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If you select one or more option from first list, it will select multiple city on the second list. Then you can add selection manually on the second list. If you remove one from the first list or you add one it will erase your custom selection.
@JonathanLafleur where in the code does the 'system' change anything?
look there, and make sure when it changes it you don't listen to those change events
I'm popular
@rlemon has been pinged over 69k times.
in this room
closer to 92K total in chat.so
~4200 times on chat.se
@rlemon i'm exactly searching how to ignore those change from line 15... updated source : jsfiddle.net/n7pgg3c6/1 added 21-23 just to look at the change of the second list...
@rlemon damn
@rlemon lots of pings bruh
7776 pings for me
Most of them are "@SterlingArcher no" xD
Ha, a lot of my pings are either no, or a lot of question marks, like I was speaking nonsense
@SterlingArcher you have said my name 1700 times
22299 pings for me
@Loktar has said my name almost 4000 times
@rlemon i wonder how many I screamed ._.
do I need to speak with your wife?
4683 for you :p
1086 messages found
pings from lemon
I found out today there is a single user on chat.se who has more messages than me
that kinda made me sad
Who is it
Yeah but that's SE
you dominate the SO
let primes = filter (join $ flip (all . ((==1).) . gcd) . (flip take [1..] . subtract 1)) [2..] Kill me now
I have 53.3k messages here now
aka google has indexed the last 2 years of my life lol
has more messages on chat.se than I have on chat.so
Anyone have a favorite device metrics calculator?
@SterlingArcher No, sort by most recent
Cap has pinged me over a thousand times
posted on July 16, 2015 by Nicholas C. Zakas

For a while, I’ve been toying with the idea of writing more short form content. While I love the long form of writing, it does take a lot of energy and as such I’ve been unable to do the regular amount of writing that I normally do. I thought about doing short form content on […]

@rlemon Of course you are
@JohnSnow rlemon is afk.
@JohnSnow gemtastic, is that you?
You spelled Jon wrong ._.
@AwalGarg Yes
I'm John
You're a warg
a turncloak!
I love it when I send an email to an email list and get an email from myself ._.
No, I'm just clueless :P
@KendallFrey imgur.com/gallery/X0UQ2eW oh my god ._____.
I have absolutely no idea why the hell I thought you were gemtastic...
I'm trying to figure out how to correctly scale up my design from the google android template to match my phone screen size...
@AwalGarg Me neither :')
@benlevywebdesign Jees I read that SO wrong
@JohnSnow what?...
I don't think you wanna know what I read
speak for yourself Lord Commander Snow, I wanna know
oh the GoT references are flowin today
I can't tell if it's photoshopped
meta people: meta.hinduism.stackexchange.com/questions/390/… (read the post on which the comment is, then my comment) thoughts?
@NickDugger nope, the guy put a black frame up and took a picture in it
@AwalGarg you know me better than my 'real' room Q_Q
@SterlingArcher Well, if you insist...
@BenjaminGruenbaum lol
"I'm trying to figure out how to correctly scale up my bra to match my boob size"
Just try them all on at the store until one fits
how did you get that from "scale up my design from the google android template to match my phone screen size"?
Are you well, Lord Snow? Doth thou need leeching of the blood?
!!hangman new
@AwalGarg That didn't make much sense. Use the !!/help command to learn more.
@SterlingArcher would be better if that was just sperms out of it
wizard ejaculation is a force to be reckoned with
dat o face
how the hell do you get laid at hogwarts, honestly?
Even the god damn paintings are watching
protip: you can pause a gifv
just like i paused your mom?
does linux has a cli for search ?
Without any libraries, using just js, can svg animations be queued? Like if I press a button, a shape rotates and when i press the button again during the rotation, it gets in a queue and executes when the current animation finishes.
@AnuragDaolagajao Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@Abhishrek find, locate, grep -r
@Abhishrek there are also more specialized tools
I installed one by accident last time
started indexing my whole hard disk
Ugh, how do you get angular libraries like $http to test from the command line without dependency injection?
@FlorianMargaine i'd want something like that, we can restrict it to /home and kapow !
@AnuragDaolagajao if a library can do something, so can you without using that lib. So yes, it can be done.
@copy no no not find i want rather an index
ah, recoll is the one I ran by accident
@Abhishrek locate
@AwalGarg Any idea how to ? :3
@copy doesn't locate search filenames only, and not contents?
i.e. you want to search for a specific text in all the pdf files
Oh, yeah
> If it is desired to perform a more sophisticated search, including searching by attributes other than name (e.g., by size, creation date or location), the find command should be used.
but find wont make a db so derp
QT has something but QT :-/
alright work day starts, will try the google only thing on sunday
@AnuragDaolagajao I haven't done it in the past, so no. Tip: keep the queuing and animation logic separate. So you'd have a generic queuing function, and a generic animating function. Then use them together.
I was like.. ok.. something gonna happen?
@SterlingArcher hahaha
@SterlingArcher I was told that was what your sexual partners usually say
@AwalGarg i am guessing i have to queue animations with timeout and setIntervals.
Well, no point in reinventing the wheel, i'll just settle for the libs.
Anyone have any good docs or resources on the Shadow Dom?
I want to know if/how it affects reflows
just a random curiosity
lol look guys, this guy is looking for docs on shadow dom
@KendallFrey i made something happen :D
@SterlingArcher blink and you'll miss it
blink and you're dead #charliesangels #doctorwho
@FlorianMargaine :P
@SterlingArcher I thought the "touching" was just phrasing. oh god ._.
@KendallFrey but it's so cute!
lol slogans
@SterlingArcher indie games
ITs such simple science !
@JohnSnow The Lemon is coming
ahh fuckit
At least you gave him a warning
At least you didn't switch the o for a u :P
It could have gotten really awkward if you didn't warn me :P
foo() and bar() return a promise.. I wanna emit the results of both
foo().then((fobj) => {
  return bar(); // I could alter bar to accept fObj and return it as well as its own results....
}).then((bobj,fobj) => {
  emit('stuff', { a: fobj, b: bobj });
JavaScript doesn't take having promises broken. Keep them
(sorry for the pings) @FlorianMargaine @BenjaminGruenbaum got a sec?
either one :P you are both promise experts
pays attention to whom rlemon asks for advice
I'm getting closer I think
CommitStrip - Blog relating the daily life of web agencies developers
Meanwhile, on Mars – #7
Promise.join(foo(),bar(),(fobj,bobj) => {
 // yay! I figured it out!
@BenjaminGruenbaum gj helping me without even being here
A: Bluebird Promises Join behaviour

Benjamin GruenbaumPromise.join takes promises as all its arguments but its last one, which is a function. Promise.join(Promise.delay(100), request("http://...com"), function(_, res){ // 100 ms have passed and the request has returned. }); You're feeding it two functions so it does the following: Make a...

Do you guys think the right facing arrows are needed?
the background pattern is distracting
not subtle enough
forget that
it is distracting
so no right arrows?
arrows are fine, background makes me angry
is this better?
also, SMH...
Promise = require('blurbird');
that took more time to spot than I'd like to admit
@sunto Awesome! Can you show me what you have now?
I'm trying to figure out where I can add in bookmarks and favorites icons. Do I add favorite and bookmarks icons on the right like in gmail app where it has the star. The gmail app doesn't have arrows.
@HatterisMad From my experience it should be about 1 page long
At least get it down to 2 pages
2 is debatable, 3 is too much
trying to fit everything in one page is nearly impossible
especially if you have a bunch of experience to list
@HatterisMad Do you have an experience using Illustrator or InDesign...might try and make it a bit more interesting.
Yeah, but he should be able to get it down to 2 pages
agreed, that tail end on the third page is bad
And you don't need to list every bit of experience you have
Just the most important ones
I know mine isn't perfect but the pops of color/icons are a nice touch. benlevywebdesign.com/pdfs/benlevyresume.pdf
Yeah it's definitely eye catching
I might have to steal that idea next time I'm looking for a job
You could hire me to do your resume! Haha!
If you can negotiate a salary for me, sure
You can be my agent
NEVER just list a bunch of 'this is what I did' on experience.
tell what you achieved for the company
> developed customer support software and lowered support tickets by 80% between 2012 and 2014
shit like that
Is a pin drop really the best icon to show a location?
@benlevywebdesign I absolutely can not use either one of those
@HatterisMad Don't know how or told not to?
@benlevywebdesign Never had to?
@benlevywebdesign with a large side of can't
@benlevywebdesign in fact not only can i not use indesign or illustrator but i can't use paint or gimp or photoshop. Anything with graphics is a no go for me.
@HatterisMad Can't as in a personal lack of expertise or can't as in you need a text-only resume?
to be fair, not many people can use GIMP effectively.
it isn't intuitive software.
LOTS of hidden features
I can use gimp!
I hate GIMP.
My teenage years of making forum signatures!
I prefer GIMP over PS
Those probably still exist on photobucket
I made forum sigs in PSP back in the day
Aw yis. Memories
I should really redo my resume
but I dont need to be applying to jobs for a couple months
you can check out mine for inspiration
@rlemon but but but
it's not
to be fair, its rather impressive
!!s/t /tt /g
@rlemon @rlemon butt butt but (source)
@rlemon damn wtf dude
you going to put that on codepen?
I could see that getting thousands of stars.
what do you guys like to use for testing?
@ElliotBonneville As in.... Do you remember how awkward your first time having sex was... This is me every time i am forced to pick a color for a banner on a website.
@HatterisMad check out that fiverr link I posted, might get a lot of value out of something like that
I don't understand what you were trying to say by referencing that to me lol.
you could give somebody your resume and say "make it pretty"
someone will do it for you on fivver
cv and linkedin
@rlemon No one likes you
He went to harvard and is selling himself for $5 at a time?
cripes, a for in loop.
@SomeKittens starred
okay, I'm being a dufus..
ubuntu software center itself hanged
I have totalPages, totalRows, and currentOffset
how do I calculate what page I'm on
I feel bad just asking
rowsPerPage = floor(totalPages/totalRows)
currentPage = floor(currentOffset/rowsPerPage)
I know rows per page already
@ElliotBonneville Gotcha thanks.
so yea.
@HatterisMad yw
currentOffset % rowsPerPage ?
there we go
wow, why couldn't I see that
I sell myself for $5 too
currentOffset % rowsPerPage doesn't seem right to me. Maybe I'm misunderstanding what "currentOffset" means?
@ssube are you here buddy?
say there are 100 total rows in the db.
limit = 10;
offset = 0;
data = fetch(offset, limit); // returns the first ten rows, and tells me there are 100 total.
// data.count === 100;
// data.rows === Array[10];
var currentPage = ???
@Meredith @Luggage
this is what I'm working with
offset is the start?
so you're fetching 0-9?
And fetch(10, 10) would be 10-19?
offset / limit
^ Well, the floor of that, but yes.
Yeah floor it
pedal to the metal
Though I'm not sure "currentPageNumber" is meaningful in a system where you vary both the offset and the pageSize
@rlemon if you get confused because of offsets and limits, wrap it with a function that accepts start index and end index
@Meredith hey
I've done that before and it makes it a little easier to deal with
how is life?
@Meredith not so much confused as tired :P
we call them "brain farts"
!!urban brain fart
@rlemon Brain Fart When you are attempting to remember something very obvious, someting that you know you should know. This feeling often leads to head banging and hair pulling.
Definitely wrap it with a function that accepts page number and page size though
Cuz it's not like you're the only person that gets confused by it
nahh, I prefer limit/offset honestly.
it is how I think about pagination in the first place.
tbh it's easier for me to think in offset, offset+limit
Hi there
@HaroldFinch Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
Removing the second offset isn't an abstraction that feels natural to me
@Meredith I see it as 'start' -> 'length'
but I also prefer substr over substring
for the same reason
If I'm reading 10 pages of a book, I'll read pages 1 to 10
what about the title and table of contents pages?
Usually those are the only pages I read
Q: How to get third level of data in JSON response?

Ram SinghI want to get Flickr data from API: I have used following API https://api.flickr.com/services/rest/?method=flickr.photosets.getList&api_key=c87d0837c5bea1ac860102de95eee254&user_id=134029050%40N05&page=1&per_page=10&format=rest My code is : <script type="text/javascript"> (function () { ...

please help me
don't make us do work
show us what the JSON looks like in the question
link generates XML, so we don't see the JSON conversion
he's got an answer already
and it more than likely is the correct answer
@Meredith how's the book reading?
I was looking at a site with a bunch of tutorials
And they had an xml tutorial
I didn't like xslt in college
The description of xml was "xml is an alternative to json"
Like it's not wrong
It's just so weird hearing it in that order
It's a data structure languge.. but I wouldn't really call them alternatives. Doesn't feel right
XML isn't bad for data structures
For the longest time, json was the alternative to xml
PROTIP: Turn data into big data by encoding it as XML.
it is easy to read
easy to follow
verbose af
XML is fine, I'm using it right now with liquibase
@catgocat Good, trying to learn about monads and stuff
it's XSLT I didn't enjoy
@Meredith have you finished it?
monads are fucked up though
took me a while to understand them
Found it
> Gatorade: An alternative to water
It's like a competitive slogan
One issue I had with xml was ambiguity; having to decide what data should be done as element attributes, compared to child elements
@SterlingArcher life motto: get laid, get paid, get gatorade
Is that the only order to that life success?
Because I got gatorade, then got laid, then got paid
Spoiler: i'm not a hooker
What's up, @SterlingArcher?
@SterlingArcher you slut
@ssube do you know how to install liquibase command line tools?
I downloaded the jar, but when I run liquibase on the terminal, I get "command not found"
The version you can run without maven/ant?
I'm experimenting with xml generation
yeah, since I'm using spring/gradle instead
Are you on windows?
You gotta java -jar it, and have jdbc drivers
@SterlingArcher First you get the sugar, then you get the power, then you get the women.
Good luck then
You need a few JAR s, your xml, and settings
@ssube does the liquibase downloaded jar have to be inside the repo project or can it be in my desktop reference?
is there any situation where typeof x === 'undefined' is not the same as x === undefined?
well shit, where the hell do I find my mysql.jar driver
Either way. I eventually moved to keeping it as a maven dep
Oracle's site for the driver
cool, typeof x doesn't require x to be defined in strict mode
I don't know if it is good practice but what I did was use the history.state.
Stored it in a variable, sliced away the "/" from the url, and used that variable as second argument in httpRequest's send" function, so that the page uses the url to open the correct file on popstate.
@SterlingArcher in the trash, where you should have put mysql
but === does
java -jar liquibase.jar --driver=com.mysql.jdbc.Driver \
      --classpath=\path\to\classes:jdbcdriver.jar \
      --changeLogFile=db/changelog/db.changelog-auto.xml \
      --url="jdbc:mysql://" \
      --username=herp \
      --password=derp \
Here's what I got so far
@catgocat undefined = foo
Spoiler, the urls and logins are fake u haxers
The jdbc drivers are on the vendors sites
I don't think modern browsers let you do that anymore though
@Meredith yeah it doesn't work for chrome or firefox
@uselesschien rhythmbox crashes after playing 1 song... wow
I think I got it all but that classpath
You can maybe depend on the driver
The build tools should set up the right classpath
So I might be able to leave the classpath out
@sunto There might be a more direct way of doing it but I don't think it's bad practice
Maybe. If you shell out, no, but maven can rrun liquibase
Its just classes with a simple, but very questionable API
We set up beforeafter test classes to run it
So you inherit from the Database Dependent Test class and set some property to the xml name
Ok, sounds good :)
Do you know it there is an easxy way to handle the problem I have when user refreshes page? Or if I cut a link, and send iot to you, the page only displays somefile.php, wich is supposed to be loaded via ajax
Runs the script before and teardown after each test
Just grab the page name on load?
Am I understanding the problem correctly?
I would post an example but I'm on the bus to Chicago with the lady friend sleeping on my other arm :p
What is Object.arguments and Array.arguments etc.. supposed to contain?
they return null here

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