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now I can see the screen better and still get a tan on my legs
tan is actually a defense mechanism against skin damage caused by UV radiation
!!summon 78503
!!are you alive?
@MadaraUchiha No
jsfiddle.net/zghn38q2 question about populating a table.
can getBoundingClientRect() be undefined or null
@rlemon rows.forEach((row)=> keys.forEach((key) =>
where keys is a list of column headers
var ans1 = new Rectangle(5,6);
ans1.area(); // 22

// not working
var ans2 = ans1.area
ans2(); // Nan
can you please explain this
@user3783598 context is everything
@user3783598 Probably context
var ans2 = ans1.area.bind(ans1)
@rlemon knockout
what is context?
!!tell user google function context javascript
thanks bro.
@Mr_Green wot
@BenjaminGruenbaum mama gonna?
context is a text conference
@uselesschien nvm
*grammar check
!!urban context
@JanDvorak context The circumstances or events that come before and after a particular word or passage in a speech or piece of writing which helps explain its full meaning.
sometimes urban doesn't troll
keyword: sometimes
yes you know xD
@CapricaSix what is this blasphemy?! someone put up a real definition instead of this crap.
[lurks in the background]
!!urban blasphemy
@JanDvorak blasphemy Running into a church on a sunday and screaming "Jesus Christ is a fake and your all still going to hell"
true, it was an unexpected output
!!urban context 2
@AwalGarg context When you receive a text massage (SMS) asking you to send money to a bank in Nigeria.
A text massage?
what is a SMS?
!!urban SMS
@Neoares [sms](http://sms.urbanup.com/271482) SMS also S.M.S. (es-em-es) abbr.

1. noun. Short Message Service: a text messaging service on mobile phones.
2. verb. to send a text message over a mobile phone.
Short Massage Service apparently
in other words, a back rub from a midget
meh I give up on trying to get this es6 to work, it seems like more effort than it's worth
things from XX century
@Neoares u serious
sms is how civilized languages call a "text message":P
no, just trollin'
but nowadays who use SMS?
The service, or the terminology?
the only problem now is the sunlight is heating up my laptop pretty quickly.
@rlemon pour water on it
good iidea
I'm skimming the chat history; did we ever solve the mystery of }{?
Caprica did it
sigh - why do my coworkers always think its ok to push untested and unfinished code to the live servers
team plz
Q: Strange behaviour of JavaScript in Chrome Developer Tool

Alex SaskevichRecently, working with JavaScript in Developer Tool, I found strange feature. Chrome accepts any code between opening bracket with operator (plus, minus sign) and operator with closing brackets and executes it, like this: I didn't find this behaviour in another browsers, just in Chrome. Maybe...

@BenCraig 'cus they're busy and somebody else will fix it anyway
aka you
@BenCraig bitch please, my boss works directly on production
and he's the CTO
@BenFortune you living here again or were you in TO?
I can't remember
@rlemon Wha?
@BenFortune Neat, thanks.
dammit wrong ben
You plebian
@BenCraig you here again or in TO?
yup - first thing in the morning "Ben why isnt everything working"
Im in sauga
@Ben now I cover all of my basis
though Id much rather be in kw
!!urban TO
@Neoares [T.O](http://to.urbanup.com/8121712) The fire spitting rapper best known for his sick bars. As a member of the group Iambic Pen, his talent exceeds those of any other artists to step on the stage. Listening to his verses requires wit, intelligence and a sense of humor with a focus on triple entendres.

Can also be used as a descriptor to imply greatness.
yes it should be toronto xD
I was going to say, the }{ syntax reminded me of this joke
TO === Toronto
Torani no Totoro! :D
triple entendres
could be tokio
Toronto? I thought Canada was a myth?
I thought they just invented Canada for the Scott Pilgrim movie.
canada jokes mode: on
> Three expectant fathers, an American, a Jamaican, and a Canadian, were in the hospital waiting room. A doctor comes in and announces that he has some good news and some bad news, "The good news is that you each are the father of a healthy baby boy. The bad news is that we've mixed them up." The three new fathers walk into the nursery. The American guy goes right to the Jamaican baby, picks him up and starts rocking him. "What are you doing?" the Jamaican guy asks, "That is obviously my son."
<3 coding in the sun
@rlemon whatcha coding?
I wish I could go outside
but theres nowhere to go
I could but I prefer to use a desktop instead a laptop
I have a laptop desktop
I have a lapdesk
I also prefer a desktop
but I have a 17" laptop
so it isn't so bad
hey guys silly question
if ie9 only supports urls 2,083 characters long
which is good enough
if your javascript code is hitting a web api and its executing in ie9 are you limited to that
or can it be longer?
it's so fucking hot outside
ie if i do a get request in say jquery or angularjs and I am running in ie9 or 10 am i limited to 2,083 characters or can it be longer?
@BobSinclar if you're anywhere close to that limit, use POST
it's beautiful outside today
true @JanDvorak I am not anywhere near that, but i was just curious
its a theory question
@BobSinclar good question. I suggest you to try it out yourself (get a free vm from modern.ie) and tell us :)
I will also try later today. I am interested to know.
I think I will this afternoon
i will spin something up in azure and try it out
cool, let us know what you see.
Beautiful question:
Q: Is it posible to make a program that automatically gathers and sends emails of businesses?

Jack DoyleRight now, I own a web design business catering to specific niches (Auto shops, small medical practices, construction companies etc.) I'm currently googling "Auto shops" in google maps, and just emailing all the businesses who have poor websites. I'm wondering if it is possible to automate this...

will do
@DenysSéguret lol
@DenysSéguret Hi, I read that question and now I want thirty seconds of my life back. What is your refund policy?
Send an email to that guy instead
lol how to write a spambot
nothing to see here :D
One more reason not to have Flash :)
@DenysSéguret nice
!!> "/​users/​2277094/​avraam-mavridis".match(/^\/users\/(\d+)/)
@DenysSéguret ["/users/2277094","2277094"]
Hi ppl, does one of you see something wrong in this ?
Why doesn't it work in the console in chrome ?

                if($('.resume').length() > 100)
                    long = $('.resume').text();
                    html = $('.resume').text().slice(0,100);
                    html += '<span class="more">...</span>';


Can you try this in your console ? "/​users/​2277094/​avraam-mavridis".match(/^\/users\/(\d+)/)
@Baldráni cache your selectors
@DenysSéguret umm
Its telling me that i missed ;
@uselesschien Seriously, can you try in in Chrome ?
$('.more')on('clikc',function(){ you're missing a . in this line
also a typo in the bottom half
Ho godness !
@ElliotBonneville Ty !
Im fkg blind !
two typos, actually, on that line
@Baldráni yw
@DenysSéguret Invisible characters
@DenysSéguret null
this works: "/​users/​2277094/​avraam-mavridis".replace(/\s/g, '').match(/^\/users\/(\d+)/)
@JanDvorak I dont get wjhat are you meaning by this ?
!!urban yw
@JanDvorak [yw](http://yw.urbanup.com/2045436) Abbreviation that means you're welcome
Used to reply back to someone saying, [\[ty\]](http://urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=ty)
@Baldráni clikc should be click as well on that line
@copy Yes, two of the / are bad
vim shows them
chat strips them for you, but not your console
@Baldráni I mean, you keep searching for the same set of elements over and over again. Find them once and store the collection in a variable
@ElliotBonneville Haha ok I'm blind and illeterate
Now... What's that mess in the SO page ???
@copy ooh, I am jelly. I had to map to charcodes in console :/
@ssube, I got a question for you based on your github webtemplate I am referencing right now... where does it specify to put the built js in the build/ directory?
@JanDvorak I've got no idea how to do that; Any post to redirect me :/ ?
By the way they kept telling me that ($('.resume').text().lenght is undefined .. is it normale :/ ?
reread that line
Good morning gentlemen
@JanDvorak Is it beacause there are multiple resume
@Abhishrek what makes you think we're gentlemen?
@Baldráni no.
@Baldráni your basic idea is fine but you have a typo in that line
but it's still kind of a problem
@ElliotBonneville its a polite way of saying hello
We were taught that by our british colonists !
@Abhishrek thanks for that arc theme.
Coolest thing I've ever seen
@uselesschien I dont care about themes though
forget the british. This. is. Internet!!
@Abhishrek i no y
just saying i wasted 4 years tweaking them for no good one.
and then found MAC !
Mac is the best (full stop)
Flying back to MN today. Gonna miss the company HQ (it's awesome)
@ElliotBonneville Ok it worked; ty :)
@Baldráni you're welcome
@Abhishrek mac is best
@Abhishrek it doesn't look that good
It's still not Windows.
mac is best.
<the specific computer/os/editor/language> I use is the best. everyone else is wrong.
@rlemon yes, as long as you're using mac
@rlemon i dont use mac
I'm an unapologetically rabid fanboi
nahh, fuck mac.
I prefer to dev on linux
because it is a preference.
@ElliotBonneville because linux <3
@uselesschien 1. It looks good 2. gives good dev tools 3. gives you good stuff which is stable
Linux is built for developers
I like the interface/os/hardware choices better
^ that is a good argument
not <3 linux
Windows is built for no one in particular
it's not an argument at all tho it's a statement XD
and Mac is built for noobs
which is cool.
there is no argument, I prefer linux over mac
@Abhishrek um.. ever heard of linux?
@KendallFrey noobs with money and who dont want to fix everything command line
you can't really argue MY preference
@uselesschien i have used all 3 os's equal amount of time
@rlemon You can, but you'd be wrong
Mac was most productive, windows was least
@Abhishrek debian is stabler than the stablest mac
I have used Mac, Windows, and Linux
Linux was close to mac, but lost time when i was fixing and installing stuff commandline cause my drivers aren't working, and also spotlight helps and linux has nothing compared to spotlight and the new NLP search (which breaks my heart)
but like. windows is terrible. linux is good, mac is just. well, if you like nice things.

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