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<div id="elementList">
  <div class="someElement"></div>
  <div class="someElement"></div>
  <div class="someElement"></div>

//Is this correct?
  $('#elementList').prepend( '<div class="newElement"></div>');

//to get
<div id="elementList">
  <div class="newElement"></div>
  <div class="someElement"></div>
  <div class="someElement"></div>
  <div class="someElement"></div>
I'm pretty sure that's the right usecase, and it seems silly to post all that for a SO cos I should remember
sounds about right, could test in jsfiddle
yeah but I was kinda rubberducking it more than anything
I'm pretty sure that's the right usecase, but once I got all that up I realized I have forgotten something rather important on the query end :( so back to the query I need to go
2 hours later…
Q: Jcrop coordinates in Safari and Chrome overwritten

jon3lazeI am using the Jcrop plugin for jQuery for photo manipulation. I finally have it working successfully in Firefox and IE8, but am experiencing some weird behavior in Chrome and Safari. Jcrop code var api; $(window.load(function() { var orimg = $('#image1'); //Create Image to get dimensio...

1 hour later…
this place is party central
does anyone know how Sencha Touch determines which panel will be the root panel?
I had hell of a time today with IE8 bug; the one about not supporting base tag in the header - apparently, many versions of IE try to pre-fetch resources without looking at the base, get 404, then do another request at a proper place. Our admins were crying for so many 404s in the logs... the workaround is UGLY. But what can we do?... just rant %)
5 hours later…
Hi @Greg
been playing with my new cloud server setup all week, still not got round to hosting some node stuff yet!
Yo Ivo How Are Yo ?
@ClemDesm I'm fine have to come up with a design for some kind of personal website where I show my projects
Show us Da Des1gn !
@ClemDesm Only have some scribbled sheets of paper as of now...
The whole thing is part of that job coaching I'm doing, so it has to look professional to potential employers
I made myself my own blog for all my dev sh1t yo
Oh pure gold !
> Could you at least decide on a language then? – deceze
> @decaze:jquery??? – Harshil
@ClemDesm One should rewrite PHP client side in jQuery!
Hello @All
Can any body know Client side data binding in asp.net web forms using Json
Hey @IvoWetzel. So what do you want me do again?
if u knw any links then plz help me
@YiJiang Hello
@IvoWetzel Hello
@YiJiang Take a look at the CSS version I made dl.dropbox.com/u/2332843/garden/index.html Also added some jQueriez to highlight the menu based on scroll position
@IvoWetzel Yeah I did. A few things need to be changed though
@YiJiang Like? :)
pre code blocks need a slightly larger top and bottom margin
The Windows Chrome text shadow bug probably means that we can't use the global text-shadow we're using right now
Uh... we should specify a fallback font to Georgia for Linux
@YiJiang Huh? It's using Georgia here on my Ubuntu 10.04
@YiJiang 'Nimbus Roman No9 L' or 'Norasi' but they are both smaller in size
The last 5% to go... feel soooo slow :(
@IvoWetzel Well, not all Linux distro (including Ubuntu) come with mscorefont-ttf
@YiJiang Well then we have to use the two fall-backs I stated above
Or pull in some google fonty thingdadong
@IvoWetzel No way I'm using @font-face for the body font - too many possible issue there
@YiJiang Then we'll have to use the fall-backs, also we should add a filter property as a replacement for the text-shadow in iE
Eh no, find a Workaround for the Windows Chrome text-shadow bug, then maybe after that
I really cannot be bothered to make it look 100% similar across all browsers - stuff like text-shadow are good to have only, so it's okay to leave them out
rgba colors will have to be translated to their solid color counterpart for IE though
@YiJiang Already had to change them on the menu in order for the color animation to work
@YiJiang Read a bit on the chrome issues list, seems that using a hex color and blur 0 will make the text-shadow bug go away
I can hardly see any difference between the rgba and #000000 anyways
@YiJiang Updated the CSS in my dropbox, replace rgba with the corresponding # colors, added the fall-back fonts and changed the text-shadow, should still look the same
Q: Another time: mootools vs jQuery

stewebHi everyone, I've just finished to translate (in Italian...for Italian developers that are too lazy to learn English :D ) this great article (by Aaron Newton) about the topic the title refers to: http://jqueryvsmootools.com/ While I was doing it, I had the opportunity to focus and to deeply un...

How dare he!
Oh, and this is probably going to annoy you slightly, but... you're not really you're not really using some HTML elements correctly here
All those blockquote s aren't really quotes, are they?
The HTML5 aside element should do though
Oh, and obvious question - should those notes be pulled to the side of the page so that they really do act like notes, or should they stay where they are?
Also, you've made a mistake converting from rgba to rgb - the blockquote border color is now green
@YiJiang Oh I must have missed a character their, as far the blockquotes go, the official markdown scripts outputs them this way...
Yes, but you don't have to only use markdown here
@YiJiang then on to more string replacement!
HTML will pass through the markdown parser just fine
color is fixed
@YiJiang Gnah, I want to keep the source markdown only
Do you want to move the aside s to the side like this?
@YiJiang Would be one way of doing it, right now the blockquotes interrupt the flow quite a bit
Have to look into how easy it is to convert the blockquotes to asides
@YiJiang And no I'm not annoyed I'm always open to suggestions :)
Also, the HTML purist in me wants you to start using abbr tags for abbreviations :P
@YiJiang Why not :P I'll be back in around an hour and start fixing it then
Good morning
@ircmaxell Morning? It's 1:53 PM CET (UTC+0100) :P
it's 7:53 (UTC - 0500) :-P
6 inches of snow last night
var x = {foo: 'bar'},
    y = {foo: 'bar'},
    z = x;

x === y; // false
y === z; // false
x === z; // true
jQuery chaining and objects
$('.myEl').css('background-color', 'blue');
$('.myEl').css('color', 'white');
Better (using chaining):
$('.myEl').css('background-color', 'blue').css('background-color', 'blue');
Best (using objects):
  'background-color': blue,
  color: white
I hate chaining...
@Nyuszika7H Also, that's not chaining
1. Then what's chaining? 2. What's that if not chaining?
that's not chaining?
I think chaining is one of the worst methods to use in terms of writing clear, maintainable code.
I meant the last example. The mistake most people make is not using the same function twice in a row (quite obviously, since the documentation makes it clear you can pass in a object)
But rather that they don't save the jQuery object returned. Anyway, if you're not piling on the functions like that, then you're not really using chaining, aren't you?
/me is confused...
var s = $('something');
var s = $('something');
But here. What's your guarantee without intimately knowing the methods what functionOne() returns? And as such, can a casual observer be sure what functionTwo() is acting upon without introspecting further?
At least with caching in s, you can clearly see that you're preforming two operations on the s object...
I value readability and clarity far over elegance and cleverness...
but that's just my position
@ircmaxell :absolute
fair enough
@ClemDesm Oh, haha. :P
@ircmaxell position: absolute, geddit? Haha.
I got it
the woosh was for before you replied @YiJiang....
I didn't get it until @YiJiang laughed in reply to the comment...
My favorite comment: Oh, I understand, it must be a language feature : in Perl, only sane code looks WTFy.
I want to simplify the typeof variable === 'undefined' check. Like this:
function isExist($var) {
  if (typeof $var === 'undefined')
    return false;
    return true;
Now, if a variable exists, it returns true nicely. But if it isn't, then I'll get the usual ReferenceError instead of false.
@Nyuszika7H return (typeof $var === 'undefined');
@YiJiang Thanks!
I would name it isDefined rather than isExist since it flows logically from what the function does...
@ircmaxell Yep, isExist was just a quick guess.
fair enough
When thinking of naming conventions, how would you declare private vars in JS ?
@YiJiang Hmm. It doesn't seem to work properly either.
isDefined(window);   // false
isDefined('window'); // false
@Nyuszika7H why don't just return $var || false ?
@fredrik See why:
@Nyuszika7H That should by typeof $var !== undefined. As it is, your function should be renamed isUndefined...
foo; // ReferenceError: foo is not defined
isDefined('foo'); // "foo"
@Nyuszika7H first off, you can't pass an undefined var to a funation
@fredrik I know, that's why I need to pass it as a string.
and you want to see if there's a var name that string name ?
what problem are you trying to solve? If I understand correctly, I don't think you can solve it in user-land code (meaning that you'd need a language construct to do it)
@Nyuszika7H Unfortunately, I think, then only way is to do it the REALLY UGLY way:
function isDefined($var) { try { return eval($var) } catch (e) { false } }
return false, right?
typeof var === 'undefined'
@IvoWetzel I want to simplify that a bit :P maybe it's a silly idea.
typeof will not raise a reference error
@Nyuszika7H There's no way to simplify that
I can simplify any website by ripping out all the script tags and css
@ircmaxell yes
@Nyuszika7H I would say the easiest way to check if a var i defined or not is:

if (somevar) {}
but that's still evil
@fredrik Nope. It throws a ReferenceError if it isn't defined.
but that would fail if it evaluates to a boolean false, right?
(0, false, etc)?
null, false, undefined false, and besides of that, it doesn't work in the first place
guys, read the gardenz!111
@CodingKitten Make them readzs!
@IvoWetzel im sure it fits into a div document.getElementById('inbox')=data; where inbox is black;
Now who posted that broken bit of code?
@Nyuszika7H How about function isDefined(v) { return v === 'window' || typeof window[v] !== 'undefined'; }
@lonesomeday v is a string, string === window makes no sense
Also, this only works in the global scope
Just use the freaking typeof var === 'undefined' thing... come on, that is the only use for typeof in the language and now you're telling the poor little typeof you don't even want to use it for that? :(
how about properly declaring your variables so you don't need to worry about if they are defined or not?
function isDefined($var) {
  return (window[$var]) ? true : false;
Yeah! That works!
@IvoWetzel Fixed, but I quite agree that this is a really pointless function
in global scope.... also use !! instead of a ternary
@Nyuszika7H well.. that will only work on global vars
@Nyuszika7H Try isDefined('window')
@lonesomeday true
@Nyuszika7H Actually, it's false. I just experimented, and apparently you can do window.window.window.window.window and still get the same object. Bizarre.
function isDefined($var) {
  return (this[$var]) ? true : false;
This may solve the scope problem.
@Nyuszika7H Epic fail..
@Nyuszika7H it depends on what scoop the method is declared or invoked in
@IvoWetzel already read that, nice :)
@Nyuszika7H Then you should know why your last function fails..
@IvoWetzel yep
@IvoWetzel dl.dropbox.com/u/2332843/garden/index.html#typeof Is there any way to get the “class” of a JS object?
... did you scroll down a bit?
> The Class refers to the value of the internal [[Class]] property of an object.
The Class of an Object

The specification gives exactly one way of accessing the Class value.

function is(type, obj) {
    return Object.prototype.toString.call(obj).slice(8, -1) === type;

is('String', 'test'); // true
is('String', new String('test')); // true
yep I've found it
@IvoWetzel Unknown tag _ found
@YiJiang &lt;_&lt;
Okay, I'll give this answer's solution a try:
A: Google Chrome text shadow rendering

Sebastianthe first part (technical workaround): Giving the text a thin stroke. try this css, you might have to tweak the values to get the desired effect. -webkit-font-smoothing: subpixel-antialiased; /* or antialiased; */ -webkit-text-stroke: .10pt black; /* or 0.01em might be better */ only webkit b...

@YiJiang Try it out, I'll test it on my Win7 Netbook thingy later, first I have to put all the stuff on a "next" branch
stupid css
make the aside float...
@IvoWetzel Argh, the validator is complaining about your use of HTML again :P
It doesn't like nested header, apparently
@IvoWetzel Hang on, I need to make space for it
@YiJiang getting the aside to work is... not trivial..
There's not enough space there. We can either hide navigation, or do something creative with it...
@YiJiang I'd like to keep the navigation
make the blockquotes unfold?
Hmmm... okay, time to squeeze then
@IvoWetzel No, the notes are important, even if tangentially related to the topic
Problem with the current HTML is that are not in the actual text flow
and since there's not selector for selection an element when it's followed by another one
Lemme have a look at the width of the columns on Aza's blog
@IvoWetzel Meh, that's easy - position absolute, then push them out with a negative right value
Alternatively, float them, give width, negative right margin
@YiJiang Well with a simply position absolute they end up at the very top of the section
@IvoWetzel position relative on the outer div element, of course. Surely you know the usual AP in RP pattern?
@YiJiang Long time since I did CSS only coded for the last year or so
AP'd elements take reference from the last positioned parent
Give the outer div position relative would make that the reference point
AP'd elements stay in the same position as they were before if you don't give them any left right top bottom property, so we can simply use a negative right value to push them out of the column
stupid question. Where does one use blockquote? I've never used it in my professional career. What am I missing out on?
@DougChamberlain To quote people, of course
!kitten quote
> "They don't make bugs like Bunny anymore." - Olav Mjelde
^ Perfect example
Though technically the '- Olav Mjelde' part should be in a cite element
@Yi Jiang guess I've never worked on any <blockquote>quotable</blockquote> websites.
:kitten quote
> "In theory, theory and practice are the same. In practice, they’re not." - Yoggi Berra
@DougChamberlain blockquote are used for block level quotes. q elements are for inline quotes
Did I do the mention correctly for your name?
New to the site.
@YiJiang Hm still the problem that they end up under the P infront of them since both p and aside are childs of the section
No space there if you want to use the @mention feature correctly
Same in comments - the system needs three chars, no space
Oh, and tab to autocomplete names
Hm... lets use beautifulsoup then
@IvoWetzel Hang on, the pressing issue is that of lack of space.
I'm still trying to squeeeeeze the aside column in
followed by selection would be very helpful here...
then one could just reduce the width of the p infront of the aside
@IvoWetzel There is the + selector
Immediate adjacent selector
yes but that is preceded
so p + aside will match the aside if it's preceded by a p
var foo = new Array(10000);
for (var i = 0; i < 10000; i++) {
  foo[i] = 'test';

var foo = [];
for (var i = 0; i < 10000; i++) {
  foo[i] = 'test';

newArray: 23ms
JSON[]: 52ms
allocation of memory takes time :O
But who works with so large arrays?
@IvoWetzel If you're using jQuery (and not pure CSS), try this: $('p').eq(0).nextAll().find('aside');
@YiJiang any progess? Or shall I use da soup to modify the outputted HTML?
needs to be moved a bit up
the one infront of scopes and namespaces for example
Yeah, I'm trying. Hang on
Will also need fixing
yeah, already fixed that once in the markdown source
Hmmm... either reduce font size
Or use overflow control
hm, that will look even worse in the html
maybe work on the comments them selfs
writing the eval doc is gonna be fun...
sarcasm ?
No I'd just fall into the abyss of figuring out some crazy eval behavior...
like "I don't care about your local scope when I'm not running in a function statement but an expression"
"If there is no calling context "
Now the question, why is there no calling context inside of function expressions?
That doesn't really make sense
@IvoWetzel Also, the docs so far need some serious copy editing
@YiJiang I know
lots of typos, wrong commas inconsistent capitalization...
@YiJiang I pushed some stuff to the next branch
Gonna try to clean up the writing a bit now
Well there we go, I just fixed that 'last aside sticking out of the article' problem
Awesome :)
Heh, easier than I thought - just give article position: relative, and aside:last-child bottom: 0
In ES5 Strict Mode, what's the correct way to declare a global variable inside a function?
'use strict';
(function () {
  window.foo = 'bar';
  var foo = 'qux';
  alert(foo); // 'qux'
alert(foo); // 'bar'
Correct me if I'm wrong.
@YiJiang Yes needs a lot of editing I'm just ripping through the first couple of sections
@Nyuszika7H how about simply omitting var?
@thejh That would work in non-strict mode, but in strict mode, that throws an exception.
> Problem at line 4 character 3: 'jQuery' is not defined.
That's another thing that confirms that:
> JSLint just hurts your feelings.
You need to declare jQuery as a global for jslint
@YiJiang oh
The JavaScript chat room, now with 100% more NSFW pictures!
@IvoWetzel NSFW? What?
@YiJiang Just getting rid of all the "you" working, I'll also try to avoid 3rd person too
@Nyuszika7H Not Suitable For Work
@IvoWetzel :D
Uh, what /have/ I just walked into?
@gsnedders :P
@YiJiang Uh, your text-shadow fix looks awful on chrome linux :( Extremely blurry text
stackoverflow.com/questions/4664810/… any jcrop or safari/chrome experts?
Hi again!
“Private” variables (?)
function getVar($var) {
  return getVar[$var];

function setVar($var, val) {
  return getVar[$var] = val;
never mind :P
setVar('bar', 1)['bar']
:kitten quote
> "Good design adds value faster than it adds cost." - Thomas C. Gale
An easier way:
(never mind)
Blame site owners who don't filter out unwanted properties from the object prototype! When I extend the object prototype, I'll get many errors in the console, and then the site breaks.
fastest way to read a file into an array in javascript?
@LasseAKarlsen Uh.... var a = [fs.readFileSync(file)]; // file in array!
wow.. I'm bad at googling
but thanks. :)
@IvoWetzel is that a synchronous call in node.js?
@thejh Yes, it's mainly used for loading configs at startup though
There are only a handful of synchronous functions in the fs module
Many of the other functions are async only
Yay for "Gimme the codez" requests
@ivo another node question: Is there a simple way to say "call a, b and c and when all three have finished, call d"?
Q: Using JavaScript to replace Java for signature encryption (DESede/CBC/PKCS5Padding)

sissonbI am working on a project that is using a Java service to encrypt a signature I receive from a different webservice. I need to replace this code with JavaScript. The Java code is pretty messy, but I have refined it to just the important parts below. // signature key obtained from an eToken Strin...

@jon3laze Concerning your jcrop quesiton, could you setup a demo page? Then I'd take a look into it
A: Has there been any work done towards running Objective-J code in a node.js process?

Ivo WetzelYour title is a bit confusing, in case you want to load .plist files as JavaScript Objects you could take a look at the the node-plist module. I tried to install it via npm but one of its dependencies needs some additional stuff in order to compile. You should take a look at the README of libxm...

@IvoWetzel: but if I don't wanna use node.js?
@LasseAKarlsen HTML5 file api?...
@thejh Take a look at async.js github.com/caolan/async or write your own wrapper
could perhaps just use php to fetch the array?
@thejh async.waterfall might do what you want
@IvoWetzel I didn't know about async.waterfall, cool! but I think @thejh wanted async.parallel
parallel sounds good, thanks, ivo and nathan!
hey all - general question - I am trying to mimic a site similar to hipmunk.com that uses a lot of javascript/jquery and was wondering if anyone knew if a site like that would be easy on a cms like Drupal or better to hardcode?
@Sapp, wut?
horray for people now having any knowledge at all :D
A: HTML5 websocket API and node.js

Ivo WetzelNode.js is a server side, event based, asynchronous I/O framework. HTML5 WebSockets a pretty much TCP sockets in the Browser, that's all they don't di much more then establishing a two way channel of communication. For example, you would write your game Server with Node.js and then use WebSocke...

The guy in question thinks that HTML5 websockets make Node.js obsolete...
@IvoWetzel ouch
@thejh Yep. (btw: Where's the voting mafia?)
And who starred that post?
41 mins ago, by thejh
@ivo another node question: Is there a simple way to say "call a, b and c and when all three have finished, call d"?
@IvoWetzel I starred it because I was curious about the answer
@Nathan Normally you only star funny things here :D
there, I've starred the answer too
:kitten quote
> "FORTRAN is not a flower but a weed — it is hardy, occasionally blooms, and grows in every computer." - Alan J. Perlis
:kitten quote
> "Perfection [in design] is achieved, not when there is nothing more to add, but when there is nothing left to take away." - Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
@IvoWetzel You have uncovered me. I actually only hang out in here for the chance lols and to maybe learn a bit more about modern javascript.
Most of my js knowledge (or lack thereof) is from trial-and-error in like 1997 but my current project involves a lot of javascript so I'm trying to get up to date.
Q: In 2011 is it truly necessary to still degrade js?

0plus1Serious question. I tried most of the famous websites (including facebook) and I can say that tons of functionality doesn't degrade at all with js disabled. I've been always told that js should degrade gracefully, but does this still applies in these day and age? ie6 support is being dropped by...

:kitten quote
> "A clever person solves a problem. A wise person avoids it." - Albert Einstein
yay some free easy upvotes for telling someone to use closures
A: In 2011 is it truly necessary to still degrade js?

NazminI think that javascript is a technology and that should cost it to improve not to degrade, we cannot degrade technology just because it could effect minor community and not just because it could bring some threat.

+1 for the Engrish
Can Coding Kitten please memorize that answer?
english? Sounds interesting, gonna write that down, yes on real paper, and no, papers's not edible.
:kitten english
A: In 2011 is it truly necessary to still degrade js?

NazminI think that javascript is a technology and that should cost it to improve not to degrade, we cannot degrade technology just because it could effect minor community and not just because it could bring some threat.

@Nathan Like that?
@IvoWetzel OK, good!
hm 101 more ups for the JS silver badge
better start being a little more awesome
bah, I'll create a army of kittens which up vote me.... and then... they'll take over this kitten universe!
when do the tag badges get calculated? I went over 400 today and haven't received it yet. I'm trying earnestly not to be distressed by this.
there are only 100, 500, 1k badges for tags
@IvoWetzel Not according to this MSO FAQ entry...
@lonesomeday Hm, ok
then go upvote me once for silver..
@CodingKitten Kitten gimme a badgy and I'll buy you some kitten mince
@IvoWetzel only 2 ups on my rant about game mechanics here, not IRL :|
@CodingKitten have you been neutered?
@Greg I hate word docs... why downvote in the first place?!?! thought websockets are over tcp. And the off by one one is brilliant!
@CodingKitten The off by one, one?
@IvoWetzel Problems eval, and maybe even cross domain... tells me it's running on SunOS before: Your question your div got an id="index" and round, and green on the inside, but...
@CodingKitten you're brilliant.
@Nathan Add a display: none in the source to figure out what I was an example, you implementing anything...
Spending too much time on SO
Waaaaay too many YouTube subscriptions to watch now...
teehee, they look like little sperms: jsfiddle.net/LEuSn/3
what's the purple thing they come from!??!?
my one was green... perhaps i should see a doctor about that

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