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Should I do more than glance at the code?
@Meredith this is javascript.
!!> 249.5*1e10*0.35
@yoo2001818 873250000000
I'm not seeing your point
!!> 2222.2333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333
@uselesschien 2222.233333333333
Not what I meant
> large
Yes it doesn't work if the error is larger than 1e-10.
... But Math.round kinda automatically fixes that
!!> Math.round(249.5*0.35*1e10)
@yoo2001818 873250000000
!!> typeof Math.round10
@uselesschien "undefined"
Is there a fix for angular?
@gh0st just do all of your math in cents.
Is this for money?
... then you should avoid floating point numbers
Yeah either do everything in cents or grab a library that uses a higher precision type
So just take my input. Times it by 100.
Do math in integers, and then divide by 100.
Don't do the former if you have to do something like calculate interest over a long period of time though
Nope, just basically calculating tax and crap.
Gotta use BigDecimal-esque data types for banking software
Hmm... should it handle bigger than 21 million dollars?
I still don't think doing everything in integers will help.
!!> 24995*1085/100000
@gh0st 271.19575
@gh0st 271.19575
If you use integers, you don't open yourself of to floating point errors
That's a huge problem when you're dealing with money
but you still have to do the actual rounding
I don't understand how I'll represent cents in the end accurately.
I feel like I'm still going to run into the same problem.
God forbid someone who has 10 cents in their bank account deposits 20 cents
and he has 29 cents total?
!!> .1 + .2
@Meredith 0.30000000000000004
Hmm, calculate in integers internally, and displaying it by dividing by 100 would work I think
Yeah, that's how you're supposed to do it if you don't need a lot of precision
cents = balance % 100; dollars = Math.floor(balance/100)
Ok all I'm trying to do is duplicate this logic in angular.
But you don't format it until you display it
Write it in a typed language and then translate it
@gh0st you need to do the * 0.35 in integers too
!!> var balance = 10247.68*100; var taxrate = 0.085; var tax = balance*taxrate|0; tax/100
@yoo2001818 871.05
Not sure that works.. Yup. proper rounding is still required
Just use integers or a big decimal library
This is a solved problem
@yoo2001818 just said integers won't work, proper rounding is still required.
!!> 249.5*0.35
@yoo2001818 87.32499999999999
because taxrate is still floating number
!!> 249.5*100*0.35/100
@yoo2001818 87.325
But can't you just taxrate = 85 and / 1000 at the end?
... I don't get it.
And do someone said with modulo and /100 for balance?
Hmm you could do that too... I guess
@gh0st I have no idea what you're talking about
You said it @Meredith
cents = balance % 100; dollars = Math.floor(balance/100)
That works
and just concat those results for displaying
That's what I'm trying now.
"$" + dollars + "." + cents
what if the cents are lower than 10?
Then you check if they're lower than 10
And writing this in angular is a pain in the ass.
I'm about to slam my head through my desk.
Solution: Don't use angular
wtf. no
I'm trying to make it response, live.
I'm not sure how writing it in angular makes a difference
It's not like angular implements floating point
@uselesschien $bloatingpoint (source)
@yoo2001818 Information on interacting with me can be found at this page
tip: she likes vodka
look, look
has anyone ever created a facebook login button?
Oh in angular you can just do {{balance / 100 | currency:"USD$"}}
Mark Zuckerberg did.
an employee in facebook company did?
@yoo2001818 i mean if you want to activate facebook login on your page
I'm trying number:2 but I don't think that works either.
3 mins ago, by Meredith
Oh in angular you can just do {{balance / 100 | currency:"USD$"}}
@yoo2001818 what code do i cut, and paste on it?
Uhh... what?
"copy this code to login"
Don't star that. It's not funny from him anymore, just annoying.
@Luggage if they had good documentation i wouldn't have to ask
Hmm you'd need Facebook SDK for Javascript in frontend
and oAuth stuff in backend
But I have no idea what you're talking about
hello do anyone know which program start windows start up programs ?
@php_purest do you have oAuth implemented?
don't bother. he wants magic copy and paste code
they really should create a form to fill out to get the code you need
Developers should get paid 100k/year to copy and paste code
his favorite framework is CTRL-V
@Luggage yep
@php_purest is a malfunctioning bot written by the guys in php room to counter @CapricaSix. He was written in PHP, so.. um..
@php_purest Hmm, what's your backend's language? PHP?
!!do you agree?
@uselesschien All signs point to no
!!are you serious?
@uselesschien By all means
@uselesschien do you want to skype to prove i'm real?
Someone skype with him please
@php_purest I don't use skype
Wait, I'm starting a hangout.
I don't know what's going on in here.
Anyone who's interested can join.
google hangout?
where, so i can prove i'm real
If (s)he isn't real human, how can (s)he talk with real people?
@yoo2001818 i'm that good of a bot
Uh.... okay.
yep ;) ;)
So you passed the Turing test. Congratulations.
Guys, he is real.
@uselesschien i walked in your hangouts
@Abhishrek lol
all it took to authentacate
He's a troll, not a bot.
i don't try to troll
He's a php purest
is there a github for a facebook login script?
Come on
Do you think facebook would make it hard to access a service that makes them a shit ton of money?
@Meredith where are we going?
Just read their docs
thought of the day/night: Maybe designers choose to incorporate minimalism into their work because it's less stuff to criticize
yes, because if they wanted to dumb it down they would make a fb login script builder
There IS Facebook login button script builder
@php_purest stop trolling
is it a good idea to use C++ and a JS parsing library to create a shell interpreter?
@yoo2001818 thanks :D
But you still need to send auth token to server, process the token in server, etc
@edition That's one way to do it
@edition sure, why not?
Seems like they have code example for PHP
That you can copy and paste
<3 @yoo2001818 <3
can't we kick him? the amount of time he wastes is ruining my countries economy.
@edition I'm assuming you mean using node to parse/whatever the commands and then call the appropriate functions in c++, right?
i had trouble finding that script
there's 2 ways to use the single signin
@Meredith different to node.js
What do you mean?
use it to make them money, or make you money
... What.
you'll see over time
this conversation needs a reboot
and some malware removed
I'm lost
Walk toward the light.
i think backdoors
I have nodea what's going on here.
@Luggage i think backwords (source)
!!s/nodea/no idea/
@yoo2001818 I have no idea what's going on here. (source)
damn, and I spelled backwards wrong.
javascript is more 'legible' than shell script.
So what exactly are you trying to do?
@edition can be. i've used it replace shell scripts before, but it's not usually worth it.
to build a shell oriented javascript interpreter.
That's kinda vague.
something like Grunt?
Like I have an idea of what you're trying to do but I don't think we're on the same page
more oriented towards OS/Native features, such as File I/O, device management, alongside the basic features of javascript.
still vague.
you are describing node, in a way
Will it be asynchronous?
Yeah.. it's kinda same as node.js
Do you want a javascript interpreter or a shell interpreter?
I know, but I am trying to differentiate it from node :/
@Meredith a javascript interpreter.
Have fun
interpreter? like V8 or something?
just call makeThingLikeNodeButBetter(true);
@edition What exactly are you trying to do?
be sure to save the result.
@Luggage vert.x?
Well I really have no idea why you're making a new.... interpreter.
I mean it could be fun
@Meredith what could be?
But why don't you narrow your goals a bit and make a rudimentary transpiler?
Yeah it's kinda fun.
Making an interpreter is not fun.
@Luggage But why don't you narrow your goals a bit and make a rudimentary transcombobulator? (source)
@edition github.com/jashkenas/coffeescript/tree/master/lib/coffee-script <- Read through that if you're still interested in that sort of thing
... Making brainf**k interpreter was not fun. Yeah.. most languages involve tokenizing and stuff so I think it'll be extremely hard
@yoo2001818 It's comparatively easy.
Plus, most modern languages implement JIT and stuff
Some people like writing lexers/parsers/interpreters/compilers
Those people have beards.
And I'll let those people do it for me
me either
I mean, adding features to a JS interpreter, whether it be spidermonkey or V8. The interpreter has been either written in C++ or C.
sorta. probably. the engine is c/c++
Oh, so you want to fork an existing engine?
'features'? new syntax or something?
yes, thats what I meant.
Sure, you can do that if you want
You'd have to learn a lot though
node lets you write extensions.. but I'm not sure that's what you want
and I don't think you're sure, either
Still, I think making a transpiler is better method
The first JS to JS transpiler.
Making a transpiler is not any easier than making a compiler/interpreter. It's just that you don't need to worry a lot about optimization and stuff.
That's it. optimization is extremely hard part.
I wouldn't say it's easier
But you don't write dissertations about transpilers
There's a lot of JS to JS transpiler out there
TypeScript, CoffeeScript, Babel and stuff
mine is garanteed to have the output match the input
.... That's meaningless.
Uhm, the only one of those you could say is JS to JS is Babel
JavaScript has a built-in JS to JS transpiler.
!!> eval("console.log(1+2)")
@uselesschien "undefined" Logged: 3
That's an interpreter not a transpiler
But it does transpile before it interprets.
@edition So what you're trying to do is, calling C methods in JS?
oh nvm
@yoo2001818 yes.
Node.js supports C binding I think
There are a bunch of libraries for that
ohh, are we calling out js engines? I love this game
Microsoft Scripting Host 3.0!
I got egg on my face, because I didn't realize that node.js actually has File I/O features. :/
it's got all the things a browser is missing, which is the point
everything a growing app needs
You can even make gui's with node
ok, ok, I get the point.
The editor i use daily is based on node. atom.io
Is that even the right way to phrase that?
Whatever nodewebkit does
or the other one. boson, element, quark, i forget the name
yea, that
Desktop applications
That's what I wanted to say
I've heard that Visual Studio Code is based on node webkit?
@yoo2001818 yep
no, electron, but similar product
There's something called avocode that uses electron
if i needed to make a new desktop ap, i'd seriously consider electron
(assuming the requirements were compatible)
Yeah I've experimented with node-webkit before
Not a huge fan so I'd like to try out electron
the idea of not having to worry abotu browser features and using mostly-up-to-date css3 would be nice
flexbox solves all my problems. my hair is even growing back
hello how to getdata javascript in android
@senti Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@senti Can you elaborate?
i have the html in string format.i fetch the data in webview it work.but i add the javascript in java interface .how to get the data in javascript
if i click the webview means i got logcat in this message
"Uncaught TypeError: undefined is not a function", source: skycinemaskw.com/WSVistaWebClientJSON/js/general.js (60)
That's all yours, Jan.
logcat? Isn't it Android debugger?
@JanDvorak ?
@Luggage no, thanks. I don't do android dev
Can I get my review-history via the SE API or do I have to screen-scrape? Didn't spot anything in the API docs
happy new morning everyone :)
Ugh, goddamn postal service...
Doorbell rings, I jump out of my bed, toss on my (howyoucallthose) bath robes, sprint down the stairs. By the time I reach the door, the delivery guy is practically in his car again
@cerbrus yeah. I have had it where he rang the doorbell and i run to the door (maybe 10 seconds) and he had almost made it to his car across the street. I honestly think he was running away.
It's only costing them more time, they've got to come again now.
Say I'm using io.js and I want to call a function that returns a promise from a loop. I want the loop to wait for the promise to resolve, because the function it's calling might decide to write to a file synchronously and if I keep calling it in a loop without waiting for the previous call to finish up things go pear-shaped. I've been googling for a while and finding tons of npm modules that seems to do this but isn't this what await is for?
@ivarni yes, but iojs has generators so you can use bluebird's coroutines for now. or babel with async/await.
@AwalGarg generators it is then, I'm noot in the mood for transpiling today :)
good choice
@Zirak omgwtfbqqwhereisdacode
Fine I'll publish it
@madara teaching me callbacks did indeed do what I thought it would It's a whole new world for me now :O Thank you ~
!!weather Barcelona Spain
@Neoares Eixample: 27.94C (301.09K), few clouds
!!weather Hyderabad India
I want to die
@uselesschien Hyderabad: 32C (305.15K), broken clouds
I want to die too.
but here 11:22AM
14:52 here
are you near the sea?
midlands. 300km away from sea
Not The Midlands
We've got a nice comfy 11.7C :p
@Zirak awesome. Let's make a better spec for pkgfs
@Zirak for deps, what do you think of a dependencies file that has the names separated by newlines?
@FlorianMargaine Why not a directory of symlinks? That makes traversing much nicer
That's ugly? I think it's pretty elegant
Also easier to parse
You can ls tmux/deps, and then cd tmux/deps/libevent
Easy to play with, with cat
And xargs
And from programs, it's easier to read a file, quite often
does gdb source code have a github mirror?
ok, let's think: What are the reasons you'll want to get a package's dependencies?
Either sheer curiosity, or as part of installation, or part of some enumeration. For instance it'd be pretty cool to make a graphical dependency graph.
So I think pretty much all cases (outside curiosity) involve some kind of enumeration: You want to go over the dependencies
Same for what which programs depend on a package
I want to see the dependencies to see what program is taking how much space. If two packages are doing the same thing, and one takes less space than the other, I'd remove the heavier one.
A file might be easier for parsing, but this data can be in the i-dont-know-what-to-put-here.json (which we might also want to spec). I think symlinks are really good for enumeration.
ggrr, package size...I don't know where to put it. We can't just shove everything into its own file. It's not a db. Is it?
package size is something important for me because of the country I live in. (and npm doesn't provide any information on that which is one big reason I hate npm with passion. apt always tells me how much amount of stuff has to be downloaded to do anything etc. which I like).
even disk space would be important for many people
!!s/because of the country.*//
@phenomnomnominal package size is something important for me (source)
hrm, I wonder if bad things will happen if I make the package directory's size the package's size...

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