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I suspect you're right, but still just developing for mobile requires a bit different mindset
In that you can't ignore your horribly performing code, maybe
you have no idea what I can ignore
do i need to download github to be able to upload files?
Yes, all of github
ok thanks
you need to 'clone a git repo', yes.
github has some good docs / help.
Stern: Pluto has an atmosphere. It snows on Pluto and the snow sublimates back into the atmosphere. #PlutoFlyby @NASANewHorizons
@StevensHaen It doesn't. Not really. If you're used to the principles of responsive design (and you will be required to in the web, eventually), you're used to all the little problems you have with a mobile phone (those fat sausage fingers and such). In the end, it's really quite similar, and it doesn't matter what you learned first.
@Cereal So pluto has (solid) water?
Or is it dry ice or a different kind of "snow"?
yea, Cereal, tell us what you saw
Lemme just take a peek out my window to check
@Cereal taste it to be sure ;P
@MadaraUchiha it's of same category as the creation of 1000 tonnes diamonds per day on saturn ... It might be, but until the planet got visited not.
what are the ideal conditions for using an iterator/generator
:P reminds me of @uselesschien
@argentum47 How?
!!> "uselesschien".slice(0, -5)
@argentum47 "useless"
nvm jk
@argentum47 a lot of things are iterators in es now, like arrays, sets, strings and what not. so I am gonna answer the generator part: "ideally" you use them when you want to return an iterable object, but lazily.
!!urban 2 cents
@catgocat 2 cents A humble opinion. Just being humble and saying its worth only two cents.
How long are we talking untill we no longer need transpilers for the new ES to work?
@chozilla new? ES7?
depends on environment. Once es7 (es2016) is out, not all browsers will be ready for that, either.
@chozilla we'd always be using transpilers only.
I find that when people say "IMHO, I think this is blablabal" they mean "I don't care what you think, and I am going to say something that you shouldn't criticize, just swallow it: this is balbal2
yes, the new thingy everone hypes about
@chozilla You know how there are still people out there that need to support IE7?
es2015 (es6) is the current new one.
I kindof see the obvious difference like one can yield multiple times progressively . like (((i+1)+1)+1) .. but other than that its looks much like promises .. that is whaT I don't understand using a library like koa . .. instead of somePromise.then(function(data) { res.send(data); }) I do an yield statement .. So in this case it felt like a syntactic sugar
Yeah, imagine that for ES2015 to be supported everywhere, we'd need to drop IE7, IE8, IE9, IE10 and IE11, at least.
@MadaraUchiha and i am sorry for every one of them...
es2015? more like es(when IE dies)
@catgocat So es2030?
Ah god no please
microsoft should git rebase -i HEAD^ie6
well just to put in the new ES into a browser does not mean that the old scripts will stop working....
@Loktar Oh, neat! There really is a subreddit for everything
Three nukes in microsoft. Three strikes and you're out
@argentum47 doesn't help if people don't update
otherwise everyone would stop developing right now whatever they are doing.
@Maurize what's the score?
MS should make Spartan cross platform.
Did new horizons pass pluto yet?
at the moment 10 :D:D:D
@Maurize Me 12
@AwalGarg Iterables have methods that return iterators. So actually sets, arrays , strings are actually iterable, not iterators.
not more? :D:D
@Kippie Yup
Closest approach passed
lol got 16poiints, too @uselesschien
@Maurize 33
@catgocat hi pedant. let me nit on your pedant. native ES iterators are functions. so iterables have iterating methods, they don't return iterators.
nice manipulating :D:D
@Maurize currently using this laptop in living room to "fiddle" with my smart tv. that game is more difficult with touchpad
should add database support to prevent cheating
@Maurize there's a glitch
@Luggage that they can do like firefox.. 'An Update is Available` ... and those who won't upgrade probably are't devs
@KarelG yeah it is tricky :D:D
@uselesschien tell me
for old IE's, it's too late.
@AwalGarg noup, iterators are objects that are used to iterate something. For example to get an iterator from a generator, you would call it.
@MadaraUchiha damn man, close some tabs.
no value in updating 7 and 8
@chozilla You fool, this isn't even my only window
iterator = generator()
@catgocat read again. "native ES iterators" are functions.
@Maurize It stops moving.
@uselesschien if you minimize window?
@catgocat those are userland iterators
@Maurize Instead of animating with JS, animate with CSS
@Maurize Nope, maximized.
@MadaraUchiha No, use Jake Weary
@MadaraUchiha advantages?
@Maurize Smooth
anyways, the difference is moot. bad pedant is bad.
@AwalGarg I don't think that's correct. Arrays, for example, are iterables that have a method that returns an iterator. var iterator = [1,2,3][Symbol.iterator](); iterator.next()
it is only a "me is boring" project :D:D
@catgocat but the native methods (except for .entries) are not implemented like that. they are magical.
Installed Pantheon.
@Maurize YSK that there's a difference between "boring" and "bored"
Pluto looks like a burnt marshmellow
@AwalGarg var iterator = "das"[Symbol.iterator](); iterator.next()
If someone is interested I can paste code on github. maybe someone wanna improve something :D:D
doesn't matter. that's still a native iterator.
@AwalGarg what do you mean native methods?
which are defined by the language itself.
well the actual question was what were iterators and iterables
so I think I made my point
Somebody accidentally set draggable=true on touch i.imgur.com/l0DTweU.png
your point was correct. but you were nitpicking, so I nitpicked your nitpick to a more nitty level. have fun.
what is nitpicking
!!urban nitpicking
@catgocat [nitpicking](http://nitpicking.urbanup.com/7279214) Verb-
Looking for small or unimportant errors or faults, esp. in order to criticize unnecessarily.
can I upload mp3 files too?
@rlemon what the fuck ? :D kinda scary
@AwalGarg no, I was just setting the difference between iterable and iterators, since people frequently use both words to refer to the same thing
@rlemon lol
on github?
@catgocat correct. that's nitpicking.
it took longer to crop out the eyes than it did to write the code :(
@rlemon looks a bit creepy when you put the mouse in the lower right corner :P
@AwalGarg i love you too
@user3783598 you can put mp3s in a git repo, but it's not ideal for them.
@Gemtastic man this is fucking creepy... :S
people also use "it's" and "its" interchangeably. and pointing out the difference is nitpicking. @catgocat
it's not loading
@AwalGarg no. It's fixing grammar.
possessiveness is important.
does github allow to upload millionbytes of files?
@Maurize nowhere as creepy as your humongous eyeball starring at you moving on its own XD
If I have this structure

@catgocat each user has a limit on file sizes.
@KarelG what do you mean each user
whats the best way to do that?
@Gemtastic you've just broke my heart :'(
@JanDvorak how about you fix english instead? :D
@KarelG what's the limit
@Maurize Sorry, I'm just honest
@AwalGarg don't fix what isn't broken
did you seriously just mean to say that "english is not broken"?
that laugh was aggressive
English is not broken when spoken properly.
@KarelG it's 100MB I guess
it isn't English's fault everyone speaks ebonics
@uselesschien Brilliant minds also come from slums. Doesn't mean slums contribute to country's development.
@rlemon @JanDvorak so what is the logic behind "it's" deviating from all the other "foo's"?
anyone has anny idea why $(document).keypress is not triggered when focusing some list-group-item inside the document ?
!!define ebonics
@AwalGarg "Minds from slums" : "IIT Alumni" != "Slums" : "IIT Alumni"
@Cereal That didn't make much sense. Maybe you meant: define
@Cereal ebonics Alternative letter-case form of Ebonics
Urban, you troll
!!urban ebonics
@rlemon ebonics A poor excuse for a failure to grasp the basics of english. When in doubt, throw an "izzle" sound in the middle of any word of just string random thoughts together and insinuate that they actually mean something. When backed into a corner, you can always claim that it has something to do with a sort of symbolism or is a defining trait that makes your race great, versus own up to the fact that it is essentially laziness at it's finest.
!!youtube ebonics big l
^ good song
swizzle thanks
@uselesschien umm, I don't understand what that "sentence" means?
@catgocat couldn't find accurate sizes. But a co-worker has reached an upper limit on his free account. He had to create a 2nd account (or upgrade, idk what he did)
@uselesschien shutup and explain D:
@Luggage FoScizzle!
> 70% of alumni are working in India
How's that statistic for people from slums?
@AwalGarg Oh-kay, push your lexer-parser code to a public online repo and gimme the link
@copy 99%?
@copy 100% of slum alumni are working in India only :/ I don't know what you mean.
@AwalGarg 99. The rest in gulf nations
good point
Pluto is love
@uselesschien I'd guess many of them are unemployed
@copy ofcourse not.
It depends what you mean by employment.
We have all kinds and large number of employment. Just that the state of that employment is poor (just like most parts of the country)
Which is pretty logical from the POV of a native, TBH.
I wonder if its ok to check a .git repo into github, its in a folder of the parent repo
*it's, *it's
Q: Selecting rows programmatically in Angular UI Grid?

TTTHow to select rows programmatically in Angular UI Grid? And possibly, have all rows select at launch. Data is filled asynchronously.

I'm making an esoteric programming language that compiled into JavaScript.
never heard of that site
@uselesschien after you explain :D
> Shamanism 101
Heaven forbid we use english
@uselesschien what was his point? was he trolling or was he serious .. the "who cares about rupee" is kindof wtf ..
@uselesschien I know what those symbols mean, but then your comparison doesn't make sense, so I thought you meant something else :/
@AwalGarg oh
@argentum47 He used jQuery.
lol jQuery
Seriously though, "engineers produced in IIT" is just another example of the IIT elitism.
@AwalGarg It's all hype.
Media just doesn't shut up.
!!tell awal sandbox
@awal Please go and play in the Sandbox
@AwalGarg what's IIT?
Also if out of the lakhs of engineers produced by IIT in all this time with all the special treatment and resources given to them - that guy is able to list only 12 examples out of which only 5 are well known, something is really wrong.
That's like saying - hey look at all those college dropouts getting rich. Everyone should drop out.
@Neoares Factory chain
@Neoares robot manufacturing factory
@Neoares Indian Institute of Technology. Famous for torturing high-school students in India.
Here in canada we call that college kappa
again these talks about IIT
And there are people who say SAT is hard.
@uselesschien a SAT problem isn't an easy problem ofc
@KarelG ..
Work gave me a 15" Macbook Pro. So far, this company is awesome, and you can see mountains in every direction when you look out the office windows... it almost makes me want to move to Utah...
There's an online IIT-JEE practice test.. digialm.com/EForms/Mock/Template/index.html?223@@101
my work has just given me a headache
they offered me a mac book pro
but I said they can put it in their ass
and that I wanted windows
They're still looking for another front end dev, to work in Minnesota. I can get a pretty nice referral bonus.
Don't be so negative
month and a half till I go back to school, looking forward to that
@BenCraig me too
actually 2 months

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