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which example?
Any one of them
you click on any of them and they run normally. what's problem?
The problem is if I click on any of them the model doesn't load
Code for Hello World:
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="utf-8">
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width">
<script src="http://code.playcanvas.com/playcanvas-latest.js"></script>
<canvas id="application-canvas"></canvas>
<a id="logo" href="https://playcanvas.com/" target="_blank"><img src="http://static.playcanvas.com/images/logo/PLAY_FLAT_ORANGE3_SMALL.png" /></a>
// Create a PlayCanvas application
var canvas = document.getElementById("application-canvas");
I get an undefined error from this line: var app = new pc.Application(canvas);
Can you get Hello World to work?
One sec let me try that
The example you linked works because it pulls the playcanvas-latest.js from their side, if I use mine that I built it doesn't work
I am going to download theirs and see if their examples will work then
The good news is at least the cube now works, but the other examples still does not work
I get these errors:
XMLHttpRequest cannot load file:///E:/Downloads/HTML/engine-master/examples/assets/statue/Statue_1.mapping.json. Cross origin requests are only supported for protocol schemes: http, data, chrome, chrome-extension, https, chrome-extension-resource.pc.extend.Http.request @ playcanvas-latest.js:13137pc.extend.Http.get @ playcanvas-latest.js:13026pc.extend.JsonHandler.load @ playcanvas-latest.js:18906pc.extend.ResourceLoader.load @ playcanvas-latest.js:18613pc.extend.AssetRegistry._loadModel @ playcanvas-latest.js:20088pc.extend.AssetRegistry.loadFromUrl @ playcanvas-latest.js:20071(anonymous f
I need to get this working offline tonight because I am going to be without internet this weekend :( and I want to play with this
I think its meant to be put in the server. You are now running it buy just clicking I suppose?
Yeah, I had it working last year December however I can't remember how I did it
I think I put it in a wamp localhost
Yes, put it in wamp www dir. Run wamp. Browse to your html file in localhost. Your js file requests file in server and server returns it. If you run it locally, there is nothing to return it.
I just did, I got the same problem :(
What is your browser url?
Oh good point
Ah now it is working
Thank you my good man, I forgot about this
No problem
Sigh... I just did that through teamviewer on my other pc... I didn't really want to install a localhost on this pc
Have you tried three.js before?
Im not familiar with teamviewer. But why build it yourself?
I won't have internet this weekend so I need everything to work offline
I haven't even used playcanvas :D
Except today to run that example
It looks cool but it has only been a pain so far
Check it out
It is pretty cool
Yup its nice even on my eee pc
Going for a vacation r u?
Not really, they are working on our line to fix something so the internet is down, I am on my phone at the moment but my data is going to run out soon
I live in South-Africa, everything related to internet is a pain
I got installed package listing!
Thanks for the help Suresh, I am off to bed now
@FlorianMargaine Congrats!
No problem man
is there a shortcut for i % 6 == 1 || i % 6 == 2 ?
@catgocat i%6 && i%6 < 3
just a bit shorter, but I don't think there's an easier way
thanks man
although it returns true for negative
but im using only 0+ so its ok
well, you can still save 2 chars
i % 6 > 0 && i % 6 < 3
but a much better way which actually saves computation would be:
( var n = i % 6, n > 0 && n < 3 )
just a couple more chars than the first version, but much better to read and to compute
also, if you already have a variable which you know you're not going to be using later again, just use that and you just saved yourself the var keyword
and yeah, in case n is always >0, then thing is much simpler
( n = i % 6, n && n < 3 )
which is already shorter than what you had
this assumes they're also integers
@towc in case you're wondering why I asked > codegolf.stackexchange.com/a/53330/41667
!![0,1,1][i % 6]
I always forget that
@phenomnomnominal oh, that's cool!
bit shorter
a new Pirates of the Caribbean film was announced for 2017
I like that series idc what anyone says
I loved the first one
One of my favourite films
The rest were meh
I'm looking forward to the new one
Yeah they're not like masterpieces or anything
But theyre fun
Now I gotta learn LISP to make debian packages?
What kinda hipster would do this to me.
that's the kind.
you should mix in some Haskell for good measure
@Luggage what am i missing?
@nick Good idea, because an installaction package without side effects is exactly what people are looking for :)
Hey guys
Anyone here
Sorry, I'm new to JavaScript too.
@iamtery What's your question?
Question is can this be used on standard html page
So it can work using localhost right
Use id to get data
I've got a javascript rounding problem...
@gh0st Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@gh0st i see
What's the trick to rounding in javascript? I've read some SO questions and can't find a solid solution.
For example, I'm trying to multiply 249.5*0.35
It = 87.325 but in javascript it's rounded to 87.32
When I use parseFloat or Math.round
!!> 249.5*0.35
@uselesschien 87.32499999999999
So what's the trick to getting that to be 87.33?
Like we would round up naturally?
JavaScript is weird.
And very annoying. PHP doesn't have this problem. Am I right?
It's a standard.
Every language that implements it has the problem
!!> Math.round(249.5*0.35 * 200) / 200
@phenomnomnominal 87.325
And now from 87.325 to 87.33?
And why 200?
* 100 for the number of dp
and * 2 for the rounding
Multiply and divide by 2 * 10^n where n is the digits to preci.. whatever/
Ok ok so going from 87.325 to 87.33?
!!> Math.round(249.5*0.35 * 20) / 20
@gh0st 87.32333333333334
@gh0st 87.325
@gh0st 87.325
@gh0st 87.3
!!> Math.round(249.5*0.35 * 200) / 200
So we just skip over the tens place? Like it doesn't exist.
@gh0st 87.325
that 10^n thing doesn't absolutely work the way it sounds like it should.
my bad
this "fixes" the base2 math error:
(Math.round(249.5*0.35*200) / 200)
and then do normal rounding on the result to get the asnwer
!!> var fixed = Math.round(249.5*0.35 * 200) / 200; Math.round(fixed * 100) / 100;
@phenomnomnominal 87.33
Hello, I'm trying to find where I can get the latest Eclipse source code (v4.5) so I can build it to run on my ARMv7l system.
@user2205930 Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
Alright let me try that.
I'm interested in C++ development with Eclipse and the Ubuntu package is only v3.8.
Sweet Moses, thank you @phenomnomnominal
A little off-topic though, but that unicorn in the rule page looks familiar.
@yoo2001818 Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
!!> var fixed = Math.round(249.9*0.35 * 200) / 200; Math.round(fixed * 100) / 100;
@gh0st 87.47
@gh0st What are you trying to do?
Break math.
If you're doing something w/ percents there are better ways to get around floating point limitations
!!> var fixed = Math.round(229.9*0.35 * 200) / 200; Math.round(fixed * 100) / 100;
@gh0st 80.47
All I'm trying to do is round accurately.
So you're trying to do 249.5*0.35 accurately?
Multiply them as integers and then convert to doubles if you can
!!> 249.5*10*.35*100/1000
@Meredith 87.325
@gh0st you just need to do everything with numbers * 100
Or is that not what you want?
Math.round(249.5 * 100 * 0.35 * 100 / 100) / 100
No @mer
@Meredith I want two decimal precision, 249.5*0.35 = 87.33
So, you want to round to two digits of precision.. hm..
And 274.44 * 0.35 = 87.30
So the first problem you need to solve is floating point rounding error
i feel like modulus would come in really handy
!!> 274.44 * 0.35
@gh0st 96.05399999999999
And you do that by manipulating the input as integers if you can
Next, you multiply by 10^n, round, then divide by 10^n
!!> function r (n) { return Math.round(n * 100) / 100; } console.log(r(1.666), r(1.245435));
@uselesschien "undefined" Logged: 1.67,1.25
you're doing the rounding wrong..
@Meredith what meredith said / @gh0st
40 mins ago, by uselesschien
Multiply and divide by 2 * 10^n where n is the digits to preci.. whatever/
function roundTo(m, n){ return Math.round(Math.pow(10, n) * m)/Math.pow(10, n);}
Sorry for the shit formatting, composed it in the dev console real quick
!!> var fixed = Math.round(249.01*0.35 * 200) / 200; Math.round(fixed * 100) / 100;
@gh0st 87.16
!!> var fixed = Math.round(249.44*0.35 * 200) / 200; Math.round(fixed * 100) / 100;
@gh0st 87.31
When actually 249.44 * 0.35 = 87.304 = 87.30
!!> Number(249.44 * 0.35).toFixed(2);
@uselesschien "87.30"
249.44*0.35 = 87.30399999999999
!!> Number(249.50 * 0.35).toFixed(2);
@gh0st "87.32"
When it should be 87.325 = 87.33
Why would you round 87.32499999999999 to 87.33
249.5 * 0.35 is 87.324999.... So it's rounded to 87.32.
All I need it to do is act like a cash register.
I mean, when I punch 249.5*0.35 my iPhone says 87.325, not 87.3249999.....
249.5 * 0.35 is 87.325
floating point math is wrong here
floating point rounding error. :(
So this is my entire dilemma.
Floating point fixes work in some cases and don't in others.
function round(n){if(Math.abs(n)%(1e-10) >= 0) n+=n>0?1e-10:1e-10; return Math.round(n*100)/100;}
Well I tried to fix floating point math... Don't know it'll work correctly. At least it works on 249.5*0.35.
*floating point math rounding error
@yoo2001818 can you stick that in a jsfiddle or something?
Try it on 249.44*0.35
@yoo2001818 clever. most floating point errors can be fixed by using exponential notation.
See if you get 87.30
!!> function round(n){if(Math.abs(n)%(1e-10) >= 0) n+=n>0?1e-10:1e-10; return Math.round(n*100)/100;} round(249.44*0.35);
@uselesschien 87.3
Yeah it works.
'n>0?1e-10:-1e-10' is right code, oops.
What's the difference?
I tried to make it work on negative numbers too.
!!> function round(n){if(Math.abs(n)%(1e-10) >= 0) n+=n>0?1e-10:-1e-10; return Math.round(n*100)/100;} round(249.5*0.35);
@gh0st 87.33
@yoo2001818 Does that only work if the error is less than 1e-10?
It can be a lot more than that when the number is large
Yes.. I think it does.
!!> 249.5*0.35*1e10
@yoo2001818 873249999999.9999
Ok so why then does it break when I stick it in angular...?
@Meredith are you serious?
@gh0st Because angular

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