@senti Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
Doorbell rings, I jump out of my bed, toss on my (howyoucallthose) bath robes, sprint down the stairs. By the time I reach the door, the delivery guy is practically in his car again
@cerbrus yeah. I have had it where he rang the doorbell and i run to the door (maybe 10 seconds) and he had almost made it to his car across the street. I honestly think he was running away.
Say I'm using io.js and I want to call a function that returns a promise from a loop. I want the loop to wait for the promise to resolve, because the function it's calling might decide to write to a file synchronously and if I keep calling it in a loop without waiting for the previous call to finish up things go pear-shaped. I've been googling for a while and finding tons of npm modules that seems to do this but isn't this what await is for?
ok, let's think: What are the reasons you'll want to get a package's dependencies?
Either sheer curiosity, or as part of installation, or part of some enumeration. For instance it'd be pretty cool to make a graphical dependency graph.
So I think pretty much all cases (outside curiosity) involve some kind of enumeration: You want to go over the dependencies
I want to see the dependencies to see what program is taking how much space. If two packages are doing the same thing, and one takes less space than the other, I'd remove the heavier one.
A file might be easier for parsing, but this data can be in the i-dont-know-what-to-put-here.json (which we might also want to spec). I think symlinks are really good for enumeration.
ggrr, package size...I don't know where to put it. We can't just shove everything into its own file. It's not a db. Is it?
package size is something important for me because of the country I live in. (and npm doesn't provide any information on that which is one big reason I hate npm with passion. apt always tells me how much amount of stuff has to be downloaded to do anything etc. which I like).
even disk space would be important for many people