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What do you guys use for responsive typography ?
font-family: sans-serif
@copy no
ia.net/know-how/responsive-typography-the-basics < Here is a good article about it.
But my suggestion will be as responsive as it can get. Using the literal meaning of "responsive"
am I being too harsh
Q: How to remove this from goJS?

Catalin FestilaHow to remove this text ?: see image : http://i61.tinypic.com/209g7wl.png When I used the samples from official website this scripts example worked without that text?

@SimonSarris you're being to kind
anyone have a firefox theme that actually works on nightly?
simple white just broke with the last update
11th commandment
thou shall not drink a cup of tea in front of your computer screen when watching a horror story
I'm using the 'HTML5 Local Storage' to save some data that's been entered into an input box. However, everytime I type in a value and press the save button it overwrites the previous value.
How do I prevent this
Write the code in such a way
I'm not sure how
@Tahmid what do you expect it to do?
Use problem-solving to solve the problem
I'll give you a hint
Free beer
Free beer usually means cheap overtime
I want it so that every time I press save it doesn't overwrite that value. I want it on a new line. For example, if I put 5 in the input box and press save, the number 5 will appear in a list below the inputbox. If I enter another value into the inputbox, e.g 10 and press save that value gets overridden and changes in the list.
@Shaz heh, I actually know cobol
I want it so that the previous value will stay there and it would add the next saved value just beneath it in the list.
@Cereal How does that even happen?
@monners Company I work for is primarily cobol. I write modern software, they maintain legacy software. I've been learning cobol to close tickets on the legacy software.
Crazy, I bet the legacy guys must hate you :P
Isn't local storage a key value store
Can't you just index it
@monners I'm sure they do. They don't use modern source control. They're source control is one of our coworkers. They've actually managed to organize themselves into something remarkably similar to git, where git is replaced with kim
If y'all could take my short survey that would be awesome! goo.gl/forms/PJChn05j2W
So kim's the only one that hates me
@benlevywebdesign I'll do it in exchange for a t-shirt
what kind of t-shirt?
A problem-solving t-shirt
Preferably one with cats
It will take a while to get to you
Or raccoons (they're practically the same animal)
I'll wait
does a png work?
I'd like a t-shirt of monners wearing his tshirt with a moustache
I'll then take a t-shirt of @phenomnomnominal wearing that
Actually, that's pretty good, I'd pay for that
Yeah we should make this happen
Every t-shirt is of the previous t-shirt being worn
@benlevywebdesign Kinda hard to answer your UX questions without context.
I can't just imagine the elements on an interface
which one?
Does the button need an arrow?
its a list view...whats confusing about that
I didn't know it was a list view?
And before you ask; no. I didn't read the question properly
here is what the screen would look like with a bookmark icon
can you read the title easily?
What title
at the top
outline it in black yo
marching ants!
<blink> :)
is it hard to read
click on the image to see it bigger
does that help @cereal ?
I could read it without zooming it, I just wanted it outlined
Because it's easier to read
Hi guys
I wrote a program to find if a number is a power of 2, using bit manipulation, in Javascript and it doest work.
Any Idea?
Operator precedence
@copy Thanks man! That solved it. :)
I didn't even look at the fiddle
You are the man.
@benlevywebdesign C'est fait
Q: showing the div with vertical space waste when I click on the link

stackhere is my structure: +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | | | header {position: fixed;} | |___________________________________________________...

@stack Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
hi all
Best book to learn JavaScript??
@WEBDEVPR Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
!!tell WEB resources
@Callum Tanks!
-1! Yes!
Anyone that can help me out in setting up github api so i can access a gist?
@feners what have you tried?
oop nevermind.
1 message moved to Trash can
@feners Please don't post unformatted code - hit Ctrl+K before sending, and see the faq. For posting large code blocks, use a paste site like gist.github.com, hastebin.com or pastie.org
@benlevywebdesign pastie.org/10301816
but I`m just lost..
I guess I should be signing stuff, but I've never been sure what to sign. Maybe if I post my private key, I can crowdsource my decisions about what to sign.
@feners Which page are you running the JS from?
@CallumBarclay Im testing on jsfiddle..
@CallumBarclay How can I access a specific gist?
For some reason, passing false instead of true in the async. request param made it work :S
In the gist I used as an example, I was showing a friend the wonders of prototypes.
Don't pass false instead of true. That makes the request synchronous, which is pretty much always the wrong thing to do.
I'm aware, but it made it work.
Yes. It made it work because you wrote your code for synchronous logic, instead of asynchronous logic.
How to unbind this event from div
@CallumBarclay When I run this, its not showing the console log..
@Retsam I've not touched async. logic,
Did you copy my code word-for-word? My code assumed you knew the gist name.
@CallumBarclay thnx!
@feners I believe that this is asyc. logic, jsfiddle.net/CallumBarclay/s6kepLtz/1
@CallumBarclay I keep getting an error..
Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (Not Found)
fiddle.jshell.net/:1 XMLHttpRequest cannot load gist.github.com/25aa5c3d5070c9b1c2a3.git. No 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header is present on the requested resource. Origin 'http://fiddle.jshell.net' is therefore not allowed access. The response had HTTP status code 404.
@feners Which error?
@Retsam thanks!
Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (Not Found)
fiddle.jshell.net/:1 XMLHttpRequest cannot load gist.github.com/25aa5c3d5070c9b1c2a3.git. No 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header is present on the requested resource. Origin 'http://fiddle.jshell.net' is therefore not allowed access. The response had HTTP status code 404.
@feners Your url is wrong. It should be api.github.com/25aa5c3d5070c9b1c2a3
Money at Light speed ! vs Money at Warp Speed !
@Retsam I still get an error..
api.github.com/gists/25aa5c3d5070c9b1c2a3, actually.
Why does some frameworks like jquery conduct conference. What do they do there??
Plot world domination, obviously.
Probably talk about how their framework is so much better than the others in n ways.
Then have a pretentious laughing area, where they laugh at those not using said frameworks, or the peasants.
@CallumBarclay so if whats inside my gist is a json file, how would I load it?
var objectName = JSON.parse(responsetext);
How to make IE respond to media queries??
Then use it like an object.
@WEBDEVPR Tell the user to get a proper browser
@Abhishrek Money at Quantum Speed Internet speeds
@CallumBarclay too technical
IE 8
@feners Can you please start googling these questions instead of asking them here?
I promise you, googling "how to use JSON in javascript" would have turned up about a million useful hits.
@WEBDEVPR you cant
I have a problem with window.innerWidth. It's correctlly working all modern browsers exept chrome. demo.adbox.lk
@VarunaLex So, all modern browsers then?
@CallumBarclay exept chrome!
Simple logic if (window.innerWidth > 728){
@VarunaLex So, all modern browsers then?
It's been supported in Chrome since 1.0
@Abhishrek any is hacks??
can you check this link please : http://demo.adbox.lk/
check it on firefox or IE10. Then check it on chrome. You can see the defference
fuck ie8
@VarunaLex I think he is testing something...
Why ie is so annoying?? @Abhishrek
@WEBDEVPR why is life bad ?
@VarunaLex Should I have my adblock disabled for that?
Why do you need media queries in ie8?
Simple logic
if (window.innerWidth > 728){ // load 728px banner }
else if(window.innerWidth < 728){ // load 468px banner }
@CallumBarclay YES!
Usually media queries are for dealing with phones/tablets
I don't think anyone has ie8 on their phone
@VarunaLex Ah, that's why it was only showing test somethings and there was an ad script linked.
So unless you're dealing with low resolutions or small windows, it's not a big deal to just not support media queries in ie8
@VarunaLex It works in firefox, I'll go open Iron and look.
@CallumBarclay YES. that's my testing ad script system.
@CallumBarclay Yes It's working with firefox,IE10 but not in Chrome
@Meredith I agree with u
@VarunaLex Just tell the Chrome users to get a proper browser.
@CallumBarclay Are you trolling? What is your definition of a "proper browser".
My NPAPI app doesn't work in Chrome
@Retsam Anything not Chrome or IE.
> 2015
> Still using chrome
@CallumBarclay So Edge, obviously.
@Retsam I'm willing to accept anything that isn't Chrome or IE. Derivative or otherwise.
But yeah, no, Chrome is a "proper" browser. It's standards compliant and the most used browser.
@CallumBarclay Version 43.0 I'm still using for this test. Do you have any advice to detect browser size? not the window and without using media queries or Jqueries.
@Retsam I love firefox :D
@VarunaLex You could try a framework like jQuery.
In jQuery
not the window and without using media queries or Jqueries.
@Meredith It gives the width of the window?
@Abhishrek respond.js makes ie 8 respond to media queries
He specifically said he doesn't want jquery lol
@WEBDEVPR read on what it is doing then decide if you want to use it.
@CallumBarclay Yes I can but jQuery slow down my process. If some one using fiw ad slots He/she have to load jQuery fiw times??
remember IE 8 is A SLOWWWWWWWWWWWWW AS SHIT browser
it downloads data slow
compiles javascript slow
renders slow
runs it even terribly slow.
Does it spam slowly, too?
@CallumBarclay thats fast (toolbars)
I remember using ie8 to play neopets
@WEBDEVPR usual way to go with IE 8 is to use <!--If --> hack and give it the suitable css which fits your 1024 - 1280 width pages
@VarunaLex document.getElementsByTagName("html")[0].style.width
there us definitely no way you are going to find and IE8 working on a mobile device.
@Meredith I remember using netscape to play neopets
@Meredith I mean not the screen size. Just I need browser window size. without using media queries or Jquery.
@CallumBarclay ok I'll try. Thank you
@phenomnomnominal Did you ever set up a profile layout shop thing
I've never played neopets.
@Meredith i just did the stock exchange
You know what I mean
Has it got 4k res?
I used to make custom profiles for people for neopoints
They were really bad
But it helped me learn html in like 4th grade though so that was neat
Custom HTML profiles? I bet that wasn't abused, at all.
I think they had a whitelist of tags/attributes
But I'm sure it got abused all the time
But I didn't even know javascript existed then so idk
HTML with JavaScript? Oh god, the staticness!
They didn't let you use css
You had to use like <body bg-color="red">
Whatever the attribute was
It's better than what you get nowadays, though. You're lucky to get bold text.
I felt like a 1337 hacker at the time though
classic DHTML
Like I was a master of the internet
vivesce.re/sick <- Making that stuff makes me feel like a l33tist, you may have exploded had you made something like this back then.
@BenjaminGruenbaum NOOOOOO
:24543365 :( Chrome showing browser width as 1024 but still it response to
" width < 728 " statement. Not in other browsers only in chrome. :(
@Shaz no.
& morning to all others
document.write('<div id="hold" style"z-index:2147483647 !important;"></div>');
 // crude way to check that the screen is at 1024x768
var boxwt = window.innerWidth;

if (boxwt < 728){

	 var screenSZW = window.innerWidth;
	 var screenSZH = window.innerHeight;

	 if(screenSZW < screenSZH){var screenMODE = "default";
	 var screenADH = screenSZW/6;
	 screenADH = screenADH.toFixed(2);
	 else if(screenSZW > screenSZH){var screenMODE = "landscape";
	 var screenADH = screenSZH/6;
Is there anythin wrong? Chorme does not detect screen inner width correctlly. It's always showing 'else if' statment.
The only other way I can think of is to create an element, width 100%, and then convert that width into px.
all the starred messages are useless :/
tempted to starr that as well
That wasn't me
I resisted temptation
it's funny 'cause it's true
We have lots of trolls here
Only thing missing is someone having caprica tell someone to EAD.
Ignorance is bliss
!!welcome JohnSnow
@JohnSnow Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
!!welcome Maurize
@Maurize Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
!!shut up caprica
@Maurize That didn't make much sense. Use the !!/help command to learn more.
!!urban ofc
@JohnSnow ofc Used in instant messaging to represent 'Of course'
@Maurize Information on interacting with me can be found at this page
@Maurize 666, help, listen, eval, coffee, refresh, forget, info, listcommands, tell, afk, ban, unban, convert, define, doge, google, hang, jquery, learn, put..it..back...ლ(ಠ益ಠ)ლ, phucket, gtfo, moneycantbuylove, catmode, coffeetime, lifeban, stopmyself, instagram, kendallfrey, excited, manigga, meinneger, dgaf, infiniteriot, okay, feelsgoodman, fabulous, sausage, playerpimp, installjavascript, moarkittens, kendall, kfc, uwot, nsfw, facepalm, somekittens, erase, fry, dudeism, hahastillhere
onebox, morecoffee, steve, whoosh, burn, woosh, roomowner, phony, really, inur, coffeescript, macaroni,
ಊ(╰◣▂ ◢╯)Ψ
!!lifeban Java
┬─┬ ノ( ゜-゜ノ)
@Maurize Input not matching /meaw/. Help: User-taught command: meeee Meaw
@CallumBarclay That didn't make much sense. Use the !!/help command to learn more.
waiting for a RO to trash all this stuff
oh my...
@NikhilBatra: If an OP asks for a jQuery solution to multiply 2 by 4, wouldn't you tell him to use this amazing library called native JS? — Cerbrus 26 secs ago
!!summon 139
@JohnSnow That didn't make much sense. Use the !!/help command to learn more.
I'm so helpful this morning -.-
@JohnSnow I will appear in that room after 1 more invocation(s)
!!summon 139
@Cerbrus Why switch languages? I'm already using jQuery that has a plugin that can do the very same.
@Neil: Meanwhile, you might want to use jQuery to re-define the boolean
@CallumBarclay thanks
Only 2 possible values, that's terribly inefficient
@Cerbrus True, we should at least have undefined state, third-state, and null pointer exception
VanillaJS all the way baby
And a option to assign extra values to the boolean: myBoolean.isLying = true
@Cerbrus And a function to animate the boolean
Witch scenes, just like... eh, what's that amazing piece of software called
For shame...
@Cerbrus Safest software there is
how set 1 event for 2 case (onclick, onload) ?
can't render a checkbox without using flash.. I mean, come on
also, you wouldn't want it to conflict with other components on the page, so you'd have to put it in its own iframe, naturally
It'd only make sense to create jQss, to ease the animation process.
@Neil The question is, how many iframe levels are there?
@CallumBarclay We'd you'd be crazy to say anything less than 3
we could make use of web workers, one for each iframe level, you know to make sure it is updated
@Neil You'd want to create a new iframe every tick, because security.
naturally, naturally
@royhowie: How is that not unclear?
I feel we are reinventing the wheel, but square shaped.
Those intervals are 9 seconds apart
Nobody's tried square wheels yet
Well, aside fromt he mythbusters
!!youtube mythbusters square wheels

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