is nice
And use moar const
I guess I'll rewrite this using all these newfangled es6 nonsense
Like, most of your let should be const
I didn't know we had a const keyword
one of the lucky 10,000!
anyway, gn
CSS should have syntax highlighting built in
pre code { syntax-highlight: 'JavaScript' }
There's webcomponents for that.
@uselesschien yes, but browsers with decent inspectors already do highlighting, so why not push it off the parsing/rendering to them?
While used widely, I think it's too niche for CSS WG to consider.
Yeah I'm trying to think of something comparable

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