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@DemCodeLines what's the issue there?
Try adding and typing into those fields. They are not being captured, versus the title field, which is
each ingredient should be an array of its own
the issue i just noticed i still have this tab opened since morning
@phenomnomnominal Does the job, but what fixed it?
putting the ingredients on the recipe model
and refering to everything off that
Wow, I was so close to that situation, I flip flopped around, but hadn't made the right combination. Thanks a lot. Spent I don't know how many hours on this.
lolz, ES6 noop is funny ()=>{}
anyone got any idea of how new line characters work cross platform in mutliline template strings?
@phenomnomnominal ecma-international.org/ecma-262/6.0/… I think this is the relevant part of the spec but it's a little confusing
I think it says \r\n and \n are normalized to \n
yeah that's what I read too
That should be \r\n and \r btw
So everything gets normalized to \n
Which makes sense
if I write a file with a \n in it on windows, will they be transformed into \r\ns?
It'll stay as a \n
If you type a \r\n it'll become an \n
@rlemon Yeah, I knew about that. Here's a story you might like galactanet.com/oneoff/theegg_mod.html
(It's my favourite short story)
It's weird that the author of that short story also wrote The Martian.
Can someone help me out with this code dpaste.com/04W7X88 ?
I need it to return in separate arrays so it would return something like this for example: [ 'July 1st', '4th' ]. Note I need it to have the exact quotation marks. So far, my code returns this: [ 'July 1st, 4th' ].
@Retsam Why is that weird?
I only heard about The Martian because I was following the author (because of his short story)
And The Martian was so good
It's next on my list
I finished it in like a day and a half
Probably the most fun book I've read this year
@FlorianMargaine After removing the plotting functions, the depth-first iteration gives: 0.26s user 0.14s system 11% cpu 3.379 total
With extraneous prints: 0.25s user 0.13s system 0% cpu 41.923 total
I'm looking to take my advertisment top. It's works with site contents but 'zopim' contact button still top of the page. please check this(before check resize your browser width to less than 728px). LINK : kuppiya.lk/forums/btc.43
@SomeGuy Hmm... how to put this without sounding negative towards either the short story or the Martian...
I guess the short story is very much a "big idea" thing, very philosophical and abstract, while The Martian didn't have a drop of philosophy or abstractness to it (except perhaps the "if a hiker gets lost in the mountains" paragraph at the end).
(I was probably going to throw The Martian in as my suggestion for book club next month... I got this months book in the mail today and read the first few pages, and we might need something lighter after this...)
Haha, yeah, that'd be fair
Though now that I say it, The Martian is about one man being the only man on a planet, and The Egg is about one man being the only man in the universe, so maybe there's a connection there....
Reminds me of the "24 reasons why x and y are the same movie" series
There are two different questions with the title "Integral question" (differing only in capitalisation of q) linked as related to the same hot question I've just opened. Next to each other. +2 and +3. FML.
... and more related to these
this is probably my favourite line of code ever ( by @rlemon ):
throw new Error('fuck');
let up = new Error();
throw up; // Classic
@rlemon btw, you could have gotten away with image elements, and applied a css animation which changes hueRotate to get that same effect, and probably much more performant. Maybe not what you were trying to get at tho..
oh, not with your current setup
you're using some kind of identification 'blackscreen', right? Something could still be done in css, but it would actually end up being more complex than the js
@Zirak lol, that's a huge bottleneck
happy sunday peeps
In Fortran, 0.2 + 0.1 is 0.300000012
@uselesschien Yeah it's always that w/ 32 bit floats, 0.30000000000000004 w/ doubles (what js uses)
I'm sure fortran has a double type
So, a fortran real is a 32-bit float
Now you know why they say "never use floats"
not nearly accurate enough
Yeah they're not precise enough
especially when you start squaring them and such
that write syntax looks... weird
They're double literals. Still return 0.300000012
Forgot to save haha
still, that write syntax looks weird
I guess that thing inside parentheses is an (unquoted) format specifier?
seems kinda hacky. Sure I can't define my own functions like this?
I don't think so. They're statements.
The write syntax is write (stream, formatting) list. where is stream is a variable, file, or *, which means the console.
oh. so... * is a magic DWIM symbol, and in case of formatting it means "auto"?
I spent the evening with a physician PhD... We talked about programming languages for a bit, he told me Fortran was the fastest ever for calculating stuff...
Fortran is around 1.4 times faster than C/C++.
How about Haskell?
The problem with C++ is that the computer can't do memory management for you. You only get a heap that's disorganised by design and a stack that's limited in what it can hold.
I worked on something for a project last year that would've been great for fortran
But I used c++ instead
Why do I need to run array.sort twice for JavaScript to sort my array?

once, unsorted -> http://jsfiddle.net/yp4p4uc8/
twice, sorted -> http://jsfiddle.net/qn28yx6y/
@uselesschien nice, thanks.
@DaveChen jsonp? :-(
does the same thing even if I copy the array directly into my console and sort once -> does nothing, sort twice -> sorted
still, jsonp = :-(
Gods don't like getting sorted
why is that though, you can open up both fiddles and alt-tab between them, the only difference is that the second one has two sorts, and is sorted, the rest of the code is exactly the same
I'm surprised it's sorting at all
array.prototype.sort doesn't mutate the array
it does though
it does
Does it?
That's weird
!!mdn array sort
Sort thrice and you'll get a different result.
console.log(a.mtime, b.mtime); inside the first sort logs a lot of undefineds for b.mtime
@DaveChen it looks sorted to me
you're right, @useless, what is going on
after 1
Well I don't think this is the kind of problem I'm capable of solving at 4 am
notice you are sorting by mtime
huh... I don't even get anything to log from the sort callback
1322875847 undefined
1322875847 1322884681
undefined "1322884681"
1322872252 undefined
1322867356 undefined
1322871145 undefined
first n logs
fucking bizarre
Do any browsers implement a stable sort?
There are undefined values, it's going to mess up sorting, no argument here. But why does it differ the results based on how many times I run the sort?
why doesn't it even call the sort function for me?
@DaveChen because the sort isn't stable
and as soon as it finds an undefined it gets fucked I guess
oh this is interesting
!!> 1322875847 - undefined
@JanDvorak "NaN"
in the sort comparison function, b is always AhmedAlajmiTheCompleteHolyQuran_files.xml
oh cheez there's no quicksort listed here
shouldn't be
@Mosho yep, cause it's comparing all of them against it
but only that
cause it's trying to find something smaller than NaN I guess, or something?
return a.mtime && b.mtime ? a.mtime - b.mtime : -1;
or 1 if you want the one's without mtime at the start
@phenomnomnominal tried, nope
you'd have to return 0, 1 or -1 based on which one is undefined
I tried sorting by name with default and it didn't work
I think all JavaScript interpreters implement the same sorting algorithm, the one described in the spec.
works with -1, 1 puts an xml at the start and at the end, 0 doesn't sort. so weird
I don't think the spec says what algorithm to use
not all, ff uses mergesort
the real solution is files = files.filter(file => !!file.mtime); files.sort(...)
I thought filter returns a new array?
!!spec array sort
@JanDvorak array sort not found in spec
it does, that's why i did two statements :P
Doesn't specify an algo
it even screams "implementation dependent" if you as much as look weird at it.
ES5 sort is incompatible with ES6 sort. see compatibilty issues in the es6 spec.
well, the spec is. not observably I guess.
@uselesschien ofcourse not
@phenomnomnominal apparently people still enjoy it. looks like it wasn't so well known ;)
var up = new Error(); throw up; // actually valid js
that's the most favorites I've had on my tweets
and that's the tame one
let faeces = new Error('shit');
@uselesschien come to miaou
After lunch
@AwalGarg hey, smarty
when you delete a message, it's gone. It doesn't show that it has been deleted by xxx
not gone gone
huh, I got like a thousand views on this and I didn't even know: codepen.io/phenomnomnominal/pen/yydNJM
didn't even know you were on cp
I'm notreally
@towc cp?
you face jaraxxus
finally got my perfect node + babel test setup with mocking + coverage working!
@phenomnomnominal got it on github? :)
not yet :P
it's in a test refactor branch
you tease :p
I've always struggled with coverage and transpiling
it's not perfect
it reports one line as being ignored
Beats always getting 0%, will check it out
@ivarni what do you do with imports
like would you do import _ from 'lodash';
or import { clone, first } from 'lodash';
I'm lazy like that, I tend to say gief me evrything
I also like _.clone over just clone as it's easier to see where it came from when you read the code
yeah that's what I'm leaning towards
but then I think that { clone, first } feels more like using an interface?
as in you could very easily swap if for ... from 'other-util-shit'; and it still work
I do it with classes, import React, { Component, PropTypes } from 'react'; but I just don't like doing it with functions. I guess it's mostly personal preference?
hmm yeah
can't decide
I suppose a smart minifer can optimize better with {clone, first} but that's me guessing
yeah that's true too
would clone still be called with _ as the context?
looks like it
Pretty sure that wouldn't work, as _ would not be defined
oh it does?
well damn
var _lodash = require('lodash');
that's the resultant JS
That makes sense to me
I wonder if there's a away to make it inline the imported function in the generated JS
then you could just grab the pieces you actually use
that would be cool
just throw away all unused exports
But es6 imports are importing of object bindings, not code...
@AwalGarg but you can still work out what is being imported
that'd break scoping in any case. the spec explicitly states this.
see the section module environment records.
var _lodash = { clone: function () { ... } };
if it was transpiled to that instead, how would it break anything?
clone must have access to other variables in the imported file. it doesn't in your example.
Well I'm imagining it would be in some sort of browserify plugin
so it'd pull in the full lodash into the bundle
swap out the require
then it could walk the ast to determine what it referenced within lodash
and prune the rest
that sounds... messy. one case where I think that won't work is underscore's template function because it uses eval.
but that particular function will also be useless with es6 template literals, so there is that.
one case that doesn't work doesn't mean the whole idea is silly
it just means that if you were using template this particular minification strategy might not work
hmm, IIRC jspm's bundler does something similar.
@phenomnomnominal won't running dead code elimination on the bundled file effectively minify it to the same level?
@AwalGarg that's all this would really be
an extension to deal with unused exported functions
because export anything isn't gonna be seen to be dead code in naive implementations
@ivarni using import { find } from 'lodash'; fixed the ignored lines bug in isparta :P so that setles that :)
@phenomnomnominal Well there you go :)
Pragmatism should prevail in some cases
how to write my own host object
How to find the no. of elements in an array?
let ca = array.map(function (el, i) { return i; });
return ca[ca.length - 1]+1
@uselesschien ^ this is the correct solution
!!> var a=[]; a[-1]=0; a.length
@AwalGarg lol
array.reduce((p, n) => p + 1);
doesn't work with empty array
add a , 0 at the end, or (p = 0, n)
then it won't return length
Or just make an npm module out of it and handle the empty-array case there
array.reduce((p = -1, n) => p + 1)) + 1;
still won't work
sure it will
reduce doesn't care about your function. it throws if this.length is 0 and no default is provided
array.reduce(function (p, n) { return  p + 1; }, -1) + 1;
that's just the equivalent of that
congrats, you did it. 0.7 internet points for you.
-0.7 internet points to you for denigrating someone's experimentation
it's okay, you can have my 0.7
i'm happy to have fiddled with something and made it work
I'm just going to link this here because ~reasons~
do you even ;? bro
@phenomnomnominal You should give him 0.6 points so you can keep 0.09999999999999998 for yourself
@OctavianDamiean why you little...
@phenomnomnominal hai bro 2.9
@OctavianDamiean how's it going?!
haha excellent! What you been up to?
been doing lots of internet spaceship things
@OctavianDamiean that sounds fun!?
@phenomnomnominal it is a helluva lot of fun actually
what's the context?
Spent 30 seconds reading about parallax scrolling on mobile and then reached for a library :/
@phenomnomnominal if you've watched that video, that's what I've been up to
haha awesome!
@ivarni parallax is out brah
@phenomnomnominal tell that to my designer :)
haha oh that old chestnut
Luckily they just need something like this which is just a quick mock I made with skrollr where the header scrolls away a bit faster than the text, so it's not all bonkers
But that was annoying enough to make
I should probably research if it can be done in pure CSS at some point I guess
Q: How to explain a layperson why a developer should not be interrupted while neck-deep in coding?

András SzepesháziIf you just consider the second part of my question, "Why a developer should not be interrupted while neck-deep in coding", that has been discussed a number of times by smart people. Heck, even the co-founder of SO, Joel Spolsky, wrote a blog post about "getting in the zone" and "being knocked ou...

@AwalGarg I did a lightning talk on that once, I had a bunch of fake "presentation cards" and started the talk by throwing them all over the stage to try to illustrate what happens to your brain when that one guy taps your shoulder when you're deeply concentrated
@AwalGarg with brute force
@ivarni that sounds fun
I work experiment at home, and my mum disturbs me all the time.
@AwalGarg continuum is abandoned I think
It was for at least a year last time I looked
@FlorianMargaine yes, last commit was in 2014.
@AwalGarg you should go beat her up for making you food and daring to interrupt you with that
I can get so deep into concentration that I don't notice when people speak to me
@OctavianDamiean she is a very good cook, so I won't :P
Kinda useful in an open landscape.
I started wearing active headphones, people mostly ping me on the internal chat now which is great
Downside, I wouldn't notice if the building caught on fire
@ivarni that's not a bug, that's a feature!
is it possible to create a socket based chat on an apache server?
@ttj yes. but don't.
Apache isn't suited for a socket based communication model.
oh... so ajax polling?
use nginx
if you must use apache, there is mod_proxy_wstunnel
i'll read it up. thank you
Just found a video of mine when I was 10 years old.
Aaaah memories :)
Soo, n00b question here (still getting the hang of asynch): when JavaScript perform something like var twenty = 10 * 2; does that freeze JavaScript during that time or is that also asynch?
@JohnSnow When you hear that term, I think it is normally related to expensive operations.
Ok, well what I'm getting at is what parts of JavaScript actually stops the flow to execute and what doesn't? I know functions fire asynchronously, expressions seem to not do so, but I guess that could be because they're so fast to execute that the variable's new content will be defined by the time let's say the next expression needs it.
(pardon my terrible typing and grammar)
@JohnSnow Asynchronous means that the call will eventually do something in the near future, it doesn't block the code. For example, if you do a XMLHttpRequest, you can choose to do it asynchronously, and pass a callback for it to call once it's done.
Synchronous means the program promises to evaluate the code and only continue once an operation has completed. For example a while-loop, or any regular code.
Functions aren't asynchronous. You probably want to say that they're used as callbacks for asynchronous operations.
But I suppose I'm trying to identify which things are "safe" to use directly after one an other. Expressions seem to return either fast enough that the next line can use the variable or JavaScript stops to execute it
var stuff = functionThatReturnsStuff();
var timesTen = stuff *10; //Will fail because 'stuff' is still undefined
impossible. it's sequential
When you need to talk to another entity, ie do a HTTP request, read from a file, wait for user input etc then it's async
Javascript technically stops executions in every expression, because it needs to evaluate that expression. So does the rest of the code. Normally, asynchronous operations are related to the outside world, where you need to do something and fetch the result later. Things that "block" the code, are normally expensive operations, such as a while-loop that loops a 300 thousand multi-dimensional array.
Such things should be handled in a child-process, or a worker.
Are all while loops fired asynch?
@JohnSnow Well, a function has to return something, so it returns undefined in that case. If it were synchronous, it'd wait for the operation to complete and then return (eventually blocking the code).
@JohnSnow Async code is only run when execution hits the end of the file
Yes, that part I get, I suppose what I want to know is "what are the 'blocking' code lines in JavaScript"?
Expensive operations..
That take time.
@catgocat no
All code is blocking
Of course, but I think he's trying to say things that stop the normal flow of the program.
Well, I'm just trying to understand when I can expect code to be 'blocking' and thus run simultaneously as the rest of the program, apart from I/O
I/o and HTTP are fairly obvious
do you have an example of what you'd expect to be blocking?
Well, apart from I/O and HTTP I don't know what is blocking in JavaScript, that's kinda my question here... How do I know when to expect something to run simultaneously?

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